
Hyper At Ungodly Hours Of The Morning

The alarm clock glared at his with bright red numbers, reminding him that it’s an ungodly hour of the day, no wonder Zitao calls him nocturnal. End. “Finally done.” Baekhyun cheers exhaustedly, making sure he saves the script that he’s been writing for the past three hours for his drama class, before leaning back against his chair, listening to him back give way with a couple of snaps as he stretches his sore back. Why did all his teachers hate him and decided to give him the biggest pile of homework, he’ll never understand, but the point is he finally managed to get all of them done.

Finally, sleep. Baekhyun thinks as he sluggishly makes his way to her bed, that looks particularly inviting, throwing himself on to the bed, pulling a pillow to his chest, burying his face as his eyes seep shut. Ah...finally...dreamland here I- “Baekhyun!” a deep voice called out at his ear after pouncing on his bed, body toppling over his, causing his eyes to snap open before shoving at Chanyeol’s body to get Chanyeol off of him . ...god damn it, Chanyeol... “Baek! Baek! Wake up~” Chanyeol whines, shaking at his arm to get him to wake up, bouncing up and down on the bed.

“What are you doing here?” Baekhyun asks, not really bothered to mask the irritated tone in his voice, slowly sitting up from his position.

“Oh, I couldn’t sleep. So I came over.” Chanyeol grins, curling his fingers around Baekhyun’s wrist, pulling Baekhyun to his living room, along with his pillow and blanket, ignoring Baekhyun’s groans of ‘lemme sleep’. Once Baekhyun is on the floor with his pillow against his chest and blanket around him, Chanyeol skips to Baekhyun’s fridge, fishing out the tub of Baskin Robbins from the freezer along with a bottle of Hersey’s chocolate sauce, then getting two spoons from a drawer.

“But you have like...9 other flatmates to bother...why come all the way here...I want to sleep...” Baekhyun mumbles into the pillow, watching with half lidded eyes as Chanyeol practically douses the tube of cookie dough ice cream with chocolate sauce before stabbing both the spoons into the tub a couple of times to somehow mix them about.

“You don’t miss me?” Chanyeol asks cutely, lips jutted out into a pout, eyes wide (if it was even possible), giving Baekhyun a kicked puppy face as he Baekhyun’s cheeks, from Baekhyun’s cheeks to Baekhyun’s chin, with his still cold hands. Ugh, if Baekhyun wasn’t a sleep deprived zombie he probably would’ve slapped Chanyeol from all the feels he was getting from Chanyeol’s aegyo.

“Of course I do...” Baekhyun sighs, “But –mfgh!” But can’t we just sleep... Baekhyun tries to reason only to be cut off by Chanyeol, who was shoving a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth, immediately removing the spoon to scoop more into his mouth.

Even before Baekhyun could break into fits of cough from choking after swallowing quickly, Chanyeol leans in, his long, slender fingers laces themselves messily with Baekhyun's, pressing his lips against Baekhyun’s, kissing him passionately. Chanyeol chuckles huskily into the kiss, catching Baekhyun’s lower lip with his teeth, lightly at it, tongue darting out to trace the outline of Baekhyun’s lips, nudging at Baekhyun’s lips to allow him in. He tastes mostly like chocolate sauce than ice cream, sweet and rich, Baekhyun notes in the back of his mind, feeling Chanyeol’s tongue brush against his.

Baekhyun looks rather dishevelled and breathless when they break apart for air, causing Chanyeol to giggle, pecking Baekhyun on the lips. "Good! Because I missed you!" Chanyeol grins, bouncing in his spot, scooping himself a spoonful of ice cream, shoving it into his mouth. Baekhyun flushes red at that, ugh why is Chanyeol like this.

Chanyeol leans over the table, looking for the TV remote, hitting a few buttons until he finds a decent show. "Oh my god Adventure Time!" Chanyeol beams and squeals, stuffing his face with more ice cream. "You need more sugar!" Chanyeol says, taking a particularly big spoon of ice cream for Baekhyun.


One tub of Baskin Robbins with half a bottle of chocolate sauce, a bag of marshmallows, a bag of chocolate chip cookies and a can of whip cream later, both of them were, of course high on sugar rush.

"DADDEIIII WHY DID YOU EATTTTT MAHHH FRIESSS~" Chanyeol belts out, flailing his arms in the air as he jumps on the couch, making him look like he was trying to fly. Baekhyun laughed almost hysterically at Chanyeol's antics, falling over on his side before continuing to laugh hysterically.

"STOP BUTCHERING THE SONG!" Baekhyun said in between fits of giggles, body swaying from side to side, making a fist then placing it over an eye, trying to peek through the inside of his fist, at that point anybody would've thought he was drunk out of his mind. The next moment, Baekhyun decided to tie the end of his blanket around his neck, then posing like superman before attempting to fly by flapping his arms. "I'M SUPERMAN!" Baekhyun claims almost drunkenly.

"GUNTHER WHO SAID YOU COULD FLAI!" Chanyeol quotes with heavily accented English, imitating the Ice King, pointing an accusing finger at Baekhyun, rewarding him with a pillow thrown at his face. He gaped at Baekhyun, watching him laugh maniacally at Chanyeol, throwing his body at Baekhyun, rolling on the floor, or what Chanyeol thought was wrestling. "ROLL LIKE A BUFFALO~" Chanyeol shouts as he clings on Baekhyun and rolls around.

Neither of them remembers what happened the next half an hour or so, all they remembered after that was awing then bawling together over an episode of Adventure Time, when the Ice King stole parts of the princesses and made his own princess, especially when she gave all the parts back. Baekhyun had fallen asleep half way through another episode, at six in the morning, head pressed against Chanyeol's shoulder, mouth parted slightly, hanging off Chanyeol's body.

The elder finally got over his sugar rush, eyes threatening to droop shut, tearing up as he yawns. His body swayed to the right once he gets up, making sure Baekhyun didn't fall over, hooking his arms under Baekhyun's knee, carrying Baekhyun in a bridal style. Once in Baekhyun’s room, Chanyeol places him on his bed gently, pulling the covers over him before Chanyeol slips underneath with Baekhyun, wrapping his arms around Baekhyun, pressing his chest snuggly against Baekhyun’s back.

"I don't think you remembered but happy birthday princess." Chanyeol whispers into Baekhyun’s hair, dipping his head to kiss Baekhyun against his temple.


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Chapter 1: Aw. This is a ball of fluff. *pukes rainbow*
Chapter 1: Oh my god I loved this. And the Adventure Time references made it even better! <3
Omg, it's just too cute !! Chanyeol is super sweet !! Can you write a sequel ??
Fell in live with this OTP aall over again!!! Tank chu!
This is so cute and fluffy..awwwww <3 <3
My favorite OTP^^
I told you, it's really sweet XD