No Happiness

The Treachery

Maybe, it was our destiny…

It was threshold of fantastic  wound…

It was through breaks each my heavenly dreams…

Dreams… which I had arranged before you entered, changed it into fragment of dew…




Jaejoong ran off in a hurry as he passed by enormous palace aisle. What the? Was that such a humiliating incident he just watch? He can’t keep thinking straight. A pair of shoulder going shaken up and down rapidly. He landed his back behind stable wall which is padded out by exclusive brass. His mind feels like full of butterflies. If he can turn back the time, he would have refused Hwangtehu Mama ordering. How comes the so-complimented prince making out here? In The palace? Here such vulnerable place as you have to pursued to be well-behaved. What will they do if either of aristocrat member find out?


Jaejoong breathe heavily as a strange fierce palm grabbed his wrist harshly, as sooner as like lighting was strucking, he touched down on the chunky somebody’s chest. They were in embracement mode before Jaejoong averted upward an then, here an eyesight is as keen as Yunho’s own.


For a moment, a silence approached both of them. Jaejoong would be able listen to Yunho’s heartbeat. Yunho took a handle as released Jaejoong as roughness. Quickly, he rubbed out Jaejoong disguisting touches from his hand and his broad chest. He really hates have body-contact with stranger.


“ Who the you are? “ he asked coldly.


Jaejoong gazed at the manly eyes, he gulped his saliva. The man kept of his temper. Unknowingly, there was browned-orbit eyes glaring at him.


“ What the you did? “ Yunho gets peeving with silence Jaejoong. What the heck? He deadly abhor if somebody else who he asked, didn’t answer his query.


Jaejoong was too scared facing toward Yunho. He doesn’t wanna fighting back with another people. He loves peaceful, he was just astonished for finding the sudden of the prince unexpected temper.


Yunho can take no more, he is in boiling-point of anger now, “Are you dumb? Are you deaf? Can’t you understand English? Or can’t you appreciate someone else who’s asking you? Do you supposed to be demon if you replied my fever? You.. are… bum…!” he was shouted to Jaejoong.


Jaejoong felt like gagged by Yunho’s words. He got his courage no wonder, “ Why did you bawl at me?” he glanced slowly at yunho woundly as he trying hard to bear the sore in his heart. Tears is about almost roll down like a rainy granule but he struggling hold it back.


“ Huh, oh nice… the dumb is voicing out now…” he said too obvious insulting Jaejoong slightly.


“I’m not dumb! My name is Kim Jaejoong. Don’t you dare to change my name!” firmly he cut off.


Yunho chuckled in scornful way, “Whatever! So what are you doing here? Stalking me or this palace like starvation ? Are you satisfied ruining my best damn moment?” he almost out of breath about got a rid of high anger, “ So you Kim Jaejoong? Exactly, such a disguisting cockroaches more than my assessment. It was very bad first impression since you corroded away my perfect time” his dark smirked no doubt makes everyone goosebumps if seeing himself.


“I’m so…sorry. Hwangtaehu mama who ordered me to pick you up to veranda…” he stuttered.


“, listen to me rightly, eventhough my mother the one that ordered you, you just decline it. Keep remind this point, I never allowed stranger like you come across to my private room. Yet you aren’t touching my knob, I don’t permit you stand ahead of my door?” he squeezed Jaejoong’s tiny arms as he was about to crushing them into debris. Yunho didn’t know why did he becomes treating Jaejoong extremely cruel. But, as remember that this guy will be his spouse and threatened which is his life will be having a limit, it’s such a hateful one.


Jaejoong groaned as improbable against stronger Yunho, “ Why do you keep on bashing me? Did I make you get injury? Did I hurt you? What’s wrong with me? And what’s wrong with you? I’ve told you what I’ve just done only incident”


He was spat, “Do you wanted to know the reason? That’s because I Hate You “ he used emphasis in every single words.


“ Why do you hate me?” Jaejoong holding back the tears between keep away the hurtful heart and hurtful body. He did not understand about unreasonable of Yunho’s bad attitude toward him. This was their first meeting but how chaotic it be.


“ You ruined my own life. That’s why. It’s big deal you must paid. I have lover, I have my work, I have freedom… and you are going tarnished them!”


“Why do you think that I am the rotter and you are the victim? Don’t even you think about my feeling? I also refuse it at first. To be honest, I’m forced do this all. But, I don’t wanna disappoint my ded. I wanna leading him into blissful of all his life on purpose! I’m downfall, I’m pain, It’s really suffocating as I get conscious that I have married someone I don’t even ever love!”


Yunho becoming into a huff in a moment, “ I don’t care and I won’t. As you made sure as enter my life, don’t you ever repented. I consider it as your huge sins to be. Don’t blame me for becoming you’re insecure and being in torment”



Gems of tears started watering and creating the brooks on Jaejoong’s face surface. And then he sobbing heavily.



“Yes I am. Probleming you?”


He grabbed Jaejoong jawline harshly, didn’t lt him easily. The fragile one like he will die three seconds from now on.


“ Seems you are interested torture me. Aren’t you?”


Yunho spat and was apparen a spooky sneering meanwhile Jaejoong was wheezing philosophically. Suddenly, the lumbers over colonnade was was bothersome them by those thud. Thanking heavens for Jaejoong, he can escape from such delusional prison. Yunho got a rid of his grip as he was ready to go back. He left Jaejoong without an excuse. He was swaggering along n oxy-floored aisle as fast as vanish of Jaejoong’s vision. Jaejoong directly was padding his body on wall again.


Let us see, actually, wrapped by darkpurple-blue hanbok which is glory itself, Yunho looks gimmicky and handsome at the same time. Showing up his young wisdom soul and astuteness.


‘ Mom, please make me strong. Make me patient. Please, wipe my tears, heal my pain and calm me down. Hug me, mom. Please…’

He sounded in his deepest soul. His crystallization tears one by one falling in drops as satutaring the floor. He closed his eyes.




Jaejoong out of control as he arrived at home with Mr. Kim. Mr. Kim who confused toward his son, unwilling as asked as to much. So, he just ignored him and made his step towards his den. He understood that Jaejoong needs a time for being alone. He knew that the pretty one isn’t ready yet accept his marrying arrangement. It must he still has been loving with his-so-called-Minho. But it won’t change Mr. Kim’s mind.


The awesome poorish man is about sat down floor, midst of his back leaned on side of bed. Jaejoong keep in pittable sobbing, he is chaos, pain and pathetic. Those big doe eyes are puffy, his pointed nose is redden, his beauty porcelain face is kind of pale zombie. His jawline is abrasion, reddish and little throbbed. Yunho was absolute dynamic did hurt him. His vision is blurry.


How does he live with the one’s he doesn’t even love?

How does he survive with brutality Yunho?

How is he against, who clearly stronger than him?


He didn’t mind all of Yunho callous manner, but wouldn’t to resist by his rude words. The way he speaks to him like hell offended his feeling. He supposed to jump to emotion hearing those bull stuffs.

How can he figured out those nightmare that waiting for him day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute and second by second of his life? Yunho is monster, no heart and no sympathy.

He asked to God. Have he one such a sin at the past? Should he be brunt of these ? He was so tired, he was weak and he was blur. Bit by bit, he moved as lay down as take a sleep over the cold floor. And then he snores out gently. The way he sleeping like he didn’t have any problem in his life. Like his burden life is gone away. Like he was about waiting for rising sun at the morning. His tears is going dry. How pity he is.



The tears is laughing at me…

The pain is mocking at me…

The destiny is playing around among us…




The manly man is done wore black tuxedo. His tall body looks more chunky. He is really handsome and very awestruck no doubt. He isn’t suspecting that he will be married today. Marrying someone that he hates, he doesn’t ever love. He let out heavy sighness as Mama Jung rolled into his eyes and got closer with him.


“I am so happy today for you Hwangja. I’m such a lucky mother” tears dropped out of Mama Jung eyes.


“Hwangtaehu mama, don’t cry. You should pray for your son soon happiness. I’ll build a household. I’ll be a husband. I’ll have a wife and I was about started to being a leader of my family and give my love, I’ll dedicate my all life for my family. Isn’t it good mom?” he rubbed Mama Jung’s palm and smile gently.


“Mama is touch for hearing them. You must grown up as mature as you are at present. Nothing is about happiest in my life trip than know you will be married” Mama Jung sobbing as Yunho wipe his tears out softly. Somehow, he felt sorry for the beauty old woman. How can he being pretending as he is enjoying the soon marrying. He felt guilty about told gibberish wishes.


“Thanks mom, I promise you. I’ll do my best”


“ I trust you Hwangja. The most part, you’ll have a pretty and warmheart spouse. You must protect him”


“Certainly I’d do Mama”


“ Thanks a lot hwangja. Thanks…” Mama Jung pull Yunho up onto her embrace. She hugged his son tightly as Yunho feedback lovingly.


At the fact, he supposed to vomits said them. Geez, he rather disappear from this world than he ought wasting his worth time to protect that y. ‘ I would make you suffer and agonized as you unwilling to live in this world anymore, Kim Jaejoong’. Then, he smirked a little bit.




The wedding party is starting to begin. It’s so luxurious and magnificent. Adopted of ancient-modern ornament, cupid statues and some of anthem. Anybody focus and put their attention to such a huge wedding party of the heir. But, paparazzi didn’t get permission for having documentary this wedding.

Like fairy-tale wedding, where the prince came across his princess. They must be happy and perfect but it is different with Jaejoong and Yunho.

They were look at the bridegroom who pretended to be happy. Everybody made their glance to Jaejoong who such a pretty with his white tuxedo plus bond of red ribbon necktie around his necktie. The black undergarment is matched up with his tuxedo. His fairness, nobody can resist admitted. He like sunflower which is blossom in the morning.

Jaejoong came closer by Yunho’s side as Yunho had waited for him. He grinned to Yunho. He like moon that hangs up at the nocturnal sky. He said solemn promise to God in front up pastor as same as Yunho had done. Than they are official as twosome life. Their hands linked each other. Yunho made his motion to stepped closer as he cupped Jaejoong’s pinky lips. Crowd of attender might be cheering up and whistle, watched the scenery out. But not working for someone, who is crying slightly. She hurts seeing that pain scene. Yes, Go Ahra the palace maid or mentioned it as Yunho’s lover who being crazy, behind the mast of church.



They are glad…

They are jubilant…

They are blue…

But how about I?

How abut You?

If we are professional actor, we will get 100 for our score. Aren’t we?

I am hurt..

I am weary…

I hate to be pretending..

But I must..




Jaejoong was shambling along the empty aisle. All of people there are in palace hall except several of musketeers palace just stand by for guarding palace. Jaejoong just made an excuse to Mama Jung and Papa Jung to go to toilet.

He mirrored his reflection at the mirror. He was cloud depression. He almost fainted to run off but he can’t.

He the as water flowing down. He handing the water over his face and bathes it. He rubbed his lips as harsh as he can. He did it so fast as feeling disguising to left out touchy of kissing Yunho. He ‘really really’ hates it. His eyes is blanky. The real of him is looming right now.  Thought of losing his Minho messed all things more, he was crying hardly. He became weak, fell down at toilet floor.




Jaejoong made his way back on half-hearted as he disturbed by noisy lovey-dovey. His curiousity forced him to take a peek. He hidden himself behind one of giant statue near the pine. Then he startled, find out Yunho and Ahra are kissing with each other. Too obvious, they are sharing passionate kiss. Jaejoong was gagging his mouth expressionless. At least, he understood about their apprehension love-story. Ahra must be sad. But, they did frontal here, although nobody around here, they shouldn’t do about. Jaejoong out of his mind, how can Yunho did such that thing in exposing place? Even, when their wedding moment? Jaejoong really is going crazy. Somehow, he missed did clingy with Minho. Tears dropping out again. He decided to go away, not interested to see further.



The treachery is being to starting…

You’re betrayer…

Then I am supposed to be missed another guy..

You are no heart, but I don’t care at all…

Do what you want…

Let me keep these pain in my heart..


“What’s wrong Yunho-yah?” Ahra frowned with panted hardly as Yunho separated their kiss. Yunho gave her an awkward smile after he felt that someone just pinned him and Ahra. But, nobody there.


“There’s nothing darling. Don’t pout, okay? Or I will punish you” He flirty at Ahra.


‘ Maybe, I am mistaken’ Yunho just shrugged and continued to all of Ahra’s.




In the spout night sky, there are crescent and stars, accompanying the mate of whiff wind.


Mama Jung, Papa Jung, Yunho and Jaejoong were gathering in Papa Jung’s private room. Yunho and Jaejoong were weary already, the wedding party like ate their energy greedily.


“ I think you both should live in your own place. I consider you need privacy so, Hwangtaehu-mama and I have bought a large enough mansion to you live in. I was deliberate make you stay by us and palace not far way. On purpose, we keep in our contact “ Papa Jung explained. Furrows around his temple and forehead, not be able buried his hardiness.


“ I see Hwangta-papa” Yunho bowed a little. Tonight, he was very handsome wrapped by his beige outfit.


“So, do you both agree? We’ll put our best for creating great service life for you guys” in this chance, Hwangtaehu-mama let out her voice.


“We pretty concede, Hwangtaehu-mama. You really prised us a wonderful necessity. How can we deny it? Right, Jaejoong-ah?” he averted to Jaejoong who seems glessy. Jaejoong sort of amazement after he went back to reality.


“ Oh.. Of course.. We agree Hwangta-papa and Hwangtaehu-mama. All of you do, I am confident those for our benefit” answered Jaejoong cortly, didn’t forget to show up his softness smile. Yunho mumbled and rotated his eyeball, dislike, what Jaejoong just have done. For God Sake, he was about sick for sitting up near this Kim Jaejoong.


“Good! You can move in the mansion tomorrow. Maids would prepare your stuffs, then no need to be worried”


“ Thanks, Hwangta-papa and Hwangtaehu-mama. It’s our pleasure to have your kindness” said Yunho at once represented Jaejoong. Jaejoong was bowing each other, respecting The King and The Queen. They absolute acted they were fine as newly couple.


Papa Jung got a rid a light chuckle, “No need to be too formal. We are family, right?”


Jaejoong scratched his unitchy head and smile awkward.


“ Jaejoongie is so cute, well Yunho?” Mama Jung had comment teasingly.


“Ng…? oh… Sure” Yunho stuttered.



‘Cute my ’ he jeered inside his thought. He looked at Jaejoong who supposed coying around. ‘ That . I feel sick seeing the disguising smile. I want to give him a damn !’


“Yunho, Jaejoong will work in La~Violetta boutique that located in town centre. Do you know already?”asked Papa Jung.


“ Oh, I don’t know yet. Is that true, Jaejoong-ah?” Yunho playfully tone, inviting Jaejoong in a bit surprise. But he knew, that was just acting, so he tries to whipped Yunho’s marvellous acting.


“Huh? Ah, yeah. I feel sorry for belated informing you. I forget”


“Yah! Don’t ever you forget to informing me first. However, I’m your spouse. Do you understand?” he kept say playfully.


“ I won’t ever anymore”


“ Oh, My God, how intimate you both. Make me envy” Hwangtaehu-mama teasingly.


“ So, Yunho, if you have a leisure, no need to hesitate send him away to boutique and take him back to house”


“ I’d do Hwangta-papa”


‘Geez, I don’t want. Don’t be indulgent, Kim Jaejoong’




Yeah, this is another chapter. I am sorry for suffering Jaejoong, don’t be mad at me, hehe. Please, do comment >< One line comment won’t hurt me, I promise. And I am sorry for my bad grammar, plus those misstyp.


/Yoochun : I love my Junsu/

//Yunho : I love my Jaejoong//

///Changmin : I love my food and my fridge///

( Depressing seme is haunting around )



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Stupidspy2012 #1
Chapter 3: Can i slap yunho...godd i really dislike yunho can he do that to jae..make sure yunho will regret his acts towards jae very soon..hope yunho will get hard and cold punishment for hurting jae..may be seunghyun will be ok for can't wait for the update
Chapter 2: Hehehe finally I found ur AFF acc in here caca^^
Wae must u use ahra again ca? I'm alr enough with this cough_____cough girl :(
This girl really don't have shame. U just maid un there. Jaejoongie's body is more-more perfect than u ahra-ssi.
Just see yunho, day by day u will be falling in love with my beautiful mama jaejoongie, huh !! *confident* :D
And yun, u must go to hospital after ur kiss scene w/ that ahra girl. Myb that girl have a virus *just kidding*

I need a next chapter cacaaaaaa~ plz update more~ hehe^^
Wow, finally u made it!! ur first fic. Imm...u'll not make oori yunnie as a bad person.right? Aish whatever I'll support ur fic.Pls update soon.. n make happy yunjae couple kkk,FIGHTING!!!
xrozex #4
Thaank you sooo much
This chapter is good i can ubdrestand it
Yah yunho you make me angry
Cant you see how pretty jae
And sooo cute not like
That girl he is sooo good for you
You have to protect him and dont hurt him
Waiting for their married life chapter
Please update sooooon
ricadbsk #5
Oh my xiahnism, you're rite dear.. I've just realized it. askdjflz kinda messy for reading (っ╯_╰c) I'm so sorry, I'll fix it asap as I online via computer. As you know, I typed it in my cellphone and went copas it here. Thanks for reminded me (^▽^)
xrozex #6
Thank you sooo much
Its look a good one
Hope its will be a happy ending
But i want to ask you
If you can put the conversation of them
In single line not all in one line
Sooo we can know who is the one
Is talking
Waiting for the next chapter
Please update soooon
Eunhyuks_girl #7
please update next chapter