OO1: When Eye's Meet

Silly Butterfly

"Alice, wake up!"

Lime yelled from across the hall; Alice was definitely NOT a morning person,

"Ugh, ten more minutes."

Alice rolled over and snored her way back to dream haven, only to be waken up again by Lime;

"Alice, get your lazy- up,"

Lime pushed Alice off the bed and Alice grunted,

"Fine, you can go now."

Alice said and stood up; she put on some sweatpants and a tank top underneath her loose, shirt which was cut in half to become a halter top.


Alice grabbed her bag, slipped on her shoes, took her phone, and went downstairs to see Lime in a dress,

"Ew, who wears dresses anymore."

Alice groaned in disgust,

"I do,"

Lime frowned and went outside, Alice followed her and waited for the bus, she walked down the street to get to the bus stop when she crashed into somebody,

"Oh, I'm sorry!" 

Alice apologized and helped him up, he had blonde hair and it was sort of long, Alice picked up her books and smiled,

"I'm Ren, you?"

The boy asked,

"I'm Alice, I go to SM high school."

Alice smiled as she held her books tightly,

"That's nice, Me too! I actually moved here from a couple streets over, so I go to this bus stop now."

Ren said as he bent down to die his boot, he stood back up and met eyes with Alice, they both immediately fell in love.

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Oh please update soon this sounds interesting ;)