For Ioli 1/1

My Hero


She heard footsteps behind her back. Why was she breaking in cold sweat over a random stranger who happened to pass by her? She wasn’t followed or anything right? She was probably more drunk than she thought. Maybe that last beer was a bad idea after all. Now she regretted going for a drink after the practice ended.

The usually inaudible night sounds magnified with her every hasty step, with every frantic beat of her heart, with her every short breath she took. Her body shivered and she rubbed her elbows, not to warm herself up but to try and calm down a little.

Everything was in her head. It had to be her imagination playing tricks on her mind. She couldn’t possibly be followed. It was utterly absurd. Crazy. Irrational. Who would do it and why? She hadn’t hurt or insulted anyone right? She didn’t do anything stupid. She was a good girl; obedient. She never got into any trouble.

A chuckle made her heart double her rhythm and her blood go cold. For god’s sake, couldn’t the city have more lights in this street? She was used to having well lit streets back in Greece. It was too dark and unsettling for her likes. And she had this stupid stranger to give her the creeps. Could it get any worse?

As if to prove to her that, yes, things could get worse, a screechy voice called her from behind. “Hey foreigner. Slow down a bit. Why are you running like that? Aren’t you supposed to look around and enjoy our beautiful country?”

No, no, no. This can’t be happening to her. It can’t. What is she going to do now? If she runs, he’ll catch her. Should she scream? Or will that enrage him more? She could dimly recall attending seminars that taught you how to deal with situations like this but her mind was frozen, incapable of forming any coherent thought.

“What? You’re not talking? Cat ate your tongue?” the evil laugh came again and mocked her.

She should just ignore him. If she didn’t pay him any attention, he’d soon get bored of this game and leave her alone. Right? Right? This was her best choice. Yes, yes, she would pretend nothing was wrong and keep walking calmly.

Who was she kidding? She couldn’t stay calm. She was close to a nervous meltdown and she was well aware of the fact.

“Stop ignoring me you !” a rough hand grabbed her left elbow and spun her around.

She came face to face with a disheveled, stinky, dirty and smug-looking middle aged man. His breath ricked off alcohol, his clothes were messy and parts of his shirt undone. His eyes tried but couldn’t, properly focus on her face.

“I dunno how it is in your country but here when somebody talks to you, you answer him. You hear me?” his agitation, combined with the alcohol, made his speech slurred.

She nodded, too scared to speak out loud. She was frightened; to the very core of her being. Tears flooded her eyes and a limp climbed up to . She wanted to sob, to cry, to scream, to do anything but she wouldn’t dare.

“So now you want to cry little ? Huh? Why? Is it not good here? Do you want to go back home to where you came from?” he spat as he talked. It was crystal clear now that the man was lost in his own drunk and racist world, not really seeing her face. He was becoming angrier and angrier every second passed by.

“I’m asking. It’s not good enough here for you? Huh? You ungrateful bitc…” he was suddenly pushed to the wall, letting go of her arm.

Another man, younger, tidier than the other stepped in front of her, blocking her for the drunken man’s vision. She looked at the leather clad back that came to her rescue out of nowhere.

“How dare you push me youngster?” the older man regained his balance after a brief a struggle.

“Go home and sober up. Don’t you feel disgusted by your behavior ahjussi?”

The old man looked uncertain for a long moment, processing with his fuzzy mind what his best option was. Should he challenge the younger or just go home, ashamed? He quickly decided on the later. He shot her one last dark look and took off, mumbling under his nose.

“Are you ok? Did he do anything to you?” her savior was facing her now, lowering his head and examining closely her face for any sign that would give away what she was feeling.

His beauty astonished her. He had big, round and brown eyes; like the most delicious chocolate in the world. His mouth was small and round, revealing perfect white teeth when he spoke.

“Please say something, you’re scaring me.”

“I’m… fine.” she let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.

“Oh, goo… ” he cut off what he wanted to say and lifted his hands to her arms. “But you’re shaking!” his eyes were round and, oh, so adorably troubled.

“No, really, I’m fine.” she denied. The other’s sudden touch had her blushing fiercely.

“Is there anything else I can do for you?” he looked genuinely worried.

“I’m just… going to grab a cab and go home.”

“Ok then.” he searched in his pockets until he found a business card and a pen. He scribbled quickly something on the back of it and extended it towards her. She lifted a slightly trembling hand and accepted it.

“I would really appreciate it if you called me tomorrow. Just to tell me that you’re really alright.” he smiled at her and left.

“Thank you!” she shouted to the retreating back. Her answer was a hand that waved her goodbye.

This night was easily the scariest and craziest of her life. But as she stared at the little white piece of paper in her hand, she thought that maybe she needed to add the word ‘lucky’ to the adjectives describing this incident.

She put the card carefully in her wallet and whispered his name “Jaejoong.”

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