Start of..what?

Finally!...wait! What?


Finally my dream came true, i was in South-Korea, my favorite place on earth.That was the  first thought  i had when i stepped out of the plane, ok the weather  didn´t want to make my day better. But that doesn´t matter i´m in Korea. From Incheon i ride to Seoul to find my hotel ,that i booked two weeks ago. That wasn´t very expensive hotel ,so i could afford it. When i walked into  the hotel i saw that the price and the surrounding  didn´t match. This place was elegance  more elegance  from the last hotel i stayed.  Even though i didn´t know the language very well i tried my best to told the reception lady  that i booked a room here. At first i tried  in korean, but it seemed that she didn´t understand very much what i was sayingthen  i tried english..english isn´t my first language but i´m way better  speaking in english than in korean. That was good that the lady knew english very vell and i got my room key and was directed to my room. Finally, i said when i jumped to the bed. I was smiling and laughing in the bed like 2 minutes.. and then an idea jumped into my head.“turn the tv on, koreans in tv „i turned the tv on and the first thing that watched into my face was the news that NU´EST arrived  to Sydney.. ok then, i  just got here and they  go away.. thanks boys.The actual reason why i wanted to come korea was kpop but in my fan years i have learned how beautiful and interesting this land is. I stared to unback my bags. And then i remembered that my phone don´t work here .. my plan  for tomorrow was to buy a new phone . a affordable phone for starting. Then  have to find a job to get money. But at first i need to go to library to  get some korean for beginer books. That was my plan for tomorrow but my plan for today after packing was sleeping all day long . The time change that my country  and korea has is 7hours and in my country it was like 2 am  and i was really exausted . And then after some unbacking i couldn't take the time zone anymore and i fall asleep . When i woke up it was like 4pm already .I decided to go outside and study the outside life. Reacing down with the elevator the reception lady talked to me: „How was your sleep?“

„Good , thank you.“ I should ask the lady where i can get  cheap phone.yes!

„Excuse me, but do you know where i could get a cheap phone ?“

„Ofcource,  i can get you there  and maybe introduce the city to you , but you have to wait  to 6 then my work time ends for today and then we can go.!“ Oh.. i really like the lady already, she is so kind.

„Ok then i get here for 6pm, but at  first i will  go to library  for some books,thank you!“

„Ok then i shoud wait for you, safe trip!“

„Thank you.“she is so nice, i think she is my first friend here in korea. I already knew where the library  was and it wasn´t so far ago .

When i reaced to the library i went to the info box to ask where is korean language books. She pointed to the very end and then said in korean „and then right“

Thank you, i said in my „good“ korean. When i walked through thelibrary i saw so much people just standing and reading  the book they liked. Ok then i should do the same in some other day.I collectedthe books i found interesting and easy  to learn . There was like 5 or 7 books in my hand. I was heading back when som tall guy with hoodie bumped into me , he but his hand  infront my mouth so i couldn't  say anything.  I pulled his hand away angry.

He watched me but i couldn't saw his face beacuse at the time i was going to watch, some guy shouted „hold on“

The boy watched to that way and then grabed my hand. So again all my books was on the floor and he pulled me with him. He stared running . He ran so fast that it was tough to keep up with him. When we was running about 5 minutes now, he pulled me into some coffe shop and then i could finally sit and rest my legs .I shouted to him „what do you think you´re doing . how i now know the way back to library`? eh?“

„shh“he only say  that and then put his finger beyond my face to shut me

 „Ok then, but explain then why you did that ?“ i said in lower  tone

He didnt explain nothing just went to the counter and asked two americanos. Then he came and sit down .

„i can´t“he said and pulled his hoodie to cover moreof his face.

„hey can you just show me your face when you are talking with me?“i was angry because its unpolite to just pull somebody and then run away with him.i tried to pull his hoodie off but he didnt let me

„Look its Chanyeol“ some girl shouted. Chanyeol....Park Chanyeol from EXO ?

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chchicken #1
First chapter!, congrats! FIGHTING n.n