Chapter 6

Is This Feeling Love?

I thrashed, kicked, and yelled. Where is this ahjussi taking me?  I realized I was in a van of some sort. The ahjussi took off his trenchcoat, revealing that he had nothing under except his body.

"Ahjussi, please don't me. Please don't" I begged, shutting my eyes.

"What if I do?" he traces a finger from my chest down towards my cleavage. 

I shuddered. I hate this feeling. I don't want to lose my ity yet. Not yet. Please.

Just as the ahjussi is about to unclothe me, I hear a banging on the door.

"EUNAH! EUNAH!" was that Kris? "EUNAH!" It is Kris!

"I'M IN HERE!" I yelled making sure he heard. 

The ahjussi looked troubled. Like he was thinking of what to do. But he didn't think fast enough because as soon as he was about to pick me up again, Kris came into the van and grabbed the ahjussi's collar. 

He threw him outside. 

Kris looked angry. His eyes were narrowed and beads of sweat were running down his face. He was panting and his right arm had a cut on it.

I've never seen Kris this way.

I was just sitting there, watching the fight in horror. I was frozen. 

How did Kris find me?

Just as I was about to call 911, Kris came to me and asked, "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

I solemnly shook my head, "No. But he's been following me all day"

Kris scrunched his eyebrows, "What do you mean?" 

"Thismorninghecameuptomeandhewaswearingalongtrenchcoatandheopenneditandhewaswearingnothingunderneath." I said too fast but Kris understood.

Kris slowly nods, "I'm glad you're safe" he embraces me. He looks to the unconcious ahjussi laying on the concrete. Staining it with blood.

"Kris" I whisper, "Did you kill him?" I ask afraid of his answer.

"You're lucky I didn't." He says narrowing his eyes again.

"Can you take me home?" I ask Kris. Realizing I'm still shaking.

"Of course" and with that he picks me up bridal style and asks for directions, "Um... Where did you live again?"  

"Oh go right here, and take a left up ahead then we should be there" I instructed.

He did as he was told and set me on my feet in front of my house.

"Thanks Kris, I appreciate it. I'm glad we're friends" I give thanks and turn to go into my front yard.

"No problem. Anything. If you need anything just ask" he says. I wish we were more than friends. And with that he walks home. Waving goodbye.

You wave back and enter your house. 





















So I finally found some time to write this chapter.


School is keeping me busy ;;


So this is my update,, 


I'll go now but I'll try to update laturrr


Okay bayee


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Hey so im back:) im going to try to update a lot this weekend heheh:) thanks guys:)


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Chapter 18: What ???!!!!! Noooo!!! Why Kris?! Whhhaaaaaaaiiiiiii ?????? D:
Asdfghjkl Love LOVE LOOOOOOVE :D *subscribes* ^w^)b
ChaerinChan #3
Chapter 17: 'kris filled dreams' w ow
Chapter 17: awwww I'd sneak away too if my sister screamed in my ears that loud...too much pain to handle. and awww sehunnie has her number, how cute!
Chapter 16: *hug received* yay!!! this chappie was just so adorkable!!!~ they're so cute together! :3
Chapter 15: hey^^ omgg I love you're story^^ fighting mrs.kji~^^ lol you're nickname keke
Chapter 14: author-nim. Please don't feel that way, I mean you have your loyal readers beside you, always. I mean even if I forget to comment, I've read and reread each and every single chapter because this fic is something worthwhile and enjoyable to read. <3 :3 I'm sorry I haven't been commenting as often as before
Chapter 13: You went to KCON too?!?!?! Awesome, right??? stupid though with the voucher thingy! gahhhhh so refreakingtarded blasdfjoiewjrfkl jkldf; awww, well anyways I'm loving the updates and evarything...btw you gonna go to next year's KCON? or you gonna wait on who the line up for the event is, before you buy tickets?
Chapter 10: LOVE KAI!!!!!<3

and there yo are with your GIF's!! I sooooo LOVED THEM! and your update!!! KAI!! *spazz!

oh and BTW!
i love the part where kris says EWW