“Hmmm…can I have another cup of coffee crumble before we go?” Gayoung requested.


“Sure! Just order how much you want.” Yoseob quickly answered.


Gayoung went directly to the counter to place her order and as soon as she settled on their table, a live interview has started airing on the television.


A/N: texts in pink background would be the news updates/interviews/TV premiere


Minji: Annyeong haseyo! This is Kim Minji and we’re live here at the E-news Express studio.


Joeun: And I’m Choi Joeun. And yes! We have here today T-ara’s very own Park Jiyeon.


Minji: Ne! And today is a very special episode of ENE since this would be the very first time that an idol came over to request for her own interview.


Joeun: That sounds interesting, isn’t it Minji?


Minji: That really is, Joeun. So without further ado, let’s call Park Jiyeonssi.


Jiyeon: Annyeong haseyo! Park Jiyeonimnida *bows*. Thank you for granting my request.


Joeun: Oh, don’t mention it. It’s our pleasure to have you here.


Minji: So Jiyeonssi, as far as we all know, the last time that you visited our set is the time when you and Beast’s Yang Yoseobssi were rumored to be dating each other, isn’t it?


Jiyeon: Ne, that’s right Minjissi.


Joeun: Oooh, so may we ask what’s the real reason that we’re all here tonight?


Jiyeon: Hmmm…actually, I have a confession to make…a love confession.


Minji: Mwoooo??? Did we all hear it right?


Jiyeon: Ne, that’s right. Well, ahmmm, actually he’s always been special to me for a couple of years already but since we’re in the same industry, I can’t put our careers into a risky situation that’s why I’ve kept it that long.


Joeun: So you mean that this guy is also an idol?


Jiyeon: Ne, that’s right.


Minji: But why are you suddenly announcing it to the public?


Jiyeon: It’s simple. Because I’m tired. I’m tired of hiding, of pretending, of ignoring and acting as if he’s just a somebody to me. I’ve always been considerate to our fans but I guess this time, it’s time for me to have my own happiness.


Joeun: Oh, I see. Jiyeonssi’s absolutely right. Idols do have their own lives and definitely deserve to be happy.


Minji: So Jiyeonssi, who’s this lucky guy that you’re talking about?


Jiyeon: Hmmm…well…he’s been here before too…I’m talking about Yoseob. I’m inlove with Beast’s Yang Yoseob.



Upon hearing his name, Yoseob suddenly felt his heart skipped a beat. He was really caught off guard. Mixed emotions are filling his heart—excitement, happiness and even confusion.


“Y-you are now officially dating Jiyeonssi?” Gayoung stuttered.


“I don’t…I don’t know too. I’ve never knew that she’d do this. Ah, Gayoung-ah, I have to go. See you around.”


Yoseob left Gayoung without any idea of what’s happening. As far as she knew, Yoseob’s in love with Jiyeon but Gayoung never thought that she’s feeling the same way for him.


*sigh* “Seobie-ah, I guess I will just remain as his # -1 fan forever.” Gayoung sighed as she hugs her puppy.






“Gayoung-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Wake uppppppppppppppppppppppppp!”


“Yah! Jieun-ah! Stop bothering me! I want to sleep!” I pushed Jieun off my bed, making her fall.


“Ouch! Yaaaah!!! Are you going to wake up or you’re gonna miss the TV premiere of your 1N2D date with your prince Yoseob??????” She shouted back.


“Mwoooo???!!!! What are you talking about??????” I suddenly get up.


“MTV will air a special episode of your date with Yang Yoseob! Is it clear now?!”


“Really?????! How come I have no idea about it??????”


“I don’t know either. What are you waiting for? Let’s go to your living room.” Jieun dragged me out of my room.


After some few advertisements, the TV premiere of our date started.




“Woah! Finally! This is what I call real food!” I said as I chew and munch and chew again. :D


“Young-ah, eat slowly and don’t talk when your mouth is full.” My father reminded me.


“Yeobo, just let her be. She just missed home foods.” My mother commented while laughing at me.


“Ne, eomma is ri--” *Eheeeemmmmm* I choked.


Yoseob is so alert and he immediately handed me a glass of water. “Are you alright?” he began tapping my back.


“Ne. thanks.” I answered as soon as I finished the glass.


“Just eat slowly. No one’s running after your life.” He let out a small laugh.


“Aye aye, captain!” I gave him a salute and he just smiled.



“It’s okay, I’ll just teach you.” I turned back to Yoseob and put the gloves on his both hands. “Alright, just watch me do it and you can try it yourself after.”


I began putting the ingredients and mixing it on a large basin. I gradually check on Yoseob and notice that he’s really interested with it.


“Go, try it yourself.” I told him.


“Ne.” He smiled and began on mixing.


“Oppa is surely good in making kimchi!” Ha Neul commented.


“Do you think so, Ha Neul?” He asked.


“Ne, oppa. You’re even better than me.”


“Maybe it’s because I have bigger hands than you.” He laughed.


“Yeah, right. I think Ha Neul is better than Yoseob.” I teased.


“But she just said that I’m better than her.” He frowned.


“She doesn’t want to hurt your feelings, that’s why.” I laughed.


“Hmp.” He just continued on mixing.


“Aigoo. Someone’s bitter in here.” I hit him lightly with my elbow.


“Oh, I’m definitely not.” He answered in a defensive tone.


“Tch. Alright, as you said.” I chuckled. “Here, say AHH.” I asked as I handed him a piece of kimchi.


He smiled timidly as he opens his mouth slowly. I fed him the kimchi which made us both blush.


“Eonni, oppa, why are your face red?” Ha Neul asked in confusion.


“Oh, it’s because this kimchi is so spicy.” Yoseob explained.


“Oh come on. It will be a waste if you won’t join them. Let’s go.” He grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the water.


“Remove your shoes.” He commanded as he removes his.


I don’t know but I just followed him and before I knew it, he grabbed me by the waist and we both fell off the water.


“Yah! You’re so impish!” I said as I wipe my face with my palm.


“Isn’t it fun?” he laughed.


“Babo!” I laughed too as I splashed him with water.


“Yah!” He wrapped his arm around my neck and splashed my face with water in return.


“Stop it!” I said in between my laughs.




‘I was caught off guard. How did it happen? He was able to record every little thing we did? How come? Why didn’t he tell me? Was that the reason why the staffs didn’t scold us??? He intentionally took videos of us to be aired on TV! He just used me and my family! Waaaaaaah! Molla!!!!’ I ruffled my hair in frustration.


“Omo! Was that for real?????????????? You two were so sweet back then!” Jieun commented.


“Yoseob didn’t tell me that he’s been recording our date all the time. I thought he’s being natural. Psh! I’m so gullible! Everything was just for an act!”


I was about to go back to my room when an e-news flash started.



“Good morning everyone, E-news flash is here for the latest entertainment news update. Today’s headline: After the first ever love confession made by T-ara’s Park Jiyeon last night, Cube Entertainment is now a forging head due to the commotion started by her fan boys. It has been announced all over South Korea yesterday that Jiyeonssi’s in love with CE’s artist and Beast’s aegyo prince Yang Yoseob. Due to this sudden confession, about 85% of Park Jiyeon’s fan boys went to CE building to show how much they refuse Yoseobssi as their idol’s boyfriend.”



“It’s really hard to be an idol. They’re lucky yet unfortunate. Tsk! Tsk!” Jieun suddenly commented.


“Eeesh! What do you know about them? Is it hard to put an act?  We’ll never even know if they’re all real or just a mere hallucination.” I disagreed and return my attention to the news.



“Another breaking news! Netizens are now having their own different speculations since these pictures of Yang Yoseob and another girl which was said to be Park Gayoung, a college student at Seoul University were scattered all over the internet. These photos were taken last night, the same time when Park Jiyeon confessed her love to Yoseobssi. Now, what every fan wants to know is between the two…WHO’S THE ONE YOU’RE REALLY DATING, YANG YOSEOBSSI?”




안녕! Thank you for subscribing and supporting this fic ^___^v





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Merry Christmas my dear readers.I'll be updating this fic on the 29th.thank you for patiently waiting.ü LOTS OF LOVE


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sonzhang #1
Chapter 9: just read this FF and it's already stopped since jan 2013..
B2UTYful_YangYo #2
Chapter 9: Yay! Thank you for supporting & patiently waiting for my update ^___^v

hope you'd enjoy reading this new chap =))))

Kim_winna #3
Who are yo dating,Yoseob ah?I am waiting for your story update author nim.
Chapter 8: Yes who are you really dating Yoseobie? This is a really good story update soon ^^
Chapter 6: WoW^^ what a nice story =) Both my ultimate biases are in here^^ Ppali update ^0^
Joann926 #6
Chapter 4: Such a cute story! And not those crazy fan girl story where yoseob fall in love at the first episode.... Hahahah! Keep updating.... Love it!
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