
Coffee escapade


Tap. Tap. Twirl. Tap. Tap. Tap. Twirl.


Pen hitting the table and intermittently spinning on my hand, I rested my head on the cushion of my swivel chair while playing with the little ink cylinder. My right foot was raised above my left leg and I lazily swayed the seat from side to side. I stared into oblivion as I thought blankly with my shoulders slumped backwards. We were in the small conference room just a few doors down from the broadcasting room. In front of me were Soyeon-unnie, our PD-nim and a new student intern.


My new yellow headphones hummed softly into the shell of my ears. I was starting to lose patience. 


Tap. Tap. Twirl. Twirl.


I brought my hand close to my chest and glanced at the time. 8:14 pm. That blond pixie is already twenty-four minutes late. I still have a radio show in the next 3 to 4 hours. 


"Any idea where Sunny is, Taeyeon?" our PD-nim asked me, his goatee again as he adjusted his baseball cap. Soyeon-unnie was right beside him checking on some papers and most probably coming up with a script for tonight's show.


"If I knew, I would have dragged that hobbit in here," I muttered under my breath. I huffed deeply, my lower lip protruding, sending a whiff of air into my bangs. The cut on my lip was slowly healing. I could barely feel it there. It's almost as if nothing happened. Or was there? I can't seem to remember anymore.


"Ms. Kim, here's a portion of the script for tonight" the new intern said, interrupting me from my train of thought. I looked at her from head to toe, not that I was checking her out. She was quite petite. Her huge eyeframe was taking the most of her visage and her chocolate brown hair was tousled in a messy bun. She almost looked like that one elementary kid in class who would often end up falling on her knees for being so clumsy. 


"Mhmm." I briefly gazed on her rather beautiful fingers as she laid the folder in front of me. "Thanks...ugh...I don't think you've introduced yourself."


"Ji-eun. Lee Ji-eun" she bowed respectfully. "Nice to meet you Ms. Kim. I'll be working with you and the rest for the radio program. Please look after me. I'll work hard for our success."


I stifled a laugh. Yep. She was really that elementary kid who'd run after the club president and who'd dilligently do her tasks without expecting things in return. Cute.


"Just call me Taeyeon or unnie. Ms. Kim sounds too formal. Welcome aboard Ji-eun." I forced a smile. She bowed down again and returned the smile I gave her. I bit on the end of my pen as I followed her walking away.


What am I doing? I never greeted interns before.


Just about when Soyeon-unnie was going to get up from her seat, the doors blasted open and I didn't need to turn my swivel chair to know who it was.


"Sorry! I'm really sorry!" I heard her yell from my back. She was catching her breath, almost like she would collapse at any moment.


"Where the hell were you Sunny?" the only guy in the room bellowed. He sounded angry but we all knew he was too nice to be irritated by any of us. The women ruled the radio program even though he directs and produces the show. Viva Feminista... I scoffed silently into my head. "Soonkyu, you better---"


"Here." Sunny said, smiling radiantly. She brought up a can of cola to our PD-nim's face. He immediately grinned after taking the beverage.


I rolled my eyes. Wow. Our producer sure led this group with an iron fist. Imagine being easily bribed with a dollar can of Coke. If society could be bribed that way about viewing homouals in a better light, then we would be dancing and prancing to the tunes of 'open the happiness' while shouting cheers and merriment. (No pun intended for the company, though.) 


Sunny then lifted a paper bag towards the center of the table and with both hands, she started bringing out cups of coffee and cinnamon bread in clear plastic boxes. I barely noticed everything else as I lifted the folder in front of me and started reading my spills for the night.


"Way to bribe everybody Sunny," I jeered behind the folder. "Record breaking 30 minutes late. Where's your professionalism?"


She pulled up another swivel chair beside me and settled down, bouncing like a toddler on a high chair. "Yah. I was late because I got everyone some snacks. Plus, I'm not supposed to be here anyway, it's your shift tonight," she whipped back, sticking out her tongue. "Why are you Mr. Grouch-in-a-trash-can so suddenly?"


The new intern, Ji-eun, giggled on the side after witnessing the authentic Sunny childish antics. I rolled my eyes again, wondering why that act could pierce through everyone's hearts but never on my steel one. "FYI, that grouch has a name. It's Oscar and he's not grouchy. He just has his bad days in his trashy life, like me."


"Right." drawled on the syllable. "Your garbage talk is going nowhere. Grouch. Oh wait. Elmo. Without the 'L'. But grouch still fits you better."


The fresh fizz of soda opening penetrated the whole room and I took it as cue to put down my headphones around my neck and willed myself to listen. It was better than thinking of a wise-crack retort at Sunny, who was smirking in her seat rejoicing in her default victory. My eyes fastened on our male head, instead. Our PD-nim took a swig of cola and slammed the can on the table as if he was drinking beer. I just raised a brow at him, repulsed like I just saw him with an orange hide just covering his privates. Ugh. Guys. Why do they have to act so yabadabadoo Flinstones at times?


"Alright." he finally said, organizing the meeting. "I called everyone up so we could brainstorm. Our listener ratings have been stagnant. We're on good standing but we need to step it up somehow. We need to rev up the show and make it more interesting. More hip and relatable."


"It's a late night show with mellow music and slow heart-wrenching melodies," I scowled. "What do you expect? People shuffling and doing horsey dance moves in clubs to our program?"


Ji-eun turned her head as she stifled a giggle. Well, at least somebody got my joke. Or sarcasm, in this case.


"Taeyeon... Chungho-oppa---I mean PD-nim was just thinking we could think of some new ideas to bring to our audience. The program stays the same but it would be nice to reach out more to your listeners," Soyeon interrupted with authority, more than the male beside her. "You know, to spice things up. You have said it yourself that it's a show that touches hearts."


"Well, we wouldn't be having this problem at all if you're not so dreary in your shifts Taeng. Would it take you to pop a vein in your neck to give it a shot on being lively for once?" Sunny jibed at me. My jaw just literally dropped open.


"Any ideas then smart-mouth?" I gritted my teeth at her.


"As a matter of fact I may do," she glared back, sparks of electricity almost visible upon the clash of our eyes.


"Are they fighting unnie?" I heard Ji-eun ask the older female beside her, a worried face ghosted her expression.


It just reminded me. Any newcomer would think Sunny and I always quarrel with each other but this was generally how we exhanged thoughts. It was our most normal conversation. Anything other than that would definitely indicate one of us was sick or dead, maybe.


"No. They're just like that," Soyeon whispered, reassuring the young lady. 


"That's how Taeyeon shows how much she loves me," Sunny replied, turning her best smile at the cute clumsy girl. "Nice to see you again Ji-eun. Hope yesterday's session with me was more enjoyable than what you're about to partake today. I should warn you. Taeyeon bites, so keep a 3-meter radius distance from this DJ. She might carry rabies, too. Sorry, I haven't taken her lately to a vet to get her check-ups."


"Whatever," I spat, "Better than acting cute for a 24-year old. I'm not the one here who needs to grow up like a pup."


Sunny just narrowed her eyes in an annoying manner. The rest were ready to face-palm themselves.


"Anyway, PD-nim, why fix something if it isn't broken?" I questioned, totally ignoring the bloated pixie's face a few inches away from mine. I saw no point in changing what seems to be working fine. This is just wasting time; I should just get ready for my show.


"We're not fixing anything," PD-nim said, his imaginary moustache above his lips this time. "We're simply renovating. Upgrading."


I slumped more into my chair and sighed aloud, enough to tell everyone in the room how exasperated I was. Everyone was so friggin' serious and I was too annoyed to help with the idea production. What would they think next? Bring trot? Do a radio drama? Blast punk rock? Oh wait... Punk rock may not be a bad idea. Yet, who ing cares?


There was a more than 5 minutes of silence before someone could bring something forward on the table. I wasn't an eager McBeaver to bring even a lightbulb on.


"Why don't we start this confession corner into our program?" Sunny blurted as she leaned forward and enclosed her fingers together. She looked like she was some hotshot CEO. I had to call on all forces of nature to stifle my laugh and not double over in my position.


Confession corner? I almost choked. Oh my heavens. Lord God, forgive me but that was the cheesiest idea I've heard of.


"Confession? How does that work?" the producer also leaned forward, inquisitive and focused on the beaming girl beside me, almost as if a sparkle glinted at the corner of his eyes.


My attention latched on him immediately. Wait. Don't tell me he's buying this crap?


"Yeah. We'll have the listeners send in their letters talking about their love stories. They could talk about, maybe, their first love or their current love, past love, puppy love...whichever. We can pick out a story everyday to feature for the corner and even invite the letter senders to read their own letter live in the show. That way, they can have the chance to confess and profess their love through our program."


"That's so sweet." Ji-eun commented, clutching dreamingly on her clipboard close to her chest and a marker in hand.


I cocked an eyebrow high up on my forehead. Sweet? Oh. Come on. Seriously?


"I like it." Soyeon seconded. "It suits our program. And we could play subtle mellow music in the background while the letter sender reads his or her message."


"Oh please," I mumbled. I was the only one protesting to it.


"Shut up Kim Taeyeon." Sunny smirked. 


"Why?" I challenged. She was smiling and I knew she was hiding something. "It's too cheesy! I'm not doing it!" I swiped my sleeves up and showed my arm to the rest. "See this? I'm already having goosebumps from all the cringe-worthy reactions I'll get from those confessions."


"Oh shush! This was totally your idea." Sunny moued. "I only opened it up for everyone to hear."


I turned towards the blonde like someone just hit my head with a spade. "What? How could I, Oscar, think of such a stupid idea? Are you drunk?"


Everyone else was just staring at the two of us argue. I could sense the awkwardness building up. I didn't care. I couldn't give in to this crap.


"Nope. But you were." Sunny pointed out. "Two weeks ago. Bar. You and me. Wine." Sunny listed grinning. "Ring a bell? You were half drunk talking about this stuff to add on the radio program. You were all over the place saying these lovesick people should just come to the show and shout out their love for rest of South Korea to hear. You were even the one who dubbed it as the 'Confesion Corner'. Now, tell me who's cheesy... you big ball of gouda for nothing mozarella."


I paused, mouth literally hanging open. "I... I..."


Sunny looked like she had won a debate and patted me at my shoulder. "Tsk. Tsk. I'm simply laying it out for everyone to hear. Consider me as your conveyor, Ms. Kim Oscar Taeyeon. And like other times, there is no need to thank me again."


I brushed off her hand, mindful of how much mirth Sunny's gaining from my stupefied reaction. "C'mon. Gals and ugh... guy, this is ridiculous. Think about it. If you let this through, we'll have a train of indecent proposals raining on the broadcasting company!"


I expected a unison of agreeing voices with me but I stood there, hands on the table looking at everyone parry gazes away from me. Our dear PD-nim simply leaned back on his chair and on his goatee. At that instance, I swore I would have taken a scissor and cut that bush off his chin. "Well, do you have a counter-idea Taeyeon-ssi? If you are severely against Sunny's proposal which was actually your idea, then at least give us something else to work on."


My jaw fell open again and I was as blank as a prehistoric tombstone. Not even a single letter crossed my mind, how much more of a brilliant crushing idea.


"Well?" Soyeon-unnie asked and I still couldn't think of anything.


"Well, that settles it!" PD-nim exclaimed. He turned to his right and faced the other two females in the room. "Soyeon and Ji-eun. You two should draft up this idea in the next two days. We'll advertise it on the other programs and both of you will have to write it up. I'll be depending on you both. Clear?"


"Crystal." Soyeon replied, totally pumped up while Ji-eun nodded ecstatically. 


"Wait. Don't I have a say on this?" I remonstrated. "We're still democratic!"


Everybody looked back on our producer and he began to on his beard again. "Oh, well then. Let's take a vote. All in favor, raise your pens." PD-nim said, taking the pen from his ear.


I watched as the rest of them raise their arms in the air. Soyeon-unnie merely lifted her pen mid-air. Ji-eun shyly raised her marker. And Sunny turned her head left and right, searching. She then grabbed the pen from my hand and shot her fist forcefully into the air.


"Well, I see we have the majority," he concluded and readjusted his cap. "Alright. Meeting adjourned. We'll come back to the booth at 10 in the evening to prepare for the show. Understood?"


"Yeah." They all replied in unison except me--- the all alone helpless going-to-be-pissed-off Oscar me. This is totally ed up! 


"Thanks for the coffee and bread Sunny. We'll eat them well." Soyeon said as she gathered her files. "Ah, yes, thank you." Ji-eun added meekly.


"No problem." Sunny replied, waving her hands and feet at the same time, like a toddler would do. I just wonder if Sunny never grew past that, mentally.


Soyeon and Ji-eun went abruptly to work, taking their coffee cups with them and our producer followed suit outside, leaving Sunny and I in the conference room. I blew another huff to my bangs and shook my head, incredulous as to what just happened.


"What?" Sunny teased. "It was a good idea."


"Did I really suggest that?" I asked. I was skeptical and was calling on Sunny for a bluff but deep inside me I wondered whether I get a bit softy whenever I got drunk.


"Mhmm. What would I gain from lying about it Taeng?" She said, lassoing one of the bread boxes towards her and pried it open. That was the only time I realized that the labels on the plastic boxes and cups showed Pink cafe's logo. Sunny tore off a piece of the bread and offered it to me. "Want some?"


"No." I pushed away. Every time I saw pink as a color and I saw the Pink cafe emblem, I just instantly jumped into this pool of Tiffany and I was almost at the edge of it, drowning like a piece of crumb in boiling coffee. "I see this was from that place. Did you do what I requested you to do?"


Sunny munched noisily and snapped her fingers as if she just remembered something. She dusted her hands together and dodged down the table to retrieve an item from her bag. She turned her swivel chair facing me and plopped a familiar object to my lap. It was the paper bag I gave her earlier this morning. 


"Why do you have it?" I asked, baffled.


"Beats me. Tiffany just wrote a note and dropped it inside the bag then told me to give it back to you." Sunny narrated as she brought herself back to the table and continued snacking. "By the way, do you know the name of that tall girl back in the kitchen? At Pink's?"


I rummaged through the insides of the bag and found a folded post-it---pink in color, as expected.




"The tall chef. Well, actually the taller one. The one with really long legs they could go on forever" Sunny pushed. I was hesitating on opening up the note. Sunny then came up to me, almost breathing down my neck as I lifted the paper to my face.


"Did you read this?" I grimaced. 


"If I would, I wouldn't be so curious now, would I?" Sunny hissed. "Where has your head been these days? Seriously? Use that coconut sometimes Tae, it shouldn't bleed through your ears."


Shrugging my shoulders, I ignored her jeer with annoyance and inspected the note, opening it up and making sure Sunny was not peeking. It was hand-written in black, all in bold intimidating letters.


I'm not accepting your apology if you send

someone else to return my clothes.

Be sincere and give this back to me in person. -Tiffany


I dropped my hands on my lap and sighed. Just great. I just wanted to evade her for as long as I could but this was going nowhere. 


"So what was it then?" Sunny asked, her natural instinct to feed her curiosity taking over.


"None of your business," I simply replied.


"It's a secret huh? What now? Another night of dreaming a kiss in a cafe?" Sunny teased. I shot her an intense glare. "What? I was referring to your story. Almost over ten thousand views overnight. Quite impressive. It could have been a hundred thousand if only they knew it was Kim Taeyeon writing them."


"Yeah sure." I sneered. "Get every netizen grilling on my neck 'coz I'm a closet lesbian. That would have been fun. I would be hearing keyboards typing even in my sleep."


"There's nothing wrong about it though." Sunny said in between munches. "You gotta keep it real. It's cool your site is getting more attention than before. It just shows not everyone out there is homophobic. Right?"


"Yeah. Whatever. I only do the blogs for fun and not for the attention. But I guess I'm getting more of it now. All thanks to you." I derided.


"Mhmm... Yes! And that's all I've wanted to hear all this time! You're welcome Tae!" Sunny laughed, cupping her hand to one ear. She then pushed herself away from the table and wiped her fingers. "Well, gotta go. Looks like my job here is done. You're not drinking your cappuccino?"


I just crumpled the post-it in my palm and looked blankly into space again. Should I just get this over with? Oh it. I stood up, paper bag in hand and dashed towards the door. "I'll be back."


"Yah! Taeyeon, where do you think are you going?! You've got a show in about an hour!"


"I just need to go somewhere. You can have my coffee. I don't drink that stuff anyway!"




"I'll be back!"



My feet hit the pavement with pounding thuds. Each step was heavy and powerful. I had been running from the station and going down the roadside. Steam was blowing off from my mouth and I scolded myself for rushing to things without thinking. Who in their right mind would run into this chilling cold evening without a jacket and a scarf?! , I think my nose is going to fall off from the cold.


A block away from the cafe, I pulled myself to a screeching halt. 


What am I doing? Why am I here? Why couldn't I just wait until tomorrow or another time to return this? Or I could just leave it out...put it in the mail or something...but the note...she sounded so serious.


Aish! Kim Taeyeon, make up your mind!


"Unnie?!" I heard someone call me out. "Taeyeon-unnie!"


"Yoo...Yoona." I said. My breath was clearly making clouds in front of my face. Yoona walked up to me in her brown frock coat. "You're off already? Is the cafe closed? Or is it your off day?"


"No. I just left. We closed early tonight. Tiffany-unnie wasn't feeling well after Sunny-unnie left the cafe about a few minutes ago." Yoona mumbled, raising her own scarf to her small face. "Anyway, what are you doing out like that unnie? Aren't you cold? Why didn't you come to the cafe this morning, too? You usually have your brunch there. Did something come up?"


"Is she sick?" I gasped. Out of the blue, I felt that huge concern jump right out of my system.


"Well, I guess." Yoona said, shrugging her shoulders slightly and gently rocked on the balls of her feet.


My legs began to move again and I did not hesitate anymore. I ran down towards the direction of the cafe. "Sorry, I have to go!" I shouted back, leaving Yoona by the alley. "Take care."


"Okay," She yelled back, waving. “Good night unnie!"


"Tiffany?!" I cried out as soon as I opened the door to the cafe. The place was quite dim; the only lights open were from the counters. I searched left and right. There wasn't a soul in sight. Have they all left? But why is the cafe still open? Have they forgotten to lock up? I was turning around in the center of the cafe, almost in desperation.




My brain had already recorded her voice like some looped music and I could tell it was her from the first note that escaped .


"Tiffany," I said, almost crying while pivoting on my heels.


"Hey," Tiffany greeted, coming out from the kitchen and into the counters. She was alone. Not even Taemin was around or that Minho. We were alone. Only the two of us. Me and her.


Ok, Taeyeon. Shut up. We get it.


"Are you okay? You look so pale."


"I should be the one asking you that question." I replied, drawing steps closer to her. Every step I took though was like a heartbeat, thumping against my chest.


"What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine." Tiffany pouted. 


Those cherry lips make me want it so bad on mine. No. I mean, do I really want a kiss? Again? I ran all the way from the station for that?


I swallowed, clutching to the paper bag I had. I barely had anything else with me. "I...I bumped to Yoona on the way here. She said you were sick after Sunny left that's why you had to close up early."


"Oh. That kid." she chuckled, brushing off locks of crimson hair from her shoulders, revealing her beautiful collar from the low-cut sweater she was wearing. Her scarf dangled down her chest and I fought the urge to look beyond the fabric. "No. I was just tired from the service all day. I'm fine really. There's nothing to fret. That Yoona exaggerates everything. She worries eveytime my mood gets to me."


"Are you sure?" I asked again. I was still blowing off steam from my mouth. Cold but slowly warming up, I shivered but eased out as long as I was near her.


"Yeah. You're the one who doesn't look good. You look winded and perplexed." Tiffany mumbled, scanning me from head to toe. She was right. I was totally out of breath just by looking at her.


"I..." I choked. Here I was again, totally blank and speechless. I just hid the paper bag behind me.


"Did you just run all the way from the station?" She asked, fumbling over some ceramic cups she arranged on top of one of the display shelves. She cocked up an eyebrow and smiled. "Did you rush because you thought I was sick?"


Uh. Oh. Abort. Abort! . I'm trapped. I can't explain myself. Yes, I did. I did run because of her. Because I wanted to see her. To see if she was okay. To simply satisfy my need...for her.


"I... ughmm... I..."


I just saw her face turn into a frown. "Are you just going to stay there standing and talk like a 2-year old?", she leaned forward on the counter and raised her finger, coaxing me to come hither, "Come here. I'll get you coffee to warm you up. You look so cold."


"Ughmm...okay." I couldn't say no. Everytime I was in front of her, I just broke all my inhibitions. 


She pulled out one wide based cup from the shelf and filled up a portafilter with ground coffee. She was so used to doing this; it didn't require her to look at her hands while working. She was looking at me instead and I shifted my gaze, focusing on the paper bag that was on my lap. My hands were too cold and I pulled my sweater up my neck.


This is stupid. Why am I acting this way?


She resumed her pace, pulling out milk in a metal carafe from a two-door fridge. Carefully, she pulled out the arm wand from the espresso machine and blew steam into the liquid, creating a huge froth. I just watched her put the cup under the machine and let dark black fluid flow freely. A shot of espresso, followed by steamed milk and topped with milk foam---all made in 1/3 proportions--completed the drink; it was cappuccino.


Tiffany pushed the cup towards me and I just stared at the foam filling up the brim.


"Don't like it?" she asked, probably after noticing the forced smile I had on my face.


I pursed my lips for an appropriate answer. "It's not that. I just don't drink this stuff. I like mine dark... like espresso shots."


"It's still espresso-based," she asked again, intrigued.


"I know. It's just that I don't understand why a third of it is full of air." I said in defense. 


She simply smiled back. "I understand. People underestimate the cappuccino since it's well known all over the world. Little does everyone know, for us baristas, the cappuccino is one of the hardest coffee mixes to perfect. It requires the right amount of skill to work with consistency and strength."


I just admired her way of explaining things. If she was a prosecutor and I was on the jury, my vote definitely goes to her.


Realizing that I probably was gawking and  impressed at her, I took the paper bag from my lap to distract me and settled it on the counter top before taking the cappuccino cup with both hands. It was warm and soothing, just the right temperature. I took a sip and marvelled at her skill. She was right. A little coarser and the coffee wouldn't taste right. A little more of each component and either coffee or milk would overpower the flavor.


"And the foam is not just there for aesthetics. The air you're referring actually functions as insulation. It keeps the drink warm for long periods, making it ideal for long cold nights," she reinforced, leaning forward, one palm under her chin while watching me. 


Who would have thought those micro bubbles were that important? Pfft. Micro. I'm small yet I'm nowhere near warm to anything... anything except for that girl... the girl...


I blinked rapidly. She was still looking at me, this time while smirking. My only immediate reflex just then was to look down. Ugh. Why am I acting this way?! You're worse than what you were on prom!


"I see you got my shirt for me. You saw my note then." Tiffany giggled. Her voice never failed to bounce off the walls.


I commanded myself to play it cool;  had enough of the stutter and coward Taeyeon. Once the cup was back on its saucer, I began to explain my side. "Sunny gave it back to me. I figured you were right. I should return it to you properly. Sorry about yesterday." I pushed the paper bag to her and she took it, settling it to her side without breaking eye contact.


"I told you it was fine." Tiffany smiled again. I was drowning in her gaze like one of those sugar cubes in a sea of black liquid brew but she never left eye contact. It wasn't until that I almost tipped my cup that I had to look away.


"Not just for the polo." I paused, swallowing hard. "I didn't mean to bump to you you that way yesterday, too. That was a very unfortunate accident."


I stalled as I recalled yesterday. The pantry incident was totally unexpected. I didn't ask for it but it happened anyway. I just looked like a fool though. How could one act 'cool' after 'slipping' through that situation?


She traced her red lips with her fingers and laughed. "Oh. That." Tiffany was trying to remember everything and I could see it in her face how entertained she was. "Well, the floor was slippery from all the ice. I couldn't blame you for crashing into me that way. It was indeed difficult to stand up after the fall." 


"But still." I knew I was even redder than her lipstick. My face burned from embarrassment. 


"It's fine. It's not my first time to kiss a girl." She reached out, holding the back of my hand. It was warm, like her cappuccino and it was a form of comfort, an okay and a sign that she wasn't freaked out by it.  It was then that my head processed what she said. Not the first time? I inhaled deep before releasing it into one long sigh. Oh yeah... she was from abroad. People out there are more open, unlike here, where you can be easily judged. If anyone from the cafe saw her and I kissing, it would have probably been the end of my so-called career and the closing down of her business!


"You've got very soft lips though," she continued, "I like it very much."


She leaned in more, elbows down, putting her weight on the counters. Without the barricade between us, I swore she would have already been on top of me. Her nose was just a few centimeters from mine, our lips only a breath apart.


I looked at her irises, questioning whether she was teasing or doing it for real. "Well, yours are even soft---"




I died. My soul was pulled out from my body and catapulted into the clouds. 


It was swift but I knew for real this time that she kissed me. It wasn't a dream. It wasn't just some fabricated castle in the sky story. She really did kiss me. I could barely feel the ground. Floating. Weightless. Elated. It was all because of that heightened feeling; that cloud nine, heaven...or it could also be that I was just too short for this bar stool...


"Nope. Yours are softer than mine." She gleamed. She brought up her hand and wiped her thumb over my lips. "Sorry, I got lipstick on you."


"What...what was that for?" I managed to ask. My brain was still on a riot over that quick buss.


"Nothing," she retreated back to her feet behind the counter, "I just wanted to recall the feel of your lips again. It's one of a kind."


My heart swelled like a balloon only to be deflated once again by confusion. I didn't have game to be honest and I had gone rusty without practice.  Crap. What do I do?


"Oh okay." I said, pretty much defeated. "You're pretty weird. Weird but really pretty. No. Actually beautiful..."


Tiffany laughed silently, clapping her hands again in unison like a seal at sea. She looked ridiculous but her pure joy made my heart melt.


"Drink up." She said once she relaxed. That must have been really funny for her yet I didn't find anything really amusing from what I said. "Coffee still gets cold."


"Oh okay." I complied. I drank the rest of the cappuccino in several gulps. I still preferred my espresso shots but this wasn't too bad. It was light but impressive, knowing it took so much experience and science to make it a world-renowned drink.


I peeled off a napkin and wiped my lips. The moment I drew my hand away, I realized I had just wiped the rest of Tiffany's lipstick that got into my lips. She was still watching my every move. I took another napkin and timidly handed it to her. "Tiffany, would you mind if you could mark your lips here?" I could almost cry. What the heck was I doing? Mark? Lips? What the did I say?


She obviously raised a brow but smiled, taking the napkin and pressed her lips momentarily into the piece of soft tissue. A full robust kiss mark was on the pinkish yet almost salmon- colored napkin. She then took one of the pens near the cash register and scribbled on it. After she was done, she casually handed me back the napkin while smirking once more.


"Well, you see, back in LA, when you give someone a napkin, you're basically asking for a number and not a kiss mark." Tiffany chuckled. "But I guess, you wanted this right?"


I wanted to hit myself again on the forehead. 


"You don't want it?" Tiffany asked again, pouting.


"No!" I protested, raising my voice before calming down immediately. "I mean, no, I'd like to have your number."


She took my hand and folded the napkin, placing it gently into my palm. "Here you go then Taeyeon."


Her touch was like hot knife on butter. I just stared at the piece of flimsy paper in my hand. Turning my wrist, I chanced upon looking at the time. It was ten minutes before ten in the evening. I'm so dead!


"Sorry. I think I have to go. I still have the radio show." I groaned. I didn't want to go anymore.


"Oh, I see." Tiffany said. She sounded disappointed but it could also be just me, wishfully thinking. "Well, hurry then. I don't want to keep you hostage from your listeners."


"You could..."


"What did you say Taeyeon?"


I blinked again and swallowed. "I mean, can you put the drink on my tab? I forgot my wallet coming here. I'll pay you tomorrow."


"Oh...okay. Sure, no problem."


I slipped off the stool and tugged on the sleeves of my sweater. I would have to run in the cold again. Geez. How lovely.


As I neared the door, I bid her goodbye but she stopped me before I could hold the screen.


"Taeyeon, wait." she cried out. She flipped the countertop and jogged towards me.




"Here." She took the scarf from her shoulders and carefully wound the knitted cloth around my neck. "It's chilly out tonight. You should keep warm. I wouldn't want you to get sick."


I smiled under the scarf. This was too nice of her. "Thanks. But you do realize, I have to return another piece of clothing to you."


"Even better. Now go. You'll be late. I have to close up the shop too." Tiffany pushed, sending me out of the cafe. "Good night Taeyeon. Call me."


"Goodnight Tiffany." I gripped on the napkin in my palm. "I will."


I turned my back and ran. I was warm amidst the wind blowing into the late night air. Tiffany's scarf kept me insulated.


Hmmm... insulated, much like those milk air bubbles in a cup of cappuccino then.


haha. alright. as promised. another cup before the weekend disappears. enjoy the brew. ^^

it'd be great if you guys comment on it too. ^^











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kindly check out Fingertip stories. It's a compilation of my recent oneshots. I have to finish the next coffee escapade chap. :D thanks for bearing w/ me.


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 12: Wowe the cliffhanger is surely on the right time 😭
KimiTippa #2
Chapter 12: I read this story before and I reread it again forgetting its not a completed story. Now am thinking why did I put myself in a hanging emotion again hahaha... I hope authornim will be able to update this story. Thank you.
lalatreese #3
Chapter 12: i knew right from the start that it was unfinished and still read this BUT PLEASE FINISH THIS IM BEGGINGGG 😩😩😩😩
Chapter 12: Author-nim probably you won’t continue but I HOPE you can update
lilowl #5
Chapter 12: Hi, author-nim. If you still receive notifications from this, please do know that you have a new fan and I hope you're doing well and that someday you'll be inspired again and have the time to take us to the next chapter (cause it is getting intense! But of course you know that haha). Happy Holidays in advance, author-nim!
Chapter 11: uh..i hate to continue reading it, but i cant stop..but i hate for feeling the pain :|
Chapter 12: This is a great story. I hope it gets finished. It's just getting to the good part. :(
Johny080507 #8
Chapter 12: Unnie can you put an end to this story please. ☺️?
Chapter 12: i need my dose of coffee... T.T