
Piggy Head

It was a calm and shiny afternoon when I sat alone in a café around the corner that I always visit every particular times, since the café itself is like a block from my house and I really have nothing to do at home. A cup of milk tea and a slice of rainbow cake always make me forget about the world and just relax. Well, school had been very busy lately, and I barely sleep at night while I need to get up early in the morning and yeah it happens in a cycle and when I finally have time to rest, I’ll come to this place to finally relax from all my duties.

Maybe I’ll move to an art school next year, perhaps? I can’t stand a normal school anymore! Ergh! And art school is probably the only school that will surely understand how much I hate homework papers. And besides, being one of an art student has been my dream all along, but my parents said that I need to attend a normal school at least until I graduated from Junior High School. Well, I love music SO much and I enjoy singing too, by the way. I took singing course since I was in grade 2, and it makes me love music until this very second. When I was in Junior High School, I started to learn how to play guitar with my Oppa. I never take a guitar course before, though, cause It’ll be boring if I have to learn it from the very start. I want to learn it in hopes I can play it while I sing, and If I learn it from zero, they surely will make me play some kiddy songs I don’t even enjoy to sing and it's kinda frustrating. I prefer learning it with my close friends or my Oppa or maybe my father, It easier that way and I have a lot of fun learning it too! Cause I learnt it from songs I like, and I'll learn harder songs every each day.

I have a dream to be one of the famous singers out there on television, radio, youtube and that kind of things since I was young. I never expect music will take a big part of my life like this, I mean.. I can't be apart from it. Well I don't know, it's just.. It comes naturally like I was born with it and I'm..  You know what? Sometimes, I wonder why I enjoy art class so much, while I couldn't even get anything in my math class. And I wish I can be as good as when I'm attending my art class, because being lectured , okay? And now that I'm a Senior High School student, and math is getting harder and harder each day, I wouldn't give a to math anymore.

And yeah, I always express my feeling with music too, but since I still can’t write one, so I'll sing a song that wil represent my feelings instead. Well, I'm trying to write one around these days, though and it's kinda hard since I really need the feels but I got nothing because school is being a burden these days, and I couldn't even get a word to write, so.. yeah. Even if so, when I actually get the right song that represent the moment I'm in, I'll sing it in front of a mirror and trying to make expressions that match the song like I'm watching my self actually singing as a star like my dream, and when I finally get the feeling, crying is not impossible to happen, cause yeah, I get emotional pretty easy, so... haha.

Haha................................................................ Ha.

Ah yeah, by the way. Do you know SM Entertainment? Yes yes, the one that Lee Sooman owned. The one that has letters 'S' and 'M' in italic. Yeah yeah that one!

After wasting my time for not trying to get to an audition because I'm being a chicken like usual, earlier this month, I finally brave enough to join one. And yes, it’s an audition for SM Entertainment.

S f'in M Entertainment.

Well, the audition wasn't as scary as I think it was. It’s not like any other auditions with those judges that will eat you up with their eyes, and they'll kill you with their sassy comments and whatnot.

Instead, they just ask us to send a video with us showing our talent, and done! It's really easy, actually. And nothing scary, really.

At first I don’t want to join this Audition because I thought I’m not gonna make it, since SM Entertainment is a big agency with talented singers, and they won’t accept a newbie like me right? They need people that are super talented like... do you know Baekhyun? Yeah, the guy from EXO. His voice is like... god, his pitch is totally perfect, and did you ever see him dance? He's good! And not to mention how ing handsome he is. Well, then there's me. I don't think that I'll be at the same level as Baekhyun, it's impossible okay? But my friend told me to join this Audition because she said that, at least I need to try, even once.

Then, I did as she told me.

She’s a star now, by the way and her group is under SM too, that's why she asked me to join this audition because she thought that she can through the audition, and she believe that I could through what she had been through. We’re In the same school back when we're in Junior High School, by the way and we used to sing together in a school event, and now that she’s a real singer, maybe she wants me to be one too, perhaps?

Well? For a like her, she's indeed a good friend.

The staff said that the results will be send by e-mail, and the results are sent like 2 days ago, and... Well guess what?


Can you believe that?!?!?

I was speechless when I saw my name on my own email just two days ago. I mean... come on! This is a dream come true!! My childhood dream came true! And I’m officially an SM Trainee now! Oh god… I was out in a second when I got the email. And when I woke up again, I thought I was dead, and this is just like a welcoming present from heaven.

I giggled to myself when I see the logo of SM Entertainment that was plastered on one of the posters that are on the wall. Did I really make it to the company? I still can’t believe it.. I mean, I never thought reality could be this good.

It was a SNSD poster, by the way; well I guess the owner is an SONE perhaps?

Ha. Ha. Like I care.

I smiled widely when I saw Luna’s name on my phone as an incoming call. Maybe she heard the news already? Or..


“—MINRA-YA! OH MY GOD! WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME THE NEWS YOU RAT?!?” I almost fell from my seat when the phone screamed right beside my ear (the phone didn't scream, by the way, Luna did)

“Hey hey, slow down Luna—“

“—AND HOW DARE YOU TO ‘slow down Luna’ ME?!?” I was terrified when Luna kept on screaming on the phone that I didn’t say a word. She can be scary if she wants to.

After a while she finally calmed down and I heard her sighing before continue, calmer this time. “But seriously Minra-ya.. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Well, look.. It’s Summer now and you know how I should finish all those homeworks before I finally do the real training. My phone was off until this morning, because the company said that there’ll be a lot of training, and there’ll be no time for my papers. I’m really sorry, okay. And you don’t have to scream by the way, your voice is all over the café, and yes I just told you how you just embarrassed yourself, and yes again, you’re welcome”

“Look, they probably don’t know who you are, and they wouldn’t know who I am too. It’s not a big deal Minra-ya. It's not like you'll declare who you are talking to like..  'Oh hey guys! Guess who am I talking to?? Luna from f(x)!! A star!! Hahaha she has no manner, isn't she??' No one would believe you, that way Min-min”

“Whatever. And why don’t you congratulate me instead of screaming like that, huh??”

“Oh yeah I forgot! CONGRATULATION MINRA-YA!—is that enough?”

“You ”

“Yeah, I’m your baby~!” I chuckled to how stupid Luna can be sometimes.

We were laughing our heart out like there’s no tomorrow. It’s been a while since the last time I talk to her, and now that I’ll be in the same agency as her, we’ll talk more again I guess. I really miss the old time!

“Ah yeah Minra”


“Now that you’re under SM too, are you happy that you’re in the same agency as D.O?”

I froze.

Forget about that for a second.

"D.. D--what?" I tried to repeat the name but helplessly fail.

"D freakin O, Minra-ya!! Your oh-so-future-husband!--and no, he's not your future husband anymore, because a week from now, he'll be your senior, Minra-ya"

I still can't move a finger. "Say his name again or I'll throw this phone across the room"

"Oh? It's your phone right? Your loss--"

"--you wouldn't dare Luna--"

"--Do Kyungsoo"

Threw my phone, I did.



One week passed so fast, and prepare nothing to this training. I mean, I have nothing to prepare when I don't have anything from the first place, right? I just need my self to be ready for the training. For almost a year, I finally met Luna again this morning and she actually congratulated me nicely this time and she gave me accompany until the first training start. Well, we really need a quality time for sure. So, she promised me a treat for lunch today, and I never decline anything free.

"Excuse me" The voice is so firm and clear, yet it's a girl voice which usually is more soft and low, so I decided to make my facade to look innocent when I looked up in case the girl wants to do harm to me, and that way, she wouldn't even dare to touch me in every way.

What? I'm an innocent, people shouldn't harm the innocent!

The girl looked indeed not so welcoming like I expected her to be. She has a natural straight and long brunette hair with pale skin. She wore a neon pink sweater with a tiger in the middle with hot pants. But the hotpants didn't make her look like a somehow, because her face didn't show any sign of a . Well, she looked more like... a firm person and doesn't care if anyone actually hates her look.

"Yeah?" I did this everytime I meet with stranger. I'll give them the look that said "What? I don't even know where am I now".

"Are you a new trainee too?"

"U-hum" I nodded.

"Oh good, I'm a new trainee too, can I sit here?"

"A-ah yeah yeah of course" the pink lips that I thought are probably full of sharp words and hardly smile, are forming a wide grin that actually got me off guard.

"I'm Kim Sungbyul, by the way. And you are?" She offered her hand still with a same grin.

"Nam Minra" I said with a nod as I shook her hand.

"So I hope we can be friend then?"

I shrugged. "I hope so"

She smiled before continue. "Ah yeah, by the way I'm here with my sister too. But ergh, don't talk to her, she'll just embarrasing me in front of you, and--"

"—who do you call embarrassing, byul?" I looked up when I heard a sudden voice just right behind me. I saw a girl with a same sweater but not with hotpants, instead she wore a black skirt that ends above her knees. Not like her sister, she has short brunette that ends right below her ears. She has the same pale skin, but Sungbyul is still paler than her sister. Her voice is as firm as her sister too, but she has a deeper voice. Well, they looked pretty the same, yet so different.

"Get lost Hayoung! You don't even call me eonnie, what kind of sister are you?? Go make friends with anyone else, don't take my friend, you horse!"

"Hell yeah I will, watch me you pig!" The younger pointed at Sungbyul with venom in every word she said while the older imitated how the younger mad in the ugly way.

"Do you guys always bickering like that?" I chuckled to how childish they actually are.

"Yeah, sometimes" she shrugged. "She's just so.. ERGH! She always try to do what I do but it turns out annoying like... did you see her sweater? She cried to mom, just to have the same sweater because she thinks it's cool. And they bought it for her the next day, and you know what? I bought this myself! With my own money, with the money I got from work!" She messed with her own hair while I laughed to how depressed Sungbyul sounded.

"Well, every little sister wants to be just like her older sister. It's a common thing!" I patted her shoulder.

"Yeah, commonly annoying" She rolled her eyes and left me laughing again.

These guys are amazing.



Later in the afternoon, Luna came to the practice room to pick me up for the said treat he offered. So I went to change my clothes before met up with her at the parking lot. Eventhough she's in the same age as me and isn't allowed to drive yet, this girl is still as crazy as she was, she faked an ID and actually drive by herself. At least, she drives well,  it's not that she'll harm people right? She drives savely.

It was an italian restaurant nearby. Even after a year, somehow she still remember how I have like somekind of for anykind of pasta so yeah, here we are seating at the very back of an Italian restaurant and waiting for our orders.

"So, how's the first training? I bet it was hard at first, wasn't it?" She propped her head on her palm as she spoke.

"Yeah, but I have a lot of fun too, actually. And well, the people are friendly too, we blend in pretty fast" I smiled as I strummed my fingers with a smile.

"I'm happy for you then" she beamed. "Ah yeah, by the way min, did you really throw your phone at the other day? I'm just curious okay? Don't ask why, because I really can't call your number after that" she put her hands in front of her chest, waving it in defens and I sighed.

"Well yeah, kind of" I shrugged. "I mean.. My brain was so blank when I found out that I actually made it to the company, and when you said his name, it feels like you put a grenade in my head because.. I don't know! I never know reality could be this.. ergh!!! I'm in the same agency with EXO and--oh god" I hit my head on the table, trying to gain some sense into my head and just make sure It's not my other usual day dreaming. But when I looked up, Luna was still there smiling yet she looked unsure to what I actually do with my head, and that means that I'm not dreaming. I sighed again for the nth times before finally gave up.

"Your reactions are nothing compared to mine, Min. Like.. You know me, right? I don't even want to go out for a day, just locking myself in my room, hugging my laptop as if it was a message carrier-bird from heaven" she chuckled as she rewind the memories. “Ah yeah Min, the EXO boys come to this place often nowadays…”She sipped her drink before continue. “Because the place itself is nearby and one of them actually a pasta specialist if you understand what I mean”

“The least I know, he cooks pasta, not a specialist for pasta” I pointed out. “And why are you telling me that all of a sudden? I'm not an EXO maniac just for your Information--”

"—but a D.O maniac, yeah I got it gurl" she just laughed when I threw a ball of tissue to her. "But seriously, at least I'm not a sasaeng, Luna. I'm just... I love D.O as an Idol not my real soulmate, and you know that. But seriously, why telling me that" I asked out of curiousity.

“Nothing, really” yeah yeah, nothing you said? And you’d think that I actually buy the creepy smile you made, .

Around 15 minutes passed and our orders came and ERGH! I was starving from all the training that I didn’t realize that I already dig in to my food like a beast eats their prey. It wasn’t even around 15 minutes later when my plate was already clean from all the food and sauce. Well, what did you expect? I love pasta, like really really love pasta, and I’m hungry as hell, and a hungry Minra is a beast, I'm telling you.

“Did you starve yourself? Or you actually turned into a pig after this one year?”

“Both” I pointed out with a fork and sipped my drink. "No, I'm kidding. I'm just... starving okay? And seriously, how long have you known me? You should have known that I AM a pig if I want to, or if only I'm starving--"

"—and you starving almost everytime" she brought up an eyebrow with an amused smirk played on her lips.

"And what if I am??!" I chuckled and threw another ball of tissue to her.

I learnt something from Luna that she is getting slower when she eats than she already is, and it's kinda frustrating. But she kept telling me that the slower you eat the skinny you get. And well, what did you expect? She's a star now, she needs the body, so... yeah, and here I am, waiting for a turtle eats a piece of meat.

Once she's done, I waited for her in front of the glass door while she pay. I was focused on my phone (my mom got me the new one, yay!) all the time that I didn't realize when a bunch of guys were approaching the restaurant. At first I saw them from the corner of my eyes before I finally looked up, feeling curious.

And then, I found my body froze.


"Come'on you're gonna late for—ow~ here comes the guys, baby~" Luna whistled as she slung her arm around my shoulder.



"Is this why you tell me all those stuff earlier?" I said flatly, not even move a finger.

"Kind of" she smirked. "Hey boys!"

"Oh hey Luna!" It was Kris. I'm pretty sure it was Kris's voice. "Oh? You bring your friend?"

"Mm.. yes and no. She's one of the new trainees so... I brought her here for a treat"

I tried my best to crack a small smile and bowed. "Nice to meet you, sunbae"

"Ah, such a polite girl you are! Nice to meet you too... mmm... what's your name?"

"Minra, Nam Minra"

"Oh yeah, Minra-ah!" He grinned before he turned to his bandmates and shouted. "Hey you ers! Wanna meet a trainee here? She's one of the cuties we're talking about at the other night!" I felt a blush crept on my cheeks as he said so.

I was amazed to how these guys always stick together even with their amount of member. Because, frankly here, I felt like I'm watching kindergaten students going our for a study visit. Because they're a lot! And they're all moving in a same time! And... and...


It was such a honour that I could actually Intruduces myself nicely here as a Trainee instead of a fans eventhough Luna told them that I'm a fans too, but this way, they won't feel bothered in any ways right?

"Nice to meet you Sehun-sshi" I bowed.

"Just call me Sehun, Minra-ya. We don't have a far year gaps, so it's okay!" He exclaimed with a grin.

"Ah okay!"

"And the least, Introduce yourself Kyungie..."

And I froze.


For the nth times.

"Hey Minra-ya! Well, you see people call me D.O, but really, I have a real name and it's Do Kyungsoo if you don't know" he laughed dryly as he speaks.


"...I'll appreciate if you call me Kyungsoo instead and—oh my god!"

And Minra always have to embarras herself in front of people.

Happy Birthday.

When I opened my eyes I was in an unfamiliar room and I was tucked under a blanket and was laid on one of the sofas in the room. The room is not that big, but comfy. It has one flat LCD television, a coffee table and sofas in the middle. The room painted white with some pictures hanging on the wall as the ornaments.

I let my eyes closed for another 5 minutes to adjust from the long nap I took. The blush crept on my cheeks again as I rewind the memories in my head. I didn't just collapse in front on my own 'ultimate' bias, right? But what did you expect??! I really don't know how to react! The said Do Kyungsoo was right in front of my eyes! And you expect me to say 'oh hi there handsome! I'm a new trainee and you're so ing handsome--just like I said, let's get married'?!?!

I sighed before brought myself up to sit and blinked my eyes for a bit to adjust from all the sleeping as I heard foot steps nearing the room I was in before I heard a small click and someone walked inside. My breath hitched when I saw who's just walking in the room and I tried not to repeat what just happened minutes ago and actually tried to calm myself down.

"Oh you're up!" He smiled as he approached and sat beside me with a heart shaped smile plastered on his beautiful face. "How are you?"

"Fine. Thank you" I bowed for a bit and tried not to blush.

"Well... mmm... Minra-sshi?--"

"—no no! You're older! You can just call me Minra, you know?" I waved my hands in front of my chest.

"Oh! Okay.. Minra-ah? Ahh.. it felt better saying it without the sshi. I hate formalities" he shrugged. "So... I'm sorry... so sorry for today at the restaurant. I don't know that I'm that scary to actually could knock someone down"

"No, sunbae! I'm the one who should say sorry. I mean, this is my first day as a trainee, and I already did something embarrassing like that. I should've stayed calmer earlier. You're my sunbae after all"

"It's okay really! I still should take the blame... Well you see, Luna kind of told me why you're knocked off when you saw me and... um..." he scratched the back of his neck, feeling shy all of a sudden.

"Oh my god..." I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment. "I'm going to die... Oh my god I'm going to die..."

He chuckled and patted my shoulder like an older brother he is. "No! You're not going to die, Min-min! I'll make sure you won't knock off ever again when you see me!"

"How's that even possible... oh god, she's a traitor!"

"Of course it is. Hang out with me more, and that way, you'll get use to my face, right?" My eyes widened in shock. How could he say that freely?!?

"Are you trying to make me comfortable with you or are you trying to kill me slowly?" I peeped betweet the gaps of my fingers.

"Let's just say both. And I don't like killing people, so maybe what you really meant is not to kill you slowly, but to kill  your for hot guys like me slowly" he smirked and I threw a pillow right to his face as he laughed.

God, he has the most beautiful laugh.

"Don't be too fond of yourself" I said between chuckles.

"But I AM hot. Why don't you admit that, Min? I thought I am your bias!" He clutched his chest, trying to look hurt.

"Well yes you are, but hot? Well no. Because, Kai IS. And you're not, you're more like squishy" I made a gesture as if I'm squeezing his face with my hands as I spoke

"Can anyone stop calling me that?!? I'm a grown-up man!" He pouted that made him even cuter.

"See? You're shoooooo squishy!" I sandwitched his cheeks and he just laughed along with me even with those sandwitched lips.

I know that being one of the Trainees here is going to be awesome (and tiring too of course). Because, this agency is like the first in South Korea, and not to mention that one of my good friend is here to encourage me and that is Luna of course. While the best part is... Well? This, of course. I mean, be friend with my own Idol.

It had been my dream all along, and I really want to be friens with one of them. Like what I said, I'm not a sasaeng, I'm a fan, a maniac fan, but not a sasaeng. It's different.

It felt so nice to have a conversation with Kyungsoo sunbae-nim like this, because I finally know that the D.O on television is the same D.O that was with me, right then.

I didn't even realize that it was around 6 p.m when we finally fell into silent, tired of laughing too much. Well, he's comfortable to talk to, I mean, it's the first time we talk, face to face, and we're not awkward at all. I guess he simply knows how to build a conversation.

After a while, I saw him checked his watch before said with a smile "It's dark. The boys were left to the dorm and Luna wants me to stay with you so... want a ride home?"

"I'd love to. But you have schedules tomorrow, right? Aren't you tired?"

"Not really. We actually free today, and the schedule starts in the afternoon, so it's okay" he smiled. "Shall we, then?"

“This one?”

“Yeah, this one. Thank you very much sunbae!” I bowed for the nth times today.

“You’re very welcome Min! And you don’t have to bow like that, you know I hate formalities. And I actually call you with pet names already if you notice” He chuckled as he unbuckled his seatbelt. “Let me walk you inside”

I was just about to say no but it was too late because he already jogged to my seat and opened the door for me. I thanked him for the nth times today before hopped off the car and rang the bell. The door was locked from the inside and I have to wait until someone open it up and I hope it’s not my mom, because... Well, she’s kinda sensitive with me coming home with a boy and when I said sensitive, I didn’t mean in a negative way, it’s more like in a positive way I can say. You see, I’m not really the type of a teenage girl with boyfriends, and my mom hate me for that. She wants me to have one while I don’t want one. That’s why I avoid going home with a boy or my mom will think that he’s my boyfriend or something, and it’s embarrassing.

When the door opened, my breath hitched as I saw my mother stood there with an apron on and a grin plastered on her face.

“Minra-ya! You—ow hey there!” I face palmed myself in a second after. I knew this will happen.

“Good evening Ms. Nam!” Kyungsoo beamed while bowing to my mom.

“Ahh… such a polite boy you are! I know Minra has a good taste in boys!” I rolled my eyes and let my mom messed with my hair and Kyungsoo just laughed. This is so embarrassing!

“So, who are you young man? Minra’s boyfriend? Or…” I snapped my head up to Kyungsoo, already red from all the blush.

“Oh, I’m sorry for not introduce myself to you, ma’am! I’m Do Kyungsoo! And yeah, I’m her boyfriend” I blushed even more—if it’s even possible—and widened my eyes to him. He just winked to me with a cheeky smile on his face. What the hell is he doing!? He doesn’t know where he brings himself into!

“Oh my god! I don’t know Minra is actually listens to my advice!” My mom squealed in glee as she hugged me so tight that I couldn’t even breathe and left the only boy laughed along.

“Why don’t you stay for a while? I’ll make us some tea if you want”

“Thank you ma’am! I’d love to talk to you, ma’am, I still need to know Minra more…” he chuckled. “Well… you know? We’re new in this so…”


“Ahhh young love! So beautiful! Of course I’ll tell you more about Minra! Come in Kyungsoo!”

I didn’t even know since when his arm was slung around my shoulders and I tried so hard to free myself from him, and I remember that even how squishy he is, he’s still a grown up man—just like he said. He has the power, indeed.

When he’s finally off guard, I flew from where I stand to my room to change to something more comfortable and to try to calm myself down. I just want to lock myself in my room and never get out forever—but not until my mom’s high-pitched voice called for me to accompany Kyungsoo. Just if Kyungsoo is not my Senior or even not my Idol, I’m pretty sure I won’t be here, sitting beside Kyungsoo while my mom told him everything about me. When I said, everything, it included all those embarrassing photos that was taken when I was a toddler and also included those stories that I tried so hard to buried deep in my brain, but thanks to my mom that now I remember every single thing in those stories I tried to forget.

“Mom please stop! It’s embarrassing!”

“But I’m not in the good part yet—and so she jumped to the pool all and she didn’t even realize that she didn’t wear anything when she swam!” Kyungsoo cracked another laugh and left me blushing again.

“Oh poor Min-min. You don’t have to be ashamed of that! You were three! And I probably did that too at that age!” He messed with my hair, still laughing like a pig along with my mom and left me blushing. Again.

Frankly here, I never expect the Do Kyungsoo I know from the television is as easy going as the Do Kyungsoo I am with now. It’s just… Today is the first day we met, for god’s sake! And I can’t believe this is happening. When he said that we’ll hang out more, he definitely serious, I can say. I mean… pretending as my boyfriend is something serious, okay? Especially when my mom knows too! She’s not just going to tell all those embarrassing stuff but she’ll set us an engagement!


If I die young, it’d be Do Kyungsoo’s fault.

And somebody please take him to the prison.


“Well, ma’am, its 8 already, and I’m afraid that I have to go home now” he said after he checked his watch with a thin yet polite smile on his face.

“Oh? Already? Okay then. Come here sometime again, okay? I’d love to tell you more about my daughter—“


“Okay okay, I won’t!”

The only man chuckled lowly before he got up. “So… Ms. Nam… I hope we can meet again soon, and Min-min? See you tomorrow babe!”


I stood up with a sigh as I walked him outside.

“Sunbae… I’m really sorry… I should’ve warned you or something. My mom can be dangerous if she wants to” I looked down feeling shy all of a sudden.

“It’s okay, really. I’m actually having fun with your mother. And well, I think we’ll pretend as a lover in front of her for a while, I’d like to hear her story about you more” he smiled.

And he has to smile under the moon beam and I just want to die at that moment, because ! He’s just so handsome!... and cute too.

“Oh god” I covered my face with my hands and sighed. “I’m just… so sorry Sunbae”

“Yea… maybe you shouldn’t be forgiven, after all” I snapped my head up in surprise with both eyes widened. “Not until you call me Soo”



“Call me Soo. Just Soo. We’re even that way right? I call you Min-min and you call me Soo! I love pet names!” He beamed like a 5 years old kids as he clapped his hands.

The squishy man is both squishy and cute and I found myself smiling widely as I saw him beamed like a kid with those big pleading eyes on display. I can’t say no at this point and simply nodded and grabbed his hand that I don’t even know was already there.



“Great job guys!” A man in front of us, clapped with a big grin on his face, sweats dripped from his for head. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow okay? Have a good day!”

And that was it! And I thought I’m going to die! So I let my jelly legs fell down as my touched the floor. I was so tired that I thought maybe I could take a little nap here before going home. Everyone’s left already too, so who cares? I’m going to take a nap, because I’m freaking tired.

So I grabbed my bag, put in on the corner before sleep on it and let the sleep take over me.

Kyungsoo’s POV

It was around 5 p.m when we arrived at the company after our schedule this afternoon. The schedules are not as tight as usual, since we already did our goodbye stage and that means we’re going to prepare for the next album and we’re going to spend our time more at the company instead of shows.

I was just walked out of the bathroom when Minseok-hyung called me from a far. I tilted my head in confusion but approached him anyway. He was standing in front of a training room, and surprisingly, the light is still on. I thought the trainees are home now, and the light should be off at this point.

Minseok-hyung asked me to peep inside the room, and I was surprised to see whose inside. It’s Min-min! But why is she sleeping at the corner and at time like this?

“It’s your little girlfriend there, kyung” hyung slung his arm around my shoulders as I still peeped inside. “Is she really sleeping there?”

“Well… yes. You see her, hyung. She’s sleeping. And I should wake her up. It’s almost dark” I said, feeling concern all of a sudden. Then Minseok-hyung pushed me inside the room and I approached the figure that’s sleeping at the corner.

When I was just about to shake her up, my hand stopped when my hand was just centimeters away. I doubted to wake or to not wake her up. I don’t know. I just squatted still and stared at her face. And if you expected me to say that she looks prettier when she’s asleep like those all romance stories, but no, she’s prettier when she’s awake. Because she looked like a pig; sleeping carelessly with all those sweats like this. What? I’m just being honest! Everyone has their face like a pig when they sleep! I have my own piggy-sleepy face too!

Let’s just be honest here, I don’t really like girl with piggy-faced like Min-min, because the last time I met a girl with pig’s face like her, she was chasing me like a piggy she was, and since then I have some king of trauma on piggy-faced girls. Call me weird, but being chased is not what you call fun. But, I don’t find it matters so much nowadays. For a piggy-faced girl like her, she’s quite cute and… I don’t know, I like being around her somehow, even though this is only the second times I met her. And pretending as her boyfriend in front of his mother is actually fun, and I don’t find it creepy or something despite it was the first time we met. I didn’t even realize when I declared that I’m his boyfriend, it’s kinda fun and… I don’t know, there’s just something that she has that makes me want to know her more and like it to be around her. She’s interesting, I guess?

She must be tired.

So I stood up and went out of the room to grab a bottle of mineral water before walked back in to the room and placed it beside her bag. She’s not going to sleep here forever, anyways. Why waking her up when she could wake herself up by herself? I know she’s tired. And if I was her, I wouldn’t like it to be shaken awake like that. And besides, I and the other members would finish our training in an hour, and I’ll just take her home again, because I’m pretty sure she’d be awake by then.

I left a note beside the bottle before stood up and walked outside the room just to met Minseok-hyung’s confused stare.

“You let her sleep there?”

“Yes. Why?” I tilted my head innocently like I always did while blinked to him.

“No… it’s just… never mind. Just let’s go, we have practices to do” He moved his head to aside as a sign for me to follow him behind, and I did as he told me.

Well, sweet dream piggy head.

Minra’s POV

I woke up from the sound from the other floor. They must have a dance practice there. So I rolled to a side for a bit and I felt my elbow touched something. So I snapped around and found a water bottle with a small note beside it. I brought myself to sit and took the bottle and the note with knitted eyebrows.

Hello piggy head! You must have woken up by now! So here is a water bottle from me! Fighting okay?! It’s still a long way ahead! And oh it’s dark already! Guess who’s taking you home again??? ME! Be there in a minute!


“He’s been here?” I frowned in confusion and just shrugged and change to a cleaner T-shirt. I grabbed the bottle and stared at it for a bit before felt my lips tugged to form a smile before finally drank the water.

How could he found me here?

I was packing my things when I heard a small click and someone walked in. I smiled when I saw the person who’s walking in and stood up.

“Thanks for the water” I smiled and he nodded like a kid.

“You’re always welcome!” He beamed while nodding. But then, he's expression changed as he knitted his eyebrows like he tried to remember something before finally he let out a small 'ah!' and spoke “Min-min, by any chance, can I have your mom’s number?”

I frowned to him, feeling suspicious all of a sudden. “For what?”

“Puhleaseeeee I’m going to be a good boy! I swear! I just need her number like right now!” And no one would ever resist his big pleading eyes that has those sparks all over his brown orbs...

And so do I.

I simply sighed before gave him my phone and let him search the number by himself. I saw him searching for names with tongue darted our in serious manner, before it turned into a small smile and grabbed his phone to copy whatever that's on my phone.

“Okay done! I saved my number to your phone too, by the way. You can text me anytime you want now” He smiled a cheeky smile before returned my phone back to me.

I rolled my eyes when I saw “Prince Soo” as the new added numbers, I looked at him amused, but he just grinned like a happy puppy he is, but I put my phone back to my jeans pocket, feeling okay with the weird name. And it's not that I mind or something, anyway.

“And I hope you’ll save mine as ‘Queen Min-min’ with a crown emoticon right beside my name” I raised an eyebrow, challenging him.

“But ‘Piggy Head Min’ would probably better” he said with those lips formed an innocent smile.

I frowned again. “Why so?”

“Well you see, because you sleep like a pig and—ouch! That’s hurt”

“That’s for calling me a pig! You should’ve called me prettier when I’m asleep like boys in the movies!”

“What?? I’m just being honest here. Everyone looks like a pig when they’re a sleep! And I prefer them awake, why is that so wrong?” He jolted out his puffy lips and forming a pout that almost made me fainted just by looking at it. But he chuckled after that and pushed me out of the room.

“Because, that’s what boys should say” I crossed my arms in defense.

“Yeah, and that would make me no special at all. And I’m kinda want to be somewhat different than the other boys. And I’m telling you the truth when I said I prefer someone when they’re awake. Because I love seeing how people’s expression changes” He smiled as he opened the door for me before jogged to the other side before settled himself on the driver seat. “But what I love the most is when someone’s smiling oh-so genuinely like their pains are slipping away and would never come back!” He made a little gesture that made me chuckle to how childish he act.

“And yours is one of my favorite, Min!” He beamed as he messed with my hair that made me laughed more. For a grown-up man, he’s super adorable and super squishy! So I leaned in to his seat to pinch his cheeks, still laughing for a bit.

“Are you sure you’re not 13 or something?”

“Nah, I’m pretty sure I’m going to be 20 next year” he shrugged with a wide smile that always full of confidence.

“Yeah sure” I nodded in 'total' agreement.

He chuckled lowly and started the car “Better get going, your mom must be worry about you now”


“Make sure you have your seatbelt on, because I’m going to be as fast as a lightning! Woooooooooosh~” his hands were everywhere at this point, that I had to hold one of his hand so I won't get hit.

“Sure Soo, sure”

And driving like a lightning he did.



One month passed so fast since the first day I got here as a Trainee and I’m actually having a lot of fun here, since everyone is so friendly, and well? Finally I do what I want and love to do. Even though, I’m still a little bit new about dancing, but its okay. I’m here for learning something new and it’s not that I don’t like dancing or something, I’m actually enjoy dancing very much!

Luna was back to her tight schedules and she’s preparing a new album too, so I barely met her nowadays. And as for EXO, I’m getting closer to them, since one of them actually tail me around like a lost puppy, and it’s Kyungsoo of course. And it’s not just me, I just found out that Jongin took interest to Sungbyul—Kyungsoo told me. But knowing how tough Sungbyul is, Jongin as the y man of EXO that always has girls around him—actually acting all shy around Sungbyul, and it’s kinda surprising. But nonetheless, they’re cute together.

And if you might ask, yes, Kyungsoo is still pretending as my boyfriend in front of my mom and I’m actually got use to it already. He’s my bias after all, and he’s actually really nice and polite to someone older than him. Well, it’s still a little bit awkward when my mom told me to have some skin ship with Kyungsoo—nothing much though, as like holding hands, or leaning to his shoulder, yeah something like that. But it’s okay, since I know Kyungsoo consider it as a joke, and I do so too.

We even do those skin ships when my mom is not around too, even when we’re hanging out with the other EXO members or when we decided to have a quick dinner before he drove me home.

What? It’s fun to do!

We’re more like buddy now and we texted too! We talked about everything like our favorite food, hobbies, school life, and many more. And I found out that he was a nerd before he got to SM, and I wasn’t surprised, though. I’m just being honest, but he looked like one when he doesn’t wear any make up. But luckily, he has a good sense in fashion and he perfectly covered those nerdy images he used to have. Oh yeah, he doesn’t like sport that much too. He prefers cooking and reading comics than sports. And yeah, no wonder he’s as pale as hell.

Ah yeah, we video called too when he got time. Sometimes, it wasn’t even him who called, but the other members did. It could be Jongin, or maybe Sehun, and Baekhyun too! Haha, they’re such a weird. And, I kinda got Jongin’s number, too. He asked about Sungbyul a lot! About how her training today, or what did she had for lunch, what did she wear today, etc. Not just that, he asked me to ask her about her ideal type of boyfriend, too. And for a girl, she has a high taste of boys, and Jongin feeling a little bit anxious about that. Yeah, he definitely fell for the tough girl.

“You want to stop by for a quick dinner? I’m quite hungry too, actually” Kyungsoo asked while driving the car—not even looking at me as he spoke. “Or maybe we can just go to EXO’s dorm and I’ll cook something for us if you want to”

“Anything you want” I shrugged. “You know I eat enything”

He chuckled lowly before speaking. “We’ll go to the dorm then” He smiled before speeding the car.

When we arrived I could already hear Chen screaming and Kris nagging around like a father he is. And I heard Chanyeol’s and Baekhyun’s laugh to, I bet they’re making a trouble again. And Chen is probably their victim this time.

I hear Kyungsoo sighing as we hopped off the car. He silently walked ahead me to the door like he knew that Chanyeol and Baekhyun will make another problem today.

I have to tell you that Kyungsoo is hella scary when he’s angry despite to how hard it is to make him angry. But once he is, he’s like the coldest person ever. Well, he never angry to me, though. But, I saw him angry, once. It was when I paid a visit to their dance practice and the members were joking around about Kyungsoo that doesn’t do sports like most of them. When he fell into silent, I thought he was giving up and let them mocking him, but not until I saw Kyungsoo’s mouth moving like he said a mantra or something. At first, the other didn’t notice that, Jongin is probably the first to notice since he stood just right beside him and started to ask the other to stop in panic way.

And I’ll stop there; I don’t want to tell what happened next. You guess it yourself.

I saw Minseok hyung peeped from one of the windows before his eyes widened as he saw a pissed Kyungsoo just a meter away from the door. He was disappeared in a second and before Kyungsoo could even touch the handle, Minseok was already there opened the door for him.

“O-oh hey Kyungsoo! Oh hey Min! I thought you guys are having dinner outside! Why did you guys come back so fast??” Minseok looked panic as hell that I could see his ears burning red,

“What happen inside?” Kyungsoo simply asked—eyebrows knitted in suspicion.

“Nothing really! Haha… why don’t you guys go to a restaurant or something?? The dorm is quite dirty, Min-min can’t see that, right Min??” I just stood still, confuse of what I should say.

“Just tell me what happen?!?!—is it Sehun? I thought I said to him already not to break anything again! Or is it Tao? I brought him the newest bag collections in Gucci store just to make him stop messing with my comics shelves for god's sake!—ergh hyung! Just let me in!—is that Baekhyun laughing?? I know it was him!” within a second, Kyungsoo was already stormed inside and looking around the house to find the source of the laughing sounds. I saw Kris stood up almost immediately when he saw Kyungsoo was there and ran upstairs. Seeing Kris, Kyungsoo silently followed behind.

My hand was pulled by the magnae lines to the kitchen as they knew what will happen next. They made sure that I won’t here whatever that happened upstairs as Sehun closed his palms to both of my ears. But I still could feel noises from upstairs but fortunately I couldn’t hear anyone talking.

It was around 5 minutes later when Sehun let go of his hands and the dorm fell into silent. Sehun and Jongin jogged upstairs and I followed behind them. The magnaes asked me to wait in Jongin's and Kyungsoo’s room for a while and I did as he told me. I wonder what happened there, and is Kyungsoo really that scary around the dorm that I couldn’t even meet him.

My head snapped upwards when I heard a click from the door and saw Kyungsoo walked in. I could tell, he was super mad that his face was all read and I saw him trying to make his breathing stable. He didn’t say anything and just sat beside me and sighed. He let his head fell to my shoulder while closing his eyes. I brought my hand to his scalp and his hair slowly in silence.

“I-I’m sorry… We should’ve gone to a restaurant…” he muttered lowly as he opened his eyes.

I shook my head, signing that it was okay before I spoke. “What happened, actually?”

“Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Chen’s and Minseok’s room was a mess, they played with that stupid broom again and I will always be the one that should tidy it up, and I don’t want to, because it’s just—it’s a chaos! And they should’ve known that I wouldn’t like that!” Kyungsoo was whining like 5 years old kid, legs were everywhere and arms were hugging me like I’m a teddy bear.

“Awww poor Kyungsoo” I hugged him back like a good mother and his head while the said boy were whining again like he’s just about to cry.

“I’ll make something to eat okay? You can watch something here, and I’ll ask the magnaes to accompany you, wait here, yeah?” He stood up. He patted my head for a bit before he walked outside.

I cracked a small smile as he finally outside. I then, looked around and tried to study the room. The room itself isn’t so big but comfy enough nonetheless. There are two single bed and one LCD Flat television, complete with the video consoles. And at the corner of the room, there are shelves that are full of books but mostly filled by Kyungsoo’s comics and novels. Beside it, there's a table complete with a chair and study lamp.

I stood up and walked to the shelves, feeling curious all of a sudden.
I slowly trace the books with my fingers as I scanned the tittles of the books there. My finger stopped at one of the novel and found myself holding a laugh.

“He reads Twilight??”

“Well yes he do” My head snapped around in shock and found Chen stood there with a cheeky smile--probably because I was too focused to notice his presence.

“Oh my god! Don’t scare me like that you troll!” He just laughed while walking further in to the room.

“Well, Kyungsoo can be weird if he wants to, and yes he actually reads girly novels like Twilight and he’s currently reading ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ now after hearing the news about that novel that will be filmed” He walked to a small desk that is beside the shelves and took a novel that laid on it. It said ‘The Fault in Our Stars’. It must be the book Chen is talking about.

He then opened the book, held the page with his thumb and he took out a pororo bookmark from it.

“You see, he loves Pororo so much” He giggled as he played with the bookmark.
“Well, Kyungsoo and Jongin always have something that contains Pororo and Crong, like hats, blankets, T-shirt, and  oh! They both secretly have matching cases for their iPhones! Kyungsoo has the pororo one and Jongin has the Crong one, but they refuse to use it when they’re in public because they thought they’d look less manly that way” he shrugged as he put back the book mark and laid the book on the table silently.

“Kyungsoo asked me to accompany you, by the way”

“Oh? Thanks! I thought it’d be Jongin or Sehun”

“They’re helping Baekhyun and Chanyeol to fix my room, and Kyungsoo didn’t let me to help them so… here I am” He grinned and I smiled to him as a response. His grin then fadened and left a small smile behind. "Kyungsoo's a noce guy, eh?"

"Yeah he is" I nodded.

"Tell me, Minra-ya. What do you think about him"

"What I think about him, huh? Hmm... well, you know that EXO are my Idol and he's like my.... ultimate bias, you know? So I have to admit that he's super handsome and talented like you are" I grinned as I looked at Chen that was smiling to me with those lips formed into a cute smile that I've grown to love fron Chen. "And beside that, I can tell he was nerd before he became a star like now... haha well, boys are mostly do sports, right? And--"

"--Kyungsoo doesn't do any. Yeah, I know" he chuckled. "And I have to honest here that the first time I met Kyungsoo, I thought he was a freak. A total freak to be exact"

"Why so?"

"I don't know" he shrugged. "How he always stuck together with Chanyeol with those big eyes judging around the room like he we were beasts and trying to eat him any second then. And yeah, I saw him flinched when his shoulder touched Jongin's once. He ing flinched! I mean, it’s not that Jongin will do harm to him or something" I was laughing my off at this point. "But as time passed by and the staff announced that I, Luhan, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun were going to be the main vocalist, we started to train together. And I found out that kyungsoo aren't as freak as I thought he was. He's actually a nice boy and a type of mother sweetheart and I found him adorable too, it was when I saw him giggling just because one of Bakehyun's lame jokes one day when we were training together and he was hugging me like I'm some kind of a doll and I can say that he's close to tears" he explained with a low chuckle while playing with the pororo's head that popped out from the novel's pages. "And he admitted that he's not really good in making friends too, and I admit that too" he said as slowly lifted his head to face me. "And I was surprised when the first time I heard him driving you home" he smiled in a mysterious manner that I frowned in confusion.

"Don't look at me like that, creep" I chuckled lowly, trying to crack the awkwardness.

"No Minra, I'm serious. He’s getting better now though, he used to low his head whenever he met new peoples, but now that he’s a star, he started to open up with fans which are strangers we can say. And when I heard he’s driving you home, I was surprised! It didn’t sounds like Kyungsoo at all, despite to how he used to be so careful to strangers… and I thought it’s a good thing. We were cheering in our fans when Kyungsoo’s actually making a move to a stranger, especially a girl" he walked to the bed and sat there before signaling me to sit beside him.


“What do you mean by making a move? He was just helping me out with things; you can’t call it as ‘making a move’, Chen”


“Yeah, whatever” he waved his hand in front of me as if he says ‘I don’t care of what you think’. "But, there’s just one thing that I still can believe about Kyungsoo, though”


I frowned. “What is it?”


“He’s a nerd, indeed. But it doesn’t mean that both Girls and Boys wouldn’t take interest at him”


“What do you mean?”


“It was when he asked me to come to his graduation ceremony with Chanyeol because his parents couldn’t make it because they had to come to his grandparent’s home because some of his relatives just had an accident. And they both need to be there somehow, I don’t ask why, he just said so” He shrugged. “When the ceremonies done, we waited outside for him, and when he finally outside, we saw him hugging lots of bouquets in his arms and…




Chen’s POV


“Hyung! Hyung!I lifted my head up and tried to find the source of the voice, but I really saw nothing (or no one) but crowds.


I thought I heard Kyungsoo calling for me.


Not until someone bumped into me and I fell to my and I was just about to scream to whoever that dare enough to hurt the y of Kim Jongdae when I saw familiar doe eyes from those piles of bouquets.


“Oh my god, Kyungie!” Chanyeol is the first one to notice Kyungsoo’s presence and run for his little brother. “What happened to you? And what with these bouquets?! Who gave you these??” I helped him up with Chanyeol and helped him to pick up the bouquets.


“I-I’m sorry to trouble you hyung. Here, let me bring some too, It’s mine after all” He said with a small voice while reaching one of thos bouquets from Chanyeol’s hand. But Chanyeol brought it up above his head so Kyungsoo couldn’t reach it, and left Kyungsoo whining like a kid he was.


“Not until you tell me who gave you these”



“Minah and her Cheerleader teams gave me that earlier…”


“Who the hell is Minah? I've never heard her name, before” I hugged the bouquets close to my chest as I asked him.


“O-of course you never heard her name before… it’s because she’s a sophomore and I’m a senior, hyung…” he said while shyly playing with his oversized toga.


“She’s your junior?!? I thought you said you don’t have many friends at school, dude! What’s with these girls then??” My eyes almost popped out of its sockets at the moment.


“I-I’m sorry… I don’t know what’s wrong with them… they always tail me around both on lunch break and after school… good thing, Hyungsik-hyung always cover me up when those girls were searching for me… and um… I didn’t know that they’ll come to the graduation! I-It was terrifying you know?? I mean… surrounded by girls like that!” I could tell, Chanyeol is trying so hard not to laugh, I mean… come on! Everyone wants to be surrounded by girls, and Kyungsoo is probably the only one who gets terrified because he’s surrounded by girls!


When Chanyeol finally burst out in laughter, Kyungsoo let out a small ‘eung… eung…” and I couldn’t help but cooed to the poor kid standing in front of me and hugged him along with the bouquets in my arms.


End of Flashback


“Wait you didn’t just tell me that girls from the Cheerleader teams actually took interest in Kyungsoo, right?”


“But that’s the truth. Let’s just be honest here okay? Kyungsoo’s probably the handsomest nerd I ever seen! What you have to do is throw away his glasses, doesn’t matter if he has mushroom hair, as long as he’s attractive right? And we should change his attires too. Because an oversized sweater and shorts are definitely make him look like a dwarf”


“Oh my god! It sounds cute though!”


“Yeah whatever, he still looks like a dwarf, at least for me” he shrugged. “Ah yeah, I just wondering… Did he ever call you a pig when you sleep?”


“Yeah, he told me almost everytime I took a nap in dance studio, why?” I was confused when he fell into silent and frowned like he’s trying to find out something. It takes one or two minutes before he continued what he left off.


“Don’t be offended or something, but everyone that he thought is at his standard—and when I said standard it means that he doesn’t take interest in you. In the other words, he doesn’t think you’re ‘attractive’ especially girls, he wouldn’t take any further move to them once he call them ‘pig’”


“What do you mean? Why are you telling me this? As long as we’re friend, it’s okay if he thinks I’m not attractive, what’s so wrong with that?”


“No Minra, you don’t understand. You see, the only one that he doesn’t call as a ‘pig’ when they’re asleep is Kris—and I thought he was gay—but that’s not the point! How do I explain this…?  Ah yeah, remember Minah that gave him a bouquet for Kyungsoo?”


“Yeah, you told me like 5 minutes ago” I rolled my eyes to his question—he knows his answer, why asking then-_-?


“Let’s just make it short. It was when he’s still in high school and he came to the company running looking terrified. And well, as cliché as it sounds, Minah and her gang followed him after school, and no one at school knew about him training at SM, and he scared that his secret will be revealed, so he ran…”




Chen’s POV


“Slow down Kyungsoo-yah. What happened???” I was happened to be the only one in the room when he came, and he looked like he was just running from somekind of debt collectors.


“I’ve just—oh my god—I—I’ve just ran from—hosh hosh—a bunch of—oh my god, do you have water, hyung? I emptied my bottle already” he swayed his empty bottle in front of my face, still panting from all the running.


I walked to my bag and grabbed mine from it and gave it to him. “What happened actually Kyung? Who chase you?”


“Piggies did”




“Yes, Piggies” He grumbled to himself as he threw his school bag carelessly to the corner of the room and took off his blazer. “Cheerleaders are suppose to be pretty, not like piggies”


“What did you say?”


“Nothing, hyung… Thanks for the water by the way!” He smiled and gave the now empty bottle to me.


Who the hell is piggies??


End Of Flashback


“I’m pretty sure I understand what you mean, Chen. He doesn’t find me attractive, right? It doesn’t matter, really” I said still in confusion of what Chen is trying to say.


He chuckled lowly before continued. “The thing is, if he really calls you pig, it means that he’s not suppose to like you, or be friend with you. But you two are like buddies right? And it doesn’t sounds right from someone like Kyungsoo and it means that he must have looked at you differently than the others”


“Can you make it clearer? Still don’t get the message here—“


“—you know what Min? Nevermind…How about we watch something from Jongin’s DVD collections? Jongin has a good taste in movies!”

“I’d love to” I smiled to him and he walked to a mini shelve just right beside the game consoles.


“And if you’d like, I’ll tell you more about Kyungsoo too ” I nodded furiously with a wide smile hearing the words.

"Of course!! Tell me more!" I beamed in excitement.

“Okay! Talking about Kyungsoo, we’ll watch Kyungsoo’s favorite movie, then” He said as he searched for the said movie.


“Oh? He told you?”

“Yeah” I smiled. “He told me that he watched it almost every time he got a chance to”

“Yes, he watched it 7 times already and I’d surely sew his mouth shut if he wouldn’t stop singing Ellie Goulding’s Beating heart” He rolled his eyes in annoyance while still searching for the said DVD and I just laughed. “ Ah got it!”

We were talking and watching when Kyungsoo walked in with three plates of spaghettis. And it looked like he changed his clothes already. Or was he just took off the jeans? Because he wore the same T-shirt. Well, honestly speaking here, I don't know what the difference between shorts and boxers. And yeah, if you wondering why I'm telling you guys this, it's because I didn't know what Kyungsoo was wearing. Shorts? Or Boxers?


“Oh Divergent!” Kyungsoo’s eyes sparked like a kid seeing cotton candies on display. He quickly sat down beside Chen, took his plate and watches the movie while eating silently. Chen and I exchange gazes and smiled knowingly.

In less than 15 minutes, our plates were already clean with nothing left behind. At this point Chen was already yawned before excuse himself to his room. He kindly brought the dirty plate with him and bid us goodnight. I was curious about what time it was and brought up my hand to check my watch. I yelped when I saw that it was already 10! I shook Kyungsoo’s arm in panic, but he simply put my hand aside—still watching the ing Divergent that he watched for 8 ing times by then.

“I told your mother, you’ll stay for the night—“


“—shh! They’re kissing! You’ll ruin the moment!”

“The ?”

My mom didn’t just let me stay in this dorm with these 12 weirdo alone, right?

I quickly took my phone from my bag and check if there’s any message from my mom.

Oh there it is!

(20:01) Mom: Min? Where r u?
(20:01) Mom: R u with Kyungsoo or r u walks home alone?
(20:36) Mom: Kyungsoo just told me that you’ll stay for the night!
(20:36) Mom: Why didn’t you tell me??
(20:37) Mom: Is ur phone off?
(20:40) Mom: Min?!?!?
(20:59) Mom: Nevermind, just stay close to Kyung, okay darl?
(21:00) Mom: Goodnight, Sweetie~!

“Oh my god” I face palmed myself.

“What is it Min-min?” Kyungsoo finally looked up as he pause the film and blinked innocently.

“No… nothing… it’s just I… I—I don’t really have something to change and you know that I just had a dance practice and um—“

“—I’ll get you something to wear! Wait here okay” he rushed to the closet and brought up a sweater and a………. legging?

“It’s JeongMi Noona’s. Jongin’s noona. She paid Jongin a visit and stayed here for three days when we have our day off, and she left it there somehow, and now that you’re here, it wouldn’t be a waste!” he beamed. “You can change in the toilet just right beside this room”

“Okay… thanks Soo!” I beamed back before stood up and rushed to the toilet.

When I came back he's already laying on one of the beds playing with his phone. I laid my dirty clothes inside my bad after fold it messily like I always did before approached the doe eyed boy and sat at the edge of the bed. It looked like he felt my presence and looked up from his phone with a sleepy smile.


“Ready to bed?”


I nodded slightly with a same smile. “But where will I sleep though?”


“You can sleep on Jongin’s bed. He’s not going to sleep here tonight, he’s having a movie marathon with Luhan and Sehun next door” He placed his phone on the little drawer beside the bed. “Or you can sleep with me!”


“NO!!!! Like hell I will! You probably smell of sweats” I stick out my tongue with a small chuckle, mocking him.


But when I’m just going to turn around to Jongin’s bed, a hand pulled me down to the bed that made my yelped in shock. When I opened my eyes, I was facing Kyungsoo’s cold stare that I’ve been avoiding all of these times, I was scared as hell when he kept his hands around me and didn’t let me go. I was struggled the best I can so I could free myself from his arms but failed miserably. My heart raced like it’s going to explode any time then, and my hands got clammy from all the sweats. I tried to struggle from his arms once more but he tighten his arms that made got me even closer to him—it’s not that we never hugged before, but he looked hella scary that I just wanted to jump and run as fast as I can.


3 minutes later or so, he broke his gaze but keep his arms around me. My breathing was back to its normal state but my hands were still clammy somehow. I don’t know, I feel nervous all of a sudden.


My breath hitched when he got his gaze back to mine and I had to avert my gaze from him. I didn’t usually avoid his gaze, because I know it’s all are just jokes that we made ever since he pretended as my boyfriend in front of my mom, but now it doesn’t looks like a joke at all.


“Do I smell like sweats, hm piggy head?”




He smiled thinly that made me glad for a little, but still as nervous as hell.

“Good. Because if you don’t mind I’m going to sleep like this”


“E-eh?” I snapped my head up and saw him closing his eyes. “Y-yah! Like this?! With you hugging me like this??! NO WAY! If morning comes and anyone sees us like this, they’d think that we’re some king of a new-married couple or something! Get off me!!” I tried to free my self again once more and struggling with everything I’ve got.


“Can you stop moving?! I’m trying to sleep here, pig!”


“HA! You call me pig! Chen told me that you’re not suppose to like everyone—or maybe every girl that you called as a pig! You have a reason to let me go now you monkey!” I pointed out right in front of his nose.


“Wait he told you that?”


“Yeah, why? You scared your little trauma is revealed?”


“No! It’s not a secret! Everyone knows that—except you though—but you know now, right? What’s the point hiding it now?” He said, holding my wrists with one hand so I wouldn’t free from his arms.


“But you have to let go, Kyungsoo! You can sleep like this! I’m not going to sleep with my nose close to your sweaty—“


“—and you said that I’m not smell of sweats! Be consistent for a bit!”


“I do what I like you rat! Let me go!—“ I didn’t know exactly when he put his hand on my scalp, but the last thing I know, I felt his nose touched mine as he lessened the gaps between our face. No, no, no! He didn’t kiss me or something cliché like in dramas, he just stay there, gaze locked with my without words coming out.


I realized that his cold stares were back and I was back to my nervous state that I didn’t even dare to move a finger—afraid that our lips could be touching if I move.


“When I said I’m going sleep like this, I will sleep like this. And what if I want you wrapped in my arms? Is it wrong? Or you don’t like it? Tell me, Min” I felt my lips opened to answer but nothing coming out. I my lips—feeling nervous all of a sudden—and averted my gaze from him, didn’t know of what to answer.


I felt his fingers tugged my chin to face him that made my blushed with no reason—Kyungsoo is the reason, actually.


“Cat got your tongue?” I fell into another silent. Because, I couldn’t say if I didn’t like it, because… I don’t know. I’ve grown to like his smells and yes I was lying when I said he smells like sweats because he’s not. He smells like fresh baked cookies he often brought to my mom when he came for a visit. And not to mention how he used to these hugging things and all, I would be lying if I didn’t feel comfortable around him, because I do! Oh yes I do!


I tried so hard not to built any feelings towards Kyungsoo because I know, if I build one, it’s not going to be the same again. I always tried to consider Kyungsoo as my own brother, the wise one, the one that knows how to make my smile back when I’m upset, the one with lame jokes, the one to talk to, and the one I am comfortable with. And I don’t want to lose our friendship just because that one stupid feelings.


Throughout the year in both Junior and Senior High school, I tried to defense myself from all those kinds of feelings because I know being hurt is probably not the feelings I want to feel. You see, being the one who always be the one who listens to other’s  feelings is enough to make me understand how it feels like to brought up to the sky just by one words such like ‘good morning beautiful’, ‘I like your smile’, ‘I love you’, and etc. And also, it’s enough for me to understand what pain is, how it feels like when someone hurts you, when they played with your heart, and so on.


Since then, I started to defense myself from all those feelings, in hopes I could live my High School life in peace, even though it mean I’ll live a High School life without boyfriend. But I really didn’t want to risk myself being hurt.


But now that Kyungsoo is kind of trapped me—both mentally and verbally—I have no Idea to what I have to say. If I say that I don’t like it, I’m pretty sure he’ll let me go and I’ll sleep in peace until the morning comes. But if I say that I like it, I’ll be risking my own poor heart to him, and what if he didn’t have the same feelings and this is just one of his lame jokes?


I woke up from my thoughts when I heard him sighing. “I-I’m sorry…God Min… I can’t wait, I’m so… so… sorry” he trailed off as he leaned in and caught my lips in his.


I froze in my place and just let his lips moved on mine. I saw him closing his eyes and moved his lips slowly and carefully, probably afraid that I won’t do the same. But after a while, I found myself closing my eyes and kissed him back. Feeling the good response, I felt his hand tighten around me while his other hand rested on my scalp; my hair softly.


I felt like I’m in one of those dreams I had every night about cute romantic stories that I always wished to have, and now that I had his soft and plump lips around mine, I just wished if this is a dream, I would never wake up. His lips taste like choc chips he always add on cookies he made, and I don’t know if I could ever get enough of this taste. It’s sweetly addicting that I don’t even think of stop kissing him.


After a while, he finally broke the kiss; biting his lips to hold a cheeky smile that plastered on his face. Seeing that, I slapped his chest softly, earning a low chuckle that I’ve grown to love. We didn’t say any further words and he simple draw me closer to his chest that my nose bumped into his chest. I could feel his heartbeats race just like how mine does and I felt a small smile formed on my face when I finally hugged him back.


Chinguga anya… Namjaigo sipeo neoegen…” I snap my head up and found a small smile with those doe-like eyes that turned into crescent-like shape.


Eotteon sarami anya… Ojik dan han saram, neol jikyeojul (Not just any person
The one person who will protect you)
” I chuckle to the last word and slapped his chest again.

“How could you possibly protect me when you barely have muscles?”

“Believe me, Min. I’ll take the bullets for you, because you know what? The bullets are probably would ricochet when it touched all of these fats” He shrugged and I had to slapped him for the nth times from his cheesy pick up line.

“No, it’ll pierce your skin and flesh and you’ll bleeding, Soo”

“Oh is that so? Try me then”



Kyungsoo’s POV

It was around 12 o’clock when Minra fell asleep in the middle of a story she’s telling me about her days with Luna when she was still in Junior High school. And she indeed looks like a pig when she’s asleep, but I smiled nonetheless. I grabbed the blanket and tucked both of us under it slowly so she wouldn’t  wake up before laid my head on my pillow comfortably as I paid some more time to looking at the girl that always filled my thoughts nowadays.

I knew since the first time I talked to her, that she has something that somehow made me stick to her—like there’s something that forced me to stay near her. I don’t know what exactly it is, maybe how she smile, how she hugged me, how she concern whenever I overdo my practice, how she sing, how she sleeps carelessly on the corner of the practice room, or maybe because she’s simply just being how she really is without nothing to hide.

I don’t care if she eats messily, my thumbs would always ready to clean it up. I don’t care if she laughs like a beast, I’ll laugh along with her. I don’t care if she’s bad at dance, I would always spare my time to teach her. I don’t care if she thinks her mom is embarrassing, I’ll play along with her mother.

And I don’t care if she doesn’t like any girls out there. I fell for her charms anyways.

After a while, I let my eyelids dropped as I let sleep take over me.

Goodnight Piggy-head.













So.... do you like it? or... I know the storyline itself it's a little bit confusing about Kyungsoo calling everyone that he thinks unattractive as a pig or something like that. Haha, I hope you can bear with me…





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Chapter 2: Aahahhaa piggyhead~~ kkkk cute, eoommaa
Chapter 1: CUTE~! :)))
so cute ><
huahahahahha i like your story..
it was fun ^^