
Dear Tofu

You could feel the morning sun trying to wake you from your peaceful slumber, and as you did try to open your eyes, you remembered and felt the warmth around your body. The feeling of your warm breath hitting your own face. Any movement of your own body felt wrong. It was as if your mind was telling you to be careful, but you had forgotten why until you felt familiar fingers against the small part of your skin that was exposed. 

Oh Sehun. You gasped at the thought of that name. 

He slept over last night and now was embracing you in his arms. And the kiss yesterday was real, you reminded yourself. You wanted to mention it as well but had many scenarios in your head that prevented your desire to provoke the question. You didn't want to ruin your friendship (again). You didn't want your friendship to go to the way they were just before yesterday. But if you were to ignore it, would everything really be 'normal'?

"I can feel your heart beating faster than normal," he mumbled into your hair as he tightened his embrace around you.

Was it really? You had to second guess it because you hoped that he was not telling the truth. 

You didn't reply to him, but you were pretty sure he could tell that you were awake by how your fingers were trembling against his chest. He let out a laugh while drawing little circles on your back. 

"Morning," his voice lowered as he pulled away for a moment to look down upon you clearly. 

Your eyes evidently tells him that you were embarrassed by everything; waking up like this, seeing him first thing in the morning, him being so... flirtatious. It was quite odd, strange, weird, and just any other word that you could pop up in your head for the equivalent. And yet, he continued to follow a laugh or two after your reaction. 

"Stop laughing," you grumbled and turned your back at him, "It's getting annoying."

"Wow, sorry for my natural human responses," he shot back at you sarcastically. 

"Yeah, you should be."

There was a bit of immaturity on your part, but not much thought were being invested in your responses. After all, you couldn't from how distracted you were feeling. Sehun didn't seem to care much though. All he did was just scoff at you while you attempted to ignore his presence by checking your cell phone.

(1) New Message from Jongidiot

Without needing to check the message, you were already reminded that you were meeting him today at 2pm. Sehun swore out of shock as soon as you flinched up and jumbled off the the bed to get ready. You whipped your head to check to the clock on your desk. It was already 12pm. . . .

"I forgot that I was seeing Jongin today," you muttered loud enough for Sehun to hear, "I need to shower and get ready."

As you were rushing yourself, you didn't take the time to notice how deflated his face look. "You're meeting Jongin, today?" he raised his brow. Although he tried to fight the thoughts of jealousy, it was already invading his head. But he had to admit defeat for Jongin wasn't the to you for the last few months. 

Sehun sighed, clearly not wanting to have such conflicting his mind. Of course, Jongin would see Bora, he kept telling himself. Jongin and Bora... They were always a pair before.

Right before his eyes, the scenes of the two of you were projecting. You and Jongin eating together. You and Jongin talking together. You and Jongin playing together. You and Jongin laughing together. You and Jongin liking one another. His heart ached. A history like that couldn't disappear. Sehun could even remember the worry on Jongin's face when you were with Luhan that night or the face of success when he got you to smile for the very first time. 

Jongin was always there. Jongin always wanted to be there. The only time he wasn't there was when he stepped aside for Sehun to take his place.

"Sehun?" you looked at him with full concern, "Are you alright? You look kind of sick."

"A-Ah! No, I mean, ye- I mean, ah, I'm alright... I just forgot I had an assignment to submit online," he quickly made up a lie.

"What?" you furrowed your brow and then pointed to your desk, "Uh, my laptop is right there. Just finish it up and post it late or something."

Sehun quickly agreed and grabbed your laptop and went off to the living room. He took a deep breath, thanking God you were thinking any further thoughts of his nervousness. 

But, really, though. It wasn't always the Sehun and Bora show. Before Jongin went on that weird playboy phase, Sehun and Bora didn't even exist other than being Sehun, Bora, Jongin, Yoonhee, and Gayoung. 

He slapped himself out of his thoughts. Maybe a few Youtube videos of cats or something would keep him distracted for a bit. Sehun your computer, typed in your password that you still haven't changed, and indulged himself into the world wide web. 

"Sehun, Jongin is outside. Do you want to come with?" you said as you walked into the living room, seeing Sehun in deep thought. 

Sehun shook his head, rejecting your offer. "I think I'll pass today," he said, "My mom didn't know I stayed over last night and my phone died. I'm probably going to be on the news later today."

"What the-- You should've said something!" you shouted at him, "I'll call your mom for you."

"It's fine, as long as I'm back before 2pm," he said as he got up from the couch, "Anyway, I'll see you in school?"

With a small smile on your face, you nodded. And as usual, he would ruffle your hair into a mess and muttered a quick bye before rushing off. There was something odd in the air. You're not able to pinpoint it exactly, but you were bothered. He didn't even give you enough time to see him out. Whatever it was, you stuffed in a small compartment at the back of your mind and headed out to see Jongin. 

"Did Sehun just leave your house?" Jongin asked as soon as you took the front seat.

You gave him a small nod, not going into detail, "He checked up on me."

"I almost didn't recognized him with his black hair. Funny, right?" Jongin smirked before starting his car and grabbing a bag nearby, " And, here is your favorite homemade vegan Oreos fresh from my momma's hands."

After a few minutes of being on the road and you bunching on Oreos, you started to see a different side of Jongin. The music was on and his head would bob around to the rhythm of the music. He had one hand on the wheel, eyes on the road. He was the same as the little Jongin you knew and loved yet grown up, not just physically but mentally. 

"Hey, you know we've known each other for more than ten years," you commented out of the blue. 

"Yeah," he nodded, "What about it?"

"Remember how we promised each other that by the time that we turn thirty, if neither of us got married, we would get married to each other?" you reminded him.

Jongin smiled to himself after recalling such a memory. "How could I forget? We had our first kiss that day," he chuckled at the thought, "We were cutest, you know."

"It's kind of like those love stories," you said, "Childhood friends. You were like my little guardian angel, goofball... If you haven't given up on me, do you think we would've still be around each other?"

His fingers ran through his hair as he took in the question. It was tough to say, if he was honestly going to answer. He sometimes wondered if Sehun would've stepped down like how Jongin did for him if he ever knew that the two of you liked one another back then.

"I don't know," he answered, "You know, I think we would've been the cutest couple out there. Like the couples that everyone wanted to be. We were and maybe still are so compatible for one another. But... I did give up on you."

"Because of Sehun..." 

"Are you still mad about that?" Jongin nudged your elbow with his.

"I'm not mad. It's just shocking. Still. Like... I really love the both of you. What if I ruined your friendship? I could never ever forgive myself. And like, I don't even know what I feel anymore. Everything is like so mushed together, you know? I think about you and I feel so safe and protected. No one has ever made me felt like that. And then there's Sehun. Sehun is my best friend. I never even considered the thought of him liking me until I found out. I never wanted to lose what we had, but like last night, when he came over, I just don't know. I don't know anything anymore, Jongin. I'm so confused. It's so suffocating to have all these thoughts. I don't even know what I'm saying or if it's making sense, but I just want to say whatever is on the top of my head..." you paused after saying so much. 

You didn't realized until a few minutes after your outburst that Jongin has pulled the car over. You had no idea when, but he was looking at you, listening to you attentively like how he would always when you needed his help. 

"Just say whatever is on the top of your head then," he encouraged, "Say it all. I'll carry all your burden with you."

"Jongin... I'm scared."

Author's Note: I didn't edit or check or anything. LOL I'm just so lazy recently and very tired....... I'm very very sorry. I had this chapter written for like 39482034 years but never posted it because I wasn't sure if this was what I wanted for the story, but finally.... I made up my mind and am going to wing it. To be honest, I'm very surprised that people are still subscribed/subscribing this story.... Like.... it's so slow and everything. You don't even know who Bora is going to end up with and it's like chapter 23. I think it's been like three years(??? maybe 2... I'm too lazy to check) now too... WOW. #23chaptersinthreeyears #muchprogress #selfhate 

To be honest, I'm very thankful that I still have people that enjoy my stories. I wrote a whole bunch more that I haven't published either because I don't want to publish anymore stories until I finish this one and Lost Things. WHICH because I literally wrote like 6+ storylines and some of them are even done (though they are shortfics). But I will finish these fics... I don't know when, but I will.... 

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200 Subscribers?! Going to update this weekend guys! (Dear Tofu)


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Chapter 25: What????? Nooooooo!!!!
But but what about baek?!
I love this story so much! Couldn’t stop reading! I hope you’re doing fine though..
lottamimi #2
Chapter 25: pleaaase update
Chapter 25: I finished this all in one go. It's really great authornim! I hope you get back to it soon. Hwaiting! <3
JustPJ #4
Chapter 25: please update authornim
JustPJ #5
Chapter 22: i prefer bora with baekhyun than sehun, i think. i need baek-ra moment, please...
Chapter 25: DAMN should i vote for Sehun or Baekhyun?
lissyU9 #7
Chapter 25: Dang, I don't know who to root I want her and Sehun to be happy together but then like Baekhyun seems like he could help her heal and has been much better to her than Sehun ARGH idk what to think!!!
Love this fic so far, I hope you defeat the monster that is writer's block and update again soon :)
Chapter 25: omg was that cliffhanger i just read.
you're right bora was really dense lol
i'm enjoying both sehun and bora's romance but i'm also curious abt what happened with baekhyun back then.
was baek that important?? i'll kick the writer's block for you lol
Chapter 24: well slow update is still called a update and i won't complain because it's worth waiting!!
i dont know what to comment because i started to forget things lol but it's great.
i hope baekhyun also get another chance. so that the competition between him and sehun will be fair and square XD
Chapter 25: YES FINALLY!!!!! Feel it Bora! feel the love! (rooting for Sehun since the beginning of this story)