When Sooyoung was a grade 1

For You My Dear

Sooyoung's POV

*triiiing* the bell rang for recess.The teacher approached me and said softly

"come with me,dearie let's make new friends"

"ok " I said shyly.

We went  to the playground she walked to a girl wearing a pink dress with white sandals.I don't know but I think her name is Yuri.......Kwon Yuri I think?They came closer.

"Yuri meet Sooyoung,Sooyoung meet Yuri" said the teacher.

"Anyeong, My name is Kwon Yuri" she said while handing over her hand for a handshake.

"A.....A...Anyeong, Im Choi Sooyoung" I said it but I didn't shake her hand because I was shy in making new friends.

"Ok I'll leave the both of you alone,oh and yuri please show her around and let her meet your friends she is really shy can you hanlde it??" the teacher told Yuri in a worried way.

"Ofcourse ma'am when did I ever failed you"Yuri told the teacher proudly.

"Soo come here,lets go to the library maybe Key is there reading fairytales" She said it while joking.

"Wait a minute did you just call me Soo??" I asked her.

"Yes, is there a problem??" she questioned me.

" Nothing it's just that my parents call me Soo and their very busy at work and I miss them right now so......" before I finished she inturrupted.

"Ok Ok Ok can we just stop with the drama right here??" She said seriously.

I laughed hard as I could because I was shocked from the word drama.She laughed also.Like we were already close friends.

"Oh I forgot let's go to the library now ok"She said it so she could stop our laughing mania.XD

"Ok Ok Ok " I said it with a little giggle.


(In the library)

"Oh look there's Key!!" She siad it while shouting at a kid named Key(He's pretty cute though)(o^_^o).

The Librian shushed Yuri because she shouted.Yuri was quite embarrased.And then we walked right in front of him.

" Oh. Anyeong Yuri....."He said while having a long pause.

"Anyeong,Key meet Sooyoung, Sooyoung meet Kim Kibum you can call him Key" Yuri said happily.

"Anyeong"Key said cutely.

"A...A...Anyeong" I said shyly.

"Oh she's a little shy"Yuri said so Key would now I'm shy.

"Oh Ok"Key siad while nodding.

"So what are you reading??"Yuri said to change the topic.

"Oh...Im reading Alice In Wonderland"He said it while staring at me.

"So what's the story about??"Yuri asked curiously.

"It's a about a girl who had gone to many places she had grew,shrunk.She also met new weird friends...."Key said explaining the story.

"Come let's find my oppa Minho.He might be in grade 2 building it's just a block away from here let's go" I said so I can show them my brother.

"Ok let's go we still have 1 hour for our break right Key?" Yuri said to make sure of the time.

"Right right and we still have exercise" Key told Yuri.


(at the sidewalk)

Yuri's POV  

While we were walking down the street I felt a sudden chill.I think it's just the cold breeze of fall.

"Hey guys did you notice the cold breeze?"I asked them to fill up the silence.

"Yeah I noticed that mabye it's because it's going to be winter"Key said it to give information.

"Oh look theres the grade 2 building come on let's go"Sooyoung inturupted.


(at the grade 2 corridor)

"Come on Key your such a slow poke"I said it to Key while joking around because he really is.

"Hey stop bullying him"Sooyoung told me while saving Key.

"Ok whatever Soo,I think you have a crush on him"I told Soo to piss her of.(troll face XD) 

"No I don't have a crush on him!!!"Soo told me disagreeing to what I have said.

"Ayieeeee.......I think you do"I told her while tickling her.

"Stop it, oh look it his room"Soo ended up our little conversation.

"Come let's excuse him"Key said while catching he's breath because he ran to follow us.


"Hello, may I excuse my oppa Choi Minho?"Soo said to the teacher

"Yes, Ofcourse Minho is this your sister?"The teacher told Soo and Minho.

"Yes she is"Minho told the teacher so that she would know Soo was really his sister.

"Ok I will leave the both of you"t




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