
Alice in Wonderland;Remake

“It’s today,” a feminine voice said to her three other companions as they passed the two large red-bricked towers that guarded the gates of Woolim Private Academy. To briefly expand on the Academy, it could be said that Woolim Private Academy was seen by many as the most elite academy of all of Korea. It was like picking a star from the sky to be accepted, or to attend this school. You had to have the highest level of intelligence, a special talent in which you were in the top percentile at, and lastly, but most importantly, you had to have a wide imagination. Why the last reason was there was unknown, but it was the hardest criteria to pass, and only the smallest percentile of people made it through. Currently, there was only enough people for one class, but that class was given the best treatment out of all students in Korea, or maybe even the world. And these four people currently casually ignoring the awestruck stares of the outside people were a part of that small class.

“Huh. Already?” the tall person next to her commented, raising an eyebrow. The girl glared at him, and thwacked him on the arm in annoyance. He laughed, then patted her on the head.

“He’s joking. I think,” the girl with hair that was such a light brown it was hard to identify whether she was foreign or Korean stated in a quiet voice. The other girl glared her as well, her large dark brown eyes turning into small slits.

“I don’t think Hanuel’s death anniversary is something to be amused about,” she growled, and the tall person once again patted her head, this time comfortingly.

“We’re not joking about it. No one wants to joke about Hanuel dying, Yeonji,” the tall person stated once more. Yeonji stopped glaring, but it was evident that she was still tense over something, which could be assumed to be this person, Hanuel’s, death. After almost reaching the doors of one of the buildings of Woolim Private Academy, she finally opened .

“Sorry, guys. It’s just that, I’m just really sensitive right now. I don’t mean half the stuff I say right now,” she apologized to her companions, to which they all waved her off kindly.

“It’s fine. I know how you’re feeling, anyway,” the foreign-looking girl reacted, linking arms with Yeonji to show that their friendship was not, in anyway, damaged by such small matters.

“Of course. I’m so ignorant. I mean, you guys are probably feeling just as bad,” Yeonji sighed, “Sorry, Da Eun.”

“I told you it was fine! Stop it!” Da Eun scolded jokingly, and Yeonji smiled. The two boys, however, were completely forgotten about and they trailed after the two girls quietly, talking to each other in a tone only the two could hear.

“Yeonji, she still blames herself for it, doesn’t she?” the one that had kept silent the whole time asked, glancing at Yeonji.

“Yep. We all know it isn’t her fault, though,” the tall person replied, running a hand through his cropped bowl cut in exasperation.

“Well, Mr Jang Dongwoo, seeing as you’re the closest to her, you had better cheer her up, huh?” the boy stated, patting Dongwoo on the back.

“LEE HOWON. JANG DONGWOO. STOP GOSSIPING AND HURRY UP!” Da Eun screeched from a distance, breaking their bromance moment. Howon stepped towards the girls with Dongwoo, smiling at Da Eun’s words, but his smile soon disappeared.





When the four entered the large, clean classroom, there were only nine students sitting in their chairs. None of them glanced at the four as they came in, not even the teacher, who was making announcements.

“Today, instead of the usual mathematics lesson, we will be holding a remembrance assembly for the passing anniversary of one of our prized students, Jung Hanuel. Please be at the assembly hall promptly after first lesson,” the teacher read out. As soon as the name ‘Choi Hanuel’ was mentioned, Yeonji’s face hardened noticeably as she sat down in her chair. Da Eun quietly slipped into her seat, expressionless, but it was evident that she, too, was affected, as her fist was clenched tightly. Dongwoo, still amused, maintained a smirk on his face as he sat down the chair next to Yeonji’s. Howon’s face was clearly curious, as he raised an eyebrow, as he too, slipped into a chair. The teacher, who did not notice, kept reading announcements that now seemed irrelevant to them. All students looked bored, and their eyes all slid to the white doors that had been opened, and three students filed in. The tallest of them all apologized, “Sorry,” as they sat in the row behind Yeonji and her friends, but none of them showed the remotest amount of guiltiness. The girl sitting behind Yeonji reached her body over, and tapped her on the back. When she turned around, the girl’s face was filled with concern.

“Yeonji unni, are you okay?” she asked, ignoring the boy next to her who was tapping her non-stop.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Yeonji replied, smiling at the girl, “What about you, Jiyeon?”

“I’m okay,” Jiyeon remarked, “But I wasn’t sure if you were.” As Yeonji was about to reply, the boy next to Jiyeon must have finally gotten to her limits of ignorance, and screeched, “WHAT?!” The boy, who looked satisfied, shrugged his shoulders, as if to say, ‘Why are you screaming at me? I did nothing’. The tallest one sighed, as if this situation was a daily occurrence, and looked at the boy in exasperation. The same look was received, with a comment, which had said, “I know I’m beautiful, Sungyeol hyung. You don’t need to stare at me so much though. Well, not obviously, anyway.”

“Lee Sungjong, I hate you,” Jiyeon pouted, and turned away from him, looking towards the teacher, who had evidently been in this type of situation before, and had kept on reading the announcements. She paused and then looked towards the closed door, as if signaling for something to happen. And something did happen, strangely enough. The doors banged open, and a boy rushed in, ruffling his hair in panic. When he spotted the teacher, he rushed over to her, and started to babble, “We lost him, oh my God, he disappeared, he was standing right outside the door five minutes ago, but then, but then, when Sunggyu hyung and I got there, he wasn’t there!”

“Calm down, Woo- Mr Nam, and explain slowly,” the teacher said calmly, as if this sort of situation happened all the time. Her face, though, looked panicked, and almost scared. Woohyun’s face turned cold, and he stared at the teacher, raising an eyebrow.

“You were about to call me Woohyun, weren’t you? Even though I specifically told morons like you not to?” he shot at her. She stared at him in something like fear and dread, but it was interrupted by Da Eun, who stood up from her seat quietly.

“Don’t, Nam Woohyun. Touch the teacher, and I’ll kill you,” she threatened in a bright voice, smiling at him.

“Hah, why? Have you become fond of the old hag?” Woohyun teased, stepping closer to the girl.

“No, not at all. It’s just that if you kill her, it’ll take forever to find a replacement. You know how much they don’t like our school. And when there’s no teacher, we could all go crazy and kill each other for all we know,” she explained, and then smirked, “And besides, it wouldn’t be fun to watch you kill her.”

Everyone seemed to find those reasons that would’ve been classified as psychopathically scary in a normal environment perfectly legitimate and Woohyun calmed down. His eyes became larger and he turned to the teacher. “Sorry about that. Kinda lost it. Anyway, the new kid. Sunggyu hyung’s gone to find him because he disappeared,” he said brightly.

“Woohyun! I found him!” a distant voice called from down the hallway. Struggling could also be heard.

“Oh, let me go! I don’t want to be here,” another voice growled, just loud enough for everyone to hear. Yeonji crinkled her nose in distaste, and commented, “The new kid sounds like a girl.” Dongwoo laughed, but his eyes focused on the door, along with the rest of the class. A boy with roughly straightened hair walked into the room, dragging another boy behind him. As he closed the door, he let go of the boy, and strode to the back of the room, where he sat behind Jiyeon, who waved at him. “I am never taking new student duty again,” he grumbled as he waved back. The boy in the front of the room looked actually quite annoyed, and he kept on fiddling with the cuffs of his uniform. When the teacher finally regained her voice from the shock to speak, she said, “Class, we have a new student. Please welcome him.”

“My name is Kim Myungsoo. If anyone calls me that, though, I’ll kill them. Call me L,” he introduced himself, and then he stared at the centre of the room, or more like Yeonji, who was, coincidentally, sitting right in the middle, and therefore, very easy to spot. His stare was blank, and Yeonji was unsure whether he was thinking or not. When the teacher instructed him to sit down anywhere where there was an available chair, Woohyun dragged him forcefully to the empty seats next to Sunggyu, and plopped him down in the chair next to Sunggyu, and sat down next to him.

“I’ve got my eye on you, newbie,” Woohyun warned, and L scoffed, obviously annoyed but amused at the same time. He turned his eyes to the table, where it was pristine, except for a scribble at the top end of the table. His eyes focused on the scribble, which read, ‘And Alice Will Die.’. L blinked at the writing for a second, but assumed it was done by someone with an obvious mental issue or something, and blanked out. Sunggyu, on the other hand, was paying full attention the teacher, like an A grade student might do, and was only distracted when Jiyeon turned back to talk to him about some menial topics. Woohyun kept on touching his hair, staring into a mirror that he had pulled out of his pocket, completely, and utterly ignoring the teacher. Jiyeon yawned, stretching out her arms, and giggling as they made a cracking sound. Sungjong seemed actually quite content to stare at Jiyeon, laughing at her hilariously when she accidentally slammed her arms down on the edge of the table, which caused her a lot of pain. Sungyeol was still trying to fit his legs properly under desk, only to fail miserably due to the extremely long length of the features. However, when Jiyeon hit Sungjong, he kept looking up, amused but exasperated at the same time, and warned them to stop it before his temper rose up too high for them to handle. This warning was, of course, ignored, and taken for just meaningless words, which they basically were, as Sungyeol was never in such an angry mood that he’d kill someone. Howon, who had been smiling in that contented way of his, reached over to tap Da Eun’s shoulder discreetly, and looking utterly innocent when she turned around to glare at whoever was annoying her like that. Da Eun, who was oblivious to the guiltiness of Howon, shot glares that seemed like they could kill to everyone around her, and started to scribble in the notebook she had just taken out. Dongwoo and Yeonji, on the other hand, were discussing things and socially interacting with each other about life.

“Are you sure you’re okay with the Hanuel thing?” Dongwoo kept repeating to Yeonji, carefully.

“I’m fine, I have to tell everyone that, don’t I?” Yeonji replied, glaring at Dongwoo.

“Yep. I’ll stop, just so that you have one less person to answer questions from. Seriously, though, if you need someone to listen, I’m here for you, Yeonji,” he somewhat comforted her. His words must have had some effect, because she nodded, smiling at him in gratitude.

“I know. You know, you’re like, the best friend ever, did you know that?” she informed him happily. Just as Dongwoo was about to reply, a voice that was unfamiliar to them both interrupted.

“Did you say Hanuel? Jung Hanuel?” L asked, his eyes calm, but his voice excited. Yeonji galred at him as if to say, ‘I don’t like you, newbie. Get lost.’ This look was completely ignored, and L, instead, turned his eyes to Dongwoo, who was more civilized, answered, “Yes, her.”

“She went to THIS school, huh,” L remarked more to himself than the two.

“In fact, where you’re sitting right now is where she used to sit,” Dongwoo said, glancing at the table. Sungjong, who was quite annoyed at having to move his head in order for those three to chat about some dead chick he obviously wasn’t fond of, screeched, “Why don’t you, newbie, just get the hell up and move towards them? I don’t want to have to move my head down FOR YOU!” L, who seemed to have an expressionless face for almost every situation, kept the face, but obliged, standing up and walking towards Yeonji and Dongwoo. When he got there, he remarked, “That’s really weird. Is she the one who wrote ‘And Alice will Die’ as well?” Yeonji’s eyes finally turned to stare at L in a normal, humane way, instead of the glare she had just been giving him. Her eyes then wandered almost naturally to a scribble at the top of her desk. L’s eyes followed hers, and found the scribble as well. He then glanced at Dongwoo’s table, which had a scribble as well. The only difference for them was that instead of Alice, they had the words ‘Cheshire Cat’ and ‘Mad Hatter’ on it.

“That’s been there ever since we arrived at this school. Apparently it’s like an inside joke that the sunbaes had about Alice in Wonderland,” Yeonji explained, but then seemed to be reminded of the question she wanted to ask most, “How do you know Hanuel?”

“She used to date my step-brother. Speaking of which, he goes to this school. I wonder where he is,” L explained, which made not only Yeonji and Dongwoo, but every single person in that room, shocked. They all stared at him, as if that what had just come out of L’s mouth could not be true. He seemed to be completely oblivious, and asked cheerfully, “Do you guys know him? His name is Yong Junhyung.” When no one replied, he stated in a dull voice, “You know, it’s not the end of the world if a girl at her age dated someone. So would you all stop staring at me as if I was lying to you? I don’t lie to people I don’t know.” It seemed that he was not completely oblivious after all. His remark did bring everyone back to their senses and reality, and Sunggyu finally answered L, “Yong Junhyung? He’s in the other class.”

“There’s only enough people for barely one class. How is there another one?” L asked again.

“That class is the special class. It’s for the ones that aren’t potentially able to harm anyone. It’s to protect them…from us,” Woohyun explained, grinning. L was still obviously confused and curious, and Yeonji sighed in exasperation. She asked, “What did you answer for the question that asked if you had to kill someone you loved, how you’d do it?”

“I said that I didn’t have anyone I loved, so that question was invalid to me. I wrote, though, if I had someone I loved, I’d poison them with a snake or something, because I didn’t want to shoot them or stab them, because it would hurt more and take longer to die,” he answered, as if the test had been just five minutes ago, and not three months ago. Sungyeol looked at him admiringly, and then remarked, “No wonder you’re here. You’re almost as dangerous as Yeonji and Woohyun.”

“See? Because you answered like that, you’re here. The other class is for people that had their first line of their answer as ‘I wouldn’t want to kill them’. All nineteen of us here, including you, wrote something else, such as, ‘I’d start off by…’ or ‘My loved ones are already dead’,” Yeonji stated to L, whose face finally cleared up. L’s curiosity, it seemed, could not be doused, as he asked once more, “Oh is that what it is? What did you and that mirror guy write that makes you two the most dangerous?”

“You don’t want to know, dude,” Woohyun warned, and L must’ve felt that was a warning he should take, because he nodded, and moved towards his seat. Before he could, however, he was stopped as Yeonji grabbed his wrist, much to the surprise of well, everyone. It was a well distinguished fact that Yeonji hated any form of physical contact, whether it be sport, fighting, anything, from anyone. The only exception to the fact was Dongwoo, Da Eun and Hoya, and Hanuel, who obviously didn’t count anymore, because she was, well, dead. So Yeonji grabbing someone’s wrist first was something close to a miracle. She stared at the bracelet on his wrist, and asked, not taking her eyes off of it, “Where did you get that?” L glanced at the silver bracelet that was dangling on his wrist, and answered, “That? Junhyung hyung gave it to me last year, said he didn’t want it anymore.” Yeonji’s face turned rigid. When Dongwoo tapped her on the shoulder, she turned around, letting go of L’s wrist as if it could be infectious.

“Your brother-“she started, only to be cut off.

“Step brother,” L corrected firmly. It seemed that although L called Junhyung ‘hyung’, he did not accept him as an actual family member of his. Yeonji ignored him and continued on what she wanted to say.

“Yeah, whatever. Can I kill him?” she asked, rather all too calmly for such a comment.

“I don’t really care. It’s not like I adore him or anything, but why?” he replied, also too calmly for this question. Yeonji did not respond, and instead glared at the piece of jewelry on his wrist. L’s eyes also were lead down to it, and he tilted his head.

“Is it the bracelet? Do you want it? You can have it then,” L assumed, and took his bracelet off, handing out to Yeonji. She grabbed, it and threw it out the window, much to Jiyeon and Sungjong’s horror. “THAT WAS SUCH A PRETTY BRACELET!” Jiyeon screeched, rushing to the window. The teacher and other students finally turned to stare at the group, and one of the students asked, “Was it poisoned?” Da Eun rolled her eyes.

“Oh, sure. A bracelet was poisoned. And he’s been wearing it for a long time, probably,” Da Eun remarked sarcastically. The student blushed in embarrassment, and looked down. Hoya smacked her on the back, and she growled, “WHY’D YOU DO THAT FOR, YOU MORON?”

“You shouldn’t be so rude to our fellow students,” Hoya scolded firmly.

“And like you didn’t bash up one of them yesterday for telling you off for littering,” Da Eun scoffed, “Which you were wrong to do.” Hoya, however, ignored her, and turned his attention back to the scene involving a silver bracelet being thrown out of the window. L did not look actually that annoyed, sad, or angry about it, just curious and amused.

“That bracelet, Haneul’s wearing it in her grave. She’s always worn it,” Yeonji said quietly. L’s face did not even budge in the smallest way, unlike everyone else in the class, whose faces showed surprise and shock.

“Oh. Well, you can go kill him if you like, but I want in.”




How was it? XD

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Chapter 1: Those with a murderous aura about them makes them appear to be insane people that others don't want to get close. The twist to each other their characters adds uniqueness to this story. Daeun is brave to speak up to Woohyun and get in his face. Myungsoo probably sensed something eerie and unpleasant about this place to not want to stay. They must not be comfortable with people that are not close to them calling them by their first names. Yeonji seems to hate Junhyung for some reason because of his association with Haneul. Since he doesn't have an emotional attachment towards Haneul or Junhyung, Myungsoo doesn't care that Yeonji ruthlessly tossed the bracelet out the window. The way that Yeonji spoke about Hanuel implies that she's someone dear to her.

This chapter leaves us in anticipation of what would await the characters in the strange school. Things look well-written. The details provided helps the readers to imagine the scenes clearly.
One look at the foreword and I'm interested to read more into the story. The mystery and the supernatural aspects of this plot makes this intriguing. The web of complications involved makes it seem like one big thrill of an adventure into the unknown. It is refreshing to comes across a story with this kind of twist and creativity put into it.
dububinnie #3
@applesandlimes<br />
Oh, thank you! But what are you confused about? I'll explain it, if you like.<br />
@sireanne<br />
Thank you! ><
This first chapter is fine...<br />
Makes me wondering about what's going to happen next...
Uhm,I like the story.But Im a little confused about whats happened so far.<br />
dububinnie #6
Thank you! :D
DANGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG, I AM SO HOOKED ON THIS. The whole idea about the remake of Alice in Wonderland is so fresh and interesting! I'll definitely be supporting this fic and subscribing! Update soon! :)
sounds interesting~ can't wait for the first chapter!<br />
good luck!! ^^