Chapter 3

Welcome to the Super Show

"Bum bum bum bum bum bum". The music started playing and all the fangirls well fangirled their hearts out while the guys sat and watched.

"Look! It's Yesung! He's my favorite out of the group." Hermione exclaimed. Ron rolled his eyes. This is just like a repeat of when Victor Krum came during the Triwizard Tournament. Harry just stared and tried to look for anything suspicious. He didn't find anything but his instincts did tell him to focus on one individual.

While the main chorus came on, the rest of Super Junior was scattered around the outskirts of the dining hall making their way to the front. Donghae, Eunhyuk, Yesung and Kyuhyun made their way into the room walking in between the tables to join up with everyone else at the teachers' table.

"Super Junior! The last man standing!" They shouted and all the effects of what would usually be seen at Super Show 4 were there but only this time, it was magical. The fireworks and water appeared out of thin air and worked their way around the group. The students were most awed by Yesung's ad libbing and they cheered on as loud as they possibly could. After Superman ended, Super Junior gathered together in a line for introductions.

Of course Leeteuk started "hana, deul, ses, Hello everyone! We are Super Junior!"

"Thank you so much for letting us be here tonight to perform for you all. This is a new experience and we will definitely have fun. We hope you enjoy the rest of this mini concert!" And with that, they scattered to the side to let TVXQ make their appearance.

Soon enough, an hour passed by and Super Junior and TVXQ ended their mini concert and headed back to their guest rooms.

"Well that was different," said Yunho. Everyone else nodded their heads in agreement.


The dark lord was sitting in his chair with Nagini at his side when another presence entered the room.

"What took you so long? Where is the boy?" Voldemort snapped.

"I'm sorry, I haven't discovered him yet but I know one of them isn't muggle born. I just have to figure out who it is." The cloaked figure replied.

"You must figure out faster. I will no longer wait. If you don't give him to me in the next month, I will order you to have a death sentence are we clear?"



The boys were sitting around the living area when Manager Hyung walked in, "great job tonight boys"

"Manager Hyung! Can we go home now?" asked Heechul.

"No not quite I'm afraid. Since you guys were such a hit, Hogsmeade requested you perform there in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, you can attend classes here since you have nothing better to do. Oh by the way, Changmin, Yunho, I talked to your manager. I will be your temporary manager for the time being. So now you need to rest up and get ready for school tomorrow. Good night." He then walked out of the room without accepting any kind of response from them.

"Are you kidding me?" Kangin asked. "It was fun with all the magic and stuff but now we gotta go to school?! Aish."

Just then, a house elf appeared with all of their schedules for the next day. They could only ask themselves what the heck Divination was. "What the hell is this?" "We don't have any supplies." "We better not get graded on this." After venting out their complaints, they all headed to bed to get ready for the next day.


FIN. This chapter is really short but honestly, I have writer's block right now. Hopefully, I will be able to come up with another chapter within the next couple of days. Please leave comments for any suggestions or ideas so that I am able to continue writing this! Thanks! :)

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TaeCookie #1
Awesome *.*