You're My Destiny

Listen to this song, Only One by BoA while reading this chapter^^


It’s a week after the incident, you really having a hard time. You didn’t go to school and you also didn’t eat your meal properly. Your parents were really worried about you.

“Haneul-ah, lets eat. You don’t have to be like this”, your omma try to comfort you.

“Omma, it’s hurted. It’s hurted”, you said and hugged her tightly.

“I know that honey. My daughter is strong right? Don’t be like this. It’s hurted for omma and appa to see you like this.”

“Omma, why Sehun do this to me? Why me omma? Why?!” you said try to realese your tension.

“Maybe he has the reason. Come on honey. You’re strong. Show them you’re not weak as they see you. Kaja kaja lets eat”, your mom still trying her best to comfort you.

You nodded weakly to her and go eat.

While you eating, you thought of something.

*Maybe this is last time I’m eating my mother’s cooking*


You go to your school building in the evening. There’s no people there. You’ve decided. You want to finished everything. You want to forget everything and yes you want to suicide.

*Maybe this is the best for me.*


You go to the rooftop of the building. You go to the edge of the rooftop and climb the wall.

“Oh Sehun, I want you to know, no matter what happen, I will always love you! I love you!!!” you shouted and release all of your feeling on that time.

You closed your eyes slowly and about to jump



“What are you doing there?!” Someone shouted to you. He catched you before you could jump.

You're surprised with his quick action.

“Why you’re helping me!! Why everyone want to see me suffer like this?!!!”, you yelled at him. You didn’t realize who is the boy yet.

“Are you crazy?!” he yelled back at you.

“T.K??” you asked when you can clearly saw his face. Well of course you knew him. He’s also the kingkas at your school and your classmates.

“Yah yah dont you have any way to solve your problems?! Is this the only way you have to solve your problems?! Dont you think about your parents?!! What happened to you Park Haneul?! Where's the old Park Haneul i've used to know?!” he asked you in anger tone. You just can cried and hugged him. You have no idea.

“I don’t know T.K., I don’t know what should I do”, you said while crying on his shoulders.


He surprised with your sudden action. But then, he hugged you back and try to comfort you.

“Hey hey. Shh. Don’t cry. I'm sorry if I cant control my feeling just now. Mianhae.Tell me what’s your problem. Maybe I can help you?”, he askede and your back.

You looked at him. *Can I believe him?????*

He looked at you and smiled. Well it's like he knew what you're thinking.

"You can trust me", he said and cupped my face.


While crying, I tell him everything about what was happened between me, Sehun and Jiyeon. Well he’s really a good listener to my problems.


“Haneul-ah, believe me. God is planning something better for you. He doesn’t deserve someone like you and you too. Trust me, You can handle this problem smoothly. I’m here to listen all your problem and help you” T.K pet your hair. He also gave his pinky promised.


You smiled weakly at him. *He get a points*


Your heart really touched with his cared. Well you think there's  still a lot of people outside who loved and cared about you. You supposed to start a new life right??


After the suicide-mission incident, you become close to T.K. and his gangs, C-Clown. Well they’re really nice to you. About your relationship with Sehun, everything is over. You also didn’t greet them after that. Sometime you realised that Sehun will try his best to talk or smiled to you but you just ignored him. Well you still ing hate them.

Eventhough you are close with T.K, it doesn’t mean that you have forget everything about Sehun. Almost two years you with him, sure it will take a long time to fully forget him but you’re trying your best to forget him and your memories even it’s hard. Now day by day, you started to like T.K. more. Well, he’s too nice to you.


One fine day, while you're longing with T.K. at the park nearby your house, he asked you something.

“Haneul-ah, if I say I love you, what will you do then?” TK suddenly asked you this question.

You turned to him and looked at him. “Huh????” you asked him back.

“Hihi, I’m joking only. I love to see you smile like this again”, he said and pinch your cheek.

“Kamsahamnida. Thanks Minwoo. Because of you, I'm still alive. Because of you, I’m still able to smile like this again. I owe you Minwoo”, you said and hugged him tightly. He also hugged you back.




A/N :

What actually the real feeling of T.K. towards you????

If he really meant it, what you gonna do? What about Sehun??

Muehehehe xDD

I put TK picture. Duhh, I really loved him ! muehehe xD

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before post, i'm reread and just now i found a lot of mistake xD . now i have to fixed it :P . comments guys !


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fluffy3003 #1
Chapter 6: sehun died. . .
And how many child does T.K and haneul have??lol xD
Chapter 7: Sehun is my bias!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~`````
I'll cry everday,everytime and every know that?!!
Chapter 6: Why Sehun died????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Chapter 6: I do not stop crying~~~~
What should I do?!~~
@Kyuubi : thanks !^^
thanks :)
*sobs* its so sad but i love this story!!!