Once a player always a player

Untouchable heart

Hyuna: seo yoona im going out!

seohyun and yoona: okay have fun!

hyuna left and went in the car

kyuhyun: hi babe

hyuna: i don't think this is a good idea

kyuhyun: trust me this is fine

hyuna: okay we just met and i love you

kyuhyun: same lets go out now

they left...

seohyun and yoona prov. 

seohyun: i wonder were hyuna is 

yoona: same oh yeah lets eat

seohyun: ok im going to call kyu first

yoona: who's kyu?

seohyun: kyuhyun!

yoona: oh go ahead

seohyun phone call...

kyuhyun: uhh hello

seohyun: where are you?

kyuhyun: im home

seohyun: can you come over?

kyuhyun: no sorry

seohyun: how come

kyuhyun: wedding arrangements

seohyun: oh ok, love you. hello? hello? tell me you love me back! oppa!

kyuhyun: bye 

he hung up

yoona: what happened why were you screaming?

seohyun: he didn't say he loved me

yoona: well of course he does he proposed didnt he



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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim! I'm admin Suho.
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info. http://ourhouserp.tumblr.com/
octa82_ichigo #2
Chapter 28: hmm it's quite interesting
nidharshini34 #3
thx for making a seo fanfic i just love her innocentness
nidharshini34 #4
love your story update soon
Chapter 19: Woooahhhhh loving itbsomfar ...yah kyu u have seo now don't go flirt with hyuna n yoong u have a great body
debjenn1 #6
plz comment peeps!