
「Zombie Graphics」

After 3 months working as a graphics shop, Zombie Graphics (a.k.a Summer Child Graphics), now, we have to say goodbye to you all. I'm too busy with my homework at school so I don't have much free time to surf and manage the shop well. I'm sorry for my mistakes during the past time.

Well, I have something to say to everyone.


To Tio :)

You are the very first designer having applied for this shop. Just a word "beautiful" can't describe your posters, you know. I love how you always finished the requests pretty fast but you never did carelessly. Your graphics are always loved by me and the requesters.

Thank you so much for working with me. Best luck to you.



To Chieyul :)

You always made me believe when you did the requests. I believed that you would do your best job. Your posters are so cute and eye-catching. Not only comedy posters, you can also do angst ones. I remember when there was no angst designers free enough to do the requests, you had to help me even though it wasn't your strength; but you did a very great job.

Thank you for your working in the shop. I hope to see you again.



To Karen :)

Actually, this shop belongs to you, not me. You are the one having the ideas for the shop. Even this letter, although it was my feeling, but written and editted by you. You seriously need to know that you have real talents in designing. I've known you for so long and I realized that.

Thank you, friend, for your hard-working. I hope your dreams will come true one day.



To Summerchild :)

When I read your first pm, I was really surprised that your account name was the same with my shop. You are gentle, polite and romantic as always. Not only your graphics, but your personality is also so sweet. The child of Summer, that name is completely suitable for you. Your fanfics are amazing, too. No wonder you are the hottest Myungzy writer nowadays.

Thank you so much for working with me during the summer. Hope to talk to you again.



To Potato :)

You didn't apply for my shop; I had to invite you by my own. You know why? Because your talent is just so admirable and I thought that would be such a regrettable thing if I didn't ask you to join me. You did the requests really skillfully and never disappointed me. Well done, Potato.

Thank you so much for working with me. Best luck to you.



To Jokerism :)

Although we didn't work with each other for so long, but I had to say that I really appreciate you. You are hard-working, believable and very talented. It's too regrettable that we didn't talk much, but I hope we will have a chance to work together once again.

Thank you for your wonderful posters.



To Vivian :)

When I invited you to join my shop, I believed in you completely. You are experienced in designing and keeping the shop. I feel really sad because we weren't able to work together much. I wish you and your graphics shop the best luck.

Thank you for helping me.



To Lulu :)

Your posters make me feel very exciting. I don't know why but your blending style is so wonderful to me. The truth is that I really appreciate you for many things. You worked hard, finished the posters really really fast, talked so politely, etc.

Thank you so much for your dedication.



To bixii :)

During the time we worked together, I learned many things from you. Your graphics are various. They are not put in any compulsion. You have so many different ways to deal with the stocks and textures. I adore you, bixii.

Thank you for working in my shop.



To Rin :)

Well, because we didn't have many memories together so I and you weren't very close, right? But it doesn't matter at all. I have to admit that your posters are so stunning and you improved day by day during the time you worked for my shop.

Thank you for your dedication.



To Cookkiee :)

I'm so sorry because I'm closing the shop while you haven't done any requests yet. With your amazing talents, I'm sure you'll be very sucessful if you become a graphic designer in the future.

Thank you for accepting my invitation.



To all the requesters :)

I have nothing to say but thank you so so so much for believing in our shop and requesting. Although I made too many mistakes, you didn't blame me or say anything bad about the shop. Thank you for not breaking the rules, keke.

If I have another shop, please make sure that you will make at least one request, eh?

One more time, thank you.



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♔ Story's name*: Crossing Two Moons

♔ Mood*: Angst and Romance

♔ Story's link*:

♔ Characters*: Cha Erin (OC)Her real name is: Lee Da Som (Ulzzang), Lu Han, Kim Jongin

♔ Pictures:
For Cha Erin:

For Lu Han: It's up to you. As long as there are no mics or anything. Just a simple picture.

For Kim Jongin (Kai): IT'S UP TO YOU :)

♔ Summary (no more 3 sentences!): After a series of dreams that haunt her at night, Cha Erin sets out to find answers to her growing curiousness. In the middle of her progress, she is stopped in her tracks by a secretive guy who will turn her world upside down.

♔ Quotes:

♔ Graphics type (Poster/BG/CC/Banner/etc)*: Poster

♔ Designer: bixii
Chapter 1: Story's Name *: Secret Admirer Equal Love

Mood *: Romance and comedy

Story's link *:

Characters *: Donghae, Hye Eun/The Readers and Chansung

Pictures *: You choose :))

Summary *: Hye Eun had to marry with Donghae. She's never happy with their marriage but unexpectedly she met Chansung. He was ready to propose Hye Eun and she felt Changsung was better for her while Donghae?

Quotes : "I never thought that you like me actually. It’s fine. I don’t have to worry about. You’re mine now.

Graphics type (Poster/BG/CC/Banner/etc): Poster

Designer: Tio
Chapter 3: Story's name *: Desperate love

Mood*: Horror and romance

Story's link*:

Characters*: All in EXO and Lee Jieun (IU)

Pictures: EXO as wolves? You choose ><

Summary (no more 3 sentences!): Jieun just got into fight with his father. Woods is where Jieun and EXOs meet. Can human really love wolves?

Quotes: I don't know if I could really love you or not!

Graphics type (Poster/BG/CC/Banner/etc)*: Poster

Designer: Aechan
♔ Story's name*: Hatred Became My strength

♔ Mood*: Angst and romance

♔ Story's link*:

♔ Characters*: GDragon and Park Bom

♔ Pictures: Please provide them for me. >.<

♔ Summary (no more 3 sentences!): Gdragon and Bom were inseparable childhood friends but after gd debuted, they started getting more distant. Gdragon soon left Bom to become a bigger star.

♔ Quotes: I thought you loved me like I loved you. I just realized I was wrong all along.

♔ Graphics type (Poster/BG/CC/Banner/etc)*: Poster

♔ Designer: Bixii

btw affies ? :>
parkjimro #6
Chapter 4: Author-nim what is title of the story?
I already search "When love becomes a lie" but I didn't find it!
Chapter 44: TT~TT Goodbye~
Goodluck with homework n stuff :)
The final chapter is so touching, man!!! >W<
Hope to see yah again :">