Lessons [Sequel to Coffee Shop]

Lessons [Sequel to Coffee Shop]


'Should I...? No, I shouldn't bother him.'

You stared down at your phone, contemplating whether or not you should hit the send button. It has been a few days since your run in with Infinite's L at the small coffee shop.

'But he did tell me to call him,' you reasoned in your head, 'But what if he's in the middle of an interview or a performance?'

You scratched your head in frustration, unable to make up your mind.

'Well, if he's busy, I'll just leave him a message,' you nodded to yourself.

You took a deep breath and hit the green icon on your phone's screen. After hearing the chime that indicated the call had been sent, you heard the familiar medley of The Chaser. Even though you thought it was cute that he used his own group's song as his ringback tone, you were too nervous to even acknowledge it in your head.

The chorus seeming longer than usual, you fidgeted in your desk chair, wondering if he was going to answer. As the song neared its end, you started to plan out what you were going to say in your voicemail. But you train of thought was interrupted when you head a beep and a voice through your phone's earpiece.


Your eyes widened when you realized that he actually picked up.

"Hello? ______-sshi? Are you there?" he asked again.

You didn't say a word, still shocked at what was happening. It wasn't that you didn't understand what he was saying.  After the little run in, you decided to practice your Korean a little more, just in case you really did meet up with him again. But all of that practice went out the window and your mind drew a blank.

"______-sshi? Hello?" you heard L's voice again, snapping you back to reality.

"Maybe she called me on accident," you heard him mumble.

"Wait!" you said into the phone, a little louder than necessary.

"Oh! Hello?" L asked again.

"Sorry, I was .... Ummm .... Typing up a paper on my computer and wasn't paying attention," you said, hoping that he would buy you excuse.

You heard him laugh, "It's no problem. I'm really glad you called, I actually didn't think that you would."

"Really?" you asked, surprised.

"Yeah, but that doesn't matter now. Are you taking up my offer of teaching you some more Korean? You're doing pretty good at talking to me right now though."

"Well, I actually practiced my conversational Korean a lot for the past few days, I  just need some help with writing and reading the different characters," you said, biting your lip in embarrassment.

"Hmmm, I see. Well are you doing anything right now?"

"No, why?"

"I don't have any more schedules for the rest of the day. Do you want to meet me at the coffee shop from last time?"

"Okay," you responded as you hurriedly started collecting your things, "I'll see you in about 10 minutes."

"Okay, see you then, I'll be waiting by the fountain."

When you hung up the phone, you slung your bag over your shoulder and ran out of your apartment. After walking for a few minutes, you spotted the familiar coffee shop down the street. You pushed the door open and inhaled the mocha filled air through your nose.  Your eyes scanned the small shop and stopped at a figure sitting in corner. You made your way over to the table and sat down in front of L. He looked up and smiled at you while removing the pair of sunglasses that he was wearing, the same sunglasses that he was wearing when the two of you first met. 

"Hey," he said, smiling at you.

"Hello, L-sshi," you said shyly.



"Call me Myungsoo. Or oppa, if you want to."

You didn't say anything, but instead blushed red. You've read in interviews online that L only lets people he was close with call him Myungsoo. You got butterflies in your stomach just thinking about this. 

"So," Myungsoo said, pulling you away from your thoughts, "Are you ready to learn how to write in Korean?"

You nodded your head as he pulled out a spiral notebook and two pens from his backpack that was sitting at his feet. Myungsoo taught you the different characters and how to use them to write different words. It was a little confusing at first, but he was such a good teacher, you were starting to catch on pretty quickly. In return, you would teach him different phrases in English that he could use when talking to fans overseas. 

This went on for the next month. You and Myungsoo would meet whenever he was free of schedule and wasn't overly tired. The same thing would happen every time you two would meet: he would teach you how to read and write in Korean and you would teach him useful English phrases. Soon enough, the two of you were able to have conversations that would last for hours, no broken sentences, no awkward silences. One time, Myungsoo even wanted to try and only speak English, but he ended up quitting after 10 minutes saying "English is too hard, Korean is easier".  

Once again, you were sitting in the coffee shop, waiting for Myungsoo to arrive. You took a sip of your mocha frappe feeling a sense of nostalgia when you felt the cold drink slide down your throat. The bell above the door rang and you looked up to see Myungsoo walking towards you. You smiled at each other when he sat down across from you.

"So you think that you got Korean writing down?" he questioned you, taking out the spiral notebook that he used to teach you.

"Mhmm," you said while taking another sip of your drink.

"We'll see about that. I'll write some words down and you tell me what they say, okay?"

"Okay, shoot." 

Myungsoo moved his chair next to yours so you could see what he was writing with out him having to turn the notebook around. You placed your elbows on the table and rested your chin on you hands as you watched Myungsoo write down the first word.

"I'm going to start off with some easy ones," he said and lifted his hand off of the paper, revealing the first word: 인피니트.

You gave him a look, "Really?'

He motioned to the book, "What does it say?"

"Infinite," you said with a sigh.

"Correct!" He smiled and started to write the next word: .

"Oppa!" you whined.

"DANG! It does not say 'oppa'. Come on, ______-ah, these are easy!" 

You scoffed as he happily wrote the next word. Myungsoo continued to quiz you this way, him writing the word down and you reading them to him. You were able to read off every word that he wrote, but you could tell that he was starting to make them a little more difficult. 

"Okay, now I'm going to write sentences, okay?"

"Okay," you said as you watched as he wrote the first sentence: 이름이 뭐예요?

"'What is you name?'" you read of with ease. 

Myungsoo nodded his head in approval and wrote another sentence down: 오늘은 금요일이에요.

"'Today is Friday'?" you said, not one hundred percent sure of yourself.

"Yup, that's right. Okay, last one. And what I'm about to write isn't fake or just to test how well you can read Korean. I really mean this, alright?."

You nodded and watched as Myungsoo wrote the last sentence, writing it a bit slower than the rest. You could tell that he was really putting a lot of care into what he was writing. 

You eyes widened when he pulled his hand away, revealing the last sentence: 난 널 사랑해.

'I love you.' Wait, did he really mean that? He couldn't mean that could he? You looked up at him, your eyes still wide like saucers.

"Really?" you whispered, looking into his eyes.

Myungsoo shyly nodded at you, not saying a word. Acting on impulse, you took the pen that he was holding and wrote something on the page in English: I love you, too.

Now, it was Myungsoo's turn to be in shock. He looked at you with wide eyes, his mouth slightly ajar. You gave a him a small smile and nodded your head. Myungsoo broke out into a smile and leaned down, suddenly kissing your lips. He arms slowly wrapped around your waist as you returned the kiss. When the two of you pulled away, Myungsoo rested his forehead against your and let out a soft laugh. 

"I love you," he said in English.

"I love you too," you said back in Korean and tilted you head up to kiss him again.

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Chapter 1: Love it very mucho :D
Chapter 1: aww...
awww x3
aigooo how cute xDD
krystal2010 #6
That was so sweet!
flabbycow #7
That. Was. So. Adorable. I. Cannot. Control. My. Feels. Ohmygosh! I want Myungsoo as my personal teacher...
asdfghjkl awesome..
just awesome story <3
Ahgdahgdahgdshgdsj I can't even describe what I'm feeling right now. This is too cute ;AA;