The day

The Exchange

Finally the day had come where you packed up your bags and headed out to your car.You sadly said good bye to your parents and got in the car.Your best friend Maddy,Erin ,and the boy twins you have know forever jumped in the car and you sped off.The radio blasted as you drove up to the airport.Maddy jumped out first and grabbed your luggage.

Maddy:What did you pack in here rocks or sumthing!?

You: No it's called clothes and makeup and all the other things I will need to live out there.

Nathaniel(one of the twins):It's called stupid stuff.

Nick(the other twins) Yeah haha

You:no matter how old you get dumb dumbs, you still act like your 12!

Nathaniel:Well Soooorrryyyyy

A platinum blond girl jumped out of the front seat and grabbed the twins arm.

Erin:Nathaniel don't bug ~~~~~~ before she leaves on her trip!

Nathaniel:Sorry T.T

You:It's Ok Dumb Dumb

Nick:Why do you always call us that!?

You: It has been your nickname for the past 9 years you really think I'm gonna drop it just like that?

Nick: -___-

You: Lets go before I miss my flight!

You sped off down the sidewalk to the front entrance Maddy ran after you.Maddy was coming out the week after you to stay a town over so she can go to a special arts school.She came so she could drive your car home and the twins and Erin just came for fun.

Maddy: You excited?

You:obviously it had been my dream to go to Korea!

Maddy was walking behind you when all of a sudden you run in to something.


You:Omg I'm so sorry!


You turn around and there stood a tall,beautiful T.O.P! You didn't what to do.You stood there and stared then blushed then bowed then awkwardly walked away.He turned around at you and yelled.

T.O.P:Sorry I ran into you! I'll make it up somehow!

You thought he was crazy for a sec but then his manager ran over to you and handed you his card.'WHAT!?' You thought.Maddy ran over to you as soon as he turned around.

Maddy:OMG!!!!!!!!!! T.O.P just talked to you!!!!!

You:I know.......I think I might faint....

Maddy: Well don't do that! You have got a plane to catch!

Erin and the Twins Came out of no where.Erin obviously saw a starbucks,for she held a ice tea while the twins sipped on hot chocolate.

You;Well glad you guys could show up!

Erin:you know my addiction for starbucks is strong!

She pumped her fist in the air trying to make it dramatic but just ended up making us all laugh.We picked up my bags and dropped them off at checkout.We finally got to the plane entrance and I said goodbye to my friends.

Maddy:Text me when you get there!

Erin: Get me a cute shirt hahaha jk love ya ^.^


You: love you guys too -.-

You borded the plane and prepared for the LONG flight.....Korea here You come!


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