The big news!!

Idol love

Baro: you have a a scandel!

Jinyoung: ME!

Baro: YEa!

Gongchan: Let me read!

Baro ang gongchan were reading an then jinyoung came in and read the story!

Jinyoung: great! What am i going to do with this scandel!

CNU: I dunno? But the manager called and said that Jinyoung and Baro have to go on a quiz show! 

Baro: The one where we made the bean sprout dance?

CNU: Yea

Sanduel: Oh i wanna come out!

CNU: Sorry!


Qri: Manager called and told Jiyeon to come out in a quiz show that you came out with eunjung and Ahreum!

Jiyeon: Really! YAY!

Soyeon: LUCKY!!!!!
Ahreum: I wish i can go!

Jiyeon: I know right!

Ding dong!

Jiyeon: Who is it.

she opens the door and sees IU!

IU: So what are you doing?

Jiyeon; Oh got a call from my manage and he said i will be coming out in the quiz show where i went like last time!

IU: I did too!

Jiyeon and IU were jumping and then IU said a big news!

IU: L is coming too!

Jiyeon: Congrats  to you.

IU: Yea!

at the quiz show!

It was a Idol event!

Suzy, Iu Jiyeon, tayeon,sohee, jessica, Krystal, lizzy, Bora, and chorong

Jinyoung, baro, L, doojun, yoseb, l.joe, chunji, Sungyeol, Minhyuk, and youngwa!

MC 1: Hello today is an idol event!

Mc 2: We have tons of idols!

Mc 3: Yup and we will hear their story! Lets get to know each other so intrudce yourself!

Suzy: Hello my name is suzy and i am in Miss a! I guess i will dance touch.

She danced to  touch and started to do agioos!

Jiyeon: anneyounghasayo my name is Jiyeon

MC 3: Dance again to day by day!

Jiyeon: Again i guess i can i will dance to day by day!

She dances to day by day until another song came out!

MC 2: Do you really want to see jiyeon dance!

PD: Yes!

Jiyeon had to dance to loving u with Bora!

Jiyeon: Should i do some aigoos

All mcs: Yes!

She showed some aigoos and she started not doing aigoos and did a cute laugh on accident! She covered her hands on her face but she almost tripped!

MC 1: she is so cute!

Jiyeon: hahaha

IU: Hello i am IU pfttt

Jiyeon: IU unnie!

IU: Sorry! I will dance to you and I!

Then Everyone else intruduced them themselves!

Mc 2: Well lets see their ideal type Jinyoung!

Jinyoung: a sweet girl that is younger then me and she is cute! like suzy.

Jiyeon was a felling jealous!

MC 2: Your ideal type is suzy.

Suzy: Maybe like L oppa or Jinyoung?

MC 1: Couple!

MC 3: Then what happens to jiyeon? 

Mc 1: Oh yea we heard you hugged Jinyoung!

Jiyeon covered her hands on her face and banged her head on the table!

Jiyeon: OHHH AWW

MC: Jiyeon jiyeon.

Jiyeon: No like it was a mistake! So we got the answer right  and we were so hungry so when we got the last question right we hugged each other and we did not speak to each other at all.

Mc 1 : Ohh Well who is your ideal type?


Who could she have said?

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luv_jiyeon66 #1
Chapter 8: pls update
xxw00uxx #2
update soon ..
xxw00uxx #3
update soon ..
hmmm_3 #4
Chapter 7: sooo interesting
Dea_Jiyeon #5
chingu!!!! Update ASAP OK???
Jessie6zz #6
Update soon. I really like your story.
jujushadow45 #7
yes you are the first comment
Dea_Jiyeon #8
CUTE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!
AM I THE FIRST TO COMMENT???? IF YES...............

LUCKY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jujushadow45 #9
i wish i can get comments