So...what are we now?


“You should just ask her out, stop whining to me about her.”

“I can’t, she doesn’t know I exist.”

“You’re making this into one of those dramas where you magically develop cancer or something. Just pretend to be sensitive. Or get a guitar.”
“Not everyone is attracted to guitars, Lay,”
Tao cut in.

“I am!” Lu Han jumped into the group, “What are we talking about?”

Kris doesn’t have any balls,” Lay threw a chip at his best friend, who successfully dodged the attack.

“Shut up.”

“He keeps pining over this girl and it’s getting so annoying!” Tao frowned and layed his head on the lunch table.

“You know what? I don’t need this. I’ll show you Zhang Yixing, I have balls of steel!”

Kris arose from the lunch table and walked out of the cafeteria, leaving his friends in fits of laughter.

“Balls of steel!” Lu Han shrieked, knowing full well he was safe from embarrassment of anyone who didn’t speak mandarin.

“You see Tao, here in Korea he is a ‘loser,’ and we because we love him,” Lay smiled, stealing the fries Kris left along with his lunch, “And his mom is a ing fabulous cook.”

“I call the pot stickers!” Tao screamed with the fury of a warrior.


Outside the dining hall, Kris spun around in search of that beautiful brunette hair. Finally, he spotted her sitting against a tree , earbuds embedded in her head and her ipod clenched within her hand.

“Hey Jess,” He kept his hands in his pockets when he greeted her.

She paused her music and yanked out the earbuds, “Sorry did you say something?”

“Yeah, I said hello.”

“Oh, hi.”

How awkward.

“What are you listening to?” He attempted small talk, rushing into things always led him to misfortune and humiliation.

“My friend made some songs and let me burn them into itunes the other day. I’m under a spell and I can’t stop listening to it. Oh my God, real talent is so hard to come by these days.”

“Real talent?”

“Yeah! I’m so sick of Nicki Minaj and Chris Brown, they all so much. Music is about releasing passion, isn’t it? I want to hear people like You Me at Six, Poets of the Fall, and Emilie Autumn. They put in so much effort and emotion into the music to make it come alive! You know what I mean, right?”

He nodded, not having a real clue to what she was talking about, “Of course! Actually, I’ve joined this club after school, we started composing some songs for graduation. It’s only a been a week and we’re already having a ball!”

Balls of steel, his own words mocked him in his mind.

“So um, I was wondering-“

“His Jessica-noona!” A deep voice interrupted Kris’ mojo.

“Chanyeol!” She jumped up and hugged the taller man.

“Kris, this is the guy I was talking about, he’s made some of the music on my ipod. My favorite song is ‘Eyes’!”

Kris looked the boy over; bright pink blouse, purple scarf/thing/whatever, white skirt, and black heels. He held a guitar case and wore some of his hair up in a part/ponytail.

“Yeah, we’ve met. We’re in the music club together, right Park?”

Chanyeol nodded happily and turned to the girl, “Noona I have to work tonight so I can’t go see that movie, please don’t be mad at me!”

Jessica smiled, “No honey, it’s alright! Call me anytime for a rain check, ok? Good!”

The bell rang unexpectedly, and Jessica started scrambling for her backpack.

“I have to run to Ceramics so I can steal the kilm for my project! I’ll see you both later, have fun at the club!” She waved them goodbye and scurried off in the direction of her next class, leaving both alone under the shade of the tree.

“Are you two going out?” Kris growled.

Chanyeol seemed very surprised at this and shook his head, “No, of course not!”

“Good, stay away from her.”

“What? Why?” The other whined.

“None of your business, just leave her alone.”

“But she’s my friend hyung!”

“Like I care.”


Heechul despised paperwork. A lot.

But in the long run, it felt good to be a teacher. He could freely fail students, snap out at misbehaving nitwits, and help kind souls find their pathway in life. All of his wishes in high school paid off with just a teaching credential.

As he was grading some interval quizzes, piano notes danced their way into his office and made him pause in his work. Heechul looked up at the clock, Lunch had just started. He had second period as a prep period, so no one should be in the choir room…

Getting up and stretching, he walked to the doorway and poked his head out to inspect what intruder would dare walk into his layer-

-and Do Kyungsoo was sitting there playing the piano.

“What’s up little ducky?” Heechul asked as he crept up behind the younger boy.

The other jumped at the sound of his voice and stood up, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know you were here!”

The teacher shook his head, “It’s fine, and you’re always welcome in here. What were you just playing?”

“U-uhm, it’s nothing…” Kyungsoo shook his head.

“Really? It sounded absolutely beautiful.”

The boy looked up with his wide eyes in awe.

“I hope one day you’ll let me listen to it again. But for now, I’ll give you some privacy and close the office door. And Kyungsoo,” he paused.

“Yes, sir?”

“That’s ‘Your Majesty’ remember? Anyway, you can come in here any day during lunch, this place is meant to be your guys’ sanctuary.”

The teacher returned to his office, and Kyungsoo stood there still trying to comprehend what he meant by that.


Just something to show how some characters act normally. The other half will be shown in the next chapter as well as some new characters :D 

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Half crack half angst, I will be working on this very soon.


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Chapter 2: dafuq is wrong with them xD
gosh gosh The music references of Jessica xD I know them all lol
lol and Chanyeolla with a skirt and that /delicious/ legs is really a good plus ~
funnygirl #2
Chapter 2: Awww...my dongsaeng Kris is such an _______ to Chanyeol but a punching bag for Yixing and Luhan as usual
exohime #3
Chapter 2: "and I am…going home to take a nap tonight" yeah basically my life ambitions too haha
Chapter 2: O_O I want moaaarr~
I thought that Kris would actually ask Chanyeol for some help with Sica..but well..seems like I was wrong! xD LOL!
Awww~ my cute boy~ he's just..sooo cute! >//< and my flawless Joonmyeonnie~ I want to kidnap you! ^^ You are my favorite~ LOL!
Chapter 2: Lol poor Kris! I still love you!
More, more, more! I need it!
My eyeballs want to see (read) more!
ReaLiknownot #6
Chapter 2: "I have balls of steels!"
Ohmaigad Kris, do you actually listen to what you're saying??? ROFL!!!

And Chanyeol with skirt is just the cherry on top of everything!

Thank you so much for the cracklicious awesomesauce update!! :D ♥
Chapter 2: Chanyeol in skirt just LOL!
There's xiutao here! Definitely will wait for more!
Chapter 2: I was grinning like a maniac till the whole Chapter...
& Kris's "balls of steel"omfg!! so funny..and the repation of 'ball' word too..
and Why Chanyeol is in skirts? o.O

I never will want a teacher like Heechul..who likes to fail students unconditionaly.
Chapter 2: Omg i keep laughing all through the two chapters. lol
the story is different from the others you've made so far. it's bordering to cracky but it's you so i'm preparing my self to anything that might be coming out.
it's really good.
eudaimonia #10
Chapter 1: lol I love how you picture heechul so precisely here xD
omg I miss that old man ;o;