It's 12:01... The Party's Over.

Time: 12:41 PM

They held hands on the bridge as they watched the sunset together. Like the sun disappearing, so too did their chances of every being together disappear. Neither of them said anything about it. It was an unspoken secret they'd buried deep in the dark, aching chasms of their hearts.

"I have to tell you something..." the woman started.

The man looked at her with tears in his eyes. He knew what she would say. He knew, yet he urged her on, "Go ahead.... tell me."



Gabrielle blinked and stared at the computer, her hands frozen in place on the keyboard. "What? she thought,"That's not what you were gonna say.... what were you gonna say..."


She looked around confused and saw her phone ringing on the side of her bed. "Oh!"

She rushed to answer it and was greeted by the angry voice of her disappointed boyfriend. 

"Where are you?" he asked coldly.

"Well hello to you to, my darling," she replied sitting back down at her computer. She began typing her story again while resting the cellphone between her chin and shoulder as her boyfriend continued to pester her with what she took to be trivial questions. 

"Where are you?"

"At home."

"What are you doing?"

"Working." Can you not hear me typing in the background? Geez....

"When are you coming over?"


"..... Come over now."

Gabrielle held the phone in her hand and stared at it increduously. What part of 'I'm working does he not understand? He's so whiny today. Ugh. "I can't. I'm working," she said again, this time the annoyance in her voice much too obvious and caustic for Gongchan not to notice.

There was an awkward pause on the phone as neither of them said a word. His silence only annoyed her further and she hurried to end the conversation.

"Well, if that's all I'm gonna hang up. Got loooots of work to do so yeah, cya later ok, honey? Love you~ Bye."

She hung up the phone and threw it back over onto the bed. It wasn't like she was angry at him, she was just stressed. Her job, despite popular opinion, took alot out of her and because she had deadlines for more than one story she really didn't have time to waste. What she needed more than anything was to finish these updates and go snap some photos for her portfolio.

Not even five minutes later, her phone rang again. She picked it up without stopping to look at the caller ID. 

"What is it, Gongchan?" Her voice was again too harsh. 

There was another awkward pause. Before she could nag at him about calling her without saying anything he spoke up. "Gabs, do you even remember what day it is?"

She was getting sick and tired of him asking all these questions. Did he think she was stupid? Of course she knew the day, it was D-Day, Deadline- Day! The very reason she was working so hard and had been up since 6AM trying to finish.

"It's August 14, Gongchan."

He waited a moment longer then sighed into the reciever. "Yeah.... it is."

She couldn't understand why he was being so quiet but it was getting on her nerves. She looked at the time on her computer and thought for a second. Maybe she was being too hard on him. It wasn't his fault she waited so long to get the work done.

"Hey, Channie?"

"Yeah...?" his voice was quiet and reserved.

"I'm sorry it's just..... I've got a lot on my mind and... The editor wants these chapters by-"

Gongchan sighed again and interrupted her. "Nevermind. Just forget it. I thought you of all people wouldn't forget." 


She looked at her phone and shook her head in confusion. "Forget what? What is he even.... Ok, whatever." 

And back to work she went.

Time: 3:58 PM

"Finally! I'm done!" Gabrielle threw her hands up and spun around in her desk chair. She quickly saved her documents and sent them to the editor before jumping on her bed and crawling under the covers.  In all her commotion and cheering, she failed to notice her cellphone ringing once again on the floor.

She got comfortable between the layers of sheets in her warm bed and set into a deep sleep.

Time: 11:23

Gabs rolled over and kicked off the last of her bedcovers. She was clinging to a long, pink body pillow when she heard the familar tune of her cellphone ringing once again. With her sleep encrusted eyes and lion mane hair she fumbled around the bed, eventually falling out, and found her phone on the floor.

"Mmhheeeloo?" she answered in a groggy voice.

"Yah, where are you?! Our Gongchan is over here sitting all alone in a corner and- Ooh is that chocolate? Let me have one.... Mmmm.. thanks."

It took a minute for Gabs to rub the crust from her eyes and discern who the other person on the phone was. "B-baro? Is that you? What are you doing calling me this la-"


Shocked and discombogulated, she looked at her phone then ran to her calender on the wall. Her face changed from confusion to horror as she looked at the tiny, pink sharpie cake she'd drawn on the box for today's date. Channie's B-day~ <3" she'd wrote.

"OH MY GOSH, IT'S HIS BIRTHDAY!" she screamed back into the phone.

"DUH! Man, why are you slow? How'd you even forget? You're the one who said we had to throw a party."

"Oooohhhhh nooooo...." she sank to the floor in a pout cursing herself for being such an airhead. "How could I forget."

She got back up and looked at the calender again. The box for today's date was filled with things they'd do together: She'd make him his favorite breakfeast: chocolate chip waffles and bacon, then they'd drive out to the beach and take some pictures together..... she'd go with him to the recording studio and watch him at work while the other members secretly planned a surprise party and then after he'd gone off and finished all his schedules, they'd meet up at B1A4's dorm for the surprise party. In reality, all the things she listed would mean she'd have to spend the entire day with him instead of working on her blog.

The memory of him sounding so disappointed on the phone, asking her where she was, why wasn't she with him, begging her to come over and finally, oh geez..... He asked her flat out if she knew what day it was and she didn't even acknowledge it as his birthday.

"Ooooohh noooouuggghhhhuuunnnggghh," she groaned. She pulled her knees up and banged her head against them in pitiful frustration. "There's no way I can fix this, is there? she mumbled into the phone.

Baro was on the other end where the party with the members was still going on. "Actually there is. If you head on over now, you might be able to make it in time before the party's over."

Gabrielle's head shot up and a fire of determination blazed in her eyes. "Ok," she said fiercly," I'll be there."

Time: 11:30

Clothes got tossed out of her closet like a hurrican had it. After trying on a number of outfits while trying to straighten her hair and do her makeup at the same time, she finally settled on a pretty cream colored  party dress with black shoes and a clutch. 

"Ok," she said breathelessly looking in the mirror. She gave her hair one more quick fix then grabbed her keys and bolted out the door, hailing a cab on the way down the street.

Time: 11:45

"Wait, stop!" 

The taxi driver screeched the cab to a halt and looked back at her angrily. "What is it?!"

She threw a couple of bills at the driver and told him to wait there. He gruffed and complained but took the money. Urgently climbing out of the backseat, Gabrielle ran through the crowd of people blocking the cross walk and made it to a comic book store across the way. The click click click of her black shoes echoed throughout the store as she scanned the aisles for the series her boyfriend liked. Finally she found it, the latest edition of the series. Lucky her too, it was the last one on the shelf.

A frail, gangly hand grabbed the book at the same time as she did. Unlucky her. She looked at the chicken of a teenage boy who held the book with a  forced smile and asked him in her sweetest voice," Excuse me sir, but could you please let me have this book?"

The boy looked at her with a scowl and yanked on the book, "No! I saw it first, get your own... old lady." 

But Gabs was not to be trifled with. "Aha.... old lady?" She laughed in the same sweet voice. Without warning, her right foot flew back and landed right between the boys scrawny little legs. With a flip of her hair she click click clicked her way to the register and left him wheezing on the floor in pain.


Time: 11:52

Gabs stood outside the comic-book store seething. The taxi driver had left and taken her money with him. "That stupid bastard. I hope he gets four flats on the way home!" She looked at the clock on her phone and her heart skipped a beat.

"There's no time... I've got to hurry!" The fire in her eyes was rekindled once more as she took her heels off and threw them in the bag with the present. In the middle of the night in the city streets, this determined young woman ran barefoot till her feet were swollen and cut from the rough sidewalk.

Time: 12:00

Out of breath, sore, and drenched with sweat, she climbed the last  of the steps to B1A4's dorm. When she reached the door she half knocked, half collided with the solid hunk of wood and waited for it to open. 

Time 12:01

Gongchan opened the door to see his girlfriend panting in the doorway barefoot with  a bag in one hand and a little black clutch in the other. She leaned on the side of the door, still panting, and tried to do a y pose. 

"Hey *pant* you~ *pant*" She held up the bag and gave him her iest, tired smile. "Happy *pant* birthday."

Gongchan took the bag and stared at her. His face showed no mercy. "It's 12:01. The party's over. And so is my birthday."

He moved to close the door but Gabs moved quicker and stepped inside. 

"Wait, wait, wait! Look I'm sorry." she said chasing him as he walked away angrily, tossing her gift aside. He plopped down on the couch in the living room which was littered with streamers and confetti. Remnants of the party he and his now sleeping members had had by themselves. The party his girlfriend hadn't even bothered to show up to. The party he'd wish he'd never had.

"Why didn't you answer my calls, huh? Am I not important enough to you now?" he asked in a voice full of bitter anger and hurt.

"No, no, no baby that's not it at all! I just... I.... Ugh, I got tied up in work and I was so sleepy when I finished that I-" Gongchan didn't give her the chance to finish. He got up and shook his head at her, a sign that he wasn't in the mood for any excuses. 

"Go home."

As he turned to walk away Gabrielle got up and threw her arms around his stomach. "Wait..." she cried pulling him towards her. "Wait..."

Gongchan stared straight ahead. "Let go."

Gabs held on tighter. She pulled him closer and buried her face into his spine. "I'm sorry...." she whispered. 

He swallowed hard and looked down at her clenched hands, clinging to his waist. "You... you could have called. I called you..... You could have..." he sighed knowing it was pointless and turned around to face her. With his warm hands he tilted her chin up so she was looking back into his eyes and wiped away the shameful tears that trickled down her face.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered again.

"I know. " he said with a small smile. He leaned in closer to her face and whispered, "But I know how you can make it up to me." 

Her face instantly lit up. "Ok," she said with a nod," How?"

Gongchan grinned and sat back down on the couch. "Like this." He leaned back and pulled her down on top of him. She rested her head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her waist and they both held on to each other, breathing in synce with one another. 

"Hey, Channie?" Gabs said tilting her neck up to look at him.

"Yeah, babe?"

"I have to tell you something."

He looked down at her with a smile playing on his lips, knowing good and well what she wanted to say. Still, he urged her on.

"Ok....what is it?"

"I love you."

He smiled and leaned down till his lips caressed hers. "I love you too, babe." He merged his lips together with hers and the two lovers succumbed to the sweet, sensational passion of romance.

------------- THE END--------------------------------------

=__________________= OMG IM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG. I really wanted to write it though. Hope you liked it! Please tell me what you thought about the ending. I've never written a kiss scene before so uh... yeah... Anywho, thanks for the read! Comment and whatnot. Sorry for any typos/grammatical errors I missed.

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Spazztastic045 #1
Thanks all you guys for commenting. ^.^ Glad you enjoyed! And gabs omg faks;jflkasdjclaskdfjakl you're totally welcome. XD LOVE YOOUU *and Gongchan does toooo lol*
i LOVED it lol seriously.
nona_sj15 #3
It was so great and yea it's so long but it worth it!!!good job