Sirens: Speech

Wishes Upon the Sea


The lazy summer days faded away with golden leaves that rustled in the autumn wind. The relationship between Crowned Prince Jongin, Prince Sehun, and Luhan fell calm like clear reflective water as the storms passed as well. Tao still catches Luhan glancing at the crowned prince occasionally, but nothing more. Jongin would occasionally stare at the boy as well, and while Tao could see longing in the eyes, Jongin always smiled. Despite the pain Tao knew the crowned prince felt, he could tell Jongin truly wanted his brother and Luhan to be happy, and was always there to support them as a friend. Even though there’s still a mysterious aura surrounding Luhan and Jongin, Sehun no longer felt the need to be jealous as the petite boy followed him like a duckling would its mother. Things, while not perfect, were looking bright.


Luhan had also learned to talk. Tao later found out that Luhan grew up in a fishing village far in the north, a place where the fishermen only knew the language of the sea as it was the only language they would ever need. Of course, Luhan had still heard the travelers speak, and learned to understand their language without actually learning to speak it. When they first found Luhan, the boy was in too much of a shock to speak or think, and that was why he had to be spoken to in his own language and to write his name in the sand. Apparently, Luhan was kidnapped by rogue pirates, who attacked his village. They kept him to be sold as a slave somewhere in the south, but were unsuccessful as a storm sunk the ship and washed Luhan alone ashore. While Tao doubted the story at first, he reasoned Sehun would not lie to him, and Luhan would never dare to lie to Sehun, so it must be true.


Tao shifted slightly in his bed, his face once more burying into his pillow uas he tried to go back to sleep. It was a little after dawn, but Tao’s aching body told him it wasn’t nearly time to wake up. Since the summer ended, his master had found it completely necessary to significantly increase his training as his coming of age is approaching. As it was a rare day of rest, Tao decided he was about to take full advantage of it.


But his rest was soon disturbed as he felt the cool morning wind on his shoulders, where his covers didn’t reach. The wind soon died as Tao recognized the familiar presence in his room and chose to ignore it. His arms hugged his pillow as he stayed, lying on his stomach with his face to the side, trying to go back to sleep when the intruder sat by him on his bed and simply watched him.


You know I’m awake, right?” Tao muttered, still to tired to care for the intruder.


I know.” Kris answered, Tao could sense the smile from which the words left. How was training?”


“Tiring, but manageable.” Tao replied, eyes closing, as he felt no threat from the body sitting besides him.Just need to rest.”


After their first encounter, Kris visited him multiple times; so many times in fact, that Tao felt completely confortable with this being he barely knew. After all, Tao reasoned, Kris never showed any signs of violence, and they had been friends in a past life. When Kris was with him, he felt warm, confortable and safe. Having grown up without an actual family, any ties to the past were comforting to Tao, especially when Kris felt like family. Kris was always watching over him since they’ve met, like a doting brother with his occasionally childish and mischievous air about him. He let his thoughts ramble until he realized never once had he asked Kris about their past, and why Kris was so keen on being with Tao.


Hey Kris,” He finally turned his face towards the man sitting besides him, still hugging the pillow where he placed his head.Tell me about the past. Our past. Who was I?”

Curiosity kills, Tao.” Kris laughed, Don’t try to find out before it’s time. You’ll remember soon enough.”


Tao pouted unconsciously.I’m serious Kris, this is no time to joke. I want to know. It’s not fair how you know everything just because you’re old and immortal.”


“That I am,” Kris laughed again, pinching Tao’s nose as if he was a child, and as your elder, I ask you to respect my decisions and wait for the right time.” While the smile on Kris’s face was warm and tender, there was pain in his eyes. That’s when Tao knew, whatever the past was, there was not a happy ending. It was best if he didn’t dig too deep.


Fine then.” Tao muttered as he buried his face back into the pillow. I’m going back to sleep then. You’re free to go, unless you’re whole point in coming here was just to watch me sleep.”


“I’ll stay for a bit.” Kris said, leaning back across Tao’s legs, I think I might rest a bit as well.”


But as Tao’s breathing deepened and slowed, Kris’s eyes stayed wide open. How was he supposed to tell Tao of the past? Of their past? And of the curse? It wasn’t necessarily a horrible story, but the ending was less than pleasurable. Kris was almost afraid to close his eyes, afraid that once he close them, the bloody severed head of the last “Tao” would haunt him. He knew her glassy yet unfaltering gaze would still be spitting out betrayal and woe. Kris shook his head and turned to the boy, whose face was still buried in his pillow and smiled a heart-wrenching smile. He did not wish the same ending onto this Tao, yet he couldn’t help himself. Hopefully, by the month of falling flowers, the boy’s training would be complete, and the boy would be strong enough to carve out his heart. Placing a gentle kiss on Tao’s hand, he placed the hourglass ring in the boy’s palm and disappeared with the rain of blood gold leaves.




“Sehun! Jongin!” A delighted Luhan called out to the two people behind him, “Dandelion! I remembered!”


Jongin smiled as he saw his brother lift the siren up into the air. He never told Sehun that he remembered Luhan to be his siren; he didn’t see the point in it. Jongin was given a chance, but ignored and abused it horribly, and Luhan deserved better than that. Luhan deserved to be happy and so did his brother, so no matter how much pain Jongin felt in his chest, he knew he had to hold back. They were precious to him, the things he did not wish to loose, and he will treasure them.


He confronted Sehun after his brother ignored him for a week after discovering Luhan. He told Sehun to be happy, to make Luhan happy, and that he will always support them. He was delighted when Sehun pulled him into a hug, the gap that seemed so distant before instantly mended. They were all friends now, though Luhan never seemed as happy when he was just with Jongin.


But Jongin didn’t mind. As long as Sehun, Luhan, and Tao stayed close to him, as long as he wouldn’t lose them, he was satisfied. He had to admit, since his meeting with his brother, he was given more time alone with Luhan, as Sehun had his own duties as the second prince to attend to as well. Just being with the smaller boy was enough for him, as long as they were all happy.


Running towards the two as they called for him to join them at the brook, he laughed as Luhan pointed out more things and named them like a child. Luhan has only began to learn to speak the language of man. He had to admit though, Luhan was an extremely fast learner, and smiled. Even though hours and hours of speech lessons did not make Luhan think differently of him, at least he can still find joy in being with Luhan, and hearing his siren’s voice again even if it’s now human.




Tada! The end! Happy ending (somewhat)! And a seperate fanfiction following Taoris will be written.

Just Kidding! Don't think I'm done just yet. This is merely a new beginning. I still need to at least get to the younger ones's coming of age before I can be satisfied with ending the story, even though I am quite sure it will last longer than that. I still need Sehun to pay his price at sea and come back, you know =P

In the mean time, for those of you who didn't see my comment, the poll in the last chapter will be used for me to decide which couple will dominate the last chapter, and basically, also who's point of view. I know exactly how the story is going to continue, but not quite sure how to write it yet, besides the endings that I already have layouted and planned. The poll is mainly  just for me to see which ending to use and whose moments you would like to see more. But beware, even if you choose that couple, it does not mean they will be the ones to end up happy, they'll jsut be the main focus in the last chapter. By the way, the poll is going pretty evenly for Hunhan and Lukai (which is actually making me consider writing a new fic following Taoris because I'm really having fun with their history as well), but currently Lukai's winning by 3 votes (At the time of my update, that is). I'm actually quite happy with how the votes are near even most of the time, as I'm in love with both endings (they're basically the same, just with different in how I write the same events, but you didn't need to know that, did you? *insert semi-evil laugh here*).

Now that I've repeated myself several times and probably gotten onto your nerves, I leave you with hugs and kisses and lots of love. You guys are awesome, please comment, and I love you!

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Chapter 21: thank you thank you thank you for not writing Taoris a completely tragic ending!! i thought you would kill off Kris for sure and I got a tissue box ready and all >.< of course I'm glad the others ended up the way they did too ^_^
Chapter 21: Awwww .... LuKai Feels...
This would be the FIRST Fanfic i have read where Luhan ends up with Kai ...
I really Love the story <3 . <3
daragd #3
Chapter 1: i though this would be hunhan...poor me, this story is interesting but i don't really ship lukai couple..sorry authornim..*pout*
Chapter 21: Omg i want to know about Taoris now *^* and ty kailu please? Lol
Chapter 21: sad that this is over!
is a very beautiful story
LovePanda #6
Chapter 21: So sad it is over u.u!
Chapter 21: It was such a good story! I'm so happy you finished it. ^__^ Good luck on your other story!
Chapter 21: It was such a good story! I'm so happy you finished it. ^__^ Good luck on your other story!