No Matter How Long It Takes

No Matter How Long It Takes


Today was your day off from work and thank god, because you were exhausted from the week. You slept in this morning but now you were up and getting ready to go to the mall to shop. You grabbed your favorite bracelet that you had gotten from a very special person, your first love, when you were younger.




"I.... I.... Uh.... I got this for you" the boy held out a beautiful bracelet and a matching necklace.

"Y-you got these for me?!"

He nodded shyly looking down at his feet.

"Thank you" you said then kissed his cheek.


You smiled to yourself remembering the day you had received the beautiful gifts  blinking back to reality you finished getting ready then headed out the door.

'Finally! I'm at the mall! New clothes here I come!' you thought to yourself as you walked in. You decided to go into this little store where you always bought your cute work clothes from. As soon as you stepped on you were greeted my the employees. You nodded in return and went to go look at the dresses.

The little store would have quite a few customers but it never got super busy. Although today there was a group of guys looking and trying on suits. There were two pretty tall guys and the rest of them were shorter but all around the same height.

"Can we go look at Gucci~?" whined the tall one with black hair.

"No." replied the tallest guy with light brown hair.

Hearing this, you giggled to yourself silently. But out of the six guys one seemed familiar but you didn't know where you've seen him from. So you just shrugged it off and continued to shop. Towards the back of the shop there was a table with accessories. That definitely caught your eye so you walked over to it. On the other side of the table was a fairly good looking boy from the group of boys that was over by the suits. You glanced at him... But you kept staring at him trying to figure out who he was but his features were hidden by a pair of sunglasses and a hat. He looked up feeling the weight of your eyes on him. This surprised you and you quickly looked down focusing in the nice rings in the center if the table.

'Why does this girl look so familiar? ..... Could it be? No, no it can't be....' the boy thought to himself but quickly shook away the thought not wanting to get his hopes up.

Trying to focus on anything but the oddly familiar girl in front of him he looked down at the rings and saw a really nice one. So he reached out to grab it.

But you saw the same ring and thought it was pretty.  As the both of you reached out for the ring neither of you were paying attention to each other. Your hands hit each other, in shock both of you pulled your hands away from the sudden skinship and apologized to each other.

'Wait that looks familiar.... Is that the... No it can't be.... It had out names on it....' he couldn't peel his eyes away from the bracelet around your wrist.


"Mom I need your help~!"

"Okay son calm down" she chuckled.

"What can I get for.... Someone... To show them you care?"

"oh who's the lucky girl, that has stolen my son's heart?"

"Mom~" he whined.

"Alright, alright.... If she's that special to you give her these..." she held out a beautiful silver heart locket necklace and a bracelet that had a solid heart on it.

"We can also put your names on it, does that sound good?"

He nodded.


"Gege! We're going!" yelled someone which snapped him out of his thoughts. He turned his attention to the door where all his friends ertr and quickly made his way over to them.

Meanwhile you were left speechless, lost in your thoughts.

'That couldn't be the same ring I have to.... Could it? If it is.... Was that him?! Wait.... He doesnt live here... Does he?'

"Unnie? Um Unnie? I think your phone is ringing..."

"Oh! Kamsahamnida~" you quickly looked at your phone and walked out still dazed and confused. Luckily the call was not from an important person so you just let it go to voicemail. But the image of that guy with the ring on his index finger kept flashing through your head.

'WHY CAN'T I FIGURE OUT WHO HE IS?! Maybe I can get him out if my head if I go to the music store'

You walked into the music store. There were posters of kpop groups everywhere in the store. Only one actually caught your eye, you've never really seen these guys before, it was a boy group called Exo-M. They were really hot, but they looked.... Chinese.... Not Korean.... This actually confused you so you went up to the employee and asked her about them.

"Omg! Okay so... Exo-M and Exo-K is actually one big group of 12 guys. BUT, they split into two groups of six. Exo-K sings in Korean and promotes in Korea while Exo-M sings the exact same songs but in Chinese and they promote in China."

You nodded finally understanding why they looked Chinese the. Walked over to the Pieter again. This time you actually LOOKED at the six guys. Oddly enough one looked vaguely familiar to you.

Although he had very cute baby features something told you he was your age and you knew him. You kept staring at this one person for a while, you carefully examined all his features attempting to figure out where you knew him from.

-FLASHBACK (camping)-

"_____ are you ok?"

"Y-yeah I'm fine."

"Then how come you ran to my tent in the middle of the night? I mean I don't mind that your here.... But why?"

U-um.... I'm scared of thunder" you whispered.

"Come here~" he said wrapping his arms around you pulling you close to him.

"Do you want me to sing for you ____?"

You nodded in respond and he started singing into your ear so you wouldn't be afraid anymore. From that moment on you knew that sweet voice would always be engrained in your mind.


While you were deep in thought, you didn't notice a group of six guys walk in.

"OMO! Look Gege someone is looking at our poster!"

"Shut up! Don't say it so loud!" whispered the leader of the group.

"Luhan go over there and see if she likes us. "

"Me?! Why me?!"

"Because the rest of us don't want to."

"....... Fine."

Luhan slowly made his way over to you, but you were just lost in your thought that you didn't even notice him. As he approached you he recognized the bracelet on your wrist. Written on the solid silver heart located on the bracelet were the words: 'I will always love you.' He also could barely see that there was also two names on it. As he inched closer he read the names it said:

_____ + Luhan.

After seeing that he eyes widened behind the sunglasses and they shot up to your neck, where he found the matching heart locket necklace. He could no believe his eyes, all he could do was stare at you.

-FLASHBACK (Luhan/6 years ago)-

"You're moving?! Where are you moving too?!"

"I-I don't know..." she whispered tears forming in her eyes.

"_____ don't cry" he said wiping away her tears with his thumbs.

"B-but we'll never see each other again."

"No. I will find you, no matter how long it takes. Just promise me that you won't forget me and you'll always wear the necklace and bracelet so when I find you I know it's you" he said cupping her face in his hands.

"I promise."

"____ it's time to go!" her dad yelled from the car.

"I love you ____. And I WILL find you!"

He watched as she went into the car and it drove off into the distance.


"KIDS! Let's go you have to get ready for the performance!" the voice of their manager snapped both you and Luhan back to reality. You blinked as guy rushed away from beside you.

'Luhan?' you thought recognizing the familiar figure, but you quickly shook the thought away.

While you were in the music store looking around a bit of time had passed since the group of guys left. Outside you could hear people cheering and loud music coming from somewhere. You followed the sound to the center of the mall where you saw a group of six boys performing on stage.

The upbeat music had died down and a slow song started to play. Two of the members stepped forward and started to sing. However when the first one started to sing, his sweet voice carried throughout the mall and then it hit you.

"Luhan" you whispered and slowly started walking towards the stage. Once you got there you looked up at him with tears in your eyes. While he was singing he felt a familiar presence and looked down at you.

When the song was over the crowd left and he jumped off the stage and ran to you. You hugged each other not wanting to let go.

"I told you I'd find you~" he whispered.

"No matter how long it takes" you finished his sentence.

Smiling widely he leaned in and kissed you with as much passion as he could to show hot how much he missed you. You hugged him around the neck not wanting to be separated from him ever again. All of your feelings of hope, wonder, worry, loneliness was all being poured out into the kiss and he knew it.


The sound of a chorus of oh's broke you two apart. You turned to see five guys smiling at the two of you, embarrassed you buried your face into Luhan's chest.

He chuckled and hugged you tightly.

"______ I have a few guys I want you to meet."

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Saber9241 #1
Chapter 1: WAAAAHHH!!! KYAAAHHHH!!!!! THIS IS SO .....Kyahhhh!!!!! I LOVE THIS!!!!! BEST SOTRY I HAVE SEEN EVER!!!!!!!!!
barooya #2
Chapter 1: Maaaaaa~ >___< The 'OOOOHH's
utterly coincidence omg :3
This is sweet TT
Chapter 1: Ahh! That's so cute~ and super sweet <3
alwaysdreaming #4
So Cute
moonlover23 #5
That was so cuuuutttteeee!!!!!>_<
Oh my god, this is absolutely fluffy and cute. I can imagine luhan do this kind of thing xDDD and forever ing exo-m-______-