Two Kids No Consequences

Six Feet Under The Stars

4:30 A.M.  Near Hongcheon

   Kris still has about six to seven hours more to go before the effects of the sleeping mist wears off and he'd be awake. Seohyun looked at the clock illuminated by Kris's radio. Hours and driving and she was tempted to sleep. Seohyun had decided to go to the province of Gangwon-do. It was a large province a few hours away from Seoul. 

   Surrounded by trees, green mountains, clean lakes and other things that nature has to offer; this place was the perfect setting for a kidnapping. 

   This wasn't her usual field of expertise, Seohyun realized while driving slowly down the narrow streets of the province. She was much more accustomed to dealing with corrupt businessmen, investors and other business personalities. But she knew that she can pull of this kidnapping, a fully grown man wouldn't be so hard to handle for a week, right? Kai and Yoona had believed that she can do this, and if he believed her then there's a 100% chance that she can.

    Kai. Seohyun and Yoona; the ultimate trio. The three of them had been friends ever since they were just a couple of skinny and gangly thirteen-year olds.  Seohyun smiled as she reminisced memories of their past. The three of them were one of the 'outsiders' during their high school days. They would always sit by themselves, eat by themselves, and talk by themselves. They had never been comfortable in the presence of someone else. The only people that they trusted were Mr. and Mrs. Kim--Kai's parents and the owner of the carnival that she and Yoona grew up in.    

   Like Yoona, Seohyun had lost both her parents due to corrupt and greedy people. If Seohyun's parents hadn't been swindled out of their booming business, then Seohyun would have probably been sickly rich by now--and her parents would still be alive. 

    Seohyun gripped the steering wheel tightly as she thought about what those people had done to her parents.

   In this world, there are only two kinds of people, Seohyun had realized as she started to grow older; the corrupt and the corrupted. There wasn't a line that would blur those two diversions apart. Her parents had been a part of the ones that had been 'corrupted'. Seohyun was determined not to commit the same mistakes that her parents had. 

  That's why she ended up with Kai and Yoona.

  It had started out innocently enough, just three kids trying to know more about how the world around them ran. It had been Kai's father--the owner of the carnival and the person who took care of Seohyun & Yoona--who taught them how things actually work. There were several stands in the carnival and each of them had a dirty trick behind them. Their Uncle Kim had teached them everything they needed to know about tricking people, boguses, being callous and a million other things that they would later find useful in their lives. Every single night, right before the three of them go to bed, Uncle Kim would have another tale of debauchery or conning to tell them. He would then proceed to give them tips and tricks and the three of them would listen in complete fascination. Sometimes, he would drive them to different towns and go to different art expositions and buy them classical CD's. Uncle Kim taught them how to appreciate art, music and to appreciate it with style and class.

  One of Uncle Kim's infamous and important lesson to them was "In order to be in control of something, you just have to know everything about it more than anyone else does."

  Seohyun smiled, he was really a wise old man but it wasn't only just that she admired about him, Uncle Kim would always tell the three of them  that the most important things in this world are love and family. They would be quiet, hanging to each and every word coming out of Uncle Kim's mouth. "Kids, like Helen Keller said and I quote 'The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even touched--they must be felt by the heart.' I know that you're all smart to have your own conclusions and opinions about this but let me tell you something."

  By then Uncle Kim would proceed to lean back on his rocking chair to sit in a much more comfortable position adn smile at them--it was a sign that they should recall what he was about to say next. "Most of the time, the carnival requires more of me that I'm actually willing to give. After working more and more for more hours, of course I would get tired and be all snappy and everything. Even after all the conning that I have done throughout the day, physical exortion was still something that I hated and it was something that I think my old bones can't handle anymore. Most of the time, I hated being old and fragile and the thought of death scares me like nothing else. But you know what?"

 The three of them had shook their heads in unison, they had no clue what he was about to say next. Uncle Kim had signalled them to come closer and Seohyun, Kai and Yoona leaned closer to Uncle Kim who then whispered. "But whenever I would arrive home, whenever I would open the door and the aroma of my wife's cooking would fill the air; it makes me smile and it as the old cliche sayings go, it warms up the cockles of my heart. There's the feeling of my heart bursting with so much love and happiness whenever I would see her and even though this might seem cheesy for y'all; just a smile from her and it would be enough to relieve the stress that I had accumulated throughout the day. Whenever we would eat her home-cooked meal together and share news about our day, we would laugh together and look at each other like we were all doing this for the first time."

  Uncle Kim had a tear threatening to fall from the corner of his eyes but he still continued, "It's important. I can't even begin to describe the wonderful feeling of knowing that you have someone to come home to. Sometimes, home isn't a place but a person and you should keep that in mind."

  Uncle Kim had looked at them one by one. "Kai, Seohyun, Yoona. There are lots of things that I want to tell you but right now I just want to let you know my biggest wish for the three of you."

 "I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art; write or draw or build or sing or live as only as you can."

  Snapping back to reality, Seohyun noticed that she was starting to cry and mourn for the memories of her wonderful past. She brushed them off and took a deep breath, looking at the sleeping figure beside her, I liked the life that I have lived so far. I wonder about you, Mr. Wu Fan. Are there any memories that you like to hold on to? I'm just curious. It's early morning, don't you know that it's usually the time when we're deep in thought? I know there's a reason for everything. I wonder what's the reason why our paths crossed. It's okay though, I don't have to know. I'll just be with you for a week. I can look out for you until then.


5:00 A.M. Hongcheon Proper


  With a smile, Seohyun covered Kris's body with a thick, white comforter. Due to over-fatigue, she had decided to stop by a little hostel on their way and to steal a few hours of sleep. With the help of the all-too-eager teenage boy that worked in the hostel, she had managed to drag Kris's unconscious body to the room that she rented. She had made up an excuse and told them that her husband had just passed out drunk and she needed a quick stop over. Thankfully, no one was suspicious or asked any more questions. 

 Making sure that he was comfortably laid down, Seohyun took off her thick coat, threw it on the ground and collapsed in the bed with a moan of pleasure. She laid down a little near Mr. Wu Fan. Seohyun was a light sleeper so she would be immediately awake by the smallest of sounds. She fell asleep with a smile on her face, completely ready for sleep to take her.


10:37 A.M. At the Hostel

   A slight pressure on his back and his chest woke Kris up. He opened his eyes to find a girl with flowing, long and dark curly hair and a peaceful face snuggling against him. He paushed, trying to make sense of things. The last thing that he remembered last night was getting into his car and having someone in it already. This person must have been the one that took him. Who was she? What did she want? Kris tried to unwrap himself from the sleeping woman but she had only snuggled against him closer. This woman was a hugger. Kris sighed and remained still, looks like he's going to be stuck like that until she wakes up.

   Meanwhile, he took this opportunity to study his captor. She was beautiful yet there was something different about her from the women that he had encounter and conquered  before. She looked a little fierce yet there was a hint of innocence and she looked so serene and it was like she never encountered a problem before. Her face was pearly white and smooth Kris had to remind himself to ask her what kind of skin care she does. Even her hair looked silky and healthy he wondered what kind of shampoo and conditioner she uses, she might even use more hair products, judging from the smoothness of her hair. 


11:35 A.M. At the Hostel

 When the woman groggily opened her eyes and sat down, Kris felt like he just witnesed a miracle. He streched his limbs, which had been stuck at one position for an hour and he smiled to himself, glad to be able to feel his body again. 

Seohyun stood up and told Kris. "I'm keeping you for a week."

  Kris heard an innuendo in this and he his charm. "Babe, if you wanted me for yourself, you should have just said so. I'd be willing to go with you. Any place, any time, anywhere." 

 Seohyun felt her jaw fall to the floor in shock. What kind of blasted mind does he have? "I'm kidnapping you for a week."

 Kris winked at her. "Ooh, baby I like it rough."

  Seohyun couldn't stop herself, she grabbed a pillow and hit Kris with it, hard. "What the hell's wrong with you? I just told you that I'm kidnapping you for seven days and you keep it up with your pick-up lines. Can't you see the seriousness of our position?"

  Kris chuckled to himself. "Position? What kind do you want? We can do it Missionary or Doggy or maybe even--"\

  He was once again interrupted by the pillow that Seohyun threw at him. "My God, you don't take anything seriously, don't you? What's gotten into you?"

   Kris tilted his head to the side and pursed his lips, he looked like he was deep in thought. For a second, Seohyun thought that he was finally going to answer her in a normal way. "Nothing has gotten into me yet."

 Then he smirked at her. "But I can get into you."

 "Krisus! You're impossible! I prefered it when you were in bed sleeping." Seohyun threw her hands up in frustration and groaned. 

 "Well, you can always put me to bed." Kris winked.

  What exactly has she gotten herself in to?


9:45 P.M. Outside the Hostel


  Six uncovered and damaged pillows, four kicks in the shin, two broken windows,  a chopped headboard, a broken door, an injured hostel manager, and a mattress thrown over the window later and Seohyun and Kris found themselves back in the parking lot outside. They had been kicked out of the hostel. 

  It started out like a little innocent fight but ended like the World War II. Seohyun and Kris found themselves throwing everything that they could get their hands on to each other. Seohyun, having quick reflexes, had managed to ducked from the coffee table, lamp, pillows, blankets and towels that Kris threw at her. Kris was alright himself, he saved himself from flying shoes, socks, hair-brush, shampoo, bed sheets and even pebbles that Seohyun had thrown back.

  They were both surprised and shocked at how childishly they had acted.

  Kris was always polite and respectful towards woman.  But Seohyun being unwilling to praise him about his good looks had thrown him over the edge. Add to the fact that she took his precious cellphone and wallet. He didn't mean to join her in her crazy 'throw-everything-in-sight-at-each-other' spree but his temper got the best of him. He really didn't mean to hurt her and he knew that she could handle the things that he had sent flying across the room.

  Seohyun was always professional, especially when it comes to her 'work' but Kris being unable to shut up about his 'good looks' and his continous ual innuendos had thrown her over the edge. She didn't mean to throw-everything-in-sight-at-him but she couldn't find a way to express her fury. She really didn't mean to hurt him. Besides, she knew that he can handle the things that she had sent flying across the room.

 They were both safe and unharmed. Too bad they couldn't say the same to the hostel manager who they had accidentally thrown a broken lamp at. 

 The manager had been hurt and furious, Kris thought that the old man's blood pressure went up drastically when he saw the conditions of the room. Their room was wrecked. The walls had been dented and the paint was badly scratched off, they broke a window or two and it was a complete mess. Even the bed was beaten to a pulp. When Seohyun had looked at the old man, she saw the vein that was about to pop out of his forehead.

 At once they had been yelled at and kicked out of the hostel, they didn't even had to pay for anything. The old man just wanted to see them leave before they could cause more damage to his little hostel.

  And that was how the cassanova and the con artist had managed to get themselves kicked out of a hostel when they were both  awake. 

 Thankfully, they had already ate lunch and dinner in the hostel. So they at least got something nice out of it.

 They walked quietly to the bottom of the hill where Kris's car was located and Seohyun thought that she should dispose the car by tomorrow since they would start to notice that Wu Fan was missing and they would start searching for him. She couldn't be so sure. She decided that they should use the car now and leave it tomorrow in some deserted place. The parking lot was about 2 kilometres from the hostel itself. Just as she was about to get the keys, she remembered something important and looked back at the unsuspecting Kris.

 "My bag!" She demanded. "It's still in the room! I left it there! My purse, my money, my phone, everything is still there!"

 Kris's eyes widened and he ran to Seohyun and pushed her back towards the hostel murmuring, "Go get it back, you forgetful human being!"

 She pushed back the all-too eager Kris who now had his hair dishelved and his clothes messed up. "We can't go back, remember? The crazy old manager will kill us for sure!"

 Kris let go of Seohyun and looked at the hostel a few metres behind them. It was quiet and there was no one walking around. Grinning to himself, he patted his chest and looked at Seohyun. "I've got an idea. Leave it all up to me. I'll get your bag for you and you're going to get awed by how macho I am! You'll see for sure! I'll prove you I'm macho!"

  Seohyun rolled her eyes and chuckled at how Kris couldn't let go of the fact that she really didn't find him that handsome. "Are you sure you can do it?"

 Kris walked to her and placed both his hands over both her shoulders, leaned clser to her and said, "Believe me, I'l come back here safely with your bag."

With a wink at her, he jogged back to the hostel.


9:58 P.M. Outside the Hostel


 "Evacuate to the car immediately! Woman, Go the car!" Kris yelled frantically. 

 Seohyun looked at the direction of the hostel and saw Kris running fast towards her with her bag safely in his hands. But she detected a hint of panic in his voice. Seohyun was frozen to the spot, what was she supposed to do, where should she run? She couldn't hear him clearly over the sound of him gasping for breath.

  When Kris had reached the place where she was standing, waiting for him--he had unmercifully grabbed her by the hand and towed her downhill towards the place where they parked the car. Kris was fast on his feet and Seohyun had no choice but to run just to keep up with him. Seohyun ran then looked back--only to find the old manager wearing nothing but loose checkered pajamas and a very angry expression on his face.

 "Get back here, you juveniles!" The old man yelled, running after them while holding up the long broom and dustpan in both his hands. "It wasn't enough for you to ruin a room, you just had to come back again to retrieve the things you forgot! Peasants!"

 "Oh my God," Seohyun whispered.

 "I know, let's just go back to the car!" Kris panted, holding Seohyun's hand tighter and running faster. They still have about a few metres to go but they could already see the silhouette of his car. 

 Seohyun ran faster. She couldn't believe it.

The man was still running frantically towards them, waving the broom and the dustpan ahead of him. 

Gasping for breath, they finally reached the car and Kris was yelling "Hurry, woman! Hurry open it!"

Seohyun fumbled for the keys but then she opened it in time and they jumped in it immediately. Seohyun started the engine at once and closed the door beside her. Kris came inside and sat on the passenger seat. When Seohyun started to drive away, Kris had pressed the button to wind down the roof of his car and he stood up on his seat.

 "What are you doing?!" Seohyun hissed, still catching for breath. "You might fall down! Go back to your seat!"

 Kris just winked at her and looked at the man who was still trying to run after them. The man was now trying to throw the broom to them but then he missed. Kris laughed and yelled. "Better luck next time! Thank you for the hospitality!" 

He then sat back on his seat and Seohyun looked at him.

 He looked back at Seohyun.

And as if on cue, they started laughing together.

The absurdity of the situation had just hit them both.

 They had just been chased out by a half- old man carrying cleaning supplies after wrecking a hostel.  

  The both of them continued to laugh together and that was how they found themselves driving off next to nowhere in particular--just driving until they find somewhere to go to. For all they know they could just sleep in the car for now and continue to look for a place tomorrow. For now, they were just a couple of kids who has nothing, no plans, no immediate destination, just two kids who have each other in this unknown place.

Under the blanket of stars, Seohyun continued to laugh while driving; with Kris mimicking her happiness beside her.

 It was unusual. It's fun, she thought.

It was new. It's fun. he thought.

This was just the first day, Seohyun thought. Who knows what might happen next.


[a/n: omg you guys! Thanks for commenting and supporting this story! You don't know how much it means to me. It inspires me and makes me happy and here's a little thank you to all of you :') This chapter is really long (and the font is even small) I hoped you liked it. I was inspired the whole time that I wrote it so yeah! Comment and everything. thank you so much! I luvidubs you all! x) Please look forward to the next update. ]




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Update after a few hours~ look forward to it until then x)


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MedinaJoy #1
Chapter 4: God..just find this story
hiddencupcakes #2
Chapter 4: i'm a new reader and goshhh it would be such a waste to completely ditch this awesome fic! really excited for ur next update TT
Since you're working on UYC again, is there any chance you will update this story? Thank you! ^_^
julie-61 #4
Chapter 4: Please continue this story, I'm really miss it. Please update soon, thanks.
iryani #5
why dont u update dis story anymore??
im so sad!:((
julie-61 #6
Hi author i new here. I just hope u can update SIX FEET UNDER THE STAR. I love to read the story please update soon. Thank You.
Chapter 4: I hope you're not abandoning this story :(
Chapter 4: >.< oh my.. it ended there? hope you update soon.. ^_^
ambai90 #9
Chapter 4: update soon author nim!! been waiting for so longggggg!!