Midnight blue

A life time promise. (semi-hiatus)

Everything went well and as planned..the party, guests and the rest of the things. Jonghyun had being patient and waited for me this whole time, I was willing to spend the rest of my life with this gorgeous man that I saw as perfection in my eyes. 

It was a cold night.. there was some fog in the sky, but tonight will be the night I get to finally spend a right amount of time with my yeobo after being gone for so long. I grabbed the small box and gently placed it inside the pocket of my Adidas hoodie and headed towards Jjong's home, I stopped by a nearby store and bought some strawberry pudding, I would be sharing with him later. Jonghyun had given me a key to his house the day of the party since he knew I was back. I entered the house and there they were again, Onew and Jjong. Of course I just smiled and went in knowing that they had nothing in between them.

It was going to be a movie night for the three of us. I didn't mind Onew being there, I just thought it would of been better if it was only me and Jjong tonight alone with each other. We were watching a horror movie.. Onew hyung went to prepare some popcorn while Jjong and I waited in the living room cuddle up against each other's arms. The movie played and all of us watched quietly.. I turn my head to the side to see that Onew hyung was playing by throwing the popcorn in the air and trying to catch it in his mouth, Jjong stared at the TV screen and seem to be biting down on his lip nervously.

I turned back to face him while holding him in my arms and gently whisper in to his ear, Jjongie are you scared? He looked up me with his puppy eyes and shook his head slightly. The movie ended and Onew left with a warm good bye, I volunteered to take him home.. but he said no thanks. Jonghyun hyung had fallen asleep in my arms and I kissed his forehead gently not trying to wake him up. It had been a long night and I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. 

I stretched out my arms and yawned as I opened my eyes and look around to see that I had fallen asleep on the couch and Jjong was gone. Something smell good that allured my hyung and a few growls from my stomach could be heard. Ah hey sleep head, you're awake! How'd you sleep? Jonghyun eye smiled brightly and brought a plate of pancakes to me with some milk beside it setting it down on my lap as I sat up. Hyung I slept well knowing that I had you in my arms. Oh really? You made a really comfy pillow and kept me warm the whole night, Jjong said as he laughed. Eat up and if you want some more just let me know ok yeobo? I ate hungrily and was very satisfied when I had finished.

Jjong sat on my lap and reached to cup my face in his soft hands. Minho we need to talk.. You know how I've waited for you this whole time you were gone? Well I went and met Onew. He's become a really important person to me now and well I think I-I like him. My eyes widened and I looked down nodding, I understand hyung.. that's all that came out from my mouth.

Was this really happening? I shouldn't have left for that trip because I knew and was afraid of things changing.


( ~ Jongho-obsessed : Onew became Jonghyun's friend a few days after Minho had left :D )

( ~ HaloKaulitz : No they're not together, but Jonghyun will have mix feelings for both Minho and Onew)



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update soon >.<
please give him someone while jonghyun is with onew :(
GamyeongjaTokki #2
Knew this was gonna happen ~_~
jonghyunism #3
oh no jjong, please dont hurt minho
jonghyunism #4
Ah! So jongyu aren't together?
Geez! Just update it already! >o<
OMG! I love it, just by reading foreword. It seems so beautiful. Can't wait for the update.