Calling: FallingArrows! ^=^

X a n J i M i e ♦ Review Shop [CLOSED]]

Title: Carnivorous
Author: Falling Arrows
Reviewer: ToneHarmonic


    ♦ Title (4/5)

The title is unique and relates to your story very well. However, though it does, it is the type of title which would get lost in the sea of Infinite fanfics. But, I can't imagine the title as anything else, so it's fine.

    ♦Description / Forewords (14/15)

Your description is interesting and it draws me in. Though it wasn't necessary for you to put two descriptions. I'm more than pleased that you used the foreword as it is supposed to be used, not simply a place for an author's note. It gives me a glimpse of how your writing style is and how your story is laid out. This further drew me in and made me want to read more. Thumbs up for you, my dear.

    ♦Plot (25/25)

One word: Amazing. Your plot is uniqe and fresh, taking a turn from the usual run-of-the-mill fanfictions found on AFF. It is inventive and to be honest, I'm disappointed in myself for not finding this sooner. I have always loved a good thriller/horror fanfiction that manages to incorporate a bit of romance on the side. You may think I am a bit biased but this only heightens my expectations. All in all, I am definitely impressed with your writing style and the plot. Full marks.

    ♦Character Development (20/20)

I was somewhat expecting a Korean name for the girl, since you know, this is Korea after all but who says we have to limit the races that can be found in this country?

Willow DeCroix: Strong, independent, pretty, slim (from what I picture in my mind), and smart. She is so close to being a Mary-Sue character, yet so far. Why? Because though she's strong, independent, pretty, and etc., she's just as  flawed as a normal human. She has negative characteristics that balance her out, making her human.

    ♦Flow (8/10)

The flow is a bit slow for an action fanfiction. There hasn't been any major development on the island apart from Willow almost getting consumed by the fire.

    ♦Grammar and spelling (15/15)

Maybe I was too caught up reading in your fanfic that I didn't realize it, but I saw basically no mistakes in your writing. Either there were none or they were so minor that I didn't even notice.

    ♦Enjoyment (10/10)

I think me subscribing to your story is enough evidence to show that I truly enjoy it. I'm a bit sad that it's on hiatus but since the plot is great, I'm willing to wait patiently for your next update.


►Overall score = 95/100


♦Reviewers Comment:

I feel as if this review didn't help at all but honestly, I have no problem with it whatsoever. You have executed everything out flawlessly to the point where I'm thinking 'damn, she's good' after reading it. Keep up the way you portray Willow, since her overall character is what makes this story original and downright great. I think you deserve to be on the non-existent featured area in the foreword of this review shop. Let me go make it now.

Hello! Thank you very much for requesting at our shop! I hope you were satisfied with your review.:)

Thanks to your fanfic, I have now created a Recommend Section in the foreword.

You did an awesome job and I know you will just keep getting better and better.

Please remember to credit the reviewer (ToneHarmonic) and our shop!

Thank you once again and we hope to hear from you in the future!

WE OUTTIE! ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

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Sorry that the reviews have been coming late! School's getting bothersome...=3=


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I don't know if you guys still runs the shop or not, but I would like to cancel my request.. :))))
SadisticSinner #2
Oh well, then,
Title: The Demon

Author: SadisticSinner

Story Link:

Completed, Uncompleted, One-Shot: Completed/three-shot

Genre:, a bit of horror

Reviewer:J-walkerspirit : Mei

Thank you ^^
Title: Drama Assignment

Author: TheUnicorn

Story Link:

Completed, Uncompleted, One-Shot: Uncompleted

Genre: fun, romance

Reviewer: daedreaming

Rated: not rated

Other: please judge strictly. Thank you.
I can finally go back to reviewing. Thank you once again :D
Sorry I didn't see that Xiao Zhen doesn't do . ^^
Title: Love to be loved by you


Story Link:

Completed, Uncompleted, One-Shot: Uncompleted

Genre: angst, fluff,

Reviewer: Xiao Zhen

Rated: No

-Comment below-
Chapter 5 isn't a real chapter.
anne-maschera #7
Thank you very much for the helpful review :)
Title: Love Bloomed at School Trip

Author: zeyniiDara

Story Link:

Completed, Uncompleted, One-Shot: two-shot XD

Genre: romance, school life

Reviewer: J-walkerspirit : Mei

Rated: Nope

Title: No need 'sorry'

Author: anahus

Story Link:

Profile Link:

Completed, Uncompleted, One-Shot: Uncompleted

Genre: drama and romance

Reviewer: ToneHarmonic : Raihn

Rated: yes (for some chapters)

Other: my first time request review, so I'm kinda nervous for the result.. hope it will improve my writing onwards, thank you! ^ ^
Title: Twins Adventure

Author: kpoplistener

Story Link:

Profile Link:

Completed, Uncompleted, One-Shot: Completed

Genre: fluff

Reviewer: Raihn

Rated: nope

Other: Hi! I'm requesting again :) This story was my very first one. Please focus on the grammar and characterization :) Thank you so much in advance! ^^