chapter 2

The Relationship

Haneul's POV:


when i open my eyes i just saw the white wall and ... minho-ssi?

"Ahh you're wake. i'm so happy now you already awake" he smile and give me some water "drink it".

"thanks" and i drink it. "hmm.. where is krystal?" i ask him

"ooh she must have some test now" he  replied. "did you eat some breakfast?" he continued.

i shook my head  and he give me some toast "babo, you must eat you know" he said that to me.

"i can't, this is yours not mine. i can wait till the break " i said but... "*growled*" oh great my stomach growled.

he chuckled when he heard my stomach growl "just take it ok. if you don't take it i'll angry" he said that to me . oh wow he is so kind to me

"ok ok , t-thanks" i said and smiled at him and he smiled back to me. ok that was so embarrassing! I can fell that my cheeks turned red.

end of  Haneul's POV




minho's POV:


"*growled*" Haneul's stomach growled. i can tell that her cheeks turned red and... that was very cute.

"just take it ok. if you don't take it i'll angry" i said that to her . oh wow she is very cute when she blushing.
"ok ok , t-thanks" she said and smiled at me and i smiled back to her.



end of Minho's POV


someone's POV:


I saw Haneul is fainted and oh i hate to see this but MINHO CARRIED HER WITH A BRIDAL STYLE INTO THE SICK BAY "what a , she already close to MY minho. Haneul if i were you, I would be scared about what’s coming to you" I said as I tightened my fists and walked away.




end of someone's POV


Haneul's POV:


"RIIIIING"  school bell is ringing , so YEAYY THE SCHOOL IS OVER TODAY. i'm very happy because today i'll go to SNSD unnie's dorm. i want to tell them about today . i meet minho and become a best friends and taemin is in the same class with me and krystal.

"krystal do you want to go to snsd unnie's dorm with me?" i asked krystal

"i want to , but sorry i must do some rehearsal with my unnies. i'm so sorry Haneul" krystal said

"it's okay , i can go to the unnie's dorm by myself. hmm... i think i must go to Snsd unnie's dorm now. bye krystal :D" i replied to krystal and wave my hand to her and she wave to me back.

and i walked into the park near snsd unnie's dorm but i felt someone is stalking me.  ok now i'm very scared. and then someone grabbed my shoulders and i punched someone stomach and i think it's very hard because i'm so scared you know.

"AAAAAWW!" someone that i puched his or her ya ya whatever is screaming , when i look OMOO IT'S MINHO .


"ok it's ok" he smiled but when i touch his stomach (right where i punched him) "AAAW!" he screaming

"liar" i said and i bring him to the bench at the park and i sat next to him

"minho-ssi i'm so soo sorry , i don't know that was you so i punched you so hard because i'm so scared" i apologize to him

"it's ok , i'm so sorry because i made you scared" he apologize to me

"it's ok" i said and smiled to him and he smiled back at me. and i look my watch "great it's 7 pm , i can tell that oppas and unnies iwas so worried" i said to myself and sighed.


*Eonjengan i nunmuri meomchugil
Eonjengan i eodumi geodhigo
Ttaseuhan haetsari i nunmureul mallyeojugil*

my handphone is ringing and that was form jessica unnie no i meant jessica umma, haha

"sorry i must answer the call" i said to minho-ssi

"oh it's ok" he replied

[the conversation]

me: hello

jessica: YAAH WHERE ARE YOU , WHY YOU STILL NOT HERE? ARE YOU OK? WHAT HAPPENS? WHERE ARE YOU NOW? (she yelled and minho is hear it)

me: YAAH don't yelled at the phone ok . you can make me deaf you know umma. i'm okay. i'm at the park near your dorm  i will tell you later ok .

jessica: ok , hurry if your oppas know that his sister is still not here . we are sooo deaad~

me: if they kill you i killed them first . HAHA

jessica: blah.. blah.. blah.. you talk to much just hurry ok

me: you are the one who talk to much , not me.



[end of the conversation]

"your mom?" minho-ssi asked me

"no , my mom is in U.S she is living there with my dad and me and my brother is living in here because we don't want to live there. that was jessica unnie , but i called her is 'umma' she is more like my mom, so worried about me ." i explained to minho-ssi

"jessica? jessica SNSD?" he asked me

"yes" i replied

"you know her?"



"because she is my brother friends"

"oh, who is your brother?"


"siwon super junior?"


"why i didn't know it? sometimes i'm coming to your brother's dorm but i didn't meet you"

"because i always in snsd unnie's dorm or f(x)'s dorm"

"oh ok"

"hmmm... sorry minho-ssi i must go to snsd unnie's dorm, they are so worried now"

"ooh ok, i'll just go back to my dorm then"

"ok . bye bye minho-ssi" i waved and smiled at him

"Haneul wait!" he stopped me

"what?" i said

"can you call me 'oppa'?" he asked me and i could tell his cheeks turned red.

"ok, minho oppa . bye i must go now^^" i chuckled and waved "bye oppaa"

"bye Haneul" he waved and smiled to me and i'm running to snsd unnie's dorm cause they all must be worried about me.


at SNSD's dorm

i press the bell button and ...

"YAAH HANEUL WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN " yes that is jessica unnie oops wrong again i meant jessica 'umma'

"i'm fine . i already said to you umma i'm in the park near your dorm" i said to jessica unnie

"ok, but what are you doing there?" yoona unnie asked me

"so..." and i tell the story about 'what happened today in my life' haha

"ooh so you must say sorry to minho then" sunny unnie said to me and give some soft drinks to us

"i already said that i'm so sorry to minho oppa" i replied

"eh 'oppa'? wow haneul-aah"yoona eonni said

'yah it's not what you're thinking ok!" i pouted

and then

"TING TONG TING TONG" the bell is ringing. "TING TONG TING TONG"

"OK OK  be patient please , arrgh" yuri unnie open the door " why can't you guys be more patient, arggh"

"sorry" super junior oppas said together in the same time , me and snsd unnies just laughing.

"stop laughing ok. come on Haneul time to go home" siwon oppa said to me

"ok , bye unnies . don't forget tommorow ok?" i waved to the rest of SNSD unnies .

"bye Haneul^^  we won't forget tommorow" they all waved  back at me , and i go to the van with the oppas and go back to the dorm. and i told them about what happened today , when i told them that i punched minho oppa stomach hard they all are laughing. but when i tell that i'm fainted they all are so worried . i'm so glad that i have so many unnies and oppas like them . i like this relationship. it was so perfect. haha


at the dorm


"aargh i want to sleep , i'm sooo tired. Goodnight Oppaas" i said to the rest of super junior oppa and went to my closet and changed to a comfortable pajama and went to my room and went to my dream world


end of Haneul's POV




chapter 2 is finisheeed .

please comment^^

i'll update soon as i can^^

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hielooo #1
nesyaa #2
Hey guys! i'll continue this story. <br />
i'll update today <br />
so stay tuned^^
... ;_; aw........... ;_;
^.^ ooo~! Great update!!!! ^.^ can't wait for more!!!!!!!
nesyaa #5
@bizarre yes poor minho xD ahaha<br />
Ok I will update later ^^
^.^ GREAT UPDATE!!! ^.^ hahaha, poor minho xD
update soon~!^^
nesyaa #8
updated^^ <br />
thanks for the comments :D hehe<br />