
Never Wish Upon A Star

Just like any other normal week day, I come back from school all tired & worn out... practically dead. The only thing that's keeping my spirit alive is my adorable chihuahua Chestnut. Yes, I live alone. My stupid independent, teenage mind got the best of me & I decided to move out... I actually kind of miss coming home to dinner already made, a smiling mother, a hyper father...but those things are all gone now. I'm such an idiot. Jk. I'm a genius. Sometimes.

ANYWAYS, I finished up my daily after school routines. Eat, homework, shower, television, then sleep. But today I didn't really feel like sleeping, so I just sat on my windowsill with my adorable sleeping Chestnut on my lap. I look up at the night sky, gazing at all the millions of fire balls that never seem to dull.

I look down at the adorable creature in my lap & think to myself, "Am I lonely?... Nah, I have a bunch of friends at school...well one. But she's super awesome so that counts as like...two friends right?... Oh,who am I kidding. I am a loner."

I sigh pathetically before looking back up at the sky, suddenly remembering what my grandmother had told me before passing away.

"Never wish upon a star ____. The consequences could be dangerous... I once wished on a star for a pet shark... didn't actually think it'd come true."

I furrow my eyes in confusion before speaking,"Dangerous? Wish? She must've just told me that so I could never wish for a shark..."

I scoff & shake my head a little. Crazy grandma, she knows I hate sharks. But I love that woman.

I look around my tiny bedroom before spotting my super y SHINee poster on my wall.

"Man... I really wish I had a boyfriend like them...Wait, boyfriend? Why am I thinking about having a boyfriend all of a sudden...Maybe my hormones are finally kicking in."

Looking back up at the stars, I tilt my head & speak. "One wish wouldn't hurt right?... Hmm... I wish I had a boyfriend...not just any kind of boyfriend. I want mine to be perfect...Did you hear what I said Mr.Star? P. E. R. F. E. K. T."

I laugh quietly at my spelling fail before placing my sleeping puppy in her bed, then slipping into my own, & burying myself underneath the heaps of blankets that I own (& don't really require since one is enough).

"Goodnight Chestnut, goodnight me, goodnight future boyfriend that I know doesn't exist." I chuckle a little before whispering, "I am so hilarious..." then falling asleep peacefully.

------------- The Next Morning


"Mother fu-" I slam the alarm clock on my bedstand before rolling to my left side and snuggling into my huge, warm pillow.

I mutter against the pillow, "Wow... this pillow is awesome... I should buy another one..."

"Buy another one? Now why would you want to go and replace me?..." I hear a deep voice suddenly speak as my pillow rumbles & wraps its arms around my waist.

"Cool! It could even ta-" I stop midsentence. Okay, pillows can't talk and they definitely don't have arms. I slowly look up to see a cute-faced boy with messy brown hair & a toothy grin plastered on his face, & before he could even open his mouth to say hello, I smack him right across his face leaving a bright red hand print on his right cheek. He instinctively placed his left hand on his face, letting out a whimper, and before I could even comprehend the rest of the situation, I stood up & grabbed one of the stiffest pillows I own, before whacking him over the head with it repeatedly.

He let out cries between each whack, "Would you- OW- Let me explain- OWW- First?- OWW!" He grabbed the pillow from my hands before sitting on it, his legs in a criss-crossed position.

"EXPLAIN?? YOU WANT TO FREAKING EXPLAIN?? WELL, IF YOU HAVE A GOOD REASON TO EXPLAIN WHY YOU WERE IN MY BED- Wait,oh my god. Did I go to a club last night? Did I drink & forget everything? I'M ONLY IN HIGH SCHOOL. AND OHHH MY GOD, I AM SO SORRY FOR HITTING YOU... Wait..." I suddenly whisper, "Did you use protection?..."

His ears turned bright red, & the color of the hand mark on his cheek completely blend in with the rest of his face.

"W-What? I- No- I- Uhh..."

"NO? YOU DIDN'T USE PROTECTION? I'M GOING TO BE PREGNANT DAMMIT! I'M NOT READY FOR A BUNCH OF MINI-ME'S RUNNING AROUND!..." I continued rambling on and on about how I didn't want to be a mother yet, before his deep voice cut me off.

"N-No! No! We didn't do anything AT ALL." he clarified before I let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Well then, if that's not the case... WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY APARTMENT? AND WHO ARE YOU?"

He smiled cheekily before replying, "I'm your boyfriend."

There was a moment of silence before I spoke, "I'm calling the cops." and started walking towards the door.

"WAIT! WAIT!" he hopped off the bed and held onto my wrist before I could even grasp the doorknob. Damn. I am never leaving my cellphone in the living room again.

"Would you let me finish woman? Anyways, I am your boyfriend and I came from space. I used to live on that star you wished on last night!~" He had that stupid, adorable smile on his face agai- Wait,adorable?! NO. NOT ADORABLE. Oh jeez, I'm even lying to myself now.

I looked over at my sleeping puppy and made a face. "And how the hell did Chestnut not wake up from all of this?? What a great guard dog she is..."

I shook his grip off of my wrist. "Star? Wish? Damn... grandma was right... Well whoever you are, I want you to leave my apartment immediately before..." I stopped speaking and stared at the tiny cut on his cheek that was dribbling little drops of blood. I look down at my hands and noticed my long nails that I haven't cut in forever.

"Crap..." I say before staring at the cut again.

He noticed and tried looking down at what I was staring at on his face, only making him go cross-eyed.  "What? Is there something on my nose?"

I didn't answer him and just dragged him to the dining room before making him sit in one of the chairs. I ran to the bathroom and grabbed a first-aid kit before running back over to him. If there's anything I hate worse than sharks, it'd be blood...& insects.

I open the first-aid kit before grabbing the necessary items. I bend over so I'm the same eye level with him & I briefly gaze into his dark brown orbs before facing the cut. I bite my lip in concentration as I wipe away some of the blood & put on a little dab of medicine. I place a Hello Kitty bandaid on the cut before standing up straight, staring at my piece of work.

I unconciously think, "Is it just me, or does that bandaid make him look a billion times cuter... if that's possible... WAIT. NO. WHAT. NO. EW. SUNG ____, SHUTUP." I began knocking my head lightly, trying to get the thought out of my head.

"Uhh... are you okay?" I look down at him and see him staring back up at me with big worried eyes.

"Y-Yeah...I'm fine..." I look over at the clock and a string of curse words begin spilling out of my mouth. "I'M GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" I run around in a circle like an idiot before running back to my room and changing into my uniform. I pat my sleeping puppy on the top of its head before running towards the door with my backpack hanging off one shoulder.

"AND YOU!" I point to the still sitting boy as he tilts his head to the side. I lost my train of thoughts for a second after seeing him do that cute action. "Damn, you're so freaking ador- uhhh shouldn't you be leaving now?" I speak hurriedly before nodding my head towards the door.

"I don't have a place to live." he replies innocently before speaking again, "Remember, I'm your boyfriend so I'm living with you now!~"

For some reason, I actually believed him! "Well uh... could you feed my dog once she wakes up please?... Do you even know what a dog is?"

He scoffs and waves his hands in the air. "Of course! I studied about Earth and its alien things...or as you call it, 'animals,' for a couple of years."

I furrow my eyebrows and nod like what he's saying doesn't sound like complete non-sense. "Err, yeah right. Well, bye-... uhh what's your name?"

He perks up a little before answering, "I'm Chanyeol! Park Chanyeol."

I pursed my lips together. "Chanyeol, huh?... Well Channie, don't burn this whole apartment complex down. Thanks." And with that, I headed out of the door, not giving him the chance to ask what my name was.

He pouted before breaking out into a huge grin. "Channie. She called me Channie. I already have a nickname!~" He fan-boyed a little.

-------------- After School

I walked into my apartment and slammed the door behind me, not really caring if the neighbors found it annoying or not. I was too busy being pissed... and I mean PISSED. I didn't understand why but I guess I finally realized how much of an A-hole school was.

I slipped out of my shoes before walking into the dining room, spotting a bunch of food placed on fancy plates, sprawled out all over the table. It was like I was at home again...

"W-What is all this?" I looked up too see Chanyeol heading towards me with a happy looking Chestnut in his arms.

"Do you like it? I made this all just for you! I used that square thing you humans call a...what was it called? Oh yeah! A l-laptop. Then I used those little square letter key button thingy's and typed in the word 'food' on this website called Goggle, & a bunch of recipes popped up so I just copied the directions~"

I didn't realize it, but my pissy attitude melted away & I was smiling the whole time while he was speaking. "You went on Goggle?" I chuckled at his use of the wrong word & how serious his face looked when he said it.

"Yes! Goggle! The letters were all colorful too... it was liking staring at all the planets but in different shapes." I shook my head & sat down at the dining table, setting my backpack by my feet.

I stared at all the food placed in front me not knowing where to start. So I just dug into the first plate that caught my eye. And apparently, I was eating like a crazy monkey on crack in a pool full of bananas because Chanyeol was staring at me with such amusement.

"What are you staring at, creep?" I say with my mouth full.

"You're just so... interesting." he finally says.

I scoff, "Hah, says the one from outer space." I laugh through my nose before continuing to eat like a slob.

He just smiled that creepy, adorable smile and walked back to the couch in the living room before laying on it and falling asleep. By the time I finished eating, I finally look up and see him fast asleep with my puppy by his side. I smile at the cute sight before walking into my room.

"Bleh, I'll just wash the dishes tomorrow." I say to myself before plopping on my bed. I stare up at the ceiling for one whole hour, hoping that I'll fall asleep, but I just can't.

"Dammit. Thank Krisus tomorrow's Saturday and not a school day." I say before sitting up and heading towards the kitchen to get a drink of water. While I take a sip of my water, my gaze slowly drifts to the long, sleeping figure on my couch.

I whisper to myself, "I have no idea what this weirdo is to me and why I already trust him but..." I rest my elbow on the counter before placing my chin on the palm of my hand "...I think I like him." Instead of scowling at what I just confesssed, I smiled instead. But that smile quickly faded away as I noticed Chanyeol shivering a little.

"That idiot... he should've asked me to borrow a blanket." I quickly walked into my room and grabbed one of the thickest blankets I have before walking back and placing it on him gently. I carefully take Chestnut into one of my arms before bending over so I was face to face with Chanyeol. I brushed the misplaced pieces of hair covering his face to the side, before kissing him quickly on his forehead. I stood back up with Chestnut fast asleep in my arms and walked back to my bedroom.

"...Dafuq was that?" I blinked a couple of times, realizing I probably just did the cheesiest actions I ever did in my life. Setting down Chestnut on her bed, I kept blinking as if there was something in my eyes. I threw myself on my bed before shutting my eyes and falling fast asleep.

-------------- The Next Day

"GOODMORNING SUNSHINE!!!!~" I jolted upright from hearing Chanyeol's booming voice before being face to face with him.

"Dude. Too close for comfort." I say groggily before pushing his head away with my index finger.

"JAGI~ We should go somewhere today~" he said in a sing-song voice before plopping down next to me on my bed.

I look over at him with my half lidded eyes and my freaky bed hair. "First of all, don't call me jagi. Second of all, how the heck are you so energetic in the morning?... I'm going back to sleep. Later." I lay back down & close my eyes as my soft pillow embraces the back of my head.

Without warning, I feel a pair of long arms slither around my waist as a velvety voice whispers in my ear. "First of all, you never told me your name..." he squeezed my waist before speaking again, "...and second of all, you're like my energy pill... I get all my energy from just looking at you~"

I shiver from feeling his hot breath on my ear and I roll off my bed. "'OKAY, OKAY. Let's go somewhere..." I grabbed a pair of clothes before heading towards the bathroom & muttering, "...I don't know what this dope might to do me if we stay here any longer..."

I finished doing my girly routines and got out of the bathroom all spiffy and cute. (Yes. SPIFFY. Spiffy's a cool word,brah.) ANYWHO, I left some food & water in Chestnut's doggy bowls before walking out of the door knowing Chanyeol was probably already there waiting for me.

"Are you ready?~" he sang with that goofy smile on his face.

"Obviously." I say while walking past him, I turned around to find him still standing by the front door. "Are you coming or not?..."

"Huh? Uh, yeah." he jogs up to me before we begin walking together. Eyeing him carefully, I ask, "What were you doing back there?"

His entire face turns red again like the first day I met him. "I-I was just...staring..."

" what?...Could you be more specific?"

"...I was staring at you. You even look pretty while walking away." he says sheepishly before biting his bottom lip.

I feel my face heating up but since I don't blush, I'm the only one who knows...thank god.

"Uhh... let's go to the park, yeah?" I croak out, changing the subject.

He looks back at me before smiling cutely and nodding like a kid. "Mhmm!~"

We ended up at the park pretty fast and before I could even explain to him what a park was, he already ran ahead of me and started playing on the jungle gym. I smiled to myself at his childness before joining him, acting as crazy as he was.

And without realizing it, it soon became dark, the stars began appearing. We both plopped down on the grass before staring up at the sky.

"Hey, you see that star over there?" he says pointing up at a star that's twinkling more than the others.

"Yeah... is that where you used to live?" I say looking into his adorable, uneven eyes. He nods & smiles the tiniest of smiles before speaking quietly.

"I'm going to miss it there... but I'm glad I'm here... with you... right now." he inched closer to me with each pause. I roll my eyes at his actions before staring back up at the sky & muttering.

"Hmm... Maybe it won't be so bad having you as my boyfri-"

"REALLY? YOU'RE ACCEPTING ME?" he cut me off before I could even finish my sentence and sat up while screeching in my face.

"I'll accept you if you STOP screaming all the time...and if you ask me out properly."

"Oh!" he nodded professionally before sitting up & opening his mouth. "Uhh... you still never told me your name."

"OH RIGHT!" I face palmed myself. "It's ____. Sung ____."

He smiled one of the toothiest/hugest grin I've ever seen in my life before taking a breath and speaking clearly. "Sung ____, will you be my girlfriend?"



"I was just kidding dummy. Of course I'll go out with your creeper self."

He sighs in relief & chuckles before gazing into my eyes warmly and pulling me into his arms, squeezing me as if I might leave him. I wrap my arms around his neck as if they belonged there.

He whispers, "Hi girlfriend."

I smile at his dorkiness before whispering back, "Hi weirdo... guess what?"


"I'm hungry."






I hope you guys enjoyed it~


Maybe I'll make another oneshot! ...With an Exo M member this time~... MAYBE.

Oh well~ BYE :D





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HOLY FADOODLES. 800 views?? That may not seem like a lot to other people,but it does to me~ Since this is my first oneshot,I'm glad I'm getting great feedback~


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channie12 #1
Love this story <3 So cute ^^
Great job!
please make one oneshot of Luhan? Pretty please :3
Chapter 1: this was hilarious XD
Chapter 1: omg!!!!sho shweeeeet^^!!!!keep it up,author-ssi!:D
Make one for Luhan!! Kamsa!! ^^
CHANYEOL !! omg bless my weak heart ;____;

i love you chanyeol .. i love your story .... omg ;;;;
baoZicaekeu #7
amanda13 #8
All time favorite story ( ´ ▽ ` ) <3"
totally agreeing with it !!!
i crack up while reading this ! you're a natural comedy writer ! nyahahahah!!!
'she'is soo funny !!
that was so cute~