
Too Late.



They had always been unusually close; in secret and not, especially for two people who were under the circumstances that they were. One, Yixing, a Slytherin who at around that time, like all of the others of that house, was associated to be cold, mean and bitter to the fellow students and not resourceful, determined and cunning like the true values of Slytherin were. However, Yixing seemingly always appeared at the back of the crowd; never directly offending someone and nor did he boast about how great he was. He didn't directly hate people from the other houses he simply did what he could to survive the vicious food chain that took place within his own house.


And the other, Luhan, a boy who was slightly older in age but still had the face of a first year. He belonged to the most inclusive house in Hogwarts but still one that never received the attention that maybe it should've done. Just like his many fellow students in Hufflepuff. Luhan was patient and hardworking but the thing that shined most was his dedication in the Frog Choir and in Herbology with his Head of House, Proffessor Sprout.


Now these houses were never really know to be enemies, it was always supposed to be about how Slytherin and Griffindor were rivals and at each other's throats. Probably as it should've been, it contained Harry Potter the most famous wizard of their time after all. However the relations between these two houses weren't really that great; Slytherin saw Hufflepuff as the nobodies; they would often receive sniggers and sarcastic remarks that ranged from not nice to disgustingly awful. Any Slyhterin that seemed to actually befriend a member of the other house was automatically exiled from the community and would also become subject to teasing and bullying with things much worse such as dead vermin in their beds.


Their first meeting wasn't anything special but the way that they unconsciously bumped into each other after that was far too frequent to be considered coincidence. Some may have said that it was the red string of fate that kept tugging them back together, at least that's what Luhan liked to think it was; quietly waiting for the next opportunity he would catch to see the slight apologetic smile on the other's face, the smile that made butterflies dance in Luhan's stomach as well as making his knees weak, as he was brushed off and walked away from; Yixing blatantly wanting nothing to do with him maybe due to the well-known warnings from other Slytherins or maybe due to the fact he actually didn't like Luhan; an idea in which Luhan would find quite disheartening.


The little thought and feeling that had been placed a few years ago had spread rapidly like a virus taking up more and more of Luhan's heart. It had started upon Yixing's first day, in which Luhan was a second year whom had already bid his parents goodbye and was situated in a small compartment on the train, alone and studying one of his favorite herbology books that the librarian had allowed him to keep over the summer. Yixing, the small first year had stumbled his way onto the Hogwarts Express friendless and rather nervous, hesitantly glancing into each compartment that either had too many people in or that had downright refused him the moment his hand touched the doorknob and slid the door partly open. That was until he reached Luhan, opening the door quietly and meeting the other's eyes in a hopeful glance. "Would you mind if I take a seat here?" Yixing had said in a quiet voice that was almost a whisper. "Be my guest." The elder replied, offering a friendly smile in return before going back to his book. It wasn't until halfway through the journey that they talked again, Luhan being the one to initiate conversation,
"So, you're a wizard, huh? Are you excited for which house you're going to be sorted into? What would you like to be in? Have you heard that Harry Potter is in the year above you? In all my life I've never known such exciting things to happen in Hogwarts than last year. There were trolls in bathrooms and everything!" He exclaimed excitedly, not really giving the other boy a chance to answer. "I hope you're in Hufflepuff, that's the house I'm in!" Yixing's face paled as he squeaked,
"T-Trolls?" Luhan chuckled with a nod,
"Don't worry, the teacher's wouldn't let us get hurt but that Harry guy, he's really like the stories. He and his little group of friends were the ones that defeated it! Isn't that cool?" And the train journey continued like that, with little stories that each of them shared making them grow closer and making both of their hearts depend on Yixing being sorted into Hufflepuff but little did they know that fate had a twisted plan that would put a great toll on their relationship. When Yixing was sorted into Slytherin Luhan's face dropped.


Now, Hufflepuffs weren't well known around the school, especially to people who were not present in the same classes as them. If you were to ask the majority of Hogwarts who Xi Luhan was most of them would say they never heard of him, some of them would ask if you mean the Choir boy or the Herbology boy and only a rare few would actually know the boy whom had the angelic smile. Yixing was one of these rare few, although he would never admit to it despite their handful of meetings throughout the years they schooled together. Some of which were postivite and the majority of which were negitive but there were a selected few that Luhan liked to remember especially:


In Yixing's first year at Hogwarts it had become one of the most eventful years in the majority of the school's history; when peculiar but dangerous things began happening both Luhan and Yixing made sure not to stick around corridors for long. It wasn't until students at Hogwarts started being petrified that Luhan really felt fearful. Still rather than the majority of students who traveled in groups or locked themselves up in the common rooms in hope to be safe Luhan volunteered to help out his Head of House and favorite teacher Professor Sprout in brewing a draught made from mandrake roots that cured petrification. It was during a lunch time that Luhan happened to be doing this; his Professor gathering more mandrake roots from the classroom in the Herbology department and the nurse having gone to check on Quidditch practice injuries when a moment between Luhan and Yixing took place.


Luhan was double checking that the mandrake roots were potted properly when he heard sniggers and rude remarks regarding the Mudbloods that had been petrified form the door of the hospital wing. Glancing over he first noticed Yixing who seemed to be staying quiet whilst he watched his friends mock Miss Granger who unfortunately had been a victim.
"Hah, they deserved it the filthy things." The group nodded as one of them spoke but Luhan kept his eyes on Yixing curiously is that what Yixing really thought? Was the boy Luhan met on the train earlier this year the real Yixing? He had bit his tongue beforehand but hearing another remark Luhan decided to speak up,
"Aren't you first years supposed to be eating lunch in the Great Hall?" He said, eyes locking with Yixing's briefly before faltering and looking to the floor.
"What's it to you Half-blood?" The one who had been making the majority of the comments sneered, taking a few steps towards him, "You're the one my brother talked about...the one with the Squib as a mother." Anger flared up in the pit of Luhan's stomach.
"Don't you dare talk about my mother like that." The group only laughed at the anger they had provoked, as the supposed leader who had been talking tugged Yixing forward.
"Why don't you try out that new charm, Lay?" That's right, Yixing had been dubbed the nickname Lay and was already one of the top charmers in the first year. Without a response Yixing raised his gaze coldly towards Luhan, pulling his wand out without hesitation before flicking a spell that made the pot in Luhan's hands jerk out of them. Diving forward, Luhan caught the pot before it cracked and the root was able to scream the hospital wing down to the ground. With a grunt and the pot was securely in his hands he glanced up to the group of laughing boys and gave a rather disappointed look to Yixing especially. Yixing had already turned around to avoid the any interaction that could happen between them and although Luhan wanted to let him know just how disappointed he was he sort of understood why he did it. Yixing was obviously not good at standing up to peer pressure as he began trailing after the others once they began to wander out, shouting behind them in a playful but harsh manner. "I hope it gets you too because in reality you're just as filthy as them."


The next year didn't change that much either; Yixing was still a typical Slytherin that wouldn't attempt to communicate with Luhan other than a little eye contact. He still had the same group of friends that took to tormenting the elder boy whenever they saw him wandering alone about the corridors. Yixing often felt guilty and wondered where Luhan's friends were; he wondered if he was keeping safe, especially when there was that murder that had escaped from Azkaban, the most secure prison there was. He wondered what would happen if one of the Dementors got him whilst he was wandering the grounds at hours that were unheard of and if anybody would actually notice. Yixing wondered far too much than any Slytherin should have done about a Hufflepuff and although this wasn't the most convenient of meetings it helped ease Yixing's worries.


The morning that the even occurred was misty, the leaves had just started to become crisp and were turning a dark copper red in sign that autumn was on its way. In the distance drifted the eerie Dementors but up close drifted another being, rather graciously may Yixing add. Luhan was tending to a small root he had been growing in secret since the beginning of term in order to produce a potion perfectly for Professor Snape and pass his potions class like a whizz. However today, Yixing's friends decided it would be a good idea to spook the poor elder about the Dementors but deep in his gut Yixing hoped that Luhan would take it to heart and stay in the safer corridors of the school.
"Hey half-blood!" One of them shouted as the other members concealed themselves behind the trees of the area. Luhan looked up, his doe-eyes sparkling with curiosity and a small pout forming on his face as he saw who he was being confronted by before ignoring the other's presence and returning back to the plant. "W-Wah, Dementor! Run!" He shouted, signaling several of the group to run behind him making lame and predictable ghost noises, pulling a dark bag forcefully over the baby face, stripping him from sight. There was a piercing screech as Luhan ripped the bag from his face, obviously shaken and glaring at the boys around him. "Hah, we got you good half-blood. What a baby." Yixing felt his stomach churn and with that he his heel and left, leaving the gang and Luhan alone.


On the year of the Triwizard Tornement Yixing finally began to realize that his group of friends weren't doing him any favors and instead migrated to another small group within Slytherin that caused less trouble for both Luhan and himself. He also began to realize the many talented wizards that were situated in the Wizarding world around him as they placed their names into the goblet. He was thankful that Luhan was still a year short of age, which in turn destroyed any chances of him participating and any worry that Yixing may have had over his safety.


For Luhan he was most thankful for the many more moments concerning Yixing that he would be blessed with; the Yule Ball being a special highlight. Quietly Luhan slipped in between Yixing and another whom both happened to be getting themselves a drink, tilting his head he casually brought up a conversation whether it was wanted or not,
"So I heard you were quite popular with the ladies, Yixing." Yixing scoffed in return,
"Not as many as you think. I turned them all down."
"Oh really? Wow, I was expecting you to have a rather stuck up, pretty girl on your arm," with that comment a chuckle escaped Yixing's lips and it was the first genuine smile Luhan had seen gracing his face in months; it made his heart pound in his ears as a small blush covered across his cheeks,
"Well I should be getting back to my date."
"Wait, you have a date?" Yixing caught Luhan's arm before he could turn away fully.
"It was a last minute thing really; I was so caught up in my little dream world and waiting for someone to ask me that I asked her yesterday lunch." He explained nonchalantly, ignoring the grunt Yixing gave in reply before he was tugged a little closer, feeling the younger's hot breath on the shell of his ear,
"Don't get too close to that guy in your house...I heard that they're going to pick people close to the champions to use as part of a challenge and I'd hate..." He trailed off before letting the arm tug itself free.
"Thanks for the concern Yixing but I'm rooting for Harry; Cedric's a little too cocky for me. I'll see you around." With that Luhan bit his lip and walked back to the dance floor, ignoring the burn within his heart.


The next year was full of scary realization that the Dark Lord had returned and neither Luhan nor Yixing were safe inside or outside of Hogwarts. Yixing had joined, like many of the Slytherin house, the ranks of their supply headmistress Dolores Umbridge of whom was determined to find and put an end to this supposed army of Dumbledors lead by the famous Harry Potter. Yixing had stood in her office countless of times watching innocent and non-innocent students become victim to her sadistic methods in a desperate attempt to source information. His small group and he being mainly part of the patrolling squads that lurked behind corners and watched the student body like a hawk; they all knew well where they went and they all knew who was involved.


It was during one of these times that Yixing came across Luhan who was speedily walking down the corridor to where Yixing had previously seen students, supposedly loyal to Dumbledor's Army, entering the room of requirement. Catching the slightly taller boy securely by the arm he dragged him into an arch that was concealed from view.


"Where do you think you're going?" He hissed to the other, trapping the elder between his arms connected to his hands that rested either side of Luhan's head. Luhan looked up and turned a deep shade of red before lowering his head back down again; trying to forget just how close their faces were.
"I-I was going to study," he lied. Yixing let out a sigh,
"Don't tell me you're involved with all of this mumbo-jumbo army crap?"
"I can't just sit there Yixing! He killed a boy from my house! We have to contribute to killing the He Who Must Not Be Named in any way we can! What if it was me that was killed, Yixing? How would you feel about it then? Would it still be mumbo-jumbo army crap?" Luhan exploded suddenly admitting to what he had been doing, raising his head and speaking as his lips trembling close to Yixing's, their eyes locked with one another's. Feeling the warm, moist breath of Luhan made Yixing pulled away,
"But it isn't you. I've seen what Umbridge does to those who don't confess, I'm just trying to protect you!"
"Well, you've never seemed this bothered about protecting me before. If I recall these past few years…"
"You don't understand..." Yixing started with another sigh,
"You're right, I don't understand because I'm not a Slytherin nor am I a pure-blood like you. I'm just doing what I think is right...and not caring what others think about me, maybe you should try it sometime."


Luhan his heels and began to bolt towards the wall in hope that the door would appear, Yixing's hand reaching just short for him.
"Luhan don't..."
"This is just something I have to do Yixing." An unf then echoed through the arched corridors as a group of sniggering Slytherins faced Luhan who was no perched on the floor.
"Looks like we found one, thanks Yixing." Two of them hoisted Luhan from the ground and walked him to their commander's office. Yixing didn't attend Luhan's punishment but the large bandage that was stained red with blood did not go unnoticed.


On Luhan's final year of Hogwarts everything got scarily realistic; he was hurt and he was scared about leaving into the world with no protection and no guarantee that Yixing would be safe. Hogwarts had increasingly gotten darker and with the death of Dumbledor Luhan knew that the numbers attending next year would drop dramatically. It was the night of Dumbledore’s death and Luhan had decided to not attend the huge banquet in honor of him that took place in the great hall, instead he sat quietly in one of the high towers sobbing to himself. There was the faint tapping of footsteps that grew louder as the fifth year approached, Luhan pressing himself against the wall in hope that he would not be found and embarrass himself in the state that he was in.


The footsteps reached the floor and there was a short pause.
"Luu, I know you're here. I brought you some pumpkin pasties in case you got hungry. It took me a while to find you; I know you're afraid of heights." There was a slight shuffle as Luhan crawled out from where he was hiding as his stomach rumbled but was barely audible. Silent streams of tears stained his cheeks as he took the pasties and bit into one, sitting back down with Yixing beside of him. "What do you think's going to happen now?"
"Hogwarts isn't safe..." Luhan muttered, "Promise me you won't come back next year?" An arm gently s it's way around Luhan's shoulder and pulled him towards the younger's chest.
"What would I tell my parents? I have to. I know you're scared Luu, now that he's dead but really, everything's going to work out fine." Luhan bit back another sob as he buried his head further against Yixing's chest.
"How can you know?"
"Because I believe that Harry Potter is going to kill He Who Must Not Be Named."
"Voldemort..." Luhan said with a shiver.
"Yeah, him."


It was a few simple words that could make anyone understand the situation; Snape had become headmaster. The students were controlled and disciplined like in the military and with Luhan gone Yixing felt more alone than ever; he began to slip up more often and obtain punishments he had never had to forgo before. It wasn't until Harry Potter showed his face inside of Hogwarts and Luhan showed up beside him that everything he had previously said became true. Things were going to work out fine so long as Luhan was near him and they were both safe. At the request of the Slytherin students to be lead to the dungeon, Yixing looked to Luhan who in return gave him a pleased and encouraging smile that allowed Yixing to step out amongst the others and address the Boy Who Lived himself if he could stay and fight and of course he was welcomed into the army with open arms; open, warm arms that belonged to the blonde that Yixing cared dearly about.


"I'm so proud of you." The blonde had said. "I'm so glad you're safe." It was then that the student body collapsed into chaos and then that Luhan firmly took Yixing's hand and lead him away to a part of the school he had agreed to watch. However Yixing had other ideas,
"Luhan let's leave, we can both be safe that way," Yixing halted, "We'll both be together," and began tugging Luhan in the other direction, "C'mon!" Luhan stopped and turned to him, giving him a stern look.
"Yixing we can't back out now...what were you expecting when you joined the fight? It's our duty..." Yixing remained quiet and as their position changed again with Luhan beginning to tugg him along, he obediently followed. The battle had begun and during it neither of them saw much of each other, both concentrating on keeping alive whilst battling the Deatheaters and avoiding any rubble that flew past them. It was a hard battle for everyone and as soon as the attack was called off Luhan rushed to the Great Hall to do what he was really brought here to do, heal those wounded.


Once he got there the tension hit him like a bombshell; the room was filled with cries from those who had lost as well as the sick screaming of those in pain. Quickly, Luhan rushed to the head nurse and asked what he could do, using up all of his knowledge of herbal remedies that may help soothe pain meanwhile attempting to ignore the worry inside his stomach on Yixing's whereabouts. Luhan was tending a herbal painkiller to someone who's arm had been gruesomely blown off when he heard Yixing return into the hall, immediately rushing to his side and checking him over, then pulling him into a bone crushing hug.
"You're okay!"
"Of course I am, what about you? You're not hurt are you?"
"I'm fine Yixing...really. This is why we can't leave them...this is why we have to fight. Take a look around you." And take a look is what Yixing did.


It was a horrific sight but it really showed what lengths they would go to, to secure a future for the generations to come.
"You're right...I just...I wanted you to be safe."
"I know Yixing...I know...and you know that I..." He voice trailed off only for Yixing to nod in return.
"I know Luu." After Luhan tended to a few more patience under the watch of the younger they sat upon a bench, wrapped up in a stained and dust-covered blanket, sipping on some tea that Luhan had claimed would calm their nerves. "When he returns...later..." Yixing started, turning his face to Luhan and away the dirt matted into his cheek away, "You stay close to me." Luhan let out a sigh but couldn't help the large smile that spread across his features as he leaned into the other's touch.
"Yixing, I'm two years older than you; I can take care of myself."
"I never said you couldn't, I just want to have your back...just in case." With a small chuckle Luhan stood up and the Slytherin's raven hair back in an affectionate manner,
"You should get some rest while you can, kiddo's need sleep." He teased, wandering away to check up on those who he had previously administered medication too.


Yixing witnessed the next scene with his own eyes, stepping over the rubble and joining those outside of the main entrance away from the others who were situated with Luhan in the Great Hall; Harry Potter lying dead in the arms of Hagrid. His stomach twisted as he stood there confused and scared, he didn't care about what kind of world the place became, who was he trying to lie to? What he cared about was being on the winning side, and in this case maybe it was the evil side but so long as he lived and so long that Luhan lived, Yixing he didn't care. At the first opportunity Voldemort had given the opposing side, Yixing had changed sides; standing amongst the Death Eaters and those who had hurt the ones Luhan was trying to mend and piece back together. Yixing thought that Luhan would have understood, he thought that without any second thought Luhan would've joined him and that they could've disappeared and hid in safety but Luhan didn't even leave the Great Hall; not until he heard the news of Yixing's betrayal at least.


By then there had been a dramatic change in events, Harry Potter had come back to life and was now battling it out against Voldemort leaving a confused and mixed set of emotions corsing through Yixing's head, but still he ran towards the Great Hall in attempt to pull both himself and Luhan out of there, only to bump bodies with the very person but rather than the warmth of his arms he was welcomed with a cold shoulder and wand extended towards him in fear and self-defense, tears shedding from Luhan's eyes.
"H-How could you Yixing? How could you? I thought that you wanted us to be safe? How could you just betray me? Betray us all?"
"Luhan, it's not like that I..." Yixing trailed off as Luhan's wand shook in his hand before dropping to the floor with a loud clatter that broke the deadly silence that felt totally out of place, making the elder look vulnerable and defenseless as he stumbled into Yixing's arms. "I just wanted us to be together after all of this. I wanted us to be alive whatever side I had to be on. I wanted to win. I love you Luhan, I know that now." Luhan looked up from nuzzling his way into Yixing's neck, tears still streaming down his face and stared into Yixing's eyes before their lips met in a chaste kiss, one of Yixing's hands slipping behind the other's neck.
"It's okay...I forgive you...I love..."


Avada Kadedavra.


Luhan let out a little gasp as his parted lips and hazel eyes remained open, falling limply into Yixing's arms. And at that point the inner-conflict in Yixing's mind made a decision; he changed sides yet again, firing the unforgiveable curse towards the Death Eater that had previously killed his beloved.

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Chapter 1: This thing was genius! It's so amazing reallu!
...omg. Did Luhan just die. askdjfhlkjfh </3
B4ll3r1n4 #3
I had an idea to write something like this, many things actually.
It was thoroughly enjoyed :)
oh wow this was really awesome!
I just love Harry Potter and using LayHan in this was just genius!
the story sounds very interesting.
I am so curious.
please update soon...... :)