Trust walk and the the happy virus

Love Haven (hiatus)

"mr. Park, you may come in"

"hello everyone I'm Park Chanyeol you can call me channie I'm 20 years of age, a trainee in a business ad company! A happy-go-lucky type of person, please take care of me" he introduce himself with so much energy and happiness like he had drank a box of energy drink.

"mr. Park you will be with mr. Cho and ms. Seo for our activity this morning" the head of love haven said to chanyeol while kyuhyun and seohyun raised their hands so that he will know them

when everyone is settled she begin to discuss the trust walk activity. "trust walk is a simple activity, in every pair one will be blind folded and the other will guide his/her partner through the walk from here to the designated place outside and then they will switch role starting outside and back to the living room, each pair will pick a block here whatever color you got that will be the color of arrows you shall follow and of course when going back here you have to pick another color which means another route, you can decide which will be blind folded first and don't worry there will be no time limit but if you trust your partner it will be a piece of cake, so any questions?"

"we are three in the group how will that work?" kyuhyun ask her

"two will be blind folded and one will be the guide now it's up to you to decide which be the guide, any more questions?, okay then we may begin" yoona and seohyun pick a block from the bowl, yoona got blue and seohyun got yellow.  They went to their respective pair and start the activity.



"So I guess we're partners now yoona" luhan said as he observe the girl who is busy playing with the blue block and blind fold as if those were the most interesting thing in the world "yoona" he said once again waving his hand infront of her, trying to get her attention "oh luhan-ssi, i was just thinking how are we supposed to do this wihtout getting hurt" she explain but luhan just smiled they haven't started the activity and yet she looks so lost already "ni kan qilai xiang shiqule xiao lu" (you look like a lost little deer) "what did you say?" "nothing important" he sheepishly replied "it better be mr. xi, i may not understand chinese but i can always ask kris to translate that for me" she wittily answered him as she put the blind fold on his eyes "yah what are you doing?" "since you don't want to say what you said to a language i can understand, then you will be the first one to be blind folded" she said as she tightly secure the bllind fold, luhan being an observant type of person is not used to relaying with somebody else's sense of sight so he gave in to yoona"youlooklikealostlittledeer" she murmured very fast that yoona did not even get what he said "im sorry i did not catch what you said" "i said you look like a lost little deer" he repeated in a more understanble speed "so can you please remove my blind fold" but instead of removing his blind fold yoona flicked his for head "ouch that hurts" he complained  "first of all im not a little deer and second i don't look lost" yoona defended herself as she walk ahead of luhan"ke pa de xiao lu" (scary little deer) luhan murmured under his breath "heard that" yoona shout at him and he only stuck out his tongue "yoona-ah guide me well fighting" he shouted back "de" and so they started the activity

luhan manage come out of the living room with a few bumps from the furnitures but once they were in the hallway, yoona's direction for him were getting harder "yoona this hall way have high ceiling why are you asking me to crawl now" not fully trusting yoona's instruction.  yoona on the other hand is looking at suho who put a table infront of luhan, blocking his way completely "just do what i say" she said as suho signalled to her that she can't tell luhan what is infront of him "are you sure your not making fun of me xiao lu?" "luhan trust me, just get on the floor and crawl towards me" she said, luhan may have lost his sense of sight but he can tell from the way yoona said those words that she is telling the truth and maybe a part of him wants to trust this little deer. "fine i trust you but if i found out you were just making fun of me i will forever call you xiao lu" he said teasing her as he finally crawl under the table and towards yoona's voice.  "okay you can stand up now and walk straight we are almost outside"

"luhan careful" she warned him but too late luhan bump into one of the wooden post near the garden "sorry, just move a bit to your left and walk towards my voice" she instructed him "are we there yet?" he asked while rubbing the part that bumped the wooden post "almot there, opps move a bit to your right and make a big step forward" "how big?" "a big big step" "how big is that big big step?" "han I don't have a meter to measure it just take a big step" "as you wish xiao Lu" he took a big step forward but it fell short and he ended up in a pile of mud "I told you to make a big big step" "im not blaming you, why are you being defensive" "I'm not" she said blushng from embarassement "your blushing" "how - Im not, are you sure you can't see anything?" "I will not bumped into somethings and I will not be in this stuck in a wet place like this if I see what is in front of me" he explained "right, okay grab my hand so you can mve on from that mud pile" he grab her hand to support himself as he tried to pull his foot out of the mud. As soon as his foot is free yona immediately let go of his hand and walk ahead of him "were almost there just a couple of steps more and careful the gazebo is a bt elevated". Once they reached the gazebo suho asked them to switch position and pick another block for the way back to the livingroom.

Luhan put the blind fold on yoona and to make sure she doesn't see anything he put his hands infront of her and asked how many fingers he is showing satisfied that she didnt even manage to guess the correct number they start the activity.  Since they pick the red color block they have to through the other side of the garden leading to the kitchen and to the living room.  "move forward and careful we are going down a few steps, good then go straight" luhan's instructions were clear but somehow yoona still manage to get it wrong and ended up stepping into some flower bed and knocking down a sprinkler making them both wet.  "we are just half way across the garden and you manage to get us this wet" "I'm sorry I'm not really good with directions" she said apologetically but the truth is she still doesn't trust luhan so instead of following his instructions she follows her own which is not helping in their situation.

 "yoona turn right" she goes to her left "no that is left" shouted luhan who is slowly losing his patience on her, "be specific my right or your right" she shouted back, they were equally frustrated, yoona doesn't trust him completely and she is getting hungry already and luhan is running out of patience.  when he didn't answer yoona thougt he gave up on her and left "stupid yoona what are you going to do now" she said to herself as she tried to remove her blind fold but a hand stop her 'we are still doing the activity just relax a bit and eat" he said as he feed her with cookies "gomawo" "i know you get grumpy  and all when your hungry" "mianhae im not good with this type of activity" "its okay but you need to trust me to guide you well okay" "okay"  she is not the type to trust someone but luhan is not just someone he is xi luhan a man who put his trust on her now its time for her to trust him back, to trust him a little more and doubt him less she smiled sincerely and said "luhan guide me well" "i will" he replied noticing that her smile is different from her normal smile, somehow he felt she smile her special smile for him and he felt warm inside "hey luhan where did you find this cookies?" "mr. zhang gave them to" "they are very delicious can i have more?" "oh sure but we have to finish the activity first" noticing that there is some cookie crumbs at the corner of luhan being a gentlemen wipe it using his thumb much to yoona's shock "yah you can just tell me and i will wipe it myself" she said trying to wipe with the back of her hand "im being a gentleman since i fed you already might as well clean yu up" he said teasing her "whatever im ready now we can continue with the activity" "de" with a mutual trust from both they have manage to finish the acitivity with minor bumps and shouting from each other.




"ms. jung i'm glad you can join us today" the head of love haven greeted jessica when she came in the living room "im just happy i completed my 12 hours sleep" "good to know that, it means you have energy for todays activity the other pairs have started already and your partner is already waiting for you" as she pionted at the direction of her partner "mianhae luhan i woke up la- kris wu?, i'm sorry but luhan is my partner" she complained to the head of love haven clearly annoyed after seeing kris "ms. jung, mr.xi is already partnered with ms. im, since you and mr. wu woke up late we have no choice but to pair you up automatically" the love of haven explained to her "hey its not like i want to be partnered with you" kris in looking equally annoyed as her "well i think the both of you will just work out fine, think of this as a test to practice your patience, remember patience is a virtue" "fine" they both answered "okay so trust walk is a simple activity, in every pair one will be blind folded and the other will guide his/her partner through the walk from here to the designated place outside and then they will switch role starting outside and back to the living room, each pair will pick a block here whatever color you got that will be the color of arrows you shall follow and of course when going back here you have to pick another color which means another route, you can decide which will be blind folded first and don't worry there will be no time limit but if you trust your partner it will be a piece of cake, so any questions? -- good you can start now" she explained everything again.  jessica pick a red block and she decided that kris will be blind folded first.

"my lady are you sure its okay to let those two do the activity?" suho ask worriedly as he watch the two guest trying hard not to cut each other's throat "mr. wu would never hurt a girl physical and ms. jung is the type to hire someone to do her biddings im sure they will come out of this in one piece with minor injuries " she replied with all seriousness in her voice "but if you are that worried you can watch over them" she added with her teasing tone "my lady its not what you think" "suho it doesn't matter what i think, but you know the rules" "yes my lady, i shall take my leave now" the head of the love haven only sigh as she watch the retreating form of her butler





"why am i again the first to be blind folded?" kris asked her for the nth time annoying her even more "because im older than you and you have to follow whatever i say to you" she replied as she put the blind fold on kris tightly "yah i know you are old but to follow you over my god-given-y-body" "follow me or you will never see that body of yours in one piece" she treathened him and base from the gossip he heard about the ice princess jung sooyeon you should always take her threats with a grain of salt "fine but only because we are partner for this activity, gawd i miss yoongie" "yoongie is with a better partner now she will definitely not miss you jerk" "since when did you call her yoongie that's my pet name for her" "last night she agree that we can all call her that" "that little deer" "shocked she was not affected by your charm?" she said provoking him "jealous im not using my charms on you?" he counter her "spare me of your not so smooth moves, and please can we just get moving and finish this activity" "anytime your ready princess"

"yah sica are you trying to kill me?" he shouted when he almost knocked down a shelf of pots and cauldroun in the kitchen "nope, can't you see im trying to guide you" "well i can't see literally" "just be thankful you are still in one piece" "ni hui si wole xie de nuwu" (you will be the death of me evil witch) he said not knowing that jessica knows chinese "im not an evil witch - Yuchun de hundan (Stupid jerk)- yes i know how to speak chinese as well" she replied angrily, knowing that he went too far in calling her evil witch in a language he didn't expect she knows added the guilt he felt but his pride is keeping him for saying sorry to the girl besides she called him a stupid jerk making them even.

after what seemed like a torture walk for kris, they have finally manage to reach the gazebo, they switch role and pick a yellow block for the way back to the living room  "First thing first before I blind fold myself, I don't trust you but for the safety of my well being I will put aside my anger towards you and follow your directions" Jessica said before she put her blind fold "like you have another option" "I do, I can quit this activity and just sleep, but I'm not a quitter and someone like you won't make me quit" "ohhh feisty i like that" and they start the second part of the activity.

"sica careful the steps are -" Jessica tried to hold into something to break her fall but failed and she closed her eyes shut as if the blind fold is not enough to obstruct her vision, and waited for the impact but nothing happen her face in not flat on the cold floor she was like floating "-slippery" kris finish as he catch her before she hit the floor "you can put me down now" "your welcome princess" he said as she put her down. "thankyou" she said quickly as if she will die if she said it properly but kris just smiled he wants to more but decided not to its not everyday Jung Jessica would  say something good to him so he better just treasure it.

"we are almost there just move to your right and walk forward" he said as Jessica slowly walk towards the living room "play stop you can remove your blind fold" he added when she is in front of him "good job sica" "it's good except for I almost kiss the floor and got som scratches here and here" she whinned as she touches the area she is complaining "those are nothing compared to these bruises have thanks to you" he rebutted her "just be thankful you are still in one piece" and again their bickering started




"kyu oppa, chanyeol-ssi is it okay if you guys be blind folded first?" seohyun politely ask the two in front of her "yup no problem with me" kyu replied "no problem with me too but noona please call me channie" "okay channie then you have to call me seohyun" "okay seohyun noona" he said.  Seohyun put their blind folds on adjusting the fit but head difficulty with chanyeol's because he is too tall "chanie can you squat a bit your too tall I can't put your blind fold properly" she said as chanyeol did what she said while kyuhyun who can't see anything just stood there waiting for them to finish "hey are we going to start yet?" "wait a minute kyu oppa I'm still fixing chanie's blind fold - there all set" 

"kyu oppa I think it's better if you hold hands with channie" seohyun suggested as she fails to keep kyuhyun and chanyeol together.  Its hard enough to guide kyuhyun who is not so good in following directions so adding upthe ever so hyper and can't stay still chanyeol made her job harder.  "kyu hyung noona said we should hold hands" chanyeol said as he tried to find kyuhyun "no channie wait -" but before she finish what she is saying chanyeol already knocked down the a side table in the hallway "oops sorry I didn't see it" "because your blind folded chanyeol your not suppose to see anything" kyuhyun said a little bit irritated with the young boy for moving around to much, seohyun decided to intervene before kyuhyun snap at chanyeol, she holds kyuhyun hands and dragged him toards chanyeo "there don't let go of each others hand until I say so okay" "fine/okay" the two replied at the same time but with different feelings about it.

"guys take three steps forward and turn left careful there is a gnome at the corner" "are we there yet?" "almost there kyu oppa" "noona the gnome is on my side or kyu hyung side?" "your side so be care-" "aww that hurts" "-ful"  she just faced palmed herself as she look at the boy rubbing his knees while kyuhyun tried to maintain his balance after the sudden movement of the younger boy.  "careful guysfew more steps and we can switch role" "let's do this" "okay" 

finally they arrive in the gazebo, they removed their blind fold and discuss who will be the guide for the second part. "hyung you can be our guide" chanyeol suggested and seohyun agreed but kyuhyun is not comfortable with it "noona we should hold hands also right" chanyeol added as he tried to hold seohyun's hand "wait I think it's fair if we play rock scissor paper to decide who will be blind folded and the guide" kyuhyun suggested with an evil smirk on his face "fair enough the winner gets to decide the role okay" seohyun said as she went in between the two "okay ready set go" 

kyu: rock chanyeol:rock

kyu:paper chanyeol:scissor

"I won" chanyeol cheered and dance like a little kid "noona we will be blind folded and kyu hyung will be out guide, hyung guide us well" "guide us well kyu oppa" "oookay" after deciding the roles kyuhyun help seohyun put her blind fold "is it okay not to tight" "it's perfect oppa" "okay all set we can start" "hyung my blind fold is falling" chanyeol complained and kyuhyun help him put it a little toor tight "hyung it's too tight" "oh sorry" and he adjusted it "channie give me your hand" seohyun ask him and he complied hold her hand comfortable "noona you have a very soft hand" "can we start now" kyuhyun interrupted them "okay" they both answered

Kyuhyun may be the worse in following directions but he is certainly the best when giving instructions, they manage to get inside the manor in a short span of time without any accidents.  Team work is what they have chanyeol and seohyun trust kyuhyun that they follow exactly what he say and as for kyuhyun he just wants to finish quickly, call it man's instinct but he doesn't complete trust chanyeol he is feeling something weird about him but he can't explain it.

"guys get on your knees and crawl don't stand up unless I told you okay" kyuhyun instructed but this time chanyeol questions him "hyung are you sure" "positive" "oppa if you say so, I trust you" "if noona say okay then I will do it too" "okay crawl now" chanyeol and seohyun crawl under table slowly not really sure why they need to crawl since the manor really have high ceiling. "okay you can stand up now we are almost in the living room just take five steps forward and turn to your right side okay" they follow his instruction and finaly finish their activity

"congratulations you are the first team to arrive and I must say you did better than I expected and you have a some disadvantage also since there are three of you in the group, one you have just met today"the head of love haven greeted them when they reached the living room "seohyun noona and kyu hyung made me comfortable around them although they just met me" chanyeol said "I'm glad mygusset get along well" she smiled at them

After a sometime luhan and yoona arrive with some cookies and minor scratches and bruises "congratulations you are the second oair to arrive and im happy you still found time to eat something" and she greeted them "yoongie is a little bit grumpy when she's hungry so I have to fed her if not she will eat me instead" luhan explained but yoona quickly shut him up with a jab on his ribs and smiled "it's oay ms. Im as I said you can eat wherever you want except in the bathroom and your rooms" she replied as she motion them to take thir seat

after 1 hour kris and Jessica finally arrived"good job sica" "it's good except for I almost kiss the floor and got som scratches here and here" she whinned as she touches the area she is complaining "those are nothing compared to these bruises have thanks to you" he rebutted her "just be thankful you are still in one piece" and again their bickering started  "congratulations you finally finish the activity although you are the last to arrived I'm still happy you made it in one piece" she said to stop the two from quarreling

"I hope each of you learned something in today's activity and I shall not keep you all here since its already lunch time, I will only announce something important" all eyes are now on the head of love haven, she smiled that confident smile and took out her clip board, checking for the important matters "tomorrow a new guest will come and I hope all of you will treat her well and this afternoon is your free time you can all talk together or be in pairs or small group and try to be more comfortable with each other and for tomorrows activity expect the unexpected that's all and enjoy the rest of your day" she said and left everyone in the living room




I'm sorry for the super late update this is the longest chapter I have written

There is another guest coming and she is a she but don't worry she and chanyeol are just minor characters just to spice things up with the original 6

the head of love haven is planning another activity for them and expect the unexpected  and what are the rules she is talking about

Slight susica or not I don't know lol

krisica my hate hate couple but notice that they have more things in common, it's like they see themselves when they see each other Im not making sense right?Jessica is mean to kris because she see herself in him and vice versa

luyoon the two deers, one who gets mistaken as a boy andthe other as a girl. luhan knows how to act towards different people as you notice when he was partnered with sica he just follow her around while with yoona he kinda leads her, does he like yoona? no, no yet, but he is intrigue by her. Yoona the girl who have a invisible wall around her and it I'll not take just a mere type of food to bring that wall down, she is slowly opening up to the girls but she is still cautios with the boys, does she trust luhan? Not completely but he trust him more than she trust kris

chanseokyu the cute team, chanyeol holding seo, chanyeol holding kyu, seo putting the blind folds on kyu and channie, kyu and channie mini rock scissor paper game, kyu helping seo with the blind fold, kyu getting jealous with channie, so many cute moments.  We can also see the trust between kyu and seo maybe because they have been paired since the beginning do they like each other, not sure but they treat each other as close friends, although maybe kyu like seo or he was just being suspicious of channie.

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Deery00ng #1
Chapter 15: I hope it Luyo0n at the end . .
update soon authornim
devilsica #2
Chapter 15: what luhan did to sica could make her misunderstand... But because i don't know whether luhan thinks of sica on a friendly term or a romance term so i'll just wait for the proggress.
Seo really thinks over the kiss on the check before applies it on kyu hahaha...
Well i want to know yoona's reaction after kris kiss her kekeke
seokhun47 #3
Chapter 17: well i hope you don't change seokris!!
Chapter 15: AWESOMMEEEE FIC, normally i only read krissica stories cause i'm shipping them hardcore and i'm soo intolerable with other couples but this story is awesome I LOVE ALL THE PAIRINGS, but i wanna see more sica moments lol
update soon :)
Chapter 15: omg you actually manage to put all the possible pairings is this chapter were except KyuNa and SeoHan which i personally don't mind but OMG the SeoKris and YoonKris part were an upgrade from last time. the LuSica and KyuSica were hilarious. LuYoon getting closer. SeoKyu my feels i'm so happy that you brought them back.
Chapter 15: Hmm honestly the six main characters have fairly well developed relationships as of now. Personally speaking- putting all bias aside- I like the SoeKris.. although I really do love KrisSica ><
I honestly am expecting LuYoon rather than LuSica because Yoona seems to have more interactions with him than the other guys and she isn't too overbearing on him. Who knows though? The SeoKyu hints were quite adorable and I'm really having difficulty choosing between SeoKyu, SeoKris, KyuSica, and KrisSica... XDD
Good luck on the nxt chapter <3
Chapter 14: I liked the SeoKris and YoonYeol but i think you should switch Jessica and Victoria. There are alot of KyuToria shippers and i think Jessica fits Luhan better but no affence to anyone. But nice update author
KDaebak2 #8
Chapter 14: Pls do some more Seokris moments, their diverse personalities make them a cute couple.
Chapter 14: Well the rest of the chapter was quite the shocker. I'm sorry but you know it's not everyday someone goes and asks someone to marry them at their first meeting.. I think it has something to do with making good first impressions? XDD Victoria's character is quite the mystery so hopefully more is revealed.

p.s. I think for your one shots (which seems to be yoona centric?) you should take request pairings because Yoona is like fraking paired up with everybody. SO many ships =3= I think it's attract more readers ^^ just a thought :D
yoonhaefever #10
Chapter 13: Where is the chapter 14 that everyone is commenting on? Since I haven't read it yet I'm hoping the pairings will be luyoon (sorry I'm a FAWN!) krissica and seokyu! Fighting author ;D