Forgive & Regret ♔



Kai - 19 y/o

Some may see him as cold but to you, he is just amazing ... Sweet and caring angel.

Despite his cold aura, he is one of the most respected kingka together with his group EXO.

He is very protective over you and also quite fickle-minded.

You -18y/o

A cheerful and friendly girl, you're the happy virus and also you are quite popular in your school for your looks and results~

You have an older brother, Kris who is one of the Kingkas in your school.

Your life couldn't be any better until you felt that the one person who you trusted shattered it into pieces...But maybe the least expected happens.

Friendship, will it always be here for you?


Luhan - 19y/o

Cute and dashing at the same time?? He is Luhan, another respectable Kingka of the school.

Unlike Kai who looks cold he is the total OPPOSITE.

He likes the attention and he has good grades even though you see him slacking or skipping class most of the time.


Krsytal - 18y/o

Gorgeous girl with a nice attitude but a cold look which could freeze a men alive!

She is your best friend whom you have known since forever~

Usually she stays away from people who she doesn't know so she gives off an arrogant aura, but to you she is like a ray of sunshine!



[Prologue ]

His glistering eyes that shines brighter than the stars in the night sky.

Those perfect shaped lips,a shade of pink and red. Soft and kissable. Those lips that I've yearned for...

His smile that could've melted my heart in a second. His laugh that sounds like a mellow chime of the Sunday bell. He that I love...


The three words that is repeating in my head right now,

I Loved him.

"I loved you...Kim Jong In" you muttered while a lone tear slid down your cheek. You ran your fingers across the picture that you are holding now of you and him and stopped at his face.

"Hah. I can't believe I'm so stupid!" You snorted and moved your fingers inches above both your heads and in a swift movement, the once whole picture was torn to shreds just like you broken heart.


Im back with a new FF with my lovely new co-author (: But this time it's gonna be short >.<

Keke hope you guys will subscribe and enjoy~

Please don't plagiarize :D


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Looking forward to this storyyy~ Hwaiting ^^