Lust or Love?

Hidden Secrets and Spying Hearts

A/N: This whole chapter is going to be in Wooyoung's POV. So please, do know that.


"Your phone also dropped when I bumped into you earlier today. I gave myself permission to get your number, and now you have mine! We should meet up soon, get to know each other, if you know what I mean! ^^.~ Nichkhun" read the text


"Ah seriously, this guy!" I annoyingly said as as I smacked my tongue while shaking his head.

Although it came off as annoying for a little, I'm actually glad that I have his number. From realising this now, my chest is feeling weird again, just like when I first set sight on Nichkhun... I really don't know what this is, but... "Aish! There's more important things to do at this moment, how can I be thinking like this?" I interrupted myself as I quickly took my laptop out of my bag, and set up my mini-office on my fancy suite.

Nothing. No updates on anything, not even a single call or e-mail. "I guess, this could be a little time for relaxation" I thought to myself as I sighed in boredom. I really hate not having anything to do, there's not one day that I'm not busy, when I'm not, I go insane.

"Well, nothing else to do. I guess I'll hit the pool!" I said talking to myself.


As I open the door, I can see a familiar figure. I can't tell who it is, so I just stare at the person with my suite's door half open.

"Is he lost?" I thought to myself, as I started to move towards him to ask him if he needed help.

But as I got closer, I froze. Froze for what seemed like hours. "Is that really?" I thought to myself as I rushed back to my room, closing the door as hard as I could. I hope I didn't disturb anyone, but I'm sure as hell I disturbed Nichkhun. But, why is he here, that's the question.

"Is he stalking me?" I thought to myself with a worrisome expression. "Or even worse, HE'S TRYING TO MURDER ME?" I let a hard gasp scape my mouth, but then catching myself to shut up since I remembered Nichkhun was maybe still outside.

A couple of minutes later I peeked through my door, slightly opened. No signs of him. Good. I can now enjoy my peacefulness at the pool.


I guess this is really what you call relaxing, for once. Laying down by the pool, nice and quiet since it's not even vacation time, perfect temperature with the rays of the suns hitting my skin. Oh man, I've never felt this relax- "AH!" I screamed and rose from my peaceful position. "What is this?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs finding myself all wet and covered with ice.

I looked around, no one seemed to be near me, but that's when I looked up, I flinched, "Jesus! You. YOU YOU YOU." I said as I pointed closer to him after every 'you'. "Who do you think you are to just come here and throw some ice water at me?" My finger is now on his chest, and man is it muscular.

"Miyanae, but you just wouldn't wake up." Nichkhun threw a warm smile at me. Who does he think he is? Throwing around ice water and warm smiles like he can just do whatever he wants. It's not like he owns this hotel.

"Ya seriously? Do you want me to take this with management?! I can just tell them to kick you out!" I said with my voice slowly escalating with anger

"Or, you can just take it with me... Since I own the place!" he said with another smile, but this time, it was more like an evil smirk. Great. He DOES own the place.

"Aish. Whatever!" I said throwing my towel at him, and about to walk away, as I stepped... on ice.

I fall and scrape my knee, all because of a tiny piece of ice. Who's tiny piece of ice? NICHKHUN. OF COURSE.

"Ya! Are you okay?" Nichkhun asked me, as he tried to help me up by one arm, I just threw him to the side.

"Ya! Just let me help you!" he said to me with a worried tone, "Someone bring a first aid kit here." and they did, extremely fast. I guess this hotel does have a pretty good service.

Nichkhun cleaned my knee, and patched it all up.

"All better right?" Nichkhun said softly, as he looked up. He's extremely close. Too close for comfort, but, something is stoping me from moving away, I closed my eyes, and started moving closer to him, is this okay?...


Well that for you guys. LOL.

Sorry if it's EXTERMELY messy, and really confusing, but, I've been busy since school started and I just wanted to put a chapter out there no matter how crappy it is. So bear with me, next chapter will better... hopefully. I think I even cofused myself while writing this, so.... SORRY.

Remember to leave comments and feedback! I really appreciate it, also leace some suggestions, or message me some! I might even include it on one of my chapters!

Thank you! ^^

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Chapter 7: Woah u comeback >_<

kkk ~~ woo u are so naive, sometime >_<

Chapter 7: too short thorr, please next make long chap..(><)
what khun plan? why he see other roon to woo?
i feel khun is spy the woo search? right?

Update soon thorr..!(^O^)y
Chapter 6: uhhh~ why so short? kkk~ but wooyoung's just too funny. He was obviously like nichkhun but never want admit it lol. But, I can sense somthing bad will happen >0< update soon
Chapter 6: Pleace a long chap ! Nice story ><
Nichkhun a same agent ? Or anemy of wooyoung ? I don't understand ? Why nichkhun so
nice like that to wooyoung ?

Update soon my author ^^
Chapter 6: coming soon please ><
Chapter 3: keep your promise & update soon ^^
khunyoung987654321 #7
Chapter 3: This is so cuute >< i really love it. Hope to read the next update soon author-nim :3
rugnichkhun #8
Chapter 2: I like it. It's funny and cute. Will they kiss after seeing each other for the second time or will Khun just tease Wooyoung a bit. Can't wait to know.
khunyoung987654321 #9
This is so funny xD love them :D