001 : Reason




“…Where am I?”


Scenery familiar to her, blurred in her eyes, slowly became clear. “I’m inside the classroom..”. Her hair all messed up; she realized that she had slept in class while a lecture was going on. “Ms. ______.”, the teacher called. Upon hearing the teacher’s distorted voice; she stood up with freight.


“You’ve been sleeping for almost an hour, are you sure you’re okay today?” the teacher asked. “Uhh…” she shook her head. “Yes Ma’am, I’m alright, I just slept late because of all the assignments…” “It’s good to hear that you’ve been doing you are doing your best in doing your assignments, but you should be awake when teachers are teaching, you can sleep after. Sit down.” _____ then sat down nervously.


“I wish I was already home…”


______; a 3rd year student from Seoul High. Nothing special. A daily routine that all students in High school. They go to school every day, listen to teachers, often with friends, and most of all; struggles to get at least an average or a high grade. She sits at the very front of the class but sometimes fall asleep in front of the teachers. On her desk are notebooks she needed for subjects and a little book, a small book that contained all her thoughts, personal experiences and works.

The bell rung as the teacher was in the middle of discussing. All of them whispered “Yes~!” It is a habit to the students of the Seoul High. All were excited to have their break; standing up, stretching, howling and making noise through the tables and chairs.  “It’s just the first bell.” Seulmi started talking.

Seulmi, who is a chair away from ______ is one of her close friends. Both of them had known each other since the second month of the school year. Seulmi’s personality is somewhat charismatic, often times calling her “Charisuel” by other people.

“Well, at least there’s still 5 minutes to pack right?” EunHae replied.

EunHae, _____’s childhood friend,  sat just behind ______’s. EunHae’s the out-goer type for the main reason that she never stays home and goes shopping instead.

The teacher wrapped up her books and leaves hastily; “You may go now, Goodbye and Thank You, Class.” Every one clogged up both entrances of the room. ______ waited for EunHae and Seulmi as they fix their things over their lockers. “Aren’t you going to put your books in the locker?” EunHae asked her while rummaging through her bag. “Ah, no need. I left it in the classroom.”



Please don’t let me see Jin again today…

My mood changed from neutral to an annoyance. I didn’t like to see Jin’s face at all. I watched people walk along the corridor when EunHae and Seulmi stood infront of me. “Thanks for waiting, _____. Shall we go?”  We walked our way to the eastern side of the high school campus using the same floor, it was easier that way. I was really expecting not to see Jin today, but bad luck. I did. He was walking opposite our way; going to the western wing. I stared at him, checking out if he would look back at me, and he did, then walked pass by me like he didn’t even see me at all.


I hate it when I see him everywhere. It drives me crazy!



Jin, who was her classmate on her 2nd year, was her crush. Jin knew that she likes him, and started to be a person who has over the top confidence in himself, and made fun of her. Feeler as people calls it.  _____ realized that Jin was a douche bag and started hating on him.

The three walked down to the canteen, another bell rang. It signified Lunch Break. Seulmi, EunHae and _____ sat down at their usual spot; the canteen’s second floor. “Don’t you think Trigonometry’s a bit confusing?” EunHae asked, looking at Seulmi as she placed her bag on top of the table and sat down. “Nn…~ Not really. I can still understand the lesson awhile ago.” “It will be very difficult to speak with the mouth’s full..” _____ said but it sounded like a mumble. The two looked at her in silence with weird faces.


She looked back at the two.“That was totally random.” Seulmi said and facepalmed. “Plus. Your mouth it full.” EunHae added after. Before they know it, they were bursting out of laughter.


English Class

The teacher freaked out because of a student making continuous noise. The class was swept by the teacher’s sermon. While the teacher continues of babbling, _____ sneaked and scribbled notes on her little book. “The same scenery...I get to see this every day, when will be the time….No….When will be the day where all teachers have longer patience?” She closed the book after and hid it inside her bag. The teacher sat down and took a deep sigh after she has expressed her feeling of anger.



The class is over. The teacher walked out angrily and slammed the door. Everyone was silent. In a matter of minutes, the same student who caused the event started cracking up a joke, but ended up quiet because no one laughed. The whole class was scattered around the room, having his and her own conversations with one another. _____ stood up and walked towards the door, looking out the door window to see if their next teacher is coming. As she turned around, she saw Lay, leaning against the wall, seated on the floor, playing a game console with his legs stretched out. She wasn’t that really close with Lay, she knew him by the name and doesn’t know much about him. All she knows was he was one of the top 10 students in the class, but he’s usually quiet. She squinted her eyes to see what he was playing.

“Uwaahh~” Her eyes widened as she found out what it was. She hopped beside him and sat down to further see and watch was Lay was playing. “It’s Gundam!!” Lay chuckled lightly, he heard her but he remained focused on playing instead. “Yeah.” He was pressing buttons rapidly. “Who is your opponent?” She asked, scooting closer to have better view. Noise came out of the console; “Defeat!!” he leaned back and laughed. “It’s Chanyeol, Chanyeol!” He called out Chanyeol who is on the other side of the classroom. He walked towards the two and waved, holding a console on the other hand. “What’s up?” He asked, laughing at Lay. “You lost.”

Chanyeol has been ______’s classmate for years. They knew each other way back the elementary days. Chanyeol always smiles that it’s as if he never had any problems in his life. He often creates jokes that really make everyone laugh.

Lay nudged her near the arm. “______-ah, do you know what this means?” he pointed out a sentence which was written in Japanese. “Oh. Um, let me see…” She motioned him to give her the console, which he gladly did. It took a minute for her to read the sentence. Although she knew how to read and speak the language, she still has difficulty in doing it fast. “It’s something about the versus mode battle difficulty.” _____ pointed out how the syllables of each character were formed to make the sentence. Lay nodded with his mouth agape. “Ahhh~ so that’s what it means. Thank you _____-ah!” He flashed a shy smile towards her.

“Why are you even playing something that you don’t even understand the text?” Her left eye squinted a little, almost making a twitch. “Well…” he played with the settings, “It’s because it’s fun!” he started laughing. _____ suddenly took interest in trying out the game. She pointed the console with her index finger and touched it lightly. “Can I play too?” she asked. “Oh, but Su Ho will be the next one to play next…”

Joon Myun, otherwise called as Su Ho. He is usually called as the White Kid for his fair complexion. He is a new student, but he has made many friends already.

“Okay then…After him! It would be me!” _____ smiled. “Hmm. If there is still time, you’ll be after Su Ho.” “Sure!” She walked around the classroom and finally went back to where Lay sat to continue on watching. Lay was so into the game that we started shouting whenever he gets shot by Chanyeol’s player. _____ looked at the time and stood up to check outside. The teacher hasn’t arrived yet…, she thought. There is still more time to play!

Su Ho tried to play the game as well and battled with Chanyeol. She watched intently at the same time the four of them laughed whenever someone loses. The four of them were having fun. Chanyeol finished playing and gave the console to _____. “I’ll be on the lookout for the teacher.” He stated and walked out of the classroom. Before _____ even got to play, Lay snatched the item from her and tweaked the settings. “What are you doing Lay?”  “Trying to set the level to easy since you are a beginner. Here.” He handed out the console to her. “You can choose your player now.”

She took the console and pushed buttons for her to choose her player. “Lay, how do I play this? What are the buttons?” He leaned closer, “X is to jump, circle is to fire, triangle is to close quarter combat, square is to block. The analog is to move around.” He said while pin pointing the buttons and what their functions are. It’s just like in Play Station 2 games then. She started battling with Lay. Just like Chanyeol and Lay, she pushed buttons fast. Suddenly,


There was a loud knock on the door; she got startled that she almost threw the console on the ground, a good save when she caught it in her hands. The two of them stood up, Lay stretching out his hand to her, “Let me hide the console first.” She gave it to Lay and he hid it in his bag. A classmate unlocked the door and the teacher came in with a smile on her face. “Section 3-G~ To the Projection Room please~ Thank you!” She said and walked off to the corridors again. Everybody packed up their things and went to the Projection Room.  Chanyeol came back, not knowing what is happening. “Guys why are we evacuating?”

“Projection Room.” Lay said as he handed out his game console. “Ah, thanks bro.” 

“Don’t attack me until you see me holding mine, Chanyeol.”


Projection Room

The door knob to the Projection Room made noise. “The room is locked.” The class president said. The class was waiting for the door to be unlocked. Lay and _____ stood still and waited when Chanyeol started snickering from the side. She looked at Chanyeol, curious unto why he was doing it when. “Hahahaha~ Lay. I’m already attacking your player.” He said laughing. Her eyes widened, obviously shocked. “WHAT THE?! HEY THAT’S CHEATING CHANYEOL!”

“I told you not to attack.” Lay chuckled to both Chanyeol and _____. She turned around to Lay, “Where is the console!?” “It’s inside my bag.” Lay’s bag was hanging on his right shoulder. She walked to his right side and rummaged his back to look for the item. When she found it, she took it out and started playing again.

Lay was worried by her sudden action; his console is out in the open. The school has a rule that electronic gadgets during class hours can be confiscated if caught. “______... It might get confiscated.” His face worried, and started pressing his lips. “Nah, I’ll figure something out. “ She replied, now focused on the game. The door to the other projection room was open which she noticed beforehand. She ran inside the room and hid herself behind the door by sitting behind it. This way his gadget won’t be confiscated. It was not until Lay noticed the girl was gone.

Oh no… Where is she? She has my console…” His face suddenly turned pale. “_____?” He called out, checking around their class. “I’m right here.” She called out from the inside. He heard and walked through the door. The room was dark, so he slowly went in, looking for her until he found her behind the door. “Why are you here?” He laughed and closed the door, sitting in front of her. “Well, I had no other choice. It’s dark here, and you said you don’t want this to be seen by other teachers… So, here I am.”

She smiled and looked at him. A sudden tremble grew across her body when she saw him close to her. Her cheeks felt hot so she looked back at the console and found out she had lost.

“What!? I lost!?” She said with frustration. “The door’s open.” A voice said from the outside. The two of them divert their attention to the voice. “Oh it’s open already.” He said. _____ gave back the console to him as he stood up. He stretched a hand to her to help her get up. “Here.” She held his wrist to push herself up. They went out of the room and followed to the room where their class is.

Why did I suddenly felt cold?




Everyone seems like they want to go home right away…

She watched people happily chatting with their friends and hastily going out of the school gates. She walked out the gates alone, looking for her school service. As she was looking for the service, she met up with Ga In who is her bus-mate. “Where’s the school bus?” she asked. “It’s at the far end.” Ga In pointed out to where the service bus is located. “I’ll be buying food. Do you want anything?” she asked _____. “I’m full, thanks!” She said and both of them parted ways.

It was a hot day in November. In a few days _____’s birthday will come up, which falls on a Sunday. Finally she found the bus and threw her bag and went inside. The bus was a Van type of vehicle. Ga In came back with a hot dog and a cupped drink."Don't you think it's really hot where we're parked at?" Ga In started speaking. She looked at the hungry bus-mate and replied

“Yes...I know.” 
"Then, why are we sitting in the front seats? It'll be hot here later.”  Ga In questioned as she placed her food at the back.
"You got a point. Let's go to seat at the back today then." The two of them went inside the bus and sat down.

"Damn...” ____ said in an angry tone, fanning herself with her hand.
"It's way hotter here...” Ga In complained.

"Next-time...let's get the keys, yeah?"


Heading Home

The bus is heading home to deliver each and everyone to their houses; however, they were trapped in traffic. She stretched out for her bag and looked for her music player. She turns it on, and chose a song suited for the current scene. She stared outside, looking at everything around. She came up with a short quote, and she knew she had to write it down or else she will forget about it. She opened her bag and started to get her little book along with a ball pen and wrote;

"The sunset dyes the town red, Right in front of me was a congestion of construction work, On the sidewalk people in suits were rushing around."

After writing, she had a deep sigh and slept.



"I feel like...I'm floating...where am I?"

The whole place was all black.

“Who’s that?”

She sees a boy, familiar to her from afar.

 “I think I know him...”

_____ starts to take a keen look at the boy, but didn't recognize him much.

“I need to get closer...”

She heard a faint voice; "_______! _______! Wake Up! You're home already!"

She starts to open her eyes and looked around; It was Ga In who woke her up. She stood up and went out of the bus. “Thank you for the ride home.” She smiled at the driver and went inside her house.


"Welcome Home.” Her mom said as she was chopping vegetables for dinner.
"Hello, Mom.." Her face looked pale.
"I think....You should rest..."
"Sure thing... I was about to. Can you please wake me up at 7pm please?" She asked.

She went in her room and the study desk's light. She lied down on the bed and drowsiness slowly crept up on her again before she finally loses consciousness. This time…



First Chapter is up! (confetti) It's a bit long, I hope it doesn't bore you. ><
This fanfic has been with me for years now, also the first write of  this was 
Beta-read by my friend myoongjong~ Ke. Do you still remember this?
As for the character; Lay. He was closest to the personality of the original
character. :) I could have chosen D.O or even Lu Han, but then I guess
Lay fitted all of the points that the main person has. So yeah. HAHAHA.
Tell me what you think alright!
To tell you the truth, the original 1st chapter of this is longer! It has been chopped down!


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SDFLKJGSDLFKH You had some typos though. XD The freight is supposed to be fright. XD Then there was another word, "consoled". XD And then I think you repeated two words in one sentence, I just can't find it or maybe I'm just hallucinating. LKJDSGFSDKLG.

I got surprised at the "Seoul High" part! ((= Cuz I'm making another fanfic and the school's name is "Seoul High" din. HAHAHAHA! XD (((= And the format and the RIIIING and the BAM BAM BAM and the title-like in each paragraph thing-o-ma-bob. ANG CUUUTE~ XD HAHAHAHAA! OTL

Mehhhhh. Update soon! :3 <3 XD