Be Mine Part 7

Sweetness Overload: JeTi Collection

Taeyeon's POV





Finally! It's now Tiffany's turn. Now, what devil act should I throw at this woman. Should I make them kiss? But I guess that's too early.


I look at Tiffany and she looks terrified like how she looks like whenever she sees bugs. This is gonna be so much fun!


"Alright, Fany-ah. It's your turn. Truth or DARE?" I emphasized the dare because this mushroom could be a scaredy cat.


She better pick dare because this is her chance to make a move on Jessica.


"Why do you look like a deer caught in the headlights, Tiffany?" Jessica asked.


"Huh? O-oh no. I-I'm jus-"


"Truth or DARE, Fany-ah." I asked her again. Looking intently at her hoping she gets the message my eyes are giving her.




"You better not pick truth, Fany-ah." Yuri casually said while checking her nails.


I saw Tiffany swallowed the lump on . I can't help but smirk at that.







Author's POV




Tiffany closes her eyes and took a deep sigh. She knows she can't get out of this especially when Taeyeon is the person who gets to ask her or dare her.


She doesn't know if she'll survive the dare she's about to get. She likes Jessica very much and just being near her makes Tiffany weak on the knees.


"Alright I choose... Dare." Tiffany bravely said.


Everyone cheered while Tiffany looks like she's about to pass out.


"You go girl!" Krystal shouted while clapping.


Jessica looks at her sister. Wondering why her little sister is so excited about this.


"Great choice. Are you ready?" Taeyeon said while grinning widely.


Tiffany hesitated but nodded her head.


"Okay. I dare you to have 7 minutes in heaven with Jessica." Taeyeon said.


Both Tiffany and Jessica's eyes widen in shock. The other girls didn't waste time and started dragging the two statues toward Tiffany's closet.


When the door of the closet shuts close both girls came back from their trance. They both look at each other at the same time not knowing what to do.


"What should we do?" Tiffany asked Jessica.


"I-I don't really know." Jessica shyly replied.


They both couldn't think properly because they're only one foot away from each other.


Tiffany couldn't help but admire Jessica's beauty up close. While Jessica, feeling Tiffany's eyes on her couldn't help but feel conscious.


"I-Is there something on my face?" Jessica timidly asked.


"Oh.. Nothing. I just couldn't help but admire your beauty." Tiffany replied.


"Y-you're quite straightforward." Red faced Jessica said.


"Sorry.. Is that a bad thing?" Tiffany asked.


"No.. No.. Not at all." Jessica said and looks at Tiffany's face intently.


"You're so beautiful, Tiffany." Jessica said and unconsciously caresses Tiffany's cheek.


Tiffany froze on her spot. She doesn't know what to do. She wants to close her eyes and feel how soft Jessica's hand is. But she couldn't take her eyes off of Jessica's face.


The way Jessica looks at her right now makes Tiffany's heart flutter. It's like Tiffany is the most precious thing in the world. Which is what Jessica is actually thinking right now.


Jessica started caressing Tiffany's jaw slowly, painfully slow for Tiffany. Jessica is in trance, enthralled by Tiffany's beauty.


When Jessica was about to touch Tiffany's lips, she suddenly jerked back. Tiffany's eyes widen in shock.


Jessica looks at the closet door when it suddenly open. 8 pairs of eyes are looking straight at both of them.


"So.. Did you guys kiss?" Seohyun, out of all people asked.








Everyone is in the living room again gathered in circle. Everyone is quiet. 8 girls wondering what happened in the closet because the two victims are ignoring each other.


"Fany-ah, are you okay?" Taeyeon asked Tiffany.


"Huh? Ah yeah, yeah I'm okay," Tiffany replied.


On the other hand..


"Unnie, are you okay?" Krystal asked. And Jessica just nodded her head.


"Okay, that's it. Both of you speak up." Yuri frustratingly said.


"Nothing happened." Tiffany said.


"Nothing?" Yuri asked.


"Yes. Nothing happened." Jessica replied.


"Then why are you two so quiet?" Yuri asked again.


Tiffany and Jessica both looked at each other and both look away shyly. Everyone saw this but chose to shrugged it off to spare the shy love birds.


Krystal checks the time and it's already 11 in the evening.


"Unnies, I think we should go. It's already late. We don't want to keep you guys up cause we know you guys are busy." Krystal said.


"Yeah. And it would be dangerous for you guys to drive if you go home late." Yoona said.


"Okay then, let's call it a night." Taeyeon said.


Everyone stood up and started bidding goodbyes for the Jung sisters. Yoona and Tiffany escorted the sisters to the front door.


"Thanks for the invite again, Yoona unnie." Krystal said.


"No problem, Soojungie." Yoona said and smiled. The younger Jung blushes at the nickname.


"Uhm.. Thank you for dinner, Tiffany. I had so much fun." Jessica shyly said. Tiffany clears before speaking.


"You're welcome, Jessica. I had a great time too." The shy mushroom replied.


"You guys are adorable." Yoona said. Krystal chuckled.


"Let's go, unnie." Krystal drags the older Jung.


"See you again soon!" Yoona shouted.


"Ne~" Krystal replied.


Tiffany and Jessica's eyes met and both smile at each other before the elevator door closed.








Tiffany's POV



"Alright. Spill the bean, mushroom." Taeyeon said.


"There's nothing to spill, Taetae." I casually said.


"We know something happened. We saw how the both of you looked at each other." Yoona said and everyone nodded.


"And? What's wrong with that?" I asked.


"Did you make the first move?" Sooyoung asked.


"What? What first move?" I act confused.


"Alright fine. If you don't wanna tell us. We won't force you." Taeyeon said. Everyone gave up and left me alone.


I inwardly rejoice and went to my room. I can still feel how soft Jessica's hand was. I wonder what was she thinking when she did that.


Maybe I should ask her about it. Should I text her? Or call her? Or maybe see her?


Oh, what are you doing to me Jessica? I thought to myself.








Jessica's POV




"Unnie, why won't you tell me what happened in the closet?" Krystal whined at me.


"I told you nothing happened, Krystal." I said for the millionth time.


"Okay, fine. But I tell you... I'll find out." She creepily said and went out of my room.


I shook my head and I suddenly remember Tiffany's soft beautiful face. I can't believe I did that. I didn't know what I was thinking.


But I can clearly remember how soft and smooth her skin was. I know she may think I'm creepy but I just want to touch and caress her face.


I think we need to talk about what happened. I need to apologize for what I did. But what if she doesn't want to talk to me anymore because she thinks I'm creepy.


I will burn all the cucumbers in the world if that happens!


*beep beep beep*


I looked at my phone and I got a text from someone.


From: Tiffany


Hey! I just wanna know if you guys got home safely? -Tiffany


Oh my god! She texted me! What do I say! What do I say!


To: Tiffany


Hi! Yeah, we got home safely. Thank you for asking. -Jessica


What the hell? Thank you for asking? What am I thinking?!


*beep beep beep*


From: Tiffany


Glad to know. :) Hey, are you free this Sunday?


Is she... Asking me... Out?!


To: Tiffany


Yes. I'm free on Sunday. Why did you ask?


Oh my god. I really hope she's asking me for a date.


*beep beep beep*


From: Tiffany


Would you like to go out for a coffee?


It's a date!!!


To: Tiffany


Yes, of course. I'd love to. 😊


*beep beep beep*


From: Tiffany


Great! I'll pick you up after lunch then. See ya! 😊


To: Tiffany


Alright then! See ya! 😊














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Chapter 25: i can't see the end of latch :(
31 streak #2
Chapter 36: I want you to continue this story author-shi...
KalakiMae #3
Chapter 36: I miss your stories I hope you come back and update again soon :)
Chapter 36: Ahhh i missed this story... I'm waiting for ur come back... Fighting!!
Chapter 36: Cant wait to know what will happen next XD
Chapter 36: Yeah Jess, let's find Tiffany.
babystrawb3 #7
Chapter 36: Thanks for sharing.
I really enjoyed reading this.
Jeti are my bias.
Can’t wait for updates!
Chapter 36: I love this story and i have been being your fan of jeti story for long time and im so excited to where this story will lead us ^^ and dont be sad about what had happen. If you look on thr bright side jeti can openly meet each other freely now ^^ so himnae!
Chapter 35: Woah! It's been a year already and gonna wait for your update and new story! :)
Tipatii #10
Chapter 35: Waiting!