Inner Pain

Forever Hidden

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Hae Jin's POV:

Another night of shedding secret tears.

Memories flashed through my head as tears dripped from my eyes.

I couldn't forget anything.

I was crushed, broken.

It hurt so much.

All the pain that I hide away weakens me.

It was four months after it happened, but I still can't let go.


I was going home with my mother after a day of bonding.

Sitting in the passenger seat, I stared at my phone.

He didn't text at all.

Did something happen?

Is he ignoring me?

As if he was reading my mind he texted.

My phone viberated and I smiled.

"Who texted you?" my mom asked.

"Oh, it;s just Haneul," I lied smoothyly.

She couldn't know who it was.

Nobody could.

I happily checked the message.

Hey, I've been thinking about something for a while and I think I'll say it.

We should break up.

I can't keep our relationship a secret anymore.

Let's go back to the way we were.



That was so sudden.

Why now?

I felt so many emotions as I read it, mostly guilt and shock.

I can't keep him forever, so I decided to let him go.

I've thought about it too.

We should.

That's all I said and I lied that I thought about it.

Then a rush of anger and sadness came too me.

If he truely loved me wouldn't he have waited?

He himself knew what situation we were both in.

I held in my tears as I was aware that my mother was sitting next to me.

I put my phone in my pocket and smiled fakely.

End of flashback

It tore my heart apart just by thinking about that day.

It haunted me the most out of all our moments together.

The day we broke apart along with my heart.

Another waterfall of tears fell from my face.

I quickly wiped them off with a tissue and took a deep breath to calm myself down.

I realized that I couldn't be like this anymore.

I needed to stop regretting.

I needed to stop crying.

I needed to stop recalling the memories.

And I needed to stop thinking about him.

I layed down and cleared my head.

Then I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

The next day, I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock.

It was Monday in the middle of September and I had two hours till school started.

I climbed out of bed and walked into the bathroom.

Looking into the mirror, I saw myself with puffy eyes and blotchy skin.

Just great.

That's what I get for crying.

I managed to get rid of the blotches and the puffy eyes as I freshened up for school.

The I went to my closet and picked out something to wear.

Then, I grabbed my bag and went downstairs.

I was greeted by my parents and a wonderful aroma of food.

My mom set a plate filled with food down in front of me.


I quickly finished eating and grabbed my car keys and bag.

Saying goodbye to my parents, I walked out to the driveway to my car.


I stepped in and drove to school.

I parked in the school's parking lot and walked into the building.

I went to my locker and collected my stuff.

Haneul came to schoo and saw me.

We walked together in the hallway to class, joking and talking to each other.

On the other side of the corridor, the guy that I used to date was standing there and chatting with his friends.

I innerly panicked, but looked calm.

I said hi to him and Haneul, him, and his friends all started to talk to each other.

I silliently excused myself and walked to class, holding my chest.

My heart hurts just by looking at him.

He gave me inner pain.

He ow only sees me as his friend.

That guy that's unknowingly hurting me is none other but one of my best friends, L.Joe.

Chunji's POV:

I watched as Hae Jin walked away.

I stood there silently as everyone else talked.

She's in so much pain, yet she hides it from everyone, but me.

However, she doesn't know that my heart aches just by seeing her hurting.

I can patch up your wounds.

Why can't you see that?

But, you're definitely not ready for another relationship yet, so I'll wait.

I could wait a thousand years for you.


Because I love you with all of my heart.

L.Joe's POV:

I'm falling even harder for Haneul.

I've had a crush on her for two months now.

I should ask Hae Jin to help me ask Haneul out and learn more about her.

Afterall, Hae Jin is the best with love.





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Chapter 31: Painful ending :( But it's the reality. I so agree with this. Thumbs up!!!
Hi author :D I shall start reading this fic hehe.
Chapter 1: haneul has the same birthday as me!
Mela_Suthriat #4
Chapter 39: im soo happy!!!!! thankyou thank you thank you!!!! <3 im soo glad that it will be L.Joe's point of view!!!! <3
Gigi_L #5
Chapter 2: I feel like I'm HaeJin that is in so much pain.. T_T Ilove the story very much
Chapter 2: I feel like I'm HaeJin that is in so much pain.. T_T Ilove the story very much
Mela_Suthriat #8
Chapter 38: please make a L.Joe's POV about this.
Mela_Suthriat #9
Chapter 38: oh my god!!! my heart is hurting again. i really love this story. please im begging you. make a sequel!!!! im not in aff this past weeks becoz ive got nothing to do.