ShinyEffects Into The Manga's World


“ Don't you think forbidden love seems too beautiful and romantic ? Such love revolves on the obstacles to be encountered


by the lovers. “



The girl was just about to speak her minds when someone cut her off, making both of them to turned to their back.



“ Really ? But I don't think it that way. “


They just froze there looking at the one who's glaring at them.



“ Not again ... “


They heaved a big sighed waiting for the one to start the lecturer.



“ School's regulation, article 18 : Forbidden of love for all student ! Disciplinary action will be taken and stern warning will be given to students who violated school

rules, including suspension from school ! “ Which seems like shouting to them.



“ And no exception to .. arghh ! Unnie ! It's hurt ! “


She yelped in pain when being pinched by the older one on the cheek.



“ Yah ! Mind your tone missy .. I'm still older than you. “



“ Arasso .. just let me go. “



“ Not until you promise not to nag us about those stupid school rules. “



She nodded desperately and felt glad when the fingers left her cheek.



“ Look what you did on Jung Soojung's pretty face ? “


She pouted while the older on just chuckled at her reddened cheek.





Jung Soojung, that's her name. The president of the Student Council of Cerise Girls' High School. Everybody's knows her, who won't when her voice can be hears all the


time in that school, talking about the school rules over and over again. It's was a miracle that she had made some of the students able to memorized every each of


the rules, just like how she would.




“ Aww .. Sunyoung unnie gave too much love for you. “



The older one just chuckled even more when the virtual maknae uttered those.



“ Good one Jinri ! “



“ So, this is how it goes huh ? Fine. Whatever ! But just to remind you that I'll report this to the principals if I suspected any one of you involved in this love thing. Even


if you're my best friends. “



“ KYAHH !! “




Soojung was startled like really badly when those two of her friends suddenly shrieked like a fan girls and quickly turned to her back to see what had made her girls to


be so excited.



“ Kyaah ! The Quartz's Boys. “



They shrieked once again making Soojung to cover up her ears due the high pitched voice from them.



“ Yah ! Didn't I just warned you about the forbidden love in our school ? “



“ Aish Soojungie .. we're just looking at them. “



“ That was also prohibited in our school since ... Yah ! Do you hear me or not ?! “



“ WOAH !! “




Both Sunyoung and Jinri just watched it amazement as one of the popular guy in that school, who's always looks as handsome as ever with his glasses on,


walking towards them along with his sidekicks.




“ Isn't that .. Choi Minho ? Their student council's president ? “



Just as those words leaving Jinri's mouth, “ How have you been Minho-sshi ? “



Soojung took the lead to greet him, leaving both Sunyoung and Jinri to jaw dropped at how polite she is towards him, when just a few seconds ago she was like a


hungry lion to them.



“ I'm fine. It's been awhile Soojung-sshi .. “



“ Yeah .. anyway, thanks for your help on our cultural festival last week. “



“ You're welcome. “



“ Oh yeah .. I heard recently there are many student being caught together. It must troubled you a lot right ? “




Both Sunyoung and Jinri along with Minho's sidekicks which is Jonghyun and Taemin started to sweating up when they heard about the news but they tried to acts


natural since those two presidents were still there with them.




“ The case is still up anyway ... “



“ Seems like we must be more firmer with the students in the future right ? “



“ Right ! “



They've become even more restless when the presidents gave them a smirked as a warning.



“ I'll be going now. I guess I'll see you later ? “



“ Ok. Be careful on your way. “




Minho bid her a goodbye before lead his way towards his neighborhood, dragging both Jonghyun and Taemin who's seems to have their feet glued on the road with


their eyes fixed to Sunyoung and Jinri. It's not always they can look at those girls and they didn't wasted that chance when they got one.











* Takk !! *



Soojung quickly ran towards the window of her room when she heard that and immediately slide the window opened widely


where then she found Choi Minho looking at her room from below.




“ Sweetheart ! “



“ Honey ! “




Their biggest secret ... they are a lover !





“ There's quite a tense when we met back then right ? “


She asked while they took a seat at their usual spot at the park nearby Soojung's neighborhood.



“ It's alright. Don't think too much about that. “



“ Oppa .. we can't do anything else aside from meeting with each other secretly. That's so sad. “



“ We have no choice left Soojung ... we might not get the recognition from the school if our relationship being revealed. We have a reputation and responsibility to be


taken care of. We can't avoid it either. “



“ I know and I won't let myself being suspected by them. “



“ Yeah, me too. It's alright, we just have to bare with it until we graduated ok ? “



“ Eung .. You know what ? You looked so cool tonight, oppa. You're full with charisma just now. “



“ Aigoo .. just said that you want my kiss. No need to give such compliment to me. “



“ Hehe .. I'm waiting .. “


She puckered up her lips cutely which easily made Minho to giggled at his girl cuteness.



He waits no more and just granted her wish, leaning towards her face slowly before gently planted a sweet kiss on her lips.



“ I love you oppa. “



“ I love you too, Soojung. “





That's how the secret is going on, and yet no one had ever suspected anything from them. In their eyes, these two person are just a typical student who happened to


be bounded to the school rules, and they will always have their way to make every each one of the students to follow the regulation that's being stated by their own


school, with only one goal in their life, which to not break their reputation as the president, as being trusted by their principal.











On the sly, a year had passed.





“ I am always proud of you Soojung. “



She just stared at the window blankly when she recalled back the principals words to her awhile ago at the office after she


showed the percentage of troubles in the school especially regarding the case of the forbidden love is lessen to 30%.




* I'm sorry Ms Victoria. I can't fight the power of love. I have violated the rules at the first place. *



* Hmm .. Our first anniversary almost there. What should I do for him ? *



“ Look at Soojung. She's been dreamy all day long. Is she's in love or something ? If she does .. who could it be ? “




Soojung was known for her sharp ears even when her minds was at somewhere else and she didn't disappoint Jinri today when suddenly she shifted her gaze at her.




“ Sorry .. come again ? “


She asked with a smirked on her face.



“ Hehe .. ani. I said nothing. “


She said nervously before slowly get on her feet when she noticed Soojung was making her way towards her with her icy glares.



“ Jinri ... “



“ Owh .. I need to go to the washroom. “


And in a flash of light, Jinri was disappeared from Soojung's sight.



* Fuhh ! Thank God I'm not being caught by that giant baby. *


She then made her way towards her desk where she sees a box on top of it.



“ What's this ? “


She asked Amber who's busy cleaning up the rack.



“ Spoils. “ She answered shortly, just how she always did.



“ There's so many of these. Should we throw all of these ? “



She wondered before took a glance at Amber who's right now making her way towards her, before looking at the spoils.



“ Wait. Can I have this cheeseballs ? “


She asked with her sparkling eyes looking at Soojung, trying to win her with it.



“ No. “


She said sternly although Amber is a year older than her, she doesn't care.


She isn't that mean, she just thought it is wrong for her to take something from the spoils for her own good.



“ I'll buy you one later unnie. Alright ? “


She uttered when she realized the tomboy already pouted at the one side.



“ Great ! I'll haunt you if you're not. Got that ?! “



She just shook her head in disbelieve with the thought that the cool Amber will always lose to junk food.



Soojung continue with her work and was about to throw the box when something caught her eyes.



* Brochure ? *



She took it out from the box and her eyes widened in excitement as she read the brochure.



* YES !! *



“ This is the best thing for our anniversary !! “


She shrieked happily that happened to caught Amber's attention and even Jinri who was about to take her seat.



“ Only the two of us without disturbance .. just like a secret honeymoon !! “


“ Err .. Soojung ... “


Amber called her but she was so into her thought that she barely listened to her.



“ Unnie, what's wrong with your dongsaeng ? “


Amber just shrugged her shoulder as a reply to Jinri's question.














“ Vacation ? “



“ Yes ! Did you remember about our first anniversary ? It's almost the time .. we should celebrate it. “



“ Owh .. you're right. It won't be fun if we just go for a normal date. “



Minho quickly jumped on the bed when he saw his girlfriend clapping her hands cutely. He then pushed her lightly, making her back to rested on the bed,


while he's hovering her.




“ Ok. Let's go fishing. Where do you wanna go ? Hot springs ? It sounds fun right ? “



“ You just speak my minds .. hehe. “


Minho then leaned himself more closer to her body before whisper, “ You know that we'll be alone there right ? “




Soojung just nodded as if she read his minds, while he continue to brush his fingers gently on her face until his lips is only


centimeters from her.




“ Saranghae, Soojungie ... “



He then proceeded with closing the gap, well almost when, “ Soojung ! I'm back ! “



And only cause both of them to jumped off from each other because of the voice.



“ Appa is back. Run through the window. “


She shrieked in restless while helping Minho who happened to fell off the bed before pushed him towards the window.



“ Soojung .. “


He called her before pulled her towards him, making his lips to pressed on her.



“ Thanks a lot. I'm happy with you. “


Said Minho once he pulled away from the kiss.



* Me too .. oppa. *



Soojung just let her eyes fixed on him until his figure become a dot in her sight.
















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Chapter 30: My JongNa feels exploded even more now!!!
Please do write more since your stories are so good :3
Chapter 13: AWWW MinStal was so cute <3 <3
Chapter 10: Oh my god that just made my heart melt!!
My JongNa feels just exploded <3 <3
Chapter 31: Oh wow, i think i've read almost all the original manga, esp kikuchi kamaro and washio mie's manga! This is awesome! I hope you do more, author-nim!
justmeyay #5
Chapter 31: Ah authorshi welcome back.i been a long time since your last update.
I cant wait to rea another keyber story
please please write another story author-nim :) specially for keyber hehe
lollilove #7
CLGDAMBER : Keyber for u .. keke
no keyber?? T.T noooo wayyyyyyyyyyy huhuhuhu
lollilove #9
Actually, I've already post these stories at AFF before, individually ..
but just to make it easy for u to read, I made it into one ...
So some of u might have read all of these before .. ^^