First Meeting

Meet My Daughter And Her Milk!


Taeyeon pov :

It's a beautiful day, sunny and everything you saw in every tales. The sort of day when you think everything is just perfect. But not the right day for me who always when out when it rains, from last few years. But it's almost 2016 now and the sky is bright and it's clear to me that the truth is that I goddam loved you so much.

Looking back now, I realized I was stupid for treating you that way. We've been through a lot together and leaving you for 'that' was freaking dumb. I told Sooyoung the next day, he punched my face. Hard. But I didn't do or say anything because he was right. I shouldn't have done that, I shouldn't leave you for a problem we both created.



"What do you mean you're pregnant!?" I asked her in disbelieve tone, my eyes were wide - open. I know I was being loud because I noticed few eyes were looking our way, Tiffany shushed me down softly, like she always did every time I talked with my voice loud. "But we use protection all the time, Fany-ah. It can't be." I added. Still looking at her, hoping it was just a joke she was playing on me. Oh, how much she loves to joke.


"Yes, I've checked it many times. Different brands, you name it." She paused. "It's positive. All . . of them." the words escaped her lips carefully like she was thinking whether it was a good idea to tell me the news. I pulled her hands and clasped them together with mine, her hands was so cold against me.


"What now?" She asked, I could her voice was shaking. "Tae?" 


"Abortion." Clear and briefly.


I was looking at her and I swore I can feel that not just her heart, her whole self was tearing apart just by one word. It was then when her eyes started to water. 


"But you said, we wouldn't anything to the baby if I happen to get pregnant." She said, pulling her hands away. Her voice was shaking badly, must be because of holding her tears inside. It breaks my heart to see her like this but I'm too young, we're too young. I couldn't even afford to buy a freaking TV for my house, what make you think I would be prepared to be dad? To feed another mouth? 

Tiffany has always loves kids, even on our first anniversary, she left me on our date because she wanted to play soccer with the kids. It's kind of my fault for choosing a park full of kids to celebrate our one year dating.

"Yes, after we got married. We've talked about this." I said, silencing her. She was looking down at her feet, trying to hide her tears from me, though I can see the droplets fell down. "Tiff, we just . . we just . . can't raise kid right now. Okay?" 





"I won't do it" 


I heard she said it, softly but determined. I took a deep breath before letting out a heavy sigh.


"Then I have no choice." I said, grabbing her attention at once. 


"What do you mean?" Her eyes were looking at me, looking for explain though I knew she knew what I was going to say.


"Tiff, let's break up."


After I said it, she fall on the ground, I tried to pull her up but she pushed my hands away. I could hear she said it under her her breath "Don't touch me."



"I have given you a choice and you choose the baby." I stopped. Now, she crying out loud but now we don't care anymore. People at staring at us, at me. , I'm .



After 5 minutes, she stopped crying. She struggled to stand and once she did, she looked at me with her red face. " Okay, I won't fight anymore. I hope you're happy Tae because that is the only thing I want for you." She smiled, mesmerizing but slowly breaking. I think this is why I fall for her in the first place, she still can smile after what happened. When her mother died 10 years ago, I was crying with her brother, she comes to me and said " Why are you crying? She is in better place now." I remembered this words every time I heard  about someone died. Because she was right, why are you crying for someone that is going for better place? Since then, I never cry no matter what happen, even when my beloved dog, Mr. Sugi died, I didn't cry. 


She turned around, walking or rather dragging her feet away. I looked at her, trying to call out her name but it just won't come out. Why are you walking away? Tiffany, stay. Fight with me. Fight me to stay. I stood there, watching her getting farther away, She becomes a small dot and then disappear. 


As I tried to walk away from the place, I heard someone muttered "." 


He was right.


I called her later that night but she refused to pick my call. I gave her 10 voicemail, I know she listened to them. 


I haven't see her all day the next day. Tried to call her again, she didn't pick up her phone, again. 


The third day morning after our break up, I woke up to her text and I cried.


Sender : Pany-ah 

I'm moving to USA. 




End of the flashback


That was the last time I heard from her. Now, It has been 5 years, I wonder how is she right now, probably happy. Ever since our break up, I haven't been dating anyone. I've been to a few dates because Soo was worried I might go insane being 'untouch' for so long, yeah, he said that. His logic doesn't make sense sometimes. But all the girls I went on date with, they just don't feel right. They are all pretty, I'll have to thank Soo for that but I just don't see us being together. There's nothing wrong with them. They're just . . not Tiffany.


"Hey, Taeyeon. Are you listening to me or not?" I heard Sooyoung's voice and realized I've been zoning out, again.


"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" I quickly asked. I saw Sooyoung looking at me, judging me, in front of me. I know what he's going to say and I'm tired of it.


"For god's sake, Taeyeon! It happened 5 years ago, Can you move on?" He said, crossing his arm. Here's come his stupid judgmental face. 


"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to suddenly thinking about her." I said, groaning in annoyance. "Just tell me, what were you saying just now?"


"When you're zoning out? Okay, but please, stop it. I'm tired of repeating the same thing, Taeng." He said, eyes were staring at me, making sure that I won't zone out again. I nodded.


"I said, Jessica said, we should change the menu." He said while folding the clothes to another side and continue wiping the table. This has been our routine since the day we opened our restaurant together. We're the owner, the chefs but we still wipe the table ourselves once the restaurant is close. Jessica said we didn't need to since we got workers to do that. "What's the point of paying them?" She quote but me and Soo, we like it. It's the only time we have peace, away from the world, away from the customers's complaint and sometimes, away from Tiffany.


"What? what's wrong with the menu we have now?" 


"She said, it's too lame. We've been serving the same food for 3 years." He shrugged his shoulders,


"But the customers like it and that's what matter!" I said, half shouted. I grabbed the clothe from his hand and start rubbing the stain on the table that just won't come off. You little piece of , come off!


"Hey, I'm just telling you what she told me. Don't be mad at me." Sooyoung groan. He shot a glare at me. "See? I told her I don't to be in the middle of this. Why don't she just come and talk to you herself?" He said.


I looked at him, waiting for something to hit him. He looked back at me and 1 . . 2 . . 3 . . " Ahhhhhhhh"


Okay, they hit him.


"Ohhh, yes! Now, I remembered. Nope, You guys can't be together. Nope, big nope. , How can I forgot about that day? The day our restaurant almost got ripped into two pieces." He said, exaggerating making me chuckled a bit. The day that Sooyoung was talking about is the day when we decided to repaint our restaurant. Jessica and I, well, She said I was colour blind and I said that her choice of colour is , we got into a fight that I guaranteed can beat Mayweather Vs. Pacman : Fight of the century.


And Soo, he just cried in the corner.


"I won't let that happen again, baby." He said, giving the table a kiss.


"Wow, now, I think maybe you're insane one for not being touched for so long." I said, laughing at now red in face, Soo.


"Excuse me, I'm the one who goes home with a lady last night." Rolling his eyes. 


"Ohhhh, so how was she?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. 


"It went really smooth. We're talking on her bed, then I leaned in, She's coming closer and . . . her ex called."


"What? Then what happened?"


"They started talking and then fighting. Apparently, she still has feeling for him. So, last night turned to therapy session." He said, sounding disappointed at the end.


"HAHAHAHAHA." I burst out, later Sooyoung joined me and we laughed at his stupidness. 


"And this morning I thought about charging her, you know, 500$ for wasting my night." Sooyoung said when we stopped laughing. I nodded, agreeing. We stay silent for a couple of minutes. He with his thought, me with mine.






"Have you thought about dating again?" He asked, I stopped wiping. "Who knows, it might take your head away from her." I sighed. Not again. I look at the ceiling, there's spider web everywhere. Maybe I should wipe them away tomorrow before Jessica sees it.


"I don't know man, I want to but I couldn't. I just can't." I said, I sensed that he was looking at me. 


"Tae, I know you're going to hate me after this but . ." He paused. I looked at him.


"No, you didn't." I shake my head, Sooyoung has this habit of . .


"I'm sorry but I set you up with a friend. She's nice. You're going to like her." He said in one breath.


. . setting me up with his friends.


"God, Sooyoung, can you stop doing this!? To me? For me?" I shouted, I felt the blood's boiling inside me. I looking at him, furiously.


"Pleaseeee Taeyeon, pleaseeee. I already told her that you're going" He said, more like pleading. "I'm doing this for your own good."


"Excuse you, Mr?"


"Okay, She said she'll buy me lunch FOR A WEEK if I set her up with a decent guy and do you know how hard it was to find a good hearted guy nowadays? Freaking hard, that's how. So, please. For me, okay?" He's now on his one knee, begging me. "This is the last time, I swear." I looked at him.


"Or What?"


"I'll be a Vegetarian for the rest of my life." He said. Wow, this dude is serious. Sooyoung? and Veggies? Not a good combination, so I guess, I'll trust him on this one.


"Fine. Tell me her details."


"YESSSSSS! I love you, dude. I really do." He said, trying to kiss me. I threw the dirty clothe at him, they laid perfectly on in lips.


"DUDE!! OH, THAT'S ING GROSS!" He yelled, throwing back the clothe towards me but I managed to avoid it "OH GODDD, MY PURE LIPSS." He cried, wiping his so-called-pure mouth with his sleeve.


", you better be thankful you have a date with her tomorrow, or else I would have you killed tonight." He said. Dude, really? Killing your friend for a piece of dirty clothe on a dirty mouth? That would make a great News' headline. Wait, What?


"Wait, what? Tomorrow? Seriously? You have to tell me tonight?" 


"You're ready Taeyeon." He said, still wiping his mouth. "Don't tell me you-forgot-how-to-date bull. Just go and talk to her, flirt a little bit. Who knows, you might get lucky and forgot about her"


"She's not buying you any lunch, you just want me to forget Tiffany." I said. "Okay, all the tables are clean now. We can go home now." throwing the clothe on my shoulder.


"It's time to move on you know but no, I'm telling you the truth, she's buying me lunch if I can bring any decent guy that will not try to kiss her everytime she close her eyes." He said before walking into the kitchen.


"Sound like she's been through a lot of horrible dates before."






It was pretty late and there aren't many cars on their road maybe because everyone's home now, with their loved ones having hot chocolate. Mean while, Sooyoung and I were walking home in 3 degrees Celsius. Sooyoung in his black hooded jacket, I wore my army green thermal jacket. Stupid Sooyoung I cursed.


"Why did I agreed to walk home with you? It's freezing." I groan. I put hands inside my pocket and tucked my head inside the jacket like a turtle.


"Sorry Taeng, I didn't know the temperature was going to drop this quick." He mumbled. I could see vapor comes out from his mouth. We're walking as fast as we could.


"Do you think we're gonna have a white Christmas this year?" I asked, blowing my hands so it won't be gone by the time I reach home. Frostbite is dangerous.


"The weather forecast said we will, so yeah I guess. Why?" He looked at me.


"Nothing, Just wondering." Tiffany loves White Christmas. "About this girl you're telling me, how does she looks like?"


"She's pretty." He replied, simple. 


"Then why don't you just date her."


"Well, she pretty but not my style, you know how my style is. I think she's more for you. Maybe all the horrible dates she has gone through was keeping her for you."


I looked at him. "Maybe."


20 minutes later, we reached my house. 


"You sure you don't to sleep here tonight?"


"Yeah, maybe next time. See you." He said before started to walk away. I watched him walked for 5 minutes more and then close the door. I reached out to the heater switch and increase the temperature a bit. I might be frozen at this rate.



Sooyoung can be pretty annoying sometimes with his date but he has been with me since I was in second grade, and he just want the best for me just like how I want things to be the best for him. In this big manipulated city, we only have each other. And Jessica of course.


I threw my jacket on the couch and went straight to the kitchen. It is very unusual for me to eat at the time but all the walking in this freezing weather made my stomach empty. 


I opened the fridge, grabbed and a carton of milk. I don't have any energy left to cook any heavy stuff, so cereal will do just fine. It was bad for you to eat heavy food late night anyway. I grabbed Captain Krunch on the shelf and poured it in a bowl. As I was about to pour the milk, I heard the doorbell rang.


Another one,


another one,


another one.


I groaned. Whoever it was, they better have a good explanation to ring someone's house at 12 O' clock. Wait, could it be Sooyoung? That little . I knew he was going to come back and beg me to let him sleep here. The bell hasn't stop ringing. Frustrated, I stood and began walking towards the door.


"Okay,okay. I'm coming. You can stop now Soo!" I yelled as I turned the door's knob. I opened the door, saw no Soo except for a kid who was standing in front of me. I was a little surprised when she took one step closer. Is this another Sooyoung's stupid joke?


"Hello." She said.


"Oh, hello. What are you doing here? Are you lost?" I asked, when you think about it, It's really weird if you found a kid standing in front of your door in 3 degree Celsius alone. Where's this kid's parents?


She shook her head and handed me a small paper. "Is this the right place?" I read the address on the paper and it's . . . . my house?


"Yes, but what are you doing here?"


"I'm looking for Mr. Kim Taeyeon." She said with a smile playing on her small face. Okay, she's looking . . . for me? 


"I'm Kim Taeyeon. Why?" I asked her, choking a bit as my saliva refuse to go down my throat. Okay, this is getting really weird. My heartbeat was beating like crazy, the last time I felt like this was when my dad caught me skipping school with Soo.


"You're my father." She said, screaming before running to hug me.


"I'm your father?" 








This is the first update of re-write MMDAHM. Thank you for staying with us after all these years. Thank you.

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I haven't write in a long time. Maybe your comment can help me improve my story. Thank you.

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kumikosaruwong #1
Chapter 3: update soon pls we need our taeny so bad
sone9_ #2
Chapter 3: Please update soon. I really enjoy this story
Chapter 3: my mom is tiffany XD
tipco09 #4
Chapter 3: That girl is probably Tiffany's child. But where is Tiffany? What a cliffhanger, authorshi.
Chapter 3: I hope you will.update more often
Chapter 3: welcome back :)
Chapter 3: I can't wait for another one, I'm so glad that you came back author ssi~ fighting!
Chapter 3: i thought i already unsub this...
sone9_ #9
Chapter 3: Cant wait for next chapter