heartbroken.. D:


hello peeps TT im finally back ^^ im terribly sorry to keep u waiting.. school now =.= haizzz enjoy~~ dis is well a saddie chappie.. try to be as touching as possible.. enjoy~ :D


You laughed at their stupid jokes and cauze of the necklace DongHae and Yeyi grew closer :). Good sign good sign ^^!  Just den you realise the drinks was finishing. You stood up,

"Hey mi go take more drinks~~" you smiled. Xander stood up too, "I help u"

You shook your head, "Nope i can handle, myself" And with dat u walk to the kitchen.

Pepsi.. ice-cream soda.. apple and orange juices.. 100plus.. and lastly plain water ^^! Smiling, you walked out. And in that instant you regretted...


Key was putting a necklace around Amber's neck. You felt ur eyes widen.. the thread of hope clinging onto your heart broke.. your heart shattered.. your suspicion was, confirmed.

Your hands were numbed and the juices fell onto the floor. But u never heard the crashing sound, all you saw was Key's blissful face. All of these rumours are actually true.. KeyBer huh?  Your eyes threatened to water, ur nose began to haf a sour feeling. Why?? why must i see all these? You thought sadly.. Wae? Key.. mi and i are not destined. All de tings began to fall in place, god was toying with u all along.It was coincidence for ur cousin to marry SooYoung.. coincidence for u to see ur dream guys in just a wedding.. There was no such ting as fate..

And of course, the sound of the bottles crashing onto the floor brought all attention to you. Key was just neutral and while Amber was realli shocked..

-->Alexander's POV<--

I was aww-ing at the sweet scene when suddenly a crash was heard. I snapped my head around and saw ______ stadning there with shock, anger and the most--- despair and disappoinment. I turned to look at key.. His face was nth much yet, yet i could see symphanty mixed with a hint of regret in his eyes. I was realli angry. How can he hurt ____?!?! Can't he tell that she like him?!?!?! oh gosh...

--> Key's POV<--

I was smiling as i put the necklace around Amber's Neck. I finally give it to her!! >

-->Amber's POV<--

OMO!!! KEY!!!! annio TT i..i don't feel the same way.. I treat u as my brother! thats all D: omg.. _____-ah.. im soooo sry.. your eyes.. it look soooo blank dammit. Pabo Key, she likes you!! =.= oh god mi dun wanna be the bad girl TT i onli came here cauze i wanna see the new girl and.. erm.. yeah i checked ____'s background.. She likes KEY, A-L-O-T.. Key oppaaaaaaa @-@ are you stupid?? i feel so bad now and hell Yeyi is glaring at Key murderously.. Dis is bad.. very super bad.. i tink imma gonna clear this huge misunderstanding with her. Face to face...

back to youuuuuuuuuuuuuu~

You gulped nervously. U know wat to do at this moment act surprised yes girl u can do it!!!

You forced a smile, thank the god you got learn some acting skills.

"OMO!" you pretended to gasp, Alexander rushed to u immediately.

"Gwenchana???" he said, takin ur hands checking for any cuts. You cringed internally from his touch. You wanted key to touch you.. people say KimKiBum is the KEY to all LOCKS' heart.. But no.. KimKiBum.. you're de Key to my pain..my hopelessness..my hurting & bleeding heart, you thought sadly.

"Deh ^_^ key sshi and amber unnie?!?!?!" you faked a grin. WoW ______ the amazing actress.

"huh?? annio annio!!" she said, frantically shooking ur head.

"Awww amber too shy!! >< dun be im sooooo happy fer u :D" you smiled. Amazing ______ the great liar.

"Annio T-T ______-ah T_T" Amber denied. You smirked, wriggling ur eyebrows.  And with ur amazing actress skill, you lied the whole way thru and of course Yeyi ur BFF knew wat u're actually thinking..

**sooo Key.. idk if i should continue liking u.. i dont' want to be the third party.. Im hurt key realli im hurt.. my heart is broken. i cant feel my heart everytime i with u.. i could hear your voice among all the chatters.. i could hear your laughters among all the noises.. You know wat Key.. i tink im actually fallen in love with you but so wat?! you like or even loved amber.. wat more could i say? Wat more can i hope??? I regretted knowing you.. i regretted liking you.. i regretted everyting when im with you. You onli makes my heart aches.. as wat i had say.. you're de key to my sorrowness.. de key to all de pain im feeling now.. de key to dis endless despair.. But i want u to noe Key if u would ever.. If you want to know how much i love you.. count the waves.. Its infinite..**


oh god so how was it?????? TT its .. its not touching at all boo-hoo TT dese few chapters would be quite sad.. but yeah of course dere's some happy joking around i guess >

10 July 2010 3.55pm

xFuntastic :3



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bliss- #1
omg the previous commenter though wtf
bliss- #2
omg the previous commenter though wtf
ShimChaeyeong #3
heheh nice story.....like it^^
i finally had the time to finish reading this xD<br />
it was all really good(:<br />
i enjoyed it :D
this story was great to read.i'm really going to miss it.CONGRATS!
im soo behind in the new chapters D:<br />
im going to read this when i have time<333
auroroar #9
this story is good! i'll be looking forward to your new story!
mingzhuliu #10
I love it!! oh.. too bad it ended up already!! T.T<br />
Hope to see your new story soon chingu!! T.T<br />
I'll miss your stories!!