Memories with Gaps


"Who...who are you?" You wanted to escape the hold of this stranger but could not break free. He seemed so timeless..You turned around to see who he was and noticed an absolutely beautiful man looking into your eyes. His smile seemed so painful when he looked at you with such distraught eyes. Something must have happened to him. Is he dillusioned? You thought quickly to yourself. 

"If I could only take back my own time and return to those days with you, Sunwa, if you only remembered me." The man gazed into your eyes lovingly. You were beyond confused..Who was this man talking about? You did not like the fact that he was holding you and that the person whom he was recalling had a name different from yours, well slightly different. 

"Im sorry, but I think you've got the wrong person." You stated out loud. "I would like you to keep your hands off me. I don't like it when random strangers come and touch me." You escaped the man's grasp, and he sighed at you, tilting his head to the right. 

"I have someone else I need to see." You blurted out loud. 

"...I know." The man slightly closed his eyes and weakly smiled. "I know that." "I can lead you to the house." 

"..Excuse me." You began. "But I would feel more comfortable if you stopped stalking me." You turned around and began walking in the direction of Kai's house.

"That's a shame. You still don't want to know the name of who just saved you from that evil kid over there?" The man called out, but you refused to listen anymore. You began to sprint as fast as you could to get away from him, but it was futile. He easily caught along with you. "Ohmygosh, why won't you leave me alone?" You cried out loud, giving the man a weird look. 

The man chuckled and stopped right in front of you. "Under the condition that you ask who I am and spend a little bit of time with me, I will unfreeze this time so that you can find your friend." He smiled at you and patted the top of your head. You gasped and looked around you to notice that dozens of trees were not moving with life and that many birds were suspended in mid-air flight. "You...who are you...and how did you do this?"

"I'm the Clockmaster." 

"You used to know me, but you forgot who I was." The man took out his hand and gestured for you to shake it. "Suho." He smiled while you narrowed your eyebrows. "I must have forgotten something because I don't remember who you are, sir." You continued, perplexed as ever. 

Suho gazed down at you and gave you a sad expression that caught your attention.

"I know." 

"You did forget me."

Something about that look on his face...and that tone in his voice..You felt some ring of familiarity in your mind..This man's aura felt close yet so far away. You nervously bit your lip as he continued to gaze his timeless eyes into yours. 

"We're here." The Clockmaster pointed to the shabby dark house where Kai lived in. "He's in there..waiting for you."

"Time release." He took out his sands of time, and you soon saw the release of sand bits swirl inside the hour-glass. Your eyes widened and you looked up at the Clockmaster in amazement. "That's..phenomenal." You gaped and noticed that the wind was moving naturally again, and the leaves on the nearby trees were flying away along the breeze. 

You looked up and noticed that same run-down house in which you had fallen into. 

"Kai.." You whispered as a mellow draft drifted by your long hair. 

Without thinking anything else, you quickly barged into the house, leaving the mysterious Clockmaster man standing behind you, guarding you closely with a hurt expression. 

"Will she never be mine?" "Will I have to continue living this curse?" He whispered to himself silently under his breath and looked away at the ground. Limp brown leaves were picked up by the wind and eventually sailed into the crisp air. The Clockmaster eye's followed the leaves as they were carried away by the wind.


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Chapter 10: Is beautiful story! Please update!I like it ♥
Chapter 10: wow ~ this chapter have more & more interesting!! Keep up the good work - Yuki
Chapter 10: Update soon maybe?
Chapter 8: Hahaha! I cracked at this chapter! XD ITs the most amazingly shortest one! Hahaha!
Chapter 10: she finally reunited with kai yay
Chapter 7: Wooooo~ update soon! This is interesting ~
Chapter 7: this is really interestingly good.i'm confuse,so are they back in the present now?
I really like your writing style! And I prefer the paragraphs over the newly spaced sentences, of that helps. :)
Wahhh!!! This story is cute and different than a lot of stories ive read so far on AFF which is refreshing!! Update soon :))
Omg I love this so much..... update soon