▊Chapter E I G H T

▊B.U.N.N.I.E.S → {Progress - Character Teasers!}


Lian and Iseul both exchanged numbers by the time Monday rolled around. At the time they had no idea what to call themselves, if to call themselves anything and the whole idea of becoming their own police officer was dangerous as it was.

Lian had invited Iseul over to her small apartment to talk things over. The girls decided Monday they would ‘try’ to start their whole ‘police-under-cover’ idea. They want to figure everything out before they go and get themselves killed.

Lian had just finished dinner and putting the dishes away, wearing a comfortable attire since she was the only one home. She was startled when she suddenly heard two loud pops outside her window. She walked quietly to the window, peering out, seeing nothing out of the ordinary before hearing another loud pop, causing her to jump a few feet in the air.

Just as she opened the curtains to look again a loud knock came at the door, startling her again, groaning as she opened the door to see Iseul standing there, making her way in, taking off her shoes and coat. Lian closed and locked the door, staring at Iseul.

“You okay?”

“Yeah, fine.”

“Oh I just heard some gun shots..”

“Oh I heard them too.” Iseul stated, making her way into the apartment, sitting on the couch. “Let’s get started. I have work tomorrow, early in the morning.”

Lian cleared , nodding as she took a seat in her lounge chair.

“So first things first, this is dangerous and I’ve been thinking about this for a while. We need weapons, to protect ourselves, an attire to blend ourselves within the night, and something to keep us from getting caught …. Like.. uhm.. “

“Like a mask?”

“Yes! A mask. Now are we going for ski masks or something different?”

“I don’t really care…” Iseul muttered after a moment of thought.

“Well I haven’t completely unpacked but I think I have a few masks from a party I threw a few years back.. “ Lian stated, tilting her head in thought. “As for attire…”

“Black of course.”

“Yes, black.. leather? Do you have any leather?”

“Well, enough.”

“Perfect! Now a name?”

“How about we hold on for that.” Iseul said, “Since you said you planned on recruiting more people. We should wait.”

“Good point…” Lian said, laying back in the chair.

“So tomorrow? What time and where should we meet?”

“Meet at my house, around 8. We’ll get ready and go over plans, which areas are safe for us right now and what areas not to take. Sound good?”

“Sounds like a plan. Is that all?”

“Yup. I’ll text you tomorrow.”

“Alright.” Iseul nodded, standing up, slipping on her jacket and shoes. “See ya tomorrow.”




It was eight-fifteen, the two girls had finished getting ready. Lian wearing a leather jacket and low scoop neck t-shirt and tight jeans, along with her wedged heels with spikes on the back. Since she was just a minor she wasn’t allowed to carry a gun just yet, nor did she even have access to one so she carried a handy hunting knife in the waist band of her pants.

Iseul had brought over a black tank-top, black leather jacket and pants along with some high-heeled boots and a knife as well, strapping it around her thigh. Lian had dug up some old porcelain doll masks to cover their faces with.

It was around eight-thirty the two girls dedicated to each other a plan and route the two would take. They didn’t plan on splitting up since it’s just the two of them, but they were going to make sure if they did split up that going to the darker side of the west, towards the Han River was completely out question until they knew it was safe.

The two girls pulled the hoods of their jackets up to cover the masks on their faces, not wanting to attract attention they didn’t want or need just yet.

Their sole purpose was to monitor the streets and the second they see a gun being drawn or someone getting robbed or beat they would step in there.

An hour had passed and the action was at a down low. You could stay that was a good thing until a sudden car came traveling down the street where Lian and Iseul were walking.

“Watch out!” Lian shouted, the two girls splitting ways, running to cover in opposite alley ways.  A second car soon came flying down, gunshots escaping from the passenger side, straight for the car ahead.

By the time Lian recovered from falling to the ground, standing and dusting herself off, she cupped a hand by , shouting out, “Iseul, you okay?”

There was no reply. “Iseul?” Lian jogged over to the other side of the street, pulling out her phone, turning on the flashlight option, looking down the alleyway only to find it empty.




Iseul had taken the alley way in the back, unaware of where she was until she saw an over view of the Han river from the hill she now stood on. She checked her phone; dead. “Great.” She muttered.

Iseul turned to head back the way she came only to find herself a few feet away from a gang that had just arrived, throwing a kid to the ground. Iseul hide herself on the hill, laying low, peeking over the peek of the hill, watching the gang.

There was a dark skinned man with blond hair, shirtless with a weird fur like strap attached to his shoulder, wearing leather pants and steal toed boots shoving the victim to the ground. The other four spectators surrounded the man who was pleading for his life and he would have the money by tomorrow.

The leader of the group was smug, cocky. He had this devious smirk plastered on his face as he twirled a knife to his lips, stepping towards the man, grabbing him by the hair, holding the knife to his throat.

“I run this part of Seoul and as the king, I don’t like having to wait. I was generous enough to give you a week to recover what you lost and yet I still don’t have my money..“ His voice became stern, pushing the knife into the skin of the males, drawing a drop of blood.

“I’ll give you until tomorrow because that money is a whole lot and I’d rather have it than you dead. But don’t worry, I’m not going to leave without punishing you first.” He chuckled, standing up, sliding his knife into his waist band, motioning his head to the three guys to his right.

The tall blue haired male to his left stood there, his hands in his pockets, expressionless as he watched the guy get beaten to the core.

Iseul watched, her eyes glued to the scene, and, without warning, suddenly, her ringtone went off. The guys stopped beating on the victim. Iseul was frozen, her hand going to her phone as she cancelled the call.

“We have a spy?” The leader asked a loud, she knew they were drawing near and the only option in her head was to run. Her legs moved on their own as she jumped up, her eyes meeting with the gang members before she took off running down the hill, tumbling, before standing back up and running down the streets. She didn’t know where she was going but she had to leave. She didn’t look back, once.




Lian frowned when the call got cancelled but was relieved because that meant Iseul was fine. “Maybe she accidently pushed hang up. I’ll wait for her to call back.”

Lian sat in the darkness of an alleyway, waiting for the call that seemed to never come. When if did, it startled her, muttering to herself, “Always so jumpy..” She answered, “Hello?”




Iseul was out of breath, she first yelled at Lian for calling her and how she thought her phone was dead and that because of Lian she was almost dead. She explained the location where she was at and Lian gave her directions towards her apartment from there.




Lian met Iseul by her apartment, Iseul explained in full detail the five men she ran into what had happened and how she could kill Lian for almost killing her.

“We are going to need better weapons then these stupid little knives.” Iseul snapped.

“Calm down, calm down..” Lian said, pulling off her mask. “Look at it this way, at least they didn’t see your face so they can’t put a hit on you.”

“Look, I’m not going on these missions any more until we have a good reason and weapons.”

Lian nodded, her tongue pushing to the side of her cheek. “Understood. I’ll work on that next.”




With that, the girls changed out of their clothes and retired to bed. Iseul couldn’t get the image of how cold the mans eyes were as she headed down the street to her aparment. The vision of the leader kept coming back in her thoughts, he cold and calculating he was and the very second she locked eyes with him -- it gave her chills. “Cocky bastard…” She muttered, opening her apartment door and crashing on her bed. She sure as hell was going to make sure to be careful next time and not wander off without knowing were she's going first.

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Hey! Sorry I haven't updated recently. Been sick for like two weeks and trying my best D:


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xoxobaozi #1
Chapter 22: Its okay:) I understand the school work so no rush! :)
nodyn08 #2
Chapter 22: I hope your grandma will get well soon. :) Good luck with your stories and school works! :)
Chapter 22: Awww, I hope your grandma is okay ;_______;
& I'm still around
I totally understand about school
It's week 2 and so I've been so busy I couldn't apply in time for your other 2 fanfics *sulks*
Looking forward to your updates & glad you're still here at least
Chapter 22: Omo, hope your grandma is okay!
Chapter 22: awwww okay :)
can I apply ?
xoxobaozi #7
Chapter 21: Congrats congrats!
nodyn08 #8
Chapter 21: I love Sungyeon's teaser! ;~~~; Thank you for an awesome chapter. :D
Chapter 21: I'm sorry as well for not commenting, just got from holiday ^^ The teasers so far are really awesome and leave you on a cliff hanger. I'm anticipating what's going to happen next. Sungyeon seems really interesting and I can't wait to find out who the stalkers are.
Chapter 1: O__________O Just to let you know, your character chapter has duplicate information...