▊Chapter S E V E N

▊B.U.N.N.I.E.S → {Progress - Character Teasers!}


Ever since the incident a few weeks ago, Lian decided it was about time to put a move on who to invite with her to join the group she planned to create. While being the good student she is, she would frequently visit a small café down town to do her study sessions and homework while drinking all the coffee she desired.

There she met a possible partner to help her with the group. The two had talked quiet a lot before closing time and even lived in the same area and walked home together – which was a relief to Lian after her first experience – so Lian got a good taste of the girls’ personality and thoughts.

She is very straight-forward and to the point type of girl and it’s obvious she hides many secrets of her own that intrigued Lian when she first met her.

Lian could tell the girl wasn’t really looking for friendship with her, and she felt that if she was going to create this group that friendship amongst the girl’s should be a defiant no; if they are to be put into dangerous positions it would be better to feel like each of them are “partners” or “co-workers” that way emotions wouldn’t get in the way of a mission.




It is a Friday night, college classes ended about five hours ago; Lian was sitting in the café finishing up her last minute writings on an essay that is due Monday, but she had other things on her mind. She kept staring at the owner of the café, the girl she had gotten to know. They had been talking for about a month now almost every day and she figured she had built up enough trust in the girl and confidence to ask her and get a straight - "Yes, I'll join you."

The owner finished wiping down all the tables before disappearing behind the counter to change out of her work clothes, meeting Lian at the front door before locking up.

The first few blocks towards home was silent but not awkward. Both girls were lost deep in thought until Lian cleared to clear the silence.

“Remember a few weeks ago when I told you that run-in I had with that guy who killed a guy in the alley way towards my apartment?” Lian’s voice was soft and tender but sharp and to the point.

“Mhm, what about it?” The other girl responded, her head turning to look at Lian.

“You asked me why I never called the cops, and I told you it just didn’t cross my mind; well I lied.”

The other girl laughed before shrugging, “It’s not a big deal.”

“No! No, that’s not it. It is a big deal.”

“What?” The other girl raised an eyebrow, “Why is you lying about not calling the cops not a big deal?”

Lian chuckled, shaking her head before running a hand through her long hair, letting out a long sigh before digging in her pocket for a cigarette, lighting one up before looking over at the older girl.

“There are no police.”

The girl gave Lian another questionable and confused looked. “No need to pull my leg but I’m pretty sure we do have police down here.”

“We do, but they no longer respond.”

The other girl gave out a short sigh, her patience growing thin. “How about you just tell me what you mean straight to the point?”

Lian explained to the girl what Yonghwa had told her, how the police withdrawn from the west and will no longer send out help.

“At first the story seems unreal but after you realize how much crime and gangs have taken over the west as to oppose from when the west was like a few months ago, you begin to realize that you no longer see police escorts out on the streets or late at night, do you? No more under cover detectives in bad costumes scooping out the drug dealers. They’re all gone.”

“So why are you telling me all this?”

Lian flicked her cigarette out, stomping on it before continuing her way towards her apartment, stopping at the corner where the two girls are to split. “Because I thought that if the police won’t help us, then us, people in the west, should. I want you to help me, join me, and becoming our own police force.”

“Just us two?”

“No of course not. I just… haven’t quiet found the rest of the people who I want to join me yet.”

“Look, this is all weird and new to me, and I hardly know you. I can’t just up and tell you I’m going to join you in this ‘cult’. This is kind of, ridiculous, don’t you think?”

Lian sighed, lowering her head, before chuckling, crossing her arms, looking back at the girl. “Isn’t it better that we don’t fully know each other? That way if we do join together and one of us is killed it won’t be a sob story.”

“Ahh..” The girl rest her hand on her hips, looking up at the darkened sky in thought before turning to look at Lian once again.

“Don’t you have people you want to protect? Or maybe just yourself her in the west?” Lian questioned.

The girl shrugged, crossing her arms as well before looking around, she was obviously in deep thought.

“Tell ya what, come to me tomorrow at the café, 1 PM sharp and I’ll give you my answer.”

Lian nodded, a small smirk on her lips. “You got it.” With that, the two girls split ways.




It was 1 PM sharp when Lian opened the doors to the café, she barely just settled down in her chair when the owner came up to her, holding a hand out to her.

Lian stood up, taking her hand in confusion.

“I’ll join you.” The girl said, her face was expressionless but her eyes were determined. The two shook hands, Lian was happy on the inside.

Lian ordered a coffee to go before heading towards the door, stopping mid-way to turn towards the girl, swallowing the remains of coffee in before speaking, a small chuckle in her voice.

“You know, all these weeks we’ve been talking and I never bothered to ask your name. What is it?”

The owner looked up from the counter, a sort of gleam in her eye before speaking ever so smoothly in an accent Lian didn’t know too well, “Iseul. Unn Iseul. But call me Isa.”

Lian smiled at the ground, her name was beautiful, nothing she had heard off. Lian pushed her hair out of her face before nodding, staring at Iseul with a determined look. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Bo Li ān. See you Monday.”


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Hey! Sorry I haven't updated recently. Been sick for like two weeks and trying my best D:


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xoxobaozi #1
Chapter 22: Its okay:) I understand the school work so no rush! :)
nodyn08 #2
Chapter 22: I hope your grandma will get well soon. :) Good luck with your stories and school works! :)
Chapter 22: Awww, I hope your grandma is okay ;_______;
& I'm still around
I totally understand about school
It's week 2 and so I've been so busy I couldn't apply in time for your other 2 fanfics *sulks*
Looking forward to your updates & glad you're still here at least
Chapter 22: Omo, hope your grandma is okay!
Chapter 22: awwww okay :)
can I apply ?
xoxobaozi #7
Chapter 21: Congrats congrats!
nodyn08 #8
Chapter 21: I love Sungyeon's teaser! ;~~~; Thank you for an awesome chapter. :D
Chapter 21: I'm sorry as well for not commenting, just got from holiday ^^ The teasers so far are really awesome and leave you on a cliff hanger. I'm anticipating what's going to happen next. Sungyeon seems really interesting and I can't wait to find out who the stalkers are.
Chapter 1: O__________O Just to let you know, your character chapter has duplicate information...