▊Chapter S I X

▊B.U.N.N.I.E.S → {Progress - Character Teasers!}


It has been a few months since the police department has taken a leave from their duty down in the west side. It seems unfathomable; the gangs have taken notice that the police are no longer patrolling and even though the people of the west side of Seoul have no clue that the police have withdrawn, they all still have faith in the system.

Lian had gathered up enough money to send herself off to college, with that, she met people who she felt she could trust and who seemed strong willed.

When Yonghwa had told her what was going on, she had the gears in her head slowly calculating what steps to do next; how to help the people she loves down here in the west who don’t have the money to move away to some place safer and to those people who only know the west side as their home.

She would gather together a bunch of friends and create their own police group. It would be dangerous, very dangerous which was the problem. How on earth is Lian going to find people who want to take the job of a police officer to protect the west, while they have left because it was too dangerous?




Lian pulled out her umbrella from her bag, pulling it back over her shoulder as she exited her college building, opening the umbrella as she headed down the street towards her small run-down apartment.

It had been raining for two days straight. Yesterday it was small drizzles but by nightfall it poured like it was doing now. She was watching her feet as she walked, slowly leaving the brighter side of west towards the darker side, humming to herself as she walked the empty side-walks.

A loud shot noise echoed through the alley ways, halting Lian, looking up and around. Was she being followed? What was that noise?

She looked behind her, she knew what the noise was; a gunshot. She wasn’t going to wait around and run into the shooter so she rushed ahead, not wasting any time.

Lian took a left into an alleyway to get to her apartment faster only to halt again, staring wide-eyed at the dead body in front of her and the man kneeling beside him, checking his pulse.

The man slowly stood, tucking his gun away in his holster, staring at the girl before him.

Lian watched the man. He was slow, calculating. He was handsome; brown hair, strong cheek bone structures, tall and lean. She watched the man rest his hand on his hip near his gun, almost like a warning which she obviously took. She bowed quickly, dropping her umbrella, and ran home.


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Hey! Sorry I haven't updated recently. Been sick for like two weeks and trying my best D:


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xoxobaozi #1
Chapter 22: Its okay:) I understand the school work so no rush! :)
nodyn08 #2
Chapter 22: I hope your grandma will get well soon. :) Good luck with your stories and school works! :)
Chapter 22: Awww, I hope your grandma is okay ;_______;
& I'm still around
I totally understand about school
It's week 2 and so I've been so busy I couldn't apply in time for your other 2 fanfics *sulks*
Looking forward to your updates & glad you're still here at least
Chapter 22: Omo, hope your grandma is okay!
Chapter 22: awwww okay :)
can I apply ?
xoxobaozi #7
Chapter 21: Congrats congrats!
nodyn08 #8
Chapter 21: I love Sungyeon's teaser! ;~~~; Thank you for an awesome chapter. :D
Chapter 21: I'm sorry as well for not commenting, just got from holiday ^^ The teasers so far are really awesome and leave you on a cliff hanger. I'm anticipating what's going to happen next. Sungyeon seems really interesting and I can't wait to find out who the stalkers are.
Chapter 1: O__________O Just to let you know, your character chapter has duplicate information...