8 - The Red-Haired Boy

My Fiancé Became My Butler

Your Chapter

"The Red-Haired Boy"


PS. Park Hyun Seok is going to show up in this chapter! Just letting you guys know. (;



I suddenly jumped out of bed to the sound of a fire alarm going off, but turns out it was just an alarm clock right next to me that I don't remember setting last night. I lazily turned off the alarm and saw a note left beside the clock. Curiously, I teared open the white envelop once I recognized who's writing it belongs to, Lu Han. 

Goodmorning, m'lady!

I see you've finally awoken by the little alarm clock I set up for you last night! Better hurry up and get ready for your first day of school here in Korea. A chauffeur would be waiting for you down at the front of the hotel. I told the taxi driver to prepare some food for you before you get to school. You can eat them on the way to school if you like. Consider it as your breakfast of the day! I'm sorry if the driver doesn't have the foods or beverages to your likings. I promise you, we'll be going out to eat every single day soon. ^^ Alright, enough about food now. Go get changed! Don't worry about me, I'll be back a bit later tonight. I got some things to do. Hope you enjoy your first day of school and make lots and lots of new friends! (:

~ Lu Han

The fact that Lu Han had already prepared everything perfectly for me made me smile. It was a great start to make my day. I spent the whole morning smiling non-stop while getting ready for school. 

The chaffeur greeted me once I stepped onto his limo. "Good morning, ma'am. I have prepared you some food you might look in the drawer in front of you. Please proceed to pick whatever fits your appetite for the morning." 

I took a peek at what was there to eat, but they're just plain fruit, and some juice boxes. I took a moment to pick whether I should take a juice box, or either I starve to death without eating breakfast at all. After a couple of seconds of debating, I grabbed the apple juice box, and drank it on the way there to the new school I'm transferred to. 

Finally, the car had came to a stop in front of an average- looking high school, similar to any other high schools out there. Once my foot stepped out of the expensive, black vehicle, again, all eyes were locked on me. Some even gave me a snicker. 

"Oh my god.. She's so fat." I hear one of the audience whisper among themselves in Korean. Ouch, that hurt. A lot. 

I tried to pull off a poker face and swayed through the audience who were in my way, casually. I knew this from the very start. Whether it's a new school far away from your home town, the school in Korea I'm transferred to wasn't any different than my last school back in Beijing. All of these students have such slim bodies and flawless faces! It's impossible to not notice someone like me who doesn't fit with the crowd at all.

I should've known, which ever school I attend would always have judgmental people no matter what. All these thoughts running through my mind as I walk through the big, wide hallways. I try to ignore the snickers and glares I receive from the students, and just kept my poker face on. This is a Korean high school I'm attending now, I keep reminding myself. I got to start learning the Korean culture again here in Korea, if Lu Han plans on living here from now on. 

The warning bell rings, stating that class is going to begun within five minutes. I continued on roaming the hallways, trying to look where the office was located. Once I found the office, I slowly creeked the door open, and poked my head in, enough to see what's going on inside. An office lady inside stared down at me, as if I'm a student trying to skip class. I hesitantly walked in, and smiled at her awkwardly. The lady approached to me, and crossed her arms in front of me.

"Why aren't you in class?" The lady asked me in a different language I recognized. She was speaking Korean! I almost forgot this was a Korean school I'm attending to. 

It took me a moment to know how to respond back to her in my second language. "I-I'm a new transferred student here.." I stammered. This lady standing in front of me was making me feel very small and tiny. This school must have a very strict policy. Before this scary lady starts lecturing me again, a big-round old man around his fifties interrupted us. 

"Hello, sorry for the interruption, but are you the new transferred student here named Kim Kyo Mi?" The man asked me calmly. My eyes grew wide as I nodded in response. "Very well then. Right this way, please." The man gestured me to follow him. I quickly bowed to the grumpy lady who misunderstood me a while ago for skipping class. I could feel her narrowing her eyes at me as I scurried to catch up with the old man.

The entire time, I was awkwardly walking behind the old man silently, without speaking a word. It was quite awkward. Should I start little conversation with him? Maybe not. I'd probably get him even more pissed if I even speak a word to him. 

We finally came to a halt in front of a classroom door. This is it. I inhaled slowly, and then exhaled. Get ready for a roll of paper to be thrown to your head when the teacher isn't watching the students, Kyo Mi. The man slid the door open which made a big thud noise. I'm pretty sure it gave the teacher inside the classroom a heart attack because it scared me too.

All the students looked over to the door, where I stood stiff like a brick. Right at that moment, I felt like killing myself already. God, please give me strength. The teacher stopped what she was doing, and looked over my direction. 

"Ms. Lee, I'd like to introduce you your new student of the day, Kim Kyo Mi." The man announced to the teacher. 

I took small foot steps towards the middle of the classroom, and scanned through the crowd of students, who're now known as my classmates, and all looked at me with disgust, except one. My eyes laid on this cute red-haired boy, whom gave me a smile. His smile gave me a warm, welcoming feeling on the inside. At least someone was willing to put the effort in smiling at a fat, useless thing like me.

Once the old man finally left the classroom, the teacher slammed the teacher's desk with a stick which made me jump in shock. The teacher bent down to my eye-level and told me "Why are you just standing there? Go find yourself a seat somewhere. You rude punk." She whispered the last phrase behind my back. 

I don't get it. The first day of school, I get called a rude punk by a teacher. What did I do wrong? 

The only empty seat left in the classroom was the one at the very back corner of the classroom, right next to the cute red-haired boy. Great. I'm going to embarass myself so much if I'm going to sit beside a cute guy. I have no choice. As I was approaching my desk, he looked up at me and kept smiling at me since I entered the classroom. It was sort of creeping me out. 

God, please help me. 


A/N: Chapter 8 has finally arrived! If you guys still don't know who's Park Hyun Seok is, here's a picture!

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:D Piggyback ridee !!
loveFORyunho #2
Chapter 10: I LOVE THE NEW POSTER!!! <3

Can't wait to see what happens next! ^^
Chapter 9: hmm of course there's always that girl
Chapter 9: kyaaa update soon ^^
loveFORyunho #5
Chapter 9: Oh... Interesting...

Lu Han, where are you to protect your young miss?
loveFORyunho #6
Chapter 8: Oh.... The red haired boy is so cute!!!

T.T How will Lu Han feel if he knows?!
platinumdrops #7
Chapter 7: Can't wait for Luhan to be part of EXO (as stated in your blurb)!
Also, will KyoMi eventually lose weight from an event?!
Hope you update soon!
loveFORyunho #8
Chapter 7: Lu Han could go into the entertainment bussiness... Maybe he should become a model or something. :) So cute! ^^
loveFORyunho #9
Chapter 6: This is really cute! I hope you will be able to update more often!
vivihan #10
ㅋㅋㅋ too cute xDDD update soon please!!