10 - The Transferred Student

My Fiancé Became My Butler


Hyun Seok's Chapter

"The Transferred Student"

"Beep beep beep beep"
I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I grunted before reaching for my clock to turn off the alarm. I slowly rised up from my bed after three seconds, stretched my arms, and went to do my daily morning routine. It was time for another typical day, consisting of school and basketball, as usual. 
I walked down the stairs and saw mother cooking egg omelettes for breakfast. Looks like father isn't up yet.
"Oh, good morning son!" My mother greeted me. 
"I'm going now." I smile to my mother before heading off to school. 
"You're not going to have breakfast?" Mother shouted after me, rather surprised. I didn't bother answering and went to get my bicycle ready. 
- -
Once I've reached my school, I locked my bike in place and proceeded to the entrance. Every morning, I would always have the exact same group of girls following me to my classes. I don't know if they know that, but they're not acting very secretive at all. It's kind of creepy, but I'm used to it. 
"Look! Hyun Seok Oppa's here!" I hear one of the girls squeled just a few meters away. 
"Exactly at 8:12. He's three minutes early than usual today!" 
"Now let's pretend to walk him to class again!"
I shook my head and chuckled at the girls stalking behind me. 
"Hi Oppa. Did you sleep well?"
"Good morning, hyung."
"Hyung, you look good today!"
All these same comments and greetings I get every time I walk into school. I'm flattered, but never cocky. I always appreciate these compliments I receive everyday. But it's kind of annoying to always have people crowded in front of you and blocking your path every morning. I kind of squeeze through the roaring audience and went to find my buddies. 
The bell has finally rung, alerting that class has just begun. My buddies and I went separate ways, and I have English first class in the morning. As the teacher took the attendance, the door slid open and caught the whole classroom's attention. It was an awkward silence for a few seconds, until the principle walked in and introduced a new transferred student. She slowly walked into the classroom and finally revealed herself. She was a short, plump looking girl whom I know would get bullied for how she looked like.
When she made eye contact with me, I smiled at her. But for some reason, when I looked at her in the eyes, I felt loneliness and pain. Something about her made me curious about who she was. She seemed quite interesting. 
Once the old man left the classroom, the teacher looked at the new transferred student. 
"Why are you just standing there? Go find yourself a seat somewhere. You rude punk." Ms. Lee said to the new student. I silently laughed at her reaction when the teacher was suddenly raising her voice on her. She probably was confused about what she did wrong. She forgot to bow to the teacher to show her respect. That was what she did wrong. I know for a fact that our English teacher hates rude student who don't give proper ninety degree bows. Did she just move to Korea? Maybe I could teach her about the Korean culture. 
I smiled to myself as I thought of an scenario in my head. I've decided, I'll be her first friend if no one else is willing to. My eyes has not left her sight yet. I noticed her coming towards my direction, and took the empty seat beside me. My eyes wouldn't leave her for some reason. I couldn't even start on my assignment the teacher has gave us. She looked very interesting. I could tell she was getting uncomfortable from my continuous gaze upon her, but I didn't bother stopping. 
I felt like I should make my move now and become friends as soon as possible. So, I thought of a strategy which was to write a note to her. My gaze shifted back to her, and the first thing I noticed was the sweater she was wearing. It was a dark purple sweater with a cute, orange neko cat stamped in the middle. Not knowing what to write on the note, I've decided to let her know what I think of her sweater. 
Once I've finally written it down,I crumpled the piece of paper up and threw it onto her desk. She looked rather surprised to see a note on her desk. She looked at my direction, and it just made me smile even bigger. Is it just me or do I find her very adorable? Before she could read the note, the bell rung and everyone started to get up from their seats. I got up as well, and decided to leave the student confused. 
"HYUN SEOK-AHHHH!" I hear a voice shout after me in the hallways. Before I could turn around, I was jumped by my good friend, Tao.  I grunted in pain from his weight he put onto my back.
"OWWWW, Tao get off me!" I untangled his arms around my neck. He was like a giant compared to me. He's the captain of the basketball team after all. He unleashed his grip and hung his arm around my shoulders. 
"What class you have next?" Tao asked me. 
"I hav-"
"TAAAOOOOO! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR CLASS!" Another student called after Tao and interrupted my sentence. 
"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! Okay buddy, got to go. Don't be late for practice again after school!" Tao scurried off and gave me a deceiving look after stating the last phrase. 
- -
It was finally lunch break, and I was on my way to the cafeteria to line up for lunch. I heard my buddies calling for me to come join them after I received my lunch, but I saw that new transferred student eating alone at a table by herself. Debating whether or not I should ditch my friends to eat lunch with the new student, I ended up walking towards her direction and spend my lunch break with her. 
"Hey.. Where's Hyun Seok going?" One of my friends asked the group. 
"I guess he got other things to do..?" Another curiously stated. They all shrugged it off and went back to gobbling their own lunches. 
As I was walking towards the girl's table, I could feel people's  eyes following my movements. Not very often do they see me without my friends. I had a bad feeling that bad things are going to happen if I become friends with the new student, but I wanted to be her friend anyways. I'll protect her from any harm.
She noticed me took a seat in front of her, and froze stiff like a brick. We awkwardly starred each other in the eyes for a while. I tried so hard not to laugh because she looked so god damn funny with her messy mouth full. At last, I couldn't hold it in much longer and bursted out a chuckle. She finally noticed what I was looking at, then wiped clean in a speed of light. I've got to admit, it was adorable. She gave me a weird look before resuming back to eating. 
I could start to hear the crowd murmur among themselves. Everyone is probably judging me by now, but I didn't care. 
"Hey, you're Kyo Mi, right? The new transferred student in my English class this morning?" I leaned in with my elbows on the table. 
She glanced up, but ignored me completely. It became a bit awkward right after I got ignored. 
"That looks really good." I tried again. Still no response. At this point, I could feel the crowd around us getting super intense. I tried to ignore the fact that Kyo Mi and I were the center of attention in the cafeteria. Seems like Kyo Mi is unaware of that. 
"Why is she with Hyun Seok?"
"Why isn't she responding to him?"
"What a rude ."
"Oh my god why is Hyun Seok even talking to her?"
"What's going on between them?"
"Who the hell is that fat chick doing with my oppa?" 
The murmuring among the crowd goes on and on and on. 
"THAT ." A high-pitched voice broke out of the audience, which silenced the whole cafeteria. It was Mi Sung, apparently known as one of the popular, but I'd rather say one of the iest girls in the school. She has this total obsession over me, it's not even funny. She's crazy over me, to the point where it's pretty scary.
The sudden commotion startled me, and it even freaked Kyo Mi out as well. 



ps. What do you guys think of my new poster? 

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:D Piggyback ridee !!
loveFORyunho #2
Chapter 10: I LOVE THE NEW POSTER!!! <3

Can't wait to see what happens next! ^^
Chapter 9: hmm of course there's always that girl
Chapter 9: kyaaa update soon ^^
loveFORyunho #5
Chapter 9: Oh... Interesting...

Lu Han, where are you to protect your young miss?
loveFORyunho #6
Chapter 8: Oh.... The red haired boy is so cute!!!

T.T How will Lu Han feel if he knows?!
platinumdrops #7
Chapter 7: Can't wait for Luhan to be part of EXO (as stated in your blurb)!
Also, will KyoMi eventually lose weight from an event?!
Hope you update soon!
loveFORyunho #8
Chapter 7: Lu Han could go into the entertainment bussiness... Maybe he should become a model or something. :) So cute! ^^
loveFORyunho #9
Chapter 6: This is really cute! I hope you will be able to update more often!
vivihan #10
ㅋㅋㅋ too cute xDDD update soon please!!