Le Tomato

The Return of the Cherry Tomato


"Y-Yoona, stop that! I already said - "

"Come on, Hae! Just one little bite? Please?"

"I said no!"

Yoona giggled as she playfully followed Donghae around Super Junior's dorm, a plump, bright red tomato in her outstretched hand. She seemed to be enjoying herself as she tried to get her boyfriend to take a bite - Donghae, however, was not having quite as much fun.

"Seriously!" he pleaded, "Cut it out! You know I hate those things!"

"Maybe if you just ate them more often, you wouldn't hate them anymore!" The girl walked faster, catching up with Donghae and holding the tomato in front of his face. "They're really, really yummy, I promise...!"

The fish's look of complete disgust only made the Alligator Yoong laugh out loud. Oh, how cute he was when he was flustered! Donghae placed an outstretched hand on the tomato and pushed it away.

"No!" he cried again, backing away from the repulsive fruit. "No way! There's no way you can make me eat that....AGAIN!"

"Really?" Yoona approached him again. "No way at all?"

"No way at all." Donghae frowned and crossed his arms.

The girl pulled the tomato away and smiled. "Are you sure, Hae? Because I think I know a way...!" She walked over to the stove, over which a pot of curry was simmering and near which a knife and cutting board had been placed. Colette carefully carved out a small slice of the tomato and returned to the boy. She then placed the tomato slice in and closed her eyes, standing on her toes.

Donghae blushed a little and gulped. He had no idea she could be so insidious! She already did this to him once. Why does she have to torture him again? "Y...You're not serious, are you?"

"Mm-hmm," replied the Deer. Don't fall for it, he scolded in his mind. Dont fall for...

The helpless fish knew instantly that she had him cornered. There she was, all cute and puckered up, just waiting for him to close the gap between their lips - there was no way he could say no to that. But between him and her bright, shining face was that repulsive tomato slice, and there was no way she was going to remove that obstacle herself.

Whimpering softly to himself, Donghae shut his eyes tightly and leaned forward. He wasn't going to let some messy, watery, putrid little fruit come between them! He bit into the other side of the tomato, fighting his way through every swallow until he finally found her lips.

After a short, gentle kiss, Yoona broke off, giggling happily and throwing her hands into the air. "I did it!" she cried, "I told you I could make you eat it!"

Donghae coughed and gagged before waving her off. "You got me, you got me..." he said, "Just - don't make me ever do that again...I'm serious!"

"I won't, I promise." She took a hold of his hand. "But because you were so brave, you can have extra curry for dinner, okay?"

He sighed, defeated. "Good. I'll need it."

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Chapter 1: It's so cute
yoonhae134 #2
So cute!!
Julettums #3
@ xXxpandashinxXx Well I hated cheery tomatoes. I mean, I like regular tomatoes...but not the cherry ones...I don't know why...