Mr and Mrs Lee

Waking Up Next to Lee Donghae [oneshot]


Your eyes fluttered open as your body clock alerted you to prepare for another beautiful day of your life. The morning sun found a part in your bedroom curtains and sneaked through. You watched as tiny dust particles danced in the intruding warmth of the summer sun. 

You stretched lazily, flinging your arm out and making contact with something-or more like someone next to you.

‘Ouch.’ You heard him groan, and you realised that in the midst of your satisfying stretching, you’d just whacked Donghae in the face. Startled, you looked beside you to see Donghae, lying idly with his hands rested behind the back of his head.          

‘Sorry. Still not used to this yet.’ You laughed in content, remembering that you’d just moved in with your newly wedded husband. ‘How long have you been awake?’

‘Not long enough. I was quite enjoying watching you sleep.’ Donghae smiled.

‘Creep.’ You joked, rolling onto your stomach and propping yourself up, allowing your chin to rest in the palms of your hands. Now you were face to face with your husband and all his topless glory. ‘Tell me, am I interesting to watch?’

‘Very. You move a lot in your sleep. And…’ He started before letting out a deep chuckle to himself.


‘You sleep with your mouth open.’

‘You blushed in total embarrassment. You were way too accustomed to all those movies that depict girls sleeping like complete angels. It turns out you were no sleeping beauty. You buried your face into your pillow to hide your reddening face. You heard his deep, husky morning voice let off another chuckle.

‘Why are you blushing, darling? You didn’t let me finish.’ He said softly. You felt the heat of his breath right next to your ear.’ You look adorable when you sleep…no matter how many flies you can catch with that mouth.’

‘Yah!” You sprang up from the pillow and sat up in protest, crossing your legs and glaring at that beautiful smirk that Donghae wore. ‘You’re so horrible! Here I was, thinking that when I get married to this amazing man, we would share cute, romantic mornings together where I wake you up with my kiss and we lay together telling each other how much we love the other, but oh no! You just have to wake up before me, watch me sleep like some sort of creep and then proceed to lower my self-esteem.’

‘Ok, Mrs Lee. I’m sorry. Come here.’ He opened his arms for you to fit into. He gave you a quizzical look when he saw the obvious hesitation on your face. ‘What? You said you wanted romantic.’

Giving into temptation, you laid next to him, letting his arms wrap around you in his familiar, warm embrace. Your bodies melded perfectly together. The lines of your bodies intertwining with each other’s so perfectly as you laid your head on his firm chest. You could hear the steady thud of his heart and could’ve sworn it grew quicker as you placed your hand on his stomach and lightly drew invisible patterns across his soft, bare skin.
His arm was placed around your shoulder. You could feel his thumb working in gentle, circular motions. He gently brushed a strand of hair away from your face. He placed a tender kiss on the top of your head before beginning to speak.

‘I am the luckiest man in the world to be able to say that I’m going to spend my life waking up next to you each morning.’

‘Even though I sleep like an ogre.’

‘You still manage to make the ‘ogre look’ look beautiful. But seriously, you are the most stunning woman on this planet and you’re all mine. Making you my wife was the best thing that’s happened to me. And I love you with my everything. Always have, always will. And I hope that we can have babies and they will be as beautiful and gorgeous as you.’

You smiled into his chest and looked up at him. He leaned down to let his lips gently take yours.

‘I love you too, Mr Lee. But I much rather our babies look like their handsome daddy. Maybe for being so mean to me before, we should try making a pretty baby.’

‘Wow~ I should be romantic more often if baby making is what it leads to. How about I make it up to you after schedules today?’

‘Boo~ knowing your schedules, baby making will be delayed to 3am. No deal. 3am is fly catching time for me.’ You laughed. ‘How about before your schedules?’

‘After breakfast?’ Donghae bargained.

‘Breakfast can wait.’ You replied before the familiar shape of his lips met yours in a passionate show of true love.

There we go, dear lovlies~~ I'm in such a oneshot mood lately xD Anyway, hope you like it!! Please tell me what you think!! I need feedback :D But thank you for subscribing, reading, and hopefully commenting :) <3 Much love.

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KimJonghyunx #1
Chapter 1: Awwwwh that was bloody adorable xq
Chapter 1: Loveitloveitloveit~ haha seriously it was really good ;)
Kpop_fanatic333 #3
Chapter 1: So sweeeeeet x)
Chapter 1: OMG!!! So cute!!!! And so sweet!!!!! Thanks for the one shot and fighting with the next!!!!! ^_^
Chapter 1: Amazing! :)
Chapter 1: omg. this is so nice :D
Chapter 1: This is amazing. I had all these donghae feels, and this oneshot totally saturated me with donghae. :)
SingATune #8
Awww!! This was just what I was looking for to get me out of a bad mood! Thank you do much!! It was amazing
Haha this oneshot is too sweet ^^ I seriously smiled to myself while reading this, while my mom's like 'WTF' lol