The Uncontrollable Emotions

Finding Unexpected Love

I come out of he library, books in hand, and I end up face to face with Lee Min Ho. It has been about a week since I've talked to him. I've been avoiding him ever since I rembered who he was. Since then, I have been hanging around Choi Minho more. We even went to see a movie together.

For the past four years, I've been trying so hard to build myself up and become stronger. Now that 'Lee' Min Ho is actually ' Park' Min Ho I have to start all over again. Choi Minho is the only one that can make me forget. I move past Lee Min Ho and walk over to Choi Minho who is waiting a few feet away from the door. 

" Did you finish your work?" he asks with a smile.

"Mhm, and I also finished a project due next week," I say with a confident smile.

He ruffles my hair. "How can you be so smart for your age?" he asks.

"I started school really early; my parents felt that I should start school right away," I say. He grabs my arm and starts walking towards the grass area, other wise known as my safety zone.

"Then maybe you should tutor me," he says while sitting down. He smiles then looks as if he remembers something. He turns around and searches through his backpack. Finally, he pulls out a lunch box.

"How about today... we have.. some sushi!" he says while taking off the lid. I stare in awe; it looks amazing. Such a variety of bright colors all formed into the shape of a heart.

"You made this?" I say, mouth still somewhat agape.

"Yeah, don't just sit there, try some," he says while feeding me salmon. It tastes amazingly fresh. I give him a close mouthed smile.

"This is the first time I've ever made food for anyone..." he says while looking away.

"Well it tastes amazing," I say while giving him a thumbs up. He smiles genuinely back at me.

We finish our lunch and pack up. We walk over to the main hall together where we normally depart.

"Well I guess I'll see you later, and if not, tomorrow." I wave and he catches my hand.

"Wait, lately, I've been thinking," Minho says, his tone suddenly turning intense. ''Why do you care so much for that Lee Min Ho? He treats you horribly and after everything he's done, he still hasn't apologized. I would never do anything to hurt you you, and you know it. So why are we like this? Why are we just friends?" he searches for an answer in my eyes.
I am frozen in my state, struck by his words.

"The reason we aren't more than friends...." I stop mid sentence when I see Kang Woo and Key approaching. Kang Woo looks highly uncomfortable with Key hanging on his arm. Actually, he looks more embarassed than uncomfortable. He is probably used to this by now, Key has been around him all week.

"Unnie! Did you eat Minho's sushi? He was up really early this morning making it for you. I am so proud of him! I have taught him well!" Key says while hugging me around the neck. I look at Choi Minho and notice his face is bright red.

"Uh-Uhm, Well I'm going to go to class now..." Choi Minho keeps his head down as he walks away.

"What's his problem.. Oh, did you know that Mi Nyu and Taemin went on a date yesterday?" Key asks excitedly.

"No, I didn't... What happened? You were spying again, right?" I ask key with a smirk.

"Don't judge my motherly instincts, I knew something good was going to happen," he said with a wink.

"What? What happened?" I ask now also excitedly. Key has a very good way of making people interested in things.

"My baby boy made a move! He did it! He kissed her! Now they can't unattatch them selves from each other. Oh~ I love romance!" Key says.

"Well I am afraid I'm going to have to go to class now, you two have fun!" I tell Key as I run off.

"We wi~lll!" Key shouts as I turn the corner.

As I walk up to the front door of my classroom, I notice Lee Min Ho's tall frame blocking the door. I reach for the door handle and he grabs my wrist.

"You sure like to do that a lot." I look down at my wrist. He looked different than usual, he also acted differently. Because when he grabbed my wrist he wasn't being strong with me, he was really gentle. For the first time he actually reminds me of 'Park' Min Ho, the man that promised to make my tears vanish.

"Please..... Just come with me.. I'll explain everything.. even if you still hate me.. I want you to hear this. Please..." He says while softly tugging on my arm. I follow him because in truth, I want to know what happened. He pulls me over to the grass area and we take a seat. A heavy sigh escapes his lips.

"You know how my mom and I lived alone in that house?" he asks while looking at me with sad eyes. I nod.

"Well my mother had to remarry because she was becoming too tired. She felt like she couldn't do anything anymore." he looked down, "He told my mother she wouldn't have to work a day if she married him. The only problem is I wasn't told until the morning before your birthday, that we would have to move to America."His eyes start to water. " I didn't want you to worry about me leaving on such a special day. My last name was eventually changed to Lee, I grew a bit and my hair got longer.  I no longer had the same phone number, so I felt the only way to make you notice me.. was to become famous."

"Why? Why did you come back now?" I ask curiously. He looked down.

"Because my mother passed," he says with a fresh tear rolling down his cheek. I wipe it off with my thumb.

"Why didn't you tell me any of this sooner?" I ask while holding his face.

" I didn't want to lose you again, the first time was hard enough. I thought you wouldn't believe any of this," he says with another fresh tear.

I touch his face again, "Is it really you?" He nods.

"You have no idea how long Iv'e waited to do this." I press my lips against his and I feel the farmilliar tingle of electricity throughout my body. The more we kiss, the more the feeling becomes more natural. Now I understand why Choi Minho and I can never be anything more than just friends. He can't have half the of the effect on me the way Lee Min Ho does. As the kiss becomes more intense he pulls away and starts breathing heavily.

"you?" he asks in between his breathing.

"Yes?" I answer. He leans in close and his lips brush up against my ear.

"I love you."


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                          ITS NOT OVER YET                                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It isn't over yet! You may think your problems are all solved but lets just see what awaits ^-^

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Hey all you people that are still subscribed to me and this story! Im going to be updating soon! I'm sorry its been so long D:


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shuulover #1
Justmaili #2
Chapter 18: Aww authornim having the username in the place of our POV… i fangirled everytime mines was used >_< the stiry was a great read! *thumbs up*
brightelena #3
Thats my username xD
The story is great :)
Lol 4th fanfic with my name in it seriously what is going on? XD
minimindy #5
Chapter 2: did you set this so it does the reader's username??
Chapter 18: Yay! I loved this story! XDDD Lee min ho is fantastic and I love him so much!
DarkMave #7
Chapter 18: I was reading it
DarkMave #8
Chapter 17: Please finish I love it.
Gujunhye #9
Please please update soon♡♡