Getting Used to it

Finding Unexpected Love


My eyes flutter open to the bright sunlight seeping through the window. I burrow deeper under the sheets and my foot touches something warm.

To the left of me I feel that same warm temperature but the texture is different.

It isn't soft like what my foot had touched, but it does have something familiar to it though... It feels like.... Skin.

Bare skin. Lee Min Ho's skin, his stomach to be exact.

He is laying on his side and facing me, but my head is too far under the covers to see his face.

Not caring if he is awake or not I run my hand down his lean abs and marvel at how warm and soft his skin is.

After noticing how warm he is, I want to be closer. I huddle in closer next to him and he wraps his long arms around me.

I really must be dreaming... I pop my head out from underneath the covers and see a smiling face looking down at me.  

I feel my face flush and go back underneath the covers, he kisses the top of my head before I can completely conceal myself.

"Why are you shirtless?" I ask him from under the covers.

"Well good morning to you too." He says while throwing the covers off in one swift motion.

"Ah! too cold!" I cuddle up closer to the half Lee Min Ho.

"Thats the point! We have a big day ahead of us!" he says while rubbing our foreheads together. I fix my hair as I sit up in bed.

I suddenly remember why I went to meet him last night, I had something to give him.

I move over to the ottoman I left my sweater on and reach into the pocket. I pull out the little box I wrapped the gift in and turn around.

Lee Min Ho, now out of bed, is standing in front of me without a shirt and his belt buckle and button undone on his pants.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I ask as I cover my eyes.

"I am changing, we are getting married, don't you think you should learn how to get used to this?" he says with a chuckle.

"F-Forget it, I have something for you." He runs over to me with his belt buckle hanging. He takes the box and opens it, he smiles.

"You remembered?" he asks while hanging his gift on his phone.

"Yes, how could I not? You asked me specifically to get you that charm when I could pay it with my own earned money." I say.

"I promised to get you that I would get you a matching one when I could buy it with my own money too." he says while walking over to the dresser.

He pulls out a silver box from the drawer and hands it to me. I open it and see that it is the other half of the charm.

I smile, "Thanks Min Ho, I can't believe you remembered too."

It seems childish but when we were younger we wanted the charms to show that we belonged to each other.

His is a silver cresent moon and mine is a sun.

For a while it gets silent then in unison we say "Merry Christmas."

Then there is an awkward silence again until my phone buzzes.

I look up from my phone to Min Ho who is now only in his boxers and look away again.

"Mi Nyu says that everybody is meeting up at Sandra's house for gift exchanges today." I say with my head down. 


"Welcome! Welcome! Come inside!" Sandra says with excitement.

We walk in and Lee Min Ho practically hits his head on the low hanging ceiling.

We see that everyone is already sitting down either on the sofa or on the ground.

We sit down next to Mi Nyu and Taemin, Lee Min Ho pulls me onto his lap.

"Ok! So this is how it's going to work, we are all going to write our names on a slip of paper." She says while passing out the papers.

When we are finished she puts them in a hat. "Whoever's name you pull out, will be the one you receive the gift from."

Soon enough we all receive gifts from each other some more odd than others. Now it is time for us to eat a whole baked chicken made by Sandra.

"Wow Sandra I didn't know you could cook like this!" I say.

Sandra looks like she's going to say something but is cut off by Onew, "She's amazing! I wouldn't mind if I was here everyday, and not just for her chicken." he says with a smile.

He feeds her a small piece of chicken.

"Well I think it's time for us to be going, we have some stuff to do now."Taemin says while interlacing his fingers with Mi Nyu.

They walk out together and things become awkward between the three couples left.

Soon enough it's just Onew, Sandra, Min Ho, and I.

"Well, I think we should leave you two to your business.." Min Ho says awkwardly.

We give our thanks and leave, "So, where to now?" I say curiously.

He thinks for a moment, "Hmmm... Lets go home and curl up on the couch? " he says. "Oooh! can we light the fireplace?" I ask excitedly.

He nods, as he opens the door to the car. 


"Achoo!" Min Ho sneezes while cuddling closer.

"Are you getting sick?" I place the back of my palm on his fore head. He's hot, and not in a good way.

I get up and wrap the blanket around him, "Lets go to our room okay?" I say quietly. I help him up and take him to the room.

"You stay here while I make you some soup, okay?" He nods and pulls the covers up over his shoulders.

I go into the kitchen to make some soup out of the very little ingredients we have in the house.

I also find some lemon and honey tea that I set on the tray to take to him.

I walk into the room to see him almost completely on top of the covers.

He has his arm over his forehead and his eyelashes resting on his cheeks. I go up to him and put the back of my hand on his neck.

Now he is hot and sweaty. I sit on the side of the bed and watch his chest move up and down.

I trace the out line of his abs with my finger knowing he won't wake up. Then Min Ho pulls me, as if suddenly awake, on top of him.

He opens his eyes and I ask, "W-What are you doing?"

He smirks, "You'll see. 

Hehehe curious to read what happens next? 


Just in case u wanted more pics with abs ^^



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Hey all you people that are still subscribed to me and this story! Im going to be updating soon! I'm sorry its been so long D:


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shuulover #1
Justmaili #2
Chapter 18: Aww authornim having the username in the place of our POV… i fangirled everytime mines was used >_< the stiry was a great read! *thumbs up*
brightelena #3
Thats my username xD
The story is great :)
Lol 4th fanfic with my name in it seriously what is going on? XD
minimindy #5
Chapter 2: did you set this so it does the reader's username??
Chapter 18: Yay! I loved this story! XDDD Lee min ho is fantastic and I love him so much!
DarkMave #7
Chapter 18: I was reading it
DarkMave #8
Chapter 17: Please finish I love it.
Gujunhye #9
Please please update soon♡♡