The Beginning of the End


"I am able to let you go, because I love you so much, Jinki. I hope you'll be happy, Jinki. My once mine Lee Jinki. I love you and this is the last goodbye."

True Love comes only once in a lifetime but when love ends, should you hold on or should you move on?



Annyeong ireobeun~! How are you? This is the sequel for my story let me be the one. This is supposed to come out mid-August but since I'm in the mood and I love those who subscribed and wait, here it is!





I wanna thank silverline for the wondeful posters~! It's really nice, isn't it? It's such a waste that I made some changes but to let new guys know, this is where this fic started~ ^^


For our new poster and background (The one above and a background), I wanna thank the shop (❖ LAVberry Posters and Resources) for doing suvh an incredible and lovely job :)


I'm sick. ;_; Can't update. Please wait for me.


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kyaaaa kyaaaa
Chapter 46: Oh my author-nim this is dae to the bak! I'm so into this story~ I feel like crying rn;__________________; Good job, author-nim, well done~~~
LovingKitty #3
Chapter 46: Wahhh cant believe it ended such a bittersweet ending it was...but it was still beautiful >.< loved it~ you wrote great unnie~
Hope your doing good in school now~ >.<
Chapter 46: finallyyyy i'm able to comment.... sorry i'm late but well engineering is killing me....
Ending was just beautiful.. it wasn't extraordinary and it did felt real and nice... I loved it<3<3<3
and about HIM well we we'll chat personally about that.. lol. but we are okay and i'm also good. i hope u will do good in your studies and will come back quick... love you... hope we will chat again soon... bbyeee<3<3<3
Chapter 46: Yah!~ Ate,, I made my 'CRY~',,,,ohh mee gawd,,,it was not even phunny,,, My brother thought it was my mental breakdowns,,,,

~Chicser,,,,no you mean Chicken~LOL
well I watched their MV-meant for you.
And I was like "~.~u gott to be kidding me,,Like,,,im better than them,,,nakssss jks,,,, but seriously though,,,YYYYYY them!!!
ThEy Cant EBEN Dance!! like they dance parang manga robots"
,,,,and I showed it to one of my tito's son,,,he was like,,,,,,,"~,~this is the first time im gonna say I like Super junior and shinee better than them" BWAAHA seriously though,,they-are-just- ~,~

But im overall fine---just some-mental breakdowns----at some point,,,,,
a4tech #6
Chapter 45: Ahahahahahaha nice work sangie!!!!!! It was a great ending, I'm happy I found this fanfic.
Btw I saw the line, thank you sangie, for doing my favor.
Anyways good luck with the studies you can do it!!!! Oppa will support you.
Lastly oppa will be waiting for you, for you to come back, chat always ok?
Chapter 45: //sobs for eternity//

Omg, omg, omg

That was such a beautiful ending!!! My heart was swelling up with all these feels!!!
I cannot begin to explain how much I love the way they can be together again after so much agonizing pain. Im just so happy they are together! Im really happy and sad that this story has ended ; - ;
Ugh, my poor Bummie ; ____ ; I wish he could have found a girlfriend (but my Jongkey feels wont allow that lol)
You did a good job with the story and I'm bummed its over!
Gosh, I'm so glad I found this story ♥♥
locketblingermvp #8
Chapter 45: Ok... i dnt get it.. so they aren't together?
Chapter 46: subscribed! ill start reading now. kekeke! :)
a4tech #10
Chapter 44: i'll assume that he's there, and some dramas are going to happen
anyways nicee update sangie can't wait 4 the next one