Jongin , Baekhyun , and HYM

Windover Serenity: Queen of HYM

Stunning views of Windover slide showed in front of me as I stared out the window. 

As we drove by the road lined with cherry blossom trees, I started to get ready. 
The taxi driver hauled my luggage out of the trunk and helped me carry them to the front door.
I gave him the tip he deserved and we politely said our goodbyes. Immediately, old memories started to play in my head.
Four years being away from home seemed like forever.
"Aunt Hye Young!" I hollered as I entered our abode. 
I took my shoes off as she always scolded me when I walk in them inside.
"Aunt Hye young!" I hollered once more climbing the stairs. There was still nothing but silence.
I glanced at the clock that read 5:15 pm. Calling her cell phone for the nth time, I was answered by the machine once again.
After a few minutes of waiting, I heard the front door open. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth.
I ran to the door and an unfamiliar young man entered with two huge filled paper bags on both hands.
"Um.. Excuse me.. " I eyes with my eyes trailing him as he found his way into the kitchen.
"Who are you?" I asked in confusion. 
He did not look like a thief or anything of that sort. Nevertheless, I did not let my guard down.
He sat the groceries on the countertop and gave me his attention. 
"Sorry pretty miss. We didn't mean to make you wait. Traffic was hor-ri-ble.
You must be Hae Rin, Hye Young's niece. Its nice to finally meet you.
I'm Baekhyun by the way." he greeted with the warmest smile and offered his hand.
Apparently, he knew who Aunt Hye Young, and he has a key to our house, he even knew who I was. The least
he could be is Aunt Hye Young's friend. 
He seemed harmless enough. Aunt Hye Young probably just forgot to mention him to me.
"Nice to meet you too..." I replied as we quickly shook hands.
Suddenly, Aunt Hye Young entered, looking as youthful and bright as ever. 
I ran up to her and gave her the biggest hug, completely forgetting about Baekhyun in the kitchen.
Not seeing her for five years was terrible.  If I had the choice, I would have just stayed here with her and saved the tuition money. 
However, she was the one who insisted that I go to school in the States. It took us several months of arguing until I finally gave up
and gave the idea my full approval. 
"There's a young man named Baekhyun in the kitchen. Mind telling me who he is?" I whispered, twitching my head discreetly pointing it at his
direction. Aunt Hye Young glanced at him and back at me.
"Well Baekhyun, this is Hae Rin. Hae Rin, this is Baekhyun," she said pointing to us as she called our names.
"We kinda met earlier, but nice to meet you again Hae Rin," Baekhyun waved his right hand with a smile still planted on his face.
"No what I meant was, how do you know him? You never mentioned him to me," I asked and she seemed to avoid the question and 
pretended like she did not hear me.
"Oh, but you haven't met Jongin though," she said voice filled with excitement.
As if on cue, another young man entered. Maybe younger than Baekhyun but not that much. 
He carried a large white box and headed towards us.
"Just set it over there, Jongin. Hurry up, I want you to meet my Hae Rin!" she flicked her hand signaling him to come quickly.
He was neutral compared to Baekhyun's seemingly cheerful and inviting personality.
Aunt Hye Young introduced us.
"Hi," he said while he very carefully squeezed my hand.
Aunt Hye Young joined Baekhyun in the kitchen and started chopping all sorts of ingredients.
She declined Jongin and I's offer to help.
"Jongin cannot cook for his life and you are probably tired, so just go ahead and relax," she explained.
Jongin and I stood side by side awkwardly like two soldiers waiting for our orders.
"Dinner will be ready soon so do whatever you guys want until then. You don't have to just stand there," she said while waving her knife.
I chuckled and headed toward the sofa while Jongin followed suit.
"I hope you're hungry. Aunt Hye Young's a really great cook," I broke the silence trying to start a conversation.
I figured I will ask Aunt Hye Young about Jongin and Baekhyun once they leave and just play along for now.
"Yeah, she's cook for us several times,"
"Oh. So how'd you guys know each other?"
Instead of answering, he grabbed a magazine and started flipping through the pages. 
"Are you back for good?" he asked with his eyes fixed on the paper.
"Hopefully. Unless Aunt Hye Young kicks me out again," I chuckled trying to lighten the mood and a little smile crept on his face.
"Yeah, hopefully. Hye Young would love that. She talks about you a lot, you know."
After awhile we seemed to have run out of questions and topics for conversation.
We were followed by more awkward silence and more page flipping. 
An hour had passed and Aunt Hye Young and Baekhyun has finally finished cooking. 
Jongin probably went through about a dozen plus magazines that was stacked on the table.
The dining table was filled with dishes of all sort, way more than enough for just four people.
"Wow!" I exclaimed admiring their effort.
"Well what are you waiting for? Dig in!" Aunt Hye Young said while she placed some meat on my plate.
"And they're all my favorites! Thank you so much!"
It was apparent that Aunt Hye Young and Baekhyun really went out of their way preparing this. 
The food were all delicious.
Dinner was spent with Aunt Hye Young interrogating me about my life this past few years.
I could have went on talking forever but I did not want to bore the other two.
Baekhyun had some stories to tell and Jongin talked a little. 
After dinner, Baekhyun willingly piled the dirty dishes and started washing them. 
Jongin went and helped him. As I was just about to lend them a hand, Aunt Hye Young
asked if we could have a talk. She led me to the living room and held my hand as we sat down.
"You have no idea how glad I am that you're finally back home," she squeezed my hand.
"So much have happened these past few years and I don't even know where to begin," Aunt Hye Young sighed. 
"You might be wondering about who Baekhyun and Jongin is. They belong to this organization..." she paused trying to gather her thoughts.
"Let me start way further back. Right after your parents passed, I had taken your Dad's place as the CEO of this organization almost eight years ago..." 
"CEO of an organization?" I interrupted after listening to her intently. 
"Yes, your parents called it HYM, Helping Young Men.Like the name states,
this organization helps young men. Most of the time their parents would send them 
here or they can choose to apply themselves. Some of these kids are filthy rich, their parents are always nagging them and
constantly chastising them.Their lives are pretty hectic. Just imagine being chased by paparazzi everyday. 
Who wouldn't want to get away from all that and live in Windover for awhile?"
"Wait a minute. What does this 'organization' do exactly?" I asked interrupting yet again trying to understand
all this all of a sudden.  
"Well, in a way, it is kind of like a boarding school. Their parents could not handle them anymore
so they send them to us for awhile and vice versa. We become like a family, that
sometimes it becomes hard when its time for them to graduate," she replied getting a little emotional as she spoke,
Then I thought, maybe this was just a welcome-back prank or a joke. However, the seriousness on her face breaks that theory.
Besides, she could not tell a joke without ever cracking up before the punch line.
As I realized this, I fell back on the couch trying to once again process everything she had just said. 
I knew she worked at a huge company. She never did talk to me about her job and never did I imagine she was as
big as a CEO. 
"I'm sorry Hae Rin. I know this is all too much for you to take in, especially after being away for awhile.
You have no idea how bad I feel keeping all this from you. I was actually thinking of pulling myself out.
It was my original plan, that is why I never told you. I thought there was no point and you were too young anyway.
I rarely get to spend time with you because of my job. I never thought it would be this hard to let go.  
Your parents they put in so much..." she paused then shook her head, shrugging away some of her thoughts,
"Tell you what. Why don't you get some rest for now. I know you're tired and just want to sleep.
I just could not keep this from you anymore, especially now that you're home." her voice started to crack,
"Aunt Hye Young, don't worry about it. I can tell you love working there. I've never seen you
this serious about anything else. I'm sure I can live with an Aunt who is a big shot CEO," I smiled trying to make her feel a little better.
How can I ever get mad at her when she's been there for me through everything. Least I could do was return the favor.
She smiled back, although I could tell from her expression there was more she was keeping from me.
"You're the best," she tightly hugged me then continued, "I want you to come to the Headquarters
with us tomorrow. That is of course if you're up for it. There so much more I have to tell you."
"Of course!" I exclaimed.
We said our goodnights and I headed upstairs. I started to get ready for bed with Aunt Hye Young
and I's conversation still in my head.  Then I realized that I did not even say goodbye to BaekHyun and Jongin.
The time was already 12:00 am and I still could not sleep. 
I headed downstairs to be surrounded by darkness. The switch is still seven feet away.
Then I suddenly noticed a silhouette in the living room. My eyes started to adjust a little.
Judging by the looks of it, it was a guy laying on the couch, too tall to fit comfortably.
My heart started pounding when he headed my direction once he finally noticed me.
"Hae Rin?" A deep familiar voice said,
"Jongin is that you?" I replied, heartbeat slowly going back down to normal, "What are you still doing here? I thought you went home already?"
"Hye Young told us to spend the night," he said as I turned a small lamp on,
"Us?" I asked. 
He then pointed at Baekhyun who have seemed to have fallen off the couch. He laid there on the floor without a care in the world.
Jongin and I laughed at poor Baekhyun who's back is going hurt when he wakes up.
Jongin cleared his throat, "Nice pjs by the way," he said as he looked away trying to fight his smile. 
I crossed my arms embarrassed. I completely forgot I was wearing a  tank top and a Mickey mouse shorts.
He took his jacket off and offered it to me. "Here," he said and I thanked him as I took it. 
"Can't sleep huh? So  you've been told about HYM?" he asked,
"Yeah but very vaguely... You're a student there right?" 
"Technically, they call it a Client, but yeah I am," he said.
Then Baekhyun started grunting, "Why in the world are you two still up?" he said sitting up rubbing his eyes aggressively while
he turned the main lights' switch on. 
"I should probably go to bed now. Goodnight!" I  quickly said to Jongin.
I hurriedly  climbed up the stairs saving myself from another embarrassment.

Authors Notes:

First Chapter! Thank you for subscribing!

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